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AlgorithmicAnalyst • 5 years ago

I first noticed serious academic historical research (by leftist revisionist historians) attempting to denigrate the importance of our southern border, 10 or 15 years ago.

justthefactsmam • 5 years ago

One thing that I noticed when taking additional graduate level classes in history was that, yes, 80 to 90% of the professors were staunch Marxist/Communists, yet if the papers you wrote for their classes were well referenced, and not one sided or romanticized, they would accept what you stated and provide a good grade. Yet, if you did not do that, they were all over you. The academic world has always been too far removed from the real world, which is why they can live in a fantasy world where Marxism/Communism actually works, while in the real world it is nothing but a horrible nightmare.

Yazz55 • 5 years ago

Using children as human shields...just like the hamass arab terrorists in Gaza. Those kids are used as expendable pawns. They're effectively condemned to death for a political agenda.

max smart • 5 years ago

A bit off topic,but;
The Regime in Iran are the champs at child abuse.
Back in the 1980's Iran was at war with Iraq & lacked a lot of modern war materials,..including mine detectors!
The Ayatollah's had an idea on how to get their troops through the mine fields alive.
They rounded up the illiterate children from the back country villages & marched them in columns & rows across the minefields.
After the kids cleared the minefields by blowing the mines up by stepping on them,...the army would advance through the cleared path!

CRLH • 5 years ago

And many children brought here and still here as useful for pedophiles, like Bill Clinton and supposedly now by Hillary the Hag and so many others who are not man or woman enough to be real men or women so pick on the young victims.

vladdy1 • 5 years ago

We've prob all noticed how many tactics the left is now borrowing from islam. Shameful.

Tina Trent • 5 years ago

Look. Of course the Democrats want illegal immigration. But they couldn't have it without collusion by the Republicans. Annd if we don't confront that reality, we are saying nothing.

CRLH • 5 years ago

Which is why I keep saying we must Drain the Congress Swamp of the 2 parties in 1 and start over with real patriots, who will work from their home states, do business by real time live video,and we keep copies of those videos! and let their state set their salaries and let them purchase their own benefits. We do not need them to gather in DC and disgrace us and our country and think they can get away with it. No more! We can close them down as they are our hired employees (again I thank democrat Ben Sasse stating this clearing n his speech to them) and we are the employer and we need to take back the reins. Wise up or you will be a slave thinking this is socialism, etc. After 6 1/2 decades of the DNC owning our educational systems, today's grandparents, parents and students have been duped and brainwashed and think either socialism or communism would be good. Suggest we pony up money and send many from many parts of this country to say Venezuela, the EU, the ME and let them grow up to what they were told was hugely wrong and why our America is a Republic of freedom and rights and the other countries not to much. Let them stay say 3-6 months and grow up!

MLCBLOG • 5 years ago

Khrushchev said they would bury us -- with our schools.

NOamnestyEVER • 5 years ago


First, destroy Trump and put Hillary away if she doesn’t end up in jail.



“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”

“Hillary was always small potatoes, a placeholder as it were. Her health was always suspect. And do you think the plotters would have let a doofus like Tim Kaine take office in the event that Hillary became disabled?”

“Obama has the totalitarian impulse. After all, he went around saying he didn't have Constitutional authority to legalize the illegals, and then he tried anyway. The courts stopped him.”

“The bottom line 2 is this: Barack Obama is a Communist. This was all an Obama operation. Why is anyone surprised that a communist (Obama) tried to subvert an election. That is what Communists do. It is Barack Obama and his people like Brennan and Clapper behaving to type. That's what Maduro does in Venezuela. That's what the Castro brothers did. That's what every communist and socialist nation does. THEY FIX ELECTIONS!!”

“Hillary kept a secret server overflowing with national security info which, more than likely, was hacked. June 28, 2016, on a Phoenix tarmac, Bill Clinton met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to seal a deal insuring Hillary would not be prosecuted.”

