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Machobunny • 5 years ago

This is likely due to some kind of huge endowment provided by some terrorist group. Universities are FAR worse than the filthiest, unbathed prostitutes on the street. They will do anything for anybody who gives them money, and they carry and spread social diseases to everyone willing to pay for their disgusting educational experiences.

Ginger Li • 5 years ago

The Saudis for example have bought much influence in American Universities for the propagation of Islam.

evangeline golding • 5 years ago

And in the uk.

Owen_Morgan • 5 years ago

Exeter, Oxford and UCL, at least, to my knowledge.

evangeline golding • 5 years ago

LSE, South Bank, the list goes on. exeter is one of the worst in the country.

Tina Trent • 5 years ago

Boudin never expressed actual remorse. She ran a radical