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carpe diem 36 • 5 years ago

Islam and the Palestinians have nothing to offer to young Americans yet they support them. They are hate groups that contribute nothing to either the culture or the physical world, they are intellectually inferior, they do not invent anything either in medicine or technology - they only take and they disseminate hatred everywhere. If those who support those Muslims think that those evil people will spare them when they feel they are strong enough to start a war of Jihad they are sorely mistaken.

James Johnson • 5 years ago

Time to restore the JDL

Roderick Mills • 5 years ago

And get rid of the Anti-Defamation League.

codemonkey • 5 years ago

nah, just send the to Israeli universities.

Have the boys do a tour of the army first, they'll integrate, get pride and self respect, then they'll have brothers for life who will back them, they'll become part of the fastest growing economy around the world, and maybe even meet a great girl.

justthefactsmam • 5 years ago

Most of those "boys" wouldn't last but a few days going through basic training for the Israeli Army...I have met some of these types that couldn't make it through USAF basic training in this country, so there is no way they could make it through Israeli Army basic training.

Yes, it would be good to see these "boys" turned into men, but it will take an act of God to do so, especially since R. Lee Ermey ain't with us no more.

codemonkey • 5 years ago

Well, I didn't go when I was young because I had those fears. It's my biggest regret in life. I don't regret not having the pleasure of the army bureacracy, but I do regret not signing up.

The only thing worse than trying and failing, is wondering what if.

justthefactsmam • 5 years ago

It is surprising who makes it and who doesn't some times. There were about 5 "tough" guys in my training Platoon, that talked big at reception station, and then turned into momma's boys when training actual started and were begging to be discharged. One even pretend to drink a can of Brasso so he could get out, and another pretended to cut his wrists, but they were more scratches than cuts. They were discharged for mental instability. Some of the guys that you wouldn't think would make it did and were good soldiers. Giving up is not an option.

Allston • 5 years ago

Giving Up is never an option. This seems to be a hallmark of a successful service-member. Stubborn and a bit fatalistic. Something happens, and we just sigh and say, "yeah, alright," and then deal with it.

My experience anyways. The meaning of life is, "excrement occurs" and you just...deal with it, whatever it may be. That is all.

And just to add, having "been there, done that," I cannot wrap my head around having any of today's Snowflakes in a Basic Training Platoon.

justthefactsmam • 5 years ago

Even with a lot of the training being toned down to accommodate the ladies, the snowflakes would still meltdown in no time. As I mentioned before, I have met a few who tried to make it in the USAF and were discharged within 2 weeks. Plenty of good young men going in and making it so it continues to give me confidence that we have plenty on our side when the SHTF.

Francis • 5 years ago

Thank You also for your service.

Lazarus • 5 years ago

Fvck you and your little dog as well.

WJR • 5 years ago

I have had friends who had to make other decisions when young that couldn't go the military route. I tell them to not worry about it, just be ready and willing to do their part when those who hate us and our country decide they want to take it away from us.

WJR • 5 years ago

USMC here, five minutes after standing on the yellow footprints I was wondering what in the world had I done to myself.
Boot was tough but I was glad when I landed in Nam that I had chosen the best that helped stay alive in tougher times. The discipline has helped through life and its hard time also.
Those Israeli "boys" are some tough dudes when they come out of basic training, they never really get out of training, it is an ongoing thing as things are in constant change over there.
We as military vets have a brotherhood that even extends to our allies when together in training overseas. Been there, done that.

justthefactsmam • 5 years ago

Those snowflakes wouldn't have even gotten off the bus if they had been sent to Marine Basic! Just one look at those DIs waiting for them would be enough to send them into a coma.
Yes, Basic helps shape you and lets you know you can do much more than you thought you could, and the discipline does give you something to use going through life.
It would actually be a good if the government approved something like the Swiss have where all able bodied men join a branch of the military with a 2 year commitment, and then Reserve duty afterwards. Might get us back on the right track again.

WJR • 5 years ago

Discipline is something the left has no use for.