“Obama, of course, covered up his own role, depicting his presidency as eight years of heroic efforts to repair the damage caused by the 2008 financial crash. At the end of those eight years, however, Wall Street and the financial oligarchy were fully recovered, enjoying record wealth, while working people were poorer than before, a widening social chasm that made possible the election of the billionaire con man and Demagogue in November 2016.”

David Bernstein & The Heritage Foundation - “Lawless: The Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Assault on the Constitution and the Rule of Law.”

“The Lawlessness of the Obama Administration: A never-ending story.” Michael
Barone – American Historian – Washington Examiner

MLCBLOG • 5 years ago

Not going for this. How dare you lump Mr. Trump in here!! He seems to me a well meaning rich guy who loves America and was just brave and foolish enough to think he could make a difference when the swamp is very deep.

Patriotliz • 5 years ago

The article describes the "agenda" and the unscrupulous and inhumane methods to promote illegal invasions.
Main question not asked nor answered: WHY do the Globalists want to break down borders and orchestrate mass 3rd world migration into America?
The answer is: to destroy America.
Conclusion: Leftist Democrat Globalists, UN and Soros are at war with America.

MLCBLOG • 5 years ago

How are we going to fight back?

Patriotliz • 5 years ago

NEVER EVER vote for a Democrat or a Muslim for any political office at any level of government or school system...EVER! Must vote for TRUMP in 2020 or else we lose our country. Listen to Alex Jones Show (if you don't already) which includes David Knight (currently recovering from heart surgery) and Owen Shroyer w/ Roger Stone---all banned on Social media because they discuss news that the Left Stream Media (and FoxNews) dare not report because it exposes the Globalists, their agenda and their tactics. Leftists and even Republicans smear Alex as a "conspiracy theorist" because of something he said about Sandy Hook 6 years ago which they blew way out of proportion and more recently said "get your battle rifles ready" to defend yourselves when the Leftist and Antifa come after you. For that...they justified censoring him but, they are REALLY afraid most of all because of his exposure of the Globalists. Leftist globalist Deep State anti-Trump "conspiracy theories" HOWEVER are OK such as the Trump-Russia collusion hoax which have cost millions and serious damage to the credibility of FBI and DOJ and Trump's presidency.
Infowars is a trusted source for freedom loving patriots and often they are ahead of the curve----

NOamnestyEVER • 5 years ago

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S BILLIONAIRES’ GLOBALIST EMPIRE requires someone as ruthlessly dishonest as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to be puppet dictators.


1. Globalism: Google VP Kent Walker insists that despite its repeated rejection by electorates around the world, “globalization” is an “incredible force for good.”

2. Hillary Clinton’s Democratic party: An executive nearly broke down crying because of the candidate’s loss. Not a single executive expressed anything but dismay at her defeat.

3. Immigration: Maintaining liberal immigration in the U.S is the policy that Google’s executives discussed the most.

CRLH • 5 years ago

Sad but true. Sorry, but globalization ain't gonna happen at least to America. They have had success in the EU, Venezuela, etc. BUT we real Americans ain't that stupid and will keep our Republic because we who are real Americans will keep it and defy anyone to think we will give in. NOT!

Patriotliz • 5 years ago

As long as stupid people and illegals stop voting for Democrats and we maintain our 2nd amendment right to own guns...we have a chance to save America from the Globalist totalitarians.

NOamnestyEVER • 5 years ago


The Muslim Sheikhdom Qatar is a major sponsor of ISIS and global anti-American terrorism. How disturbing is it that Bill Clinton sucked in a bribe of ONE MILLION DOLLARS under the guise of a birthday gift? There is NO one the Clintons will not sell us out to and have already!


"Even though it has gone virtually unreported by corporate media, Breitbart News has extensively documented the Clintons’ longstanding support for “open borders.” Interestingly, as he Los Angeles Times observed in 2007, the Clinton’s praise for globalization and open borders frequently comes when they are speaking before a wealthy foreign audiences and donors."
Clinton Cash investigates how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with $2 billion in donations to their foundation, wealth accumulated during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as Sec. of State through lucrative speaking fees and contracts paid for by foreign companies and Clinton Foundation donors.
"The Clintons used this as a way to launder foreign donations (which would be illegal if they were campaign donations) to finance her campaign in absentia."

vladdy1 • 5 years ago

and now we have to watch the obama's doing the same thing. It's all pay-for-play, and we all know that, yet there is nothing we can do about it. Just seeing how difficult it is for elected leaders, rather than the DS, to be in power in D.C., lets us know that the real message they are sending us: Vote your little hearts out -- we don't care. That has nothing to do with who holds the power.

