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Cassanndra • 3 years ago

"The Left is at its best when it is at its worst. ...it has the opportunity to truly live out its death wish because it is not only out to destroy America. Deep down, the Left also wants to destroy itself. Its ideologies have always been suicide notes."
My two take-aways.

Greg Chase • 3 years ago

Take a piece of scrap iron, or a screwdriver, etc. that exhibit no magnetic field, and pass a strong magnet over the scrap iron or screwdriver and presto, the iron or the screwdriver becomes magnetized. The 'magnetic domains' in the iron or screwdriver are being aligned when the strong magnet is passed over them, and that is why they suddenly become magnetized too.

The 'alignment of magnetic domains in iron' or other metals is well-understood by laymen - it's taught in high school science. 'Alignment of magnetic domains' more accurately means 'alignment of electron spins in the metal'.

Alignment of nuclear spins (the nucleus of the atom, not the electrons) is also possible. The alignment of nuclear spins can lead to artificial gravity fields if the nuclear spins are pumped with electromagnetic RF (radio frequency) energy at the right frequency (the Larmor frequency) at high enough power.

The people behind the Divide and Conquer strategy creating the false dichotomy of 'Democrat vs. Republican' keep us fighting each other for a lot of reasons.

If hot fusion reactors were retrofitted with artificial gravity containment, they would finally produce usable power. Fusion reactors like the Tokamak have never put out ONE SINGLE WATT of power beyond that put into them. Fusion reactors have been around for 60 years and were originally set to produce fusion power like that in stars like the Sun, but without a gravity field, you can just forget it. The Tokamak has been a grant-wasting boondoggle of false hope, and is financially supported to dumb-down the science community. Hot fusion requires gravity field containment. Such technology already exists - gravity field containment - and is not being allowed to be commercialized, or disclosed.

The people keeping us fighting each other love their money and their technology advantage. The retrofitting of hot fusion reactors with gravity containment devices would be a global disruption to the energy industry.

Those people keep us at each other's throats. The gap between love of country among democrats and republicans is NOT HUGE. But the 'deep state' wants to keep their money safe and until we address that issue, they are going to keep playing 'Divide and Conquer' with us.

Ayekooto300 • 3 years ago

Respect! I salute the writer

jfa264 • 3 years ago

That was excellent and explains what and why a lot better than I could. It comes down to what I tell everyone, the left hates and Conservatives love & are peaceful people who see the positive side when the left see's nothing but negative. The left survives on hatred!

Devo432 • 3 years ago

That's because the Democrats know they're going to "win." And they ARE going to "win." This is the end of the constitutional republic known as the United States of America.

dennisl59 • 3 years ago

I've watched my fair share of the complete, live Trump rallies. Here's my takeaway: People need to realize that this is a man from Queens, New York. His attitude, demeanor, body language, language, the whole package is Queens, New York. Once you understand that, you can better understand exactly where he is coming from...not the caricature from the Fake News.

Ranger_Ric • 3 years ago

I am going to watch with glee as the left burns their own cities run by and inhabited by fellow leftists to the ground when Trump wins. They know they can't leave their cities or they will be butchered like cattle so the only ones suffering will be other leftists.

Within a week, these leftists are going to see the hammer come down on them hard and the riots will end but those first few days are going to be glorious to watch! Enjoy :)

otter5555 • 3 years ago

because this is the "democrat flu", not the republican flu. non-democrats do not live in fear.

Fortuna Favet Fortibus • 3 years ago

"Originalism is racist. Originalism is sexist. Originalism is homophobic. Originalism is just a fancy word for discrimination." Senator Markey. Substitution originalism with Constitution. The democrats have been telling the truth for years when they say they want to "fundamentally" change this country.

jerryglen • 3 years ago

Love will always win, though it may take some time. This is because we innately need it to survive. Hate and bitterness will eventually rot the soul, but love builds up and leads to life.

SkippingDog • 3 years ago

More likely the difference is due to Trump's rejection of science and the willingness of the rubes who attend his rallies to sacrifice their health and even their lives because, in their eyes, "he's just like Jesus."

