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Surak2 • 4 years ago

Now, because they hate Pres. Trump that much, Jewish congresscritters are in essence defending the jihad squad. Appeaser, meet alligator.

NITZAKHON • 4 years ago

Precisely my friend. Precisely.

Toby • 4 years ago

She is a traitor to our country and should be removed

mahgan • 4 years ago

All explained by being a dumb, black slave of culturally imperialist Arab Islam. A sorry case of "double consciousness." Just shows how easy it is to brainwash simple illiterate village people with myths and fables they naively believe.

wileyvet • 4 years ago

Mullah Omar and her sister Jihadist, Ratshit Tlaib are not only the face of the Democratic Party but are the face of political Islam. In reality there is no such thing as political Islam, only Islam. I use the term only to indicate the tactic of the "western" Muslim, and how they use our political system to advance ordinary supremacist Islam. Both these creatures are revealing what Islam is.

Their America bashing is socialist/Communist in nature, but the Jew hatred is from being Muslims. They just can't help themselves. The arrogance of Islam will always come out. And that is what is happening. But their defenders, as when defending Islam will always rationalize it away as some other cause. Then when called out, they cry "Islamophobia" or "racist" or they are being picked on because the are "strong women". No, they are Muslim crybullies. They follow the example of the pedophile prophet.

The Islamic source material reveals the prophet of Islam to be the first victim of "Islamophobia". For 13 years in Mecca, he harassed, insulted, bullied, demeaned, chastised and vilified his own relatives and fellow tribesman while pushing his Islam. Enough said the Meccans, and Mo was "forced" to flee. You see Mo was a victim. Being an obnoxious loser and condemning your entire town makes you a victim in Islam.

So the prophet of Islam found succor in Yathrib; an agricultural and crafting town of polytheists and prominent Jewish tribes. Within short order the pedophile, who by the way was already betrothed to Aisha, the 6 year old, Mo and his band of Ansar and previous converts, were demanding that Mo be respected as a prophet. Well the Jews of Medina rejected that argument and Mo took out his wrath on them. One by one he found justification in the Jews wronging him in some way, and were expelled on his order. The last tribe of Jews had their men folk over puberty beheaded while Mo watched. Between 700-900 Jews were dispatched, and then the women and children were enslaved, raped, or sold off. Each time Mo claimed he was the victim of Jews and their perfidious nature. Once the town was cleansed of Jews and everyone not killed now being a Muslim, the town was renamed, Medina.

The Jew is the eternal enemy of Muslims. First for rejecting his claims. Second for apparently "corrupting" the Torah, which Allah gave to them ( you understand why Jews rejected him ) and thirdly they blame a Jewess from Khaybar for slipping him poison lamb, from which he would succumb, three years later on the dirt floor of his brothel/Mosque/Jihad HQ.

The odious and vile pile of camel dung, known as the Koran reveals what the demented deity instructs Muslims to accept and believe about Jews. The Hadith reveals what Muhammad taught outside the Koran, about Jews. Combined these two sources dictate exactly what, where and how Muslims are to think about Jews.

If you want to get under their skin, just ask them to confirm or deny what is in the Koran. On national television present the verses in their terrorist manifesto, and ask them if those words are from their Allah, and if those are the same ones that the pedophile prophet received in his 23 year career, that then established the faith of Islam. Then state that since they both claim to be Muslims, then both must accept them to be not only true, but eternal, for all times and all places, and that in fact your hatred of not just Jews, but ALL non-Muslims is therefore an established tenet of Islam itself.

Yes or No, Mullah Omar. Did Allah write the Koran? Yes or No, did Muhammad use these verses to establish Islam? Yes or no, you accept the conditions of the Islamic profession of faith, therefore confirming the veracity of both Muhammad's and Allah's claims? Thus you hate Jews because of your faith as a Muslim and NOT because of Israel, or American foreign policy of which your prophet precedes by 1,300 years. Isn't that so? No further questions Mr. Chairman.

Brian Ozzy • 4 years ago

Once again a spot-on assessment wileyvet.

wileyvet • 4 years ago

Thanks. I haven't posted much lately. So I appreciate you wading through it.

My memory isn't quite what it used to be, but was it you that recommended Diana West's: American Betrayal? If it was, thank you. I read it within days of the suggestion. All I can say is what a brilliant book. A must read. I have independently verified through my own research, and reached the same conclusions she did. Don't know why I never read it or stumbled upon it, so am grateful to you for putting me on to it. Everyone here should read it too.

Iamstilllearning • 4 years ago

Wiley, have you read her latest, 'The Red Thread'?

I second your recommendation and conclusions. This post of yours reminded me to visit her site and listen to interviews with Ms. West- where I discovered her latest book about the (ongoing) coup. Can't believe it's been out since February. D'oh!

Thanks for the reminder. Ha- IOW, thanks for thanking Brian for reminding you. Funny how these things work. ;)

wileyvet • 4 years ago

I have not, but soon will, now that you have put me on to it. So I thank you for doing so.

10ffgrid • 4 years ago

More and more, the democrat party represents evil.

carpe diem 36 • 4 years ago

It is obvious that the American people are like children, they do not see the danger in front of them. One day these Muslims will be a majority in this country and America will be an Islamic state, but it will be much too late. I am glad I am over 80 years old but I fear for my children and especially for my grand children. America was a wonderful country but it is no more.

JPFH • 4 years ago

Omar and Tlaib, being proud Muslims, are an indicator of things to come as more and more Muslims enter American politics. They have no real connection to the Judeo-Christian background of the USA. Therefore, along with the leftists, they have no real concern about the undermining of our constitution and the overthrow of the present order.
Excepting the few Muslims that actually prefer freedom from any form of Sharia, the vast majority of Muslims are under the influence of the ingrained antisemitism of Islam.

Whirlwinder • 4 years ago

Ilhan Nur Said Elmi used the name Omar to sneak into our country with a family named Omar. Being in country by fraud, it seems to me that we should send her back to her hellhole country of origin. That would be one less Jihadi in country to press the global jihad.

Paul Bengle • 4 years ago

Deport this racist anti American monster, who in their right mind would ever vote the bride of osama bin laden into an American congress?

Peri • 4 years ago

well - just maybe - just maybe in that the left is fully out of the closet spewing their hate - maybe just maybe enough idiots on the left and the so-called independents will wake the FU and realize these people are just poison

stevenL • 4 years ago

… condoned by anti-Semitic liberal Jews!
The left including many Jews support the Trojan horse.

Richard O. Mann • 4 years ago

We get the leadership we deserve. What does this say about the United States today? Bye bye. It was fun while it lasted.

atilla41 • 4 years ago

Thousands of patriots should send this muz gr oid sk ank a picture of its fugly mug with crosshairs centered between its dead eyes.

Make it live in fear. And with luck it could happen.................