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Vicky Everest • 1 year ago

Have been looking for this programmer testimony/interview. THANKS, posted it on Truth Social to President Trump.

Merlin68 • 1 year ago

Some pretty dumb comments below. This was just the First move to control the outcome, starting in 2002, over the next few years 200 rigged elections were found and documented. Too many people seem to miss the bigger point IT ISN'T a Political Party running the control buttons. Nor is it limited to the USA. It is all about control. The Price is secondary and like most everything negotiable. If you ever find the whole interview with Clint What really happened after the original creation is far more important. Keep digging and you'll change the comments you put here.

Flyover Country • 1 year ago

One has to note the margins the cheaters are winning the race by? Very close to what Clint Curtis used in the beginning. They just made some slight adjustments well within reasonable margins. Nothing out of the ordinary now....

ConservativeChick • 1 year ago

Sent this to anyone texting me for a donation.

RJ5208 • 1 year ago

If both party's have manipulated the vote, then very few if any one in office can be trusted.

Paper Ballots, Hand Count.....
Severe penalties for voter fraud.

ConservativeChick • 1 year ago

Who's cheating who? The politicians are cheating 300+ million people. Time to abolished the current system and Institute new guards.

dan • 1 year ago

Mike, in Minnesota is it true you only need a drivers license to vote? I had to show mine when I voted in person. Isn't also true that illegal immigrants get drivers licenes in Minnesota? There were a lot of somalians voting the day I voted. What's up with that if true?

Jean • 1 year ago

You don't need to show your license to vote in MN if you are already registered. They only match your signature.

Patriotic American • 1 year ago

This is amazing historical evidence of how it looks like the Republicans used the machines to rig the election for President Bush.

Jean • 1 year ago

Except that President Bush is a globalist so it would be the same folks who installed Biden.

Mark77 • 1 year ago

So you think thats the only election stolen and you dont think the DemoRats have never used it?

Victor Spurio II • 1 year ago


Stephen Clark • 1 year ago

We have a Constitutional Crisis right now. It is time for the Supreme Court to drop what they are doing and hear this case!

Dr Binkie • 1 year ago

What "case"? There is NO "case"!
This is just some random guy CLAIMING he wrote a program -- just like any High School student can do in his bedroom!
This is a great steaming pile of NOTHING!
Yet again, Mike has gone off chasing a wild goose and fallen into a cesspit!

David • 1 year ago

Mathematical equations to flip algorithms can patented! It's not nothing! High School Students don't make algorithms based on voting flips for election outcomes. You just disgraced this guy as a programmer and a lawyer. What do you do!?

Larry Hankamer • 1 year ago

No one is watching. Lindell is Qrazy like Trump, Powell, Flynn, Stone, Bannon, Peters, Gosar, MT Green, Jordan, Jones, Wood, Eastman, Clark, etc.

GMS48 • 1 year ago

why are you trolling here then? you will be the one who will be wondering how you could be so stupid as to not see what is before your eyes. Sending love and peace to you and yours.

Dixie • 1 year ago

Also, I might add one other thing: you say, "NO one is watching". So, you think millions of people are "No one"? From where did you get your mathematics education? And you have the nerve to tell other people to "get educated"?

OstaraBaby • 1 year ago

And you are CRIMINAL like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Comey, and every other Democrat liar. How much are they paying you?

Larry Hankamer • 1 year ago

You have been brainwashed by FOX news. Get an education. Learn to THINK critically.

M Jay • 1 year ago

Calling someone like MIke "Crazy" in writing is libel and may be worthy of legal action for damages.

Dixie • 1 year ago

First of all, FoxNews isn't even talking about this stuff. They won't mention "election fraud" or "vaccine injuries". So that, in and of itself, shows how UN-educated YOU are.

Secondly, from where do you recommend that ones get an "education"? Xi-NN? MSDNC? Networks that "propagandize"; like the Nazi's did? You go ahead and be a good little Nazi if you want to; but, as for me and my house...

You remind me of the Pharisees and Sadducee's; that accused Jesus of being "demon-possessed". They were the same ones that yelled, "Crucify Him and give us Barabbas". All because He was speaking the TRUTH; and they couldn't handle it.

And He was God Almighty manifest in the flesh!

But this satan-led hatred happens toward anyone who dares to speak the "Truth". Because "Truth" is of Jesus; and satan HATES it!

So YOU are "brainwashed" by satan; and sadder is that you don't even know it!

But you WILL know it on Judgment Day; when all pure TRUTH is revealed. But, it will be TOO late for you then; unless you surrender to Jesus before then. Which, IF typical, won't happen. Thus, I shant waste my time (or yours). I won't even view your replies; because, from experience, I could probably guess word-for-word what you will say; and I could not care less.

May JESUS have mercy on you and your satan-led, Godless ILK!

Larry Hankamer • 1 year ago

According to the bible, God killed every man and woman, boy and girl, baby and unborn baby on the planet except 600 year old Noah and his 500 year old sons and their families. But he is a loving god.

dan • 1 year ago

Yep correct, if you continue ignoring God He gives you the axe, He's the Boss.

Mountain Momma • 1 year ago

You have no idea how many are watching, but you must know that it's in the millions (which it always is), or you wouldn't be here obsessing, LOL!
Now go and tell your organizers that you really suck at trolling, then give them their $20 back.

Mark77 • 1 year ago


Frankie Lee • 1 year ago

You wish to let everyone here knows you are Sprouting nonsense- here. For what ?

Mountain Momma • 1 year ago

For a little money, from his sleezy organizers.

Ann • 1 year ago

Idiot. You're here Larry. 150 million people watched.

Mark77 • 1 year ago

Amen. Not everyone comments. I rarely do.
But this topic is worthy of commenting.