John Adams • 3 years ago

This explained to my why nearly every leftist I’ve met seemed miserable about everything in their life.

formerlyRM • 3 years ago

We left a church a year ago because they weren't "for" anything, only against something. The fact they had gone through 6 Pastors in the last 12 years should have been a red flag. The more the interim pastor and the Missus & I gently tried to steer them in a positive direction, the nastier & more resistant they became, loving their hate more than loving Jesus.

What a shame - we even agreed with their aversion to the questionable theology of the church they had split away from, but unlike those people, it wasn't the reason we joined. For them, it was their only reason to exist! They ticked every single box for "Why Churches Die," yet refuse to see it.

Recently heard from friends still "trapped" there because the body meets in a building on their property. They report only 7-8 people are left, still clinging to their hate, while praying to God for a "magic bullet pastor" who will turn things around, attract new people, and improve their fortunes. We were the "new people" but like many before us, but once we figured out we couldn't halt much less slow the downward spiral, we left and were immediately wrapped into a faithful, loving church.

Newshound24 • 3 years ago

Well penned. Since 2016, we have all watched in fascination and disgust as the Democrat party, and the liberal left, have devolved into a snarling pack of hateful savages. For four years, they have continued to squeeze out the same cries of agony and despair which they howled after the 2016 election, and the failure of Hillary Clinton.

Instead of using the following years as a chance to find, vet, and prepare a sensible and proper 2020 candidate, the Democrat party instead sank all their money and effort into countless failed schemes, seeking in vain to overthrow the 2016 results, fantasizing that they could somehow 'frog march' Trump out of office, and crown Hillary Clinton in his place. They spent 2 years chasing the ghosts and shadows of 'Russian collusion'. They became screaming chimpanzees during the Kavanaugh hearings. They became excrement-flinging baboons during the Mueller hearings, and the Schiff debacle. They fought like demons during the impeachment, trying to make something out of nothing.

And when it all failed, they latched onto Covid, hoping they could somehow use that to salvage their floundering 2020 candidate. They were so tired and broke after all their other schemes failed, they forgot that it was 2020 and that they needed somebody sane to run against Trump. They paraded a conga line of lunatics and freaks instead, trying to fool an eye-rolling public into thinking that Communism was 'hip'. And after it was all done, they wound up with creepy, Gropey Joe Biden, a senile and corrupt fool, who has been caught red-handed, using the office of the vice president as a shakedown racket to fleece other countries and make himself rich.

And now the entire Democrat apparatus is praying to God they don't believe in, for a miracle that will never happen. Hoping that their utter monopoly over the media will be enough to drag Biden's rotting corpse across the finish line. While Biden continues to hide in his crypt, he sends celebrity and media puppets out to do his campaigning for him. While Soros and Michael Moore rent the best printing equipment money can buy, and set up sweat shops in their basements, cranking out millions of phony Biden Ballots to load into semi trucks and distribute to battleground states on Nov. 3. Assuming they haven't already mailed them in with a post-it-note saying 'You have to count all these ballots or you hate black people'.

Their only hope is trying to bully, threaten, cheat and swindle their way into power.

It will be highly amusing, to add the media montages of the Democrats 2020 defeat to the 2016 montages. We will be able to compile them into a DVD, and watch the misery and suffering of the Left whenever we want a good laugh. The cries and despair of the Democrats and their media puppets are music to the ears of the American people.

Hs Hs • 3 years ago

Daniel Greenfield is correct. I have spent my long life in construction and manufacturing, always building or creating something to make a better world. I have always felt myself in a partnership with every living being who made my work possible. And I've also always marveled at my opposite, believing that anyone who found meaning in acts of vandalism, burning, and destruction were people who had never built or made anything, who lacked the skills, love, and purpose to make themselves useful to their society.

What a sad way to live.

mindfloat • 3 years ago

These radicals have always been around, hiding like the shy Trump voters now hide. Now it’s the other way around.