Francis • 5 years ago

Thank You for your service.

max smart • 5 years ago

Many Jewish universities are left wing indoctrination centers just like the schools mentioned in this article!

codemonkey • 5 years ago
justthefactsmam • 5 years ago

Looks like the Communist professors have achieved enough of a dumbed down student body that these students are even too ignorant to go online and look up the history of WWII, the concentration camps, and the Holocaust itself. I am sure that these students once presented with the truth might start to wake up. Once that happened, then you have them learn about what Japan did to Korea between 1910 and 1945, when Japan occupied Korea and put the Koreas through as much hell as they possibly could.

Maybe, just maybe these dumbed down students might learn something.

evangeline golding • 5 years ago

Why hasn’t this vile organisation sjp been declared a terrorist group and made illegal? The way they operate, and the fact that they are in receipt of funds from hamas, shows clearly that they are.
And any lecturer and academic who can’t keep their personal opinions separate from their workplace responsibilities should immediately be fired, and no references should be given on their behalf.
No university should allow this kind of evil on their campus, and those that do should have any public funding or government monies removed from them.
As a parent, I simply wouldn’t allow my child to attend such places. I wouldn’t give them my child’s time or the opportunity to try and warp their thinking, and I certainly wouldn’t give them my money.

beniyyar • 5 years ago

Sadly many secular American Jews are Leftist socialists and thus they at least passively support these Leftist and socialist anti Jewish and anti Israel gangs. These silly ignorant American Jews believe that these anti Jewish gangs have a goal of a greater good, for example, socialism, among their policies beyond Jew hatred and thus they justify their support by telling themselves that even though these gangs want to butcher all the Jews and destroy Israel, their greater Leftist socialist policies are what is important. Like 1930's German Jews, they also think this public and disgusting Jew hatred is a passing phenomenon, with only a few nutty supporters, and with time the Left will return to it's one time sense of moderation. Maybe the Leftist American Jews are right, but history shows that it is unlikely that the Jew hating Left will ever change. After several synagogue shootings, the Jew hating writing is on the wall, the question is whether secular Leftist American Jews can or even will read it.

Kennedy • 5 years ago

The Jew-s and Christians must speak out against "Sorosthe the Snake" and his puppets.

MickeyMarkus • 5 years ago

This is not Nazi - but international socialist, pumped with venom against all White people, including Jews.

hrwolfe • 5 years ago

UC Irvine is a hotbed of activity too, I've read of their sins since the 90's. I was shocked that they went so unchecked but nobody bitched when all that OPEC money flowed into our Universities forming Middle Eastern Studies departments in the late 70's.

Havardr Ivansson • 5 years ago

If President Trump manages to get the Muslim Brotherhood branded as a terrorist group by the US pretty much all the Muslim student groups, including the MSA and SJP will have to be disbanded. Also, as CAIR and PFLFP are merely fronts for the MB and Hamas they'll be washed up, too. That should pretty much end this problem, except for the leftist swine on campus, but with their muslim controllers gone they may focus on something else. If not, I believe they may actually be violating RICOH statutes in some of their activities.

Roald Dahl • 5 years ago

With the election of the freshman class' three stooges, Ilhan Omar. Rashida Tlaib and AOC the old guard in the Democrat party has, at best, two years to reign in the anti-semitic socialists. But even that won't last. Time is not on their side.

With open anti-semitism being mainstreamed by the Democrats and the New York Times,, and socialism surging it's just a matter of time before the Jewish Democrats and the leadership are pushed aside and eased out, or forced out, in both houses. For now they are useful until they are no longer useful.

And then..........I hope our side is paying attention. It's gonna get real. I also hope that at least a few Jewish Democrats see the handwriting on the wall and switch parties.

1930's Germany didn't distinguish between secular Jews, who considered themselves Germans first, and devout Jews. Now there is a storm coming for American Jews.....and it won't distinguish between Conservative, mostly Orthodox Jews, and the Leftist secular Jews. If the left regains power in America there will be a second Holocaust. And the Progressive Left has seen the naïveté of American secular Jews and is ready to take full advantage of it. These useful idiot Jews might as well march themselves into the gas chambers where the Zyklon B will be EPA approved.