NOamnestyEVER • 5 years ago



"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration." PATRICIA McCARTHY

One of the most disgusting things to come out of the Obama administration was "Operation Fast and Furious," where members of the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) allowed illegal gun sales to go through – commonly referred to as "gun walking" – in order to track buyers and sellers they believed were connected to the Mexican drug cartels. Nearly 2,000 firearms were sold and were eventually found throughout the United States and Mexico. Two of them were used to kill Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. BETH BAUMANN

Alecto • 5 years ago

What concerns many of us in the interior is that these prophylactic measures, like walls, use of military, etc..., are ultimately just pretexts for mass amnesties. If wall construction is so contentious that its very existence depends upon "compromise" by Trump or Republicans, give leftists an ultimatum: bricks or bullets, take your pick. Amnesties, citizenship, legal status are NOT on the plate.

Successive failures regarding faux "border security" (what is that, anyway?) have served only as the basis for more immigration, more crime, more poverty, more division, more loss of liberty and assured economic collapse. I don't even trust Trump on this issue. I trust no one. Go ahead: make my day. Build the wall. then, shoot anyone who attempts to gain entry to this country illegally - and truly, I don't care one whit about Guatemalan, Honduran, Mexican, El Salvadoran or any other's country's "children". Do they cry over the 700 thousand dead Americans killed by drug cartels and Chinese fentanyl? All out of compassion here, especially the false kind.

From the bottom of my bottomless heart: F your children!

CRLH • 5 years ago

Yes, time has come to send all at the border back on buses or train NOW. Any more coming use real ammo to stop them and I still like the idea of placing mines all along the hundreds of miles as a super way to stop them. Scare the hell out of them and let them take their dead back to where. Countries involved: El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Nigeria, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Grenada, Guyana, Japan, Germany, Poland, Italy, Korea and Haiti. Just a few countries sending us illegals. Sorry, but I no compassion nor sympathy as our Founding Fathers fought and died for this Republic and we will never, ever give it up! Nov more allowing EVEN ONE to cross our border, adult or children as I thought we had already stopped them coming over. Well, stop it now and send back on the same buses or trains of all those "stocked and cared for by us" as no need to keep them here but shipped back to wherever. Many came in as MS13 and others murdering groups. Enough already! Frankly if they don't do this, then we have to be armed and go over those hundreds of miles and teach invaders a very strong message. This is OUR country and not the democrats nor republicans, but ours!


This is a world wide trend as folks in the Third World have recognised an ally who will aid and abet their illegal entry into the country ; this probably comes from pathological altruism and pious moral preening from the elitist MSM increasingly out of touch with mainstream America who are internationally minded and contemptuous of ''narrow provincialism''

Here in the UK the Government has called a ''crisis'' the increasing attempts of migrants to cross the English Channel in inflatables to ''claim asylum'' ..instead of making an example of them by returning them instantly back to the continent , they are given refugee status and allowed to stay ..our Border Patrol and Customs are being hamstrung by Civil Rights Laws and the Nanny State

NOamnestyEVER • 5 years ago


The Democrat Party’s secret agenda for wider open borders, more welfare for invading illegals, more jobs and free anything they illegally vote for…. All to destroy the two-party system and build the GLOBALISTS’ DEMOCRAT PARTY FOR WIDER OPEN BORDERS TO KEEP WAGES DEPRESSED.