Gerald Boesen • 3 years ago

Donald Trump represents the American spirit of freedom, hope and optimism; Joe Biden is anger, despair and darkness.

Nope And Chains • 3 years ago

everyone has to qualify their support of trump w the preface - "i dont like how he ......, but -" - its irritating

Andrew Blackadder • 3 years ago

One of my favorite videos recently was of a young white girl on a US campus being asked why she wanted President Trump impeached, she screamed, "Because hes a Capitalist", she stood there with her Starbucks Cup in one hand and her Smart Phone in her other hand.
A young fat ass black girl on Campus was filmed screaming "ALL white men should be kicked off the Internet and not allowed to use it", I can only hope one of her many Socialist Teachers explained to her exactly WHO created the internet and who "allowed" her to use it.
You just cant fix this kind of stupid...

Andrew Blackadder • 3 years ago

If these moronic idiots from BLM and Antifa were acting in the same manner as they are doing in various Cities around the USA, and if they were actually living in the Socialist/Communists State they seem to espouse then they would be gunned by the Socialist/Communist Governments they wish for America but I doubt very much if they can see that irony. Ya just cant fix this kind of stupid.

joecapoe • 3 years ago

well done....bravo!

ss396 • 3 years ago

Biden's rallies are not deserted: they are filled with his adoring staff.

Has Biden campaigned for anyone but himself? It seems weird that such a popular shoo-in has absolutely zero coattails.

Interventizio • 3 years ago


TrishRan • 3 years ago

Sorry, but I have to disagree. I don't think that love and hate play a major role in the politics and turmoil of the past year. Sure Trump rallies are exuberant events, and the violence in the streets is terrifying - but this is only a surface level view. Support for Trump is far broader and deeper than a cult of personality - plenty of people dislike his personal style, would never attend a Trump rally, but are very happy with the judges he appoints, the end of each president initiating new wars, the tactical opposition to globalism, the improvement of the economic situation for the middle and working classes, and the increasing number of peace treaties. If there is love at the base of support for Trump, it is so much more than love of Trump - it is love of America.

Just as the support of Trump is about so much more than love of the man, the violence rumbling through our cities is not the product of hate. The planning, organizing and funding the attacks on our cities, citizens, culture and monuments is done by those motivated by cold calculation, not hot rage. sure, there are people who are emotionally opposed Trump. But I have no worry that the people I know who get irrationally angry at the mention of Trump's name would take up home-made weapons and join the fray, not do I see them directly funding violence. The ones who do take to street vandalism are largely paid - mercenaries. And mercenaries' hearts are never in it the way people who defend their homes do have their hearts in it.

The ones who do engage in street violence - and those who organize and fund them - are fewer in number than they need us to believe - necessitating their street vandals shuttling from one flaming downtown to another. In the service of a positive image for the violence and anti-American rhetoric of antifa, BLM, communists & socialists, there are continuous efforts to convince everyone to believe in vast numbers of right wing violent extremist bigots who either do - of hope to -keep everyone else down. Since these right wing extremist bigots only exist in the minds of those want to force America to bend the knee to globalism, the few groups that fought antifa/BLM, like Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys didn't really fit the profile, or were leftists dressed up to prove visuals of an opposition.

But there's a deeper and more sinister project afoot. The people and groups depicted as rightwing, violent extremist bigots is continuously expanded. The activist media & politicians do this by conflating love of country and community with believing in one's own biological and political superiority and right to violently oppress those outside one's preferred group. This ever-enlarging category of supposedly ugly-minded people is labeled "hate groups." This term is applied to - not chosen by - those to whom it is applied. Besides its usefulness trying to make attacking America look good, it's especially useful for those who would use other, more subversive means to attack America: scaring people into supporting ideas like, "we need to draw a line between free speech and 'hate speech,'" or that there is systemic bigotry that must be immediately rooted out.