In America secular liberal Jews and the ADL have always voted for their own executioners. They are siding with and befriending America's enemies like Linda Sarsour and Rep. Keith x Ellison Mohammed. By embracing these Muslims in the name of diversity and tolerance they are signing their own death warrants. Most recently Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan and the Congressional Black Caucus have been very open in their anti-Semitism.

America secular liberal Jews are classic useful idiots. They will be useful to the Democrats until they are no longer useful. Noam Chomsky and all the other smug Leftist Jewish Israel haters like Ariel Gold, co-chair of Code Pink, Steven Goldstein, the director of the “Anne Frank Center.” Mark Hetfield, HIAS president, Hillel CEO Eric Fingerhut and The ADL's Jonathan Greenblatt will be swept up and sent away. In another era Goldstein, Hetfield, Greenblatt and Eric Fingerhut would be called Kapos or Sonderkommandos. These people are traitors to America and are selling out the Jews

They will know the truth when it is too late.

The Progressive Left has always been the source of Jew Hatred and Israel hatred, most significantly since the Six Day War. They always couch it in anti-Zionism. Like Germany in the 1920s today's American anti-Semitism finds fertile ground in academia. The BLM movement, the Israel Divestment BDS movement and the Students for Justice in Palestine, all at the universities are ground zero for anti-Semitism. Obama, Hillary and Kerry sold out Israel via the Iranian nuke deal.

The 2016 midterms saw two black Muslims females elected to the House, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. The former celebrated her victory by wrapping herself in the Palestinian flag. Both have called for the end of U.S. aid to Israel. The latter makes endless anti-Semitic statements, enough sothat the House had to issue a useless resolution, originally to condemn antisemitism and Omar, but instead, blamed white supremacists.

In addition a disturbing confluence of alliances in the Democrat Party has formed. I call it the Ocasio Cortez/Omar /Tlaib axis of evil. The other major players include Ayanna Pressley, Rohit Khanna, Raul Grijalva, and Pramila Jayapa, Linda Sarsour, Tamika Mallory, Bernie Sanders, Keith X Ellison and Cory Booker, Louis Farrakhan and the Congressional Black Caucus.

And the way these leftist Jew haters conceal their real feelings is to mumble something about religion and government being separate and distinct. Except that Israel is a Jewish state, not a secular one. Of course these same morons don't seem to have problem with the "Islamic Republic of Take your Pick"

But because of the Trump victory the secular Jews in this country have been granted a reprieve although it looks like they won’t take advantage of it. Christians, in this country, were under assault from Obama within two years of his taking office. If Hillary had won, the Jewish persecutions would have started within a couple of years. It appears we are there, even with Trump in office.

It's already happening in France and Germany. The Jews are no longer the favored pets of the Dhimmicrats. Hillary would have increased Obama's Muslim numbers in this country via refugee immigration, to the point they would have influenced policy. The Dhimmicrats do not care about the Jewish vote anymore.

If "Never Again" is supposed to mean something here is a message to all Jews in the U.S.:

Buy guns. A lot of them. And learn to use them. You will need them.

johnhenry • 5 years ago

The best thing Palestinians can do for their children is to tell them that Israel is the best thing that's happened since 1949. Yes, the wars and strife since have been terrible, but sadly needed for Palestinians to understand where their best interests lie. How long before they really do understand? Some Middle East countries are starting to understand this, and are separating themselves from Fatah and Hamas. I think that Palestinians outside the Fatah and Hamas power elites see they are being played by corrupt leaders, but are afraid to do anything. Send in the drones to kill the evil clowns.

Not A Jew

RF4CrewChief68 • 5 years ago

Our Education system is unAmerican from Kindergarten to Grad School and must be overhauled!

Kirk Herrling • 5 years ago

He alone, who holds the youth, gains the future - Adolf Hitler

El Cid • 5 years ago

The parallels with the Nazis are obvious to any thinking person. Marginalization of students. Striking fear into supporters of Israel. Marginalization academics who support Israel. Embracing the enemies of Israel. Yet, the Democratic Party has the audacity to claim Mr. Trump is the actual reincarnation of fascism.

I know fellow Jews who are buying the Democratic BS. Please get out of the Democratic Ghetto.