Demonstrably and irrefutably the Democrat Party became the party whose principle objective is to thoroughly transform the nature of the American electorate by means of open borders and the mass, unchecked importation of illiterate third world peasants who will vote in overwhelming numbers for Democrats and their La Raza welfare state. FRONTPAGE MAG

CRLH • 5 years ago

Don't forget the RINOS and GOPe who are part of the 2 parties in one. Maybe 5% of our Congress are real Americans and the rest need to be removed even we have to go there will armed and kick their behinds out of Congress. No more Congress members in DC to fornicate but each to work out of his/her own state and work by real time live videos, and we keep copies so we know what is going on. No need to be DC and think they are our bosses, when they sure in hell are not! We hired them and we will fire them.

rdesilva • 5 years ago

This is 21st Century Democrat Democracy at work. If locals won't vote for you, import uneducated, impoverished illegals from Third World countries who will. We must recognize we are being repkaced. And that we will be forced to pay for our replacements through ever increasing taxes.

For those who think we can vote for what we want and vote out the Democrats. Think again. Our votes are now useless:
In Florida, Brenda Snipes wouldn't give vote tallies because she was creating fraudulent Absentee votes Unused Absentee Ballots were discovered hundreds of miles away in an Orlando Airport Rental car.
California allows "Ballot Harvesting" - SEIU thugs can go to the homes of their members, "collect" their vote and return it to the precinct. Also in California, illegals get drivers licenses. Under new rules, you are automatically registered to vote when you get a driver's license or extension. Also California prohibits election workers from checking ID of any potential voter. Democrats had won only 27 congressional seats on election night. But after all the counting, recounting of provisional votes, analyzing the "intent" of the voter whose absentee ballot signature doesn't match the signature on file, and harvesting of votes; they ended up with 40 congressional seats.
In Chicago, a college freshman David Krupa, tried to run as an Alderman. He needed 473 valid signatures, and filed 1729 to get on the ballot. But Democrats filed 2,796 petitions of revocation. Fortunately, Krupa's attorneys challenged this and they discovered only 187 revocations matched the original signatures!!*
In Arizona, Martha McSally won. But after counting and recounting absentee ballots and provisional ballots, Democrat Sinema won.
Note that each and every time, the Democrat wins on the recount.


CRLH • 5 years ago

The DNC wants more votes. Strange also is that twice they wanted a wall at the border. These children were already sick and too far gone to be helped here. Why are we holding children and adults at all when they can all be put on buses or better yet the train and shipped back over the Mexican Border. Personally I do not want my tax money wasted on illegals from many countries and bringing their many diseases here and they are many! We owe them nothing so no need to take care of them here, no courts, no judges, etc. They are not our citizens and hence do not need any of our legal stuff at all. Why are we treating them like they were legal Americans is beyond me. My empathy and sympathy is for us. Clean up the mess we have left, get them ALL sent back to Mexico, and then keep ICE and others going after all the rest including DACA, dreamers, chain families (why should be allow mother or father and kids here as they all know they are illegals and bragging about it, and no anchor babies either as that, too, is illegal. If our ICE and Border Police need help, just let us know and we are there to help and we are well armed as well. A person suggested some weeks ago placing mines thru out the many hundred of miles so one or two stepping on those will undoubtedly send the others back to wherever. AND we will not provide to help them move back to their country. Yes, our President needs to stop sending my money to any country whether Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, etc. We need that money for us and our infrastructure, and yes, no welfare but only to the seriously disabled (proven of course) and some time for preconditions, and then the others will have to work or starve. When I was growing up no such thing as welfare, EBT, WIC (mostly used by illegals), etc. We need OUR TAX money for us and our country. Let the DNC sink itself every damn day thinking their communist desire is not winning!

Mach1Duck • 5 years ago

Solution: Vote!

CRLH • 5 years ago

Mach, solution is being armed and ready to remove the detritus attempting to take over our American Republic. Votes have been "lost", "replaced", "found" so we are beyond counting on voting but we sure in hell can count on bullets/mines/explosives, etc. We are AT WAR and war means we get our rearends in gear and take care of our enemies here or attempting to come here.

Jim Smith • 5 years ago

When the left gets as much control and the numbers to be perpetually in charge, You'll see how little they care about the hallowed poor and persecuted. They will be thrown under the bus. Just like the gov't of Honduras, Guatemala,
Mexico, and other third world countries.