Characterizing the political divisions of the present day as rooted in love and hate is not only shallow, but mischaracterizes the motives of the actors involved. This is a huge mistake, as it leads to under-estimating the logic and tactical abilities of the enemies of America, while also unnecessarily demoralizing Americans by over-estimating the numbers and dedication of those who are vandalizing our public sphere. Mercenaries are always easier to defeat than patriots who fight for their country because they have their hearts in it.

TheMule61 • 3 years ago

That's kind of how I feel. I'm not a fan of Trump's style, but I don't think his actual character is particularly bad at all. The preposterous claims that he is some kind of dictator flies in the face of the fact that half the country and 95% of the press can viciously slander, libel, and malign him on a daily basis with no fear of losing their jobs or freedom. No one can say that was the case when Obama was President. The democrats are full on totalitarian monsters now. The more power they get, the worse they're going to get. 100 million+ people were murdered in the 20th Century by exactly the kind of people who run the democratic party now. It's just a matter of getting the power back and moving the Overton window back to the Soviet frame of mind in the US, and they will completely destroy this country. Trump simply isn't a destroy of freedom the way democrats are. And that is a critical reason to keep the democrats out of power everywhere now.

TrishRan • 3 years ago

Not only do the people who viciously slander Trump and anyone they have decided supports Trump without fear of losing jobs, friends or social media access - they are the ones who inflict all these things on Trump supporters (and would happily do worse to Trump if they cut down their soy intake - joke).

A joke I heard about the US in general applies very much to Trump, too. If America were an imperialist regime, why is Canada still its own country? The population is a fraction of America, almost all within 50 miles of the US border, and the mineral riches are vast...

This election is absolutely critical. I think getting ACB onto the Supreme Court is a good start - and this opinion is strengthened by the fact that there have already been cries to for her to recuse herself from election/ballot cases.

Stephen Triesch • 3 years ago

In fact, the average person is far more likely to lose their job for not towing the leftist line than they are for criticizing Trump, and it is leftist groups who try to force conservative media out of business by de-platforming them, organizing advertiser boycotts, manipulating algorithms, and other measures.

commreal • 3 years ago

You make some excellent points. But, I think you forgot to mention that underneath all of the cold calculation that goes into destroying America, is the opportunity to make a fortune while doing it, from the elites at the top and from the country itself.

Why spend a lifetime ruthlessly politicking and moving up the ranks of a corporation when you can loot the largest financial entity in the world from the inside out? America, incorporated.

Not only does the Marxist Left (and our weak political class) enrich itself immensely from these activities, they get to have power over individual citizens as a bonus, with police state powers that will crush the average person should he or she get in the c-r-o-s-s h-a-i-r-s. They can even do it to decorated generals (Mike Flynn) and to a presidential candidate then president (Trump).

TrishRan • 3 years ago

Thanks, I agree with your explanation of the motivation of the people who have such lack of respect for what America not only is, but is capable of doing.
I was focusing more on the how, and the long-term strategy while you point out the greed and shortsightedness. It's a weird paradox that the communists who are willing to spend decade after decade in service of destroying America have such limited plans for what they'd do with America if they managed to get control. They would not only kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, but they would probably crush numerous golden eggs, and not even bother to eat the goose meat.

If they're willing to crush a nation, what's the problem with crushing a couple of patriots along the way?

Margo • 3 years ago

I absolutely agree with you. Maybe you would like to read a short book maybe a pamphlet, written by a black former communist who during the 1930s and for 10 years belonged to the US communists until he realized that he was one of the "negros" used by the communists to enable their program. It is called "Color, Communism and Common Sense" by Mannning Johnson. It is as though you were reading about today's events. I believe you can get it for free as a PDF online. Very worth reading. And reading to your children as well! Before the schools engrave in them a false image of this country.

TrishRan • 3 years ago

Thanks. I don't have kids myself, but I have friends who are children's librarians, and would be happy to read and pass along the book. It sounds fascinating.