Francis • 5 years ago

Never again? Looks like it's well on it's way. I can't understand supporting the very people who would be more than happy to crank the ovens back up.

Hitlary Benghazi • 5 years ago

What I especially love about all of these institutions for "higher" learning is their enormous trust funds, in many cases in the billions. The same institutions that scream "FREE EDUCATION" (paid for by TAXPAYERS) for all. Their institutions are shrill reminders of their LACK of meritocracy, quest for money and power over truth. FREE education should be for those who not only for those who need it and earn it. Handing out taxpayer money for gender studies degrees or social "engineering" (not to be confused with actual engineering) is throwing good money after bad results.

Andy Perro • 5 years ago

I'm no fan of gender studies especially if the outcome of taking such a course is framed in practical terms. However, in practical terms you can say that about many courses; e.g. psychology, linguistics, 18th Century English lit. I would be much less opposed to teaching gender studies if the classroom setting was truly open to truly 'diverse' opinions.

Eugenicslover • 5 years ago

One more reason to deport all Muslims and seize their assets.

tyke007 • 5 years ago

Can’t believe this is happening in the States now. It really feels like after 75 years since WW2, blaming the Jews for all the worlds problems is now acceptable again.
I got myself into an argument with neo nazis on Breitbart and they really are nasty. They blame us for all the cultural Marxism in society and all the Islamic immigration, citing certain Jews like lord Dubbs of Ireland for persuading the U.K. government of taking in Islamic ‘refugees’.
We all know from David the history of the Frankfurt school and Alinsky etc, but it wasn’t only Jews and the communist revolution had its roots in the French Revolution and can be traced back to the philosophy of Kant. No matter, it still seems to be all blamed on us and I find it really frustrating explaining it to these people who are impervious to reason.

max smart • 5 years ago

Jews don't get beat on because they did wrong.
Jews are attacked by low life bottom dwellers because they are easy to attack.
When the boychiks learn to fight back the dead beats will stop & look for easier prey!

Hope • 5 years ago

Those neo-na zis that show up on Breitbart are leftist trolls, not Breitbart readers. They are there to try to make Breitbart readers seem to be neo-Na zis. Don't let them deceive you. They show up only at certain times and for certain articles. The trolls begin to be very recognizable if you are paying attention.

Do you know why the one NeoNazi shot up the Jewish synagogue? Because CNN.....

CNN had film of a Jewish truck with the Star of David on it picking up the illegal aliens to transport them to the US. That's what got them so riled up. At first, I tried to debunk it as doctored videos, but then they came up with the link to the original CNN footage. After that, I ran out of bullets....

You/we lost that argument with that one picture, and there's nothing we'll ever be able to do to convince them otherwise, so thank that Jewish truck, and thank CNN.....

Alex Maccoll • 5 years ago


Alex Maccoll • 5 years ago


annie500 • 5 years ago

Any Universty or Colleges that supports the BDS movement should not get any Government money of any kind. Any Pell grants that is given out shoud not be allowed to any of the places either.

Dean Jackson • 5 years ago

As soon as the World War I operation had ended, Marxists began planning for the World War II operation with the creation of that war's two false opposition fronts, the National Socialist German Workers' Party and the National Fascist Party in Italy. Benito Mussolini was a well known and influential Marxist before the Comintern ordered that he take up a new identity as leader of the National Fascist Party. As for Adolf Hitler's Marxist pedigree, one-third of Hitler's SA and Gestapo personnel were 'former' Marxists:

“Adolf Hitler himself was the first to admit that National Socialism and Communism had much in common. ‘There is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it,’ he once said in a revealing conversation, ‘There is, above all, revolutionary feeling…I have always made allowances for this circumstance, and given orders that former Communists are to be admitted to the party at once. The petit bourgeois Social Democrat and the trade-union boss will never be a National Socialist, but the Communist always will.’ Hitler, in this case at least, was true to his word. After he seized power, he saw to it that thousands of Communists were enrolled in the NSDAP. They were particularly effective in the Gestapo and in the SA, where they formed perhaps a third of the total membership. Indeed, there were so many of them that they were given a special name. They were known popularly as the “Beefsteak Nazi” – Brown on the outside, Red on the inside."5

During the course of World War II Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, Chief of the Abwehr (German military intelligence), and General Reinhard Gehlen, Chief of the German General Staff’s intelligence unit for the Soviet Union and East European countries,Foreign Armies East (FHO), independently discovered that a group supervised by Deputy Führer Martin Bormann,6 second in command of Germany, was transmitting unsupervised coded radio messages to Moscow:

"Our suspicions were largely confirmed when, independently of one another, we found out that Bormann and his group were operating an unsupervised radio transmitter network and using it to send coded messages to Moscow. When OKW monitors reported this, Canaris demanded an investigation; but word came back that Hitler himself had emphatically forbidden any intervention: he had been informed in advance by Bormann of these Funkspiele, or fake radio messages, he said, and he had approved them."7

The only way to ensure that fake radio messages were being sent to Moscow, and not the latest Wehrmacht movements in the Eastern theater of operations, is to have such radio messages supervised by intelligence officers vetted for counterintelligence operations. It's one thing for Hitler to approve fake radio messages, but there's no excuse to not have the fake radio messages supervised by experienced counterintelligence officers. To refuse to implement this critical standard operating supervisory procedure cries out treason, since even Bormann himself should have wanted to ensure none of his subordinates were transmitting sensitive information to Moscow. The fact that Hitler refused such elementary precautions informs us that Hitler & Company were Marxist agents, sabotaging the German war effort from Berlin. In fact, it was the winter of 1941-42 that Gehlen and fellow generals had assessed that the Soviet campaign was a hopeless enterprise "…not because it could not be militarily or politically won, but because of Hitler's continued interference, which resulted in such elementary blunders that defeat was inevitable."8

Hitler allowed Marxists to infiltrate the National Socialist German Workers' Party and its militarized entities, yet he refused to ensure that Bormann's subordinates weren't transmitting Wehrmacht movements to Moscow!

Gehlen details Hitler’s sabotage of Germany's Soviet campaign:

(1) The General Staff wanted to concentrate resources on capturing Moscow, since Moscow was the Command & Control location for Soviet forces. Hitler insisted on dissipating the effort on three fronts.

(2) The General Staff saw that the Soviets were going to entrap the Sixth Army at Stalingrad, and demanded a strategic withdrawal. Hitler vetoed this and 200,000 of Germany's best troops were lost, including the loss of irreplaceable weaponry.

(3) To replace these losses, the General Staff wanted to recruit millions of willing volunteers from anti-Communist ranks, i.e. Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians etc., “After twenty years of arbitrary injustice and terror, the reestablishment of elementary human rights such as the dignity of man, liberty, justice, and the sanctity of property united every inhabitant of the Soviet empire (insofar as he was not directly working for the Moscow system) in a common readiness to support the Germans. What could be more natural for us than to exploit this readiness?"9 Hitler’s policy of treating Slavs as sub-human sabotaged any meaningful attempt in turning captured Soviet soldiers into German allies.

At my blog, read the articles...

'House of Cards: The Collapse of the 'Collapse' of the USSR'

'Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia'

Then read the article, 'The Marxist Co-Option Of History And The Use Of The Scissors Strategy To Manipulate History Towards The Goal Of Marxist Liberation'


The West will form new political parties where candidates are vetted for Marxist ideology/blackmail, the use of the polygraph to be an important tool for such vetting. Then the West can finally liberate the globe of vanguard Communism.

Stan Stein • 5 years ago

Well....many would tell you that the "great injustice" is over real estate. But the hate goes back to the 700s with muslims, and farther with other civilizations such as the Egyptians. It seems that no one likes to hear that the Jews say they are God's chosen people, which means whoever they say that to....simply ISN'T....insulting, huh? But, muslims claim the same thing about THEIR God. Kinda 4000 years late, but oh well.....
Personally, having been raised Jewish and then converting to Christianity at age 37, I believe my thinking on this subject offers a very different prospective. Let's just take on VERY blatant example of just how "muslim" all this really is....and remember, I shunned the Jews.
In 1947, England, who had ruled India under colonialism....decided to give away about 1/2 of the country to Islam to form a completely new islamic country...Pakistan....and to this day...the muslims say they should have gotten more....citing Cashmire as least. And, if you will notice, the world is perfectly fine with the give-a-way...but then, a year later, in 1948, Well, again...England had it evil hands here as well....but they left the land alone and retreated after the UN/Truman et al....enforced a unanimous effort to grant Israel the land.....now....look at the amount of land involved here....Pakistan is 370,000 sq miles, and Israel is 8000 sq miles........about 40 times the amount....if you just went by who got what....why isn't the UN and NATO, and everyone else pointing that out? No one is trying to fight about the hugely disproportionate and inequitable land granting....let alone Israel being created with a decision of more then one country......If you just go by what's fair....there is absolutely no call for any Islamics to be bitching about anything....40 times the land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andy Perro • 5 years ago

Israel has about 387 people per square kilometer and Pakistan has about 265 people per square kilometer. On that basis the discrepancy you note is not as great. Higher density or not, I would prefer to live in Israel.

Stan Stein • 5 years ago

Andy....population has nothing to do with the land givaway....THAT was the crime....in fact,,,,those stats are worse, because at 1/46th the size....Israel is PACKED while Pakistan has huge rural and non occupied land.....maybe try drawing it, or get a map designed to sow population density

John27 • 5 years ago

They're not Neo-Nazis. They're Neo-Marxists. They don't hate Jews because Jews are Jewish, they hate Jews because Jews are white. They make no distinction between Jews and other Europeans. In Neo-Marxist ideology whites are the bourgeoisie and non-whites are the proletariat. They have largely abandoned class warfare in favor of race warfare. The left believes the white Jews in Israel are evil because they're oppressing the non-white Palestinians. In their minds, there really isn't anything more to it than that.

The primary goal of the modern political left is the destruction of Western Civilization and the genocide of the white race, and the white race includes Jews.

Andy Perro • 5 years ago

Food for thought: "The British journalist and historian Paul Johnson has argued that “The second part of Marx’s essay [On the Jewish Question] is almost a classic anti-Semitic tract, based upon a fantasied Jewish archetype and a conspiracy to corrupt the world.” The American historian, Gertrude Himmelfarb argued that it cannot be denied that in his essay On the Jewish Question, Marx expressed views that “were part of the classic repertoire of Antisemitism.”

geo • 5 years ago

So, "Jewish students on American campuses who face the impossible choice of choosing to conceal their faith and their heritage..."

But everybody must change its own due to the dissimulated theories of the neo-Marxist Professors, is it?
Starting kindergarten to the Doctoral studies.
As Marxism is Judaic ideology converted in secular terms.
And, ... why we are assaulted by so much ritualic Kosher food everywhere you go?
Have own stores for it.
The same for Halal or whatever.
The Christians have NEUTRAL food, is not "dedicated" to any good, but for the good of the people.
Explain what is Kosher for salt - be sea salt or Hmalayan sault!?!
Or, what is Kosher for spring water???
Why do we have to pay the Rabbis to put the spell on Jesus Christ when buying Kosher?
And , with respect to the truth: "modern" Jewish people (not ”Jews” you don't like it, sure because they are not, indeed) ARE NOT SEMITES.
Being against semites you must exlude them and point to the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syryian and other real semitical people

Andy Perro • 5 years ago

"assaulted by so much ritualic[sic] Kosher food" Gee, I get around quite a bit but don't ever recall being assaulted by any Kosher food gangs. Anyway, if it tastes good and is sanitary I'll eat it, barring cats, dogs or the entrails of anything, of course :)

Stan Stein • 5 years ago

Ya know....most people really don't know much about what they are talking about....(wasn't referring to you...I mean people in genera;) For instance...Kosher salt IS sea salt.....Pink sale it from Himalayan pink salt is pink because it contains iron oxide, which is actually rust...so it's NOT healthy, but is advertised as it is.....Arabs and other desert people who speak semetic languages.....farsi=SALOME...Hebrew=SHALOM is hello and goodbye......these semetics are genetically NOT morphological causasions in transition