They will care like the Castros did, like Danny Ortega did, like Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro did/do.

notme123 • 5 years ago

Maybe instead of calling it a wall, we should call it a protective barrier, since these open borders idiots play with words.

PopSeal • 5 years ago

The seed bed for the current crop of anti-American sentiments is the college classroom. Revisionist clap trap goes unchallenged as young minds are poisoned agains their parents and the country they sacrificed to build.
It should not be too long before a lot of people in our country realize the treachery driving many in D.C. The traitorous left and it accompanying RINO accomplices will have Hell to pay one day.
Torches, pitch forks and a traveling guillotine can't be far away.

One Man • 5 years ago

The international communist movement is alive an well. Why use RT?

hal • 5 years ago

Sputnik News is a Russian propaganda operation and so is RT. Why would Frontpage use their reporting? It calls into question who is running Frontpage.

S. Yoder • 5 years ago

The reprieve we have with President Trump will continue because of a major event soon coming. All these deep state characters including Hillary and Obama are being set up for prison very soon. Over 70,000 sealed indictments across the U.S. will net over 60,000 leaders, some of them elected leaders in Congress. Martial law will temporarily be declared by the Military Intelligence because of the potential for protests all over the U.S. Special elections will be held for all the open seats in Congress as a result. I expect this could happen as early as tomorrow, Wed., Jan. 2. These indictments for treason, widespread voter fraud, and pedophilia will shake the American conscience to our core. These indictments will be followed by military and civil trials and imprisonment at Gitmo and in some U.S. prisons. You have now been warned, Hillary's indictment will start the real civil war in the U.S.! Globalist's world government will have to wait for a few more years!

onlytruthworks • 5 years ago

Voter fraud is the real issue that us real Americans have to solve. The Marxocrats will never take a chance on a honest or fair election. Your a fool if you believe that the only seats these totalitarians won was by fraud in some form.

JD • 5 years ago

Socialism is corrupt from the start. So why would any american accept this form of government. Its origin is from HELL !!!!!

Guest • 5 years ago
CRLH • 5 years ago

Marc, just so you know the DNC published its 1963 Communist Manifesto to take over America and that ain't socialism. I have lived/worked under socialism and my spouse under both and finally was able to escape communism. Wake up the progressives are communist and along with globalists/uber rich want communism and they at the top and we at the bottom starving or being murdered. Amazes me how many, especially in Silicon Valley, become billionaires and then want communism and too ignorant/stupid to think they would survive or be allowed to survive under the One World Government. They won't last long.

Patriotliz • 5 years ago

The Uber rich Leftists obtained their wealth via Capitalism...then....guilt sets in...then... it's "Capitalism for me but not for thee." It's easy for a multi-millionaire/billionaire to be a Communist now that they have their millions and they personally won't feel the pain. They think they are so smart that they can force the middle class to spread ITS wealth around so they can't climb the ladder to financial independence and that's fair because all people (except the elite) will be equal. Make all countries poor...but controlled by the Uber wealthy. Think "Panem" from the Hunger Games...even that is the product of real life Leftist uber rich but they can't even smell their own stench of fictionalized evil. Inside every Leftist is a totalitarian screaming to get out .

MLCBLOG • 5 years ago

Actually CAPITALISM is a word coined by none other than Karl Marx. It is a free enterprise, individual effort type of system where we get our rewards of freedom, peace, creativity.

vladdy1 • 5 years ago

The billionaires among them WILL survive -- the elites never follow the same rules they set up for the little people. If globalism arrives, whether communism, islam, or a combination of the two is used to keep the masses under control, those tech giant billionaires will be making the rules, not following them. Much congratulations and heartfelt empathy for the escape of you and your spouse!

MLCBLOG • 5 years ago

There are principles which can be followed by anyone which bring wealth and riches. They are upright. However, many corrupt them. So some money is cleanly made. Nothing wrong with being rich.

James Keir Baughman • 5 years ago

Exactly! Perfectly said!