Margo • 3 years ago

I'm sorry, no, it is NOT a children's book. It is written by an adult black person recounting the way the communists in this country used "Negroes" to advance their communist program. It is fascinating to us adults because it is almost word by word what is happening today, what the same communists are doing to our country today, helped by the hopefully unaware leftists in the democrat party. I said it would be good to read to children so they can learn from an early age what dangers the leftists bring to their country, and do it before the k-12 teachers infest them with their marxist beliefs.

TrishRan • 3 years ago

I'm sorry if you think I was taking your description of the book the wrong way. As a kid, I read many books that weren't written for children ( think I was 9 when I read The Caine Mutiny). It would be great to develop materials for children that would help them. understand early about the dangers of communism - even when it calls itself socialism.

Guest • 3 years ago
Margo • 3 years ago

I'll have to take a look at that. It is truly amazing how those communists have not lost their zeal. It seems we have.... What would we tell the founders...
As John Adams said, "“You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make a good use of it.”

Salero21 • 3 years ago

That mask that Biden is wearing is not to protect him from the Virus, is to keep him from Sniffing women's hairs.

TrishRan • 3 years ago

and remind the rest of us that we should accept having no choice but to wear it.

Stephen Triesch • 3 years ago

As Roger Scruton said, "The left wants to destroy everything that makes civil society possible."

TrishRan • 3 years ago

And that which they don't actually destroy, they are happy to sell for parts.

Stephen Triesch • 3 years ago

You look at a Trump rally, and people are happy and smiling. You look at any leftist rally, and it is filled with rage and hate. This is in direct contradiction to the constant media theme that Trump supporters are "angry white men."

TrishRan • 3 years ago

I think there is one additional element to a leftist rally - fear. They are terrified that they might not win, and might have to move out and get a job.

Margo • 3 years ago

That is my fear,that hate might prevail because the new generations have been infected with this hate already. And the thing is that they always win. Because even if Trump wins, they'll have another chance at the polls in 4 years. Burt if beiden wins, then that is the end for us. No more constitutional rights. No more true elections. All Trump did these last years will be gone. And an invasion of millions of illegals with rights to vote will perpetuate the left's hatred forever. This is how important this election is.

atilla41 • 3 years ago

You have just made a 100% watertight case for a declaration of martial law.

Paul Chernoch • 3 years ago

We are at a crossroads. I have been meditating on Ecclesiastes 3: "a time to love and a time to hate". I believe that we have been living in the "time to love". Since the end of World War II, by every measure, the world has grown richer. Infant mortality down, working conditions improved, many diseases cured, longevity up, incomes up, education up, democracy spreading, communism and fascism overcome... What follows? A time to hate. A world that hates God will reject His blessings and horrible despair and oppression will result. It is up to us to forestall the arrival of that day.

AlgorithmicAnalyst • 3 years ago

The left leaves out the spiritual, which is what gives meaning to human life.

commreal • 3 years ago

More brilliant insights from the fertile mind of one Daniel Greenfield. Thank you.

At the root of the "hate" though is ENVY. Envy is the rocket fuel that Marxism runs on. Wealth must be destroyed and redistributed by those who can't amass any. Religion has to be destroyed because of the sense of peace and tranquility it provides to its adherents, to the faithful, but foreign to the unbeliever. H-e-t-e-r-o-s-e-x-u-a-l-i-t-y has to be destroyed by the ones who know they are abnormal, but who seek to coerce acceptance and legitimacy to feel better about themselves.

And so on and so forth.

Envy, which festers and spreads, eventually leads to hatred.

truebearing • 3 years ago

Marx was Satan's finest student. He based everything on envy. Marx was the modern day Cain.

Surak2 • 3 years ago

This essay is magnificent. This reads like a closing argument for the Trump campaign. May Daniel's words touch the hearts of our nation, Amen.

truebearing • 3 years ago

Exactly. It radiates insight from start to finish. I love commenting on Daniel's work. It's a shot of inspiration.

Senior Karen • 3 years ago

What/who will the democrats and all of their deranged/uninformed supporters HATE if biden wins? God forbid that would happen, but they will blame Christians, conservatives and President Trump for EVERY stupid, ignorant and destructive thing THEY do and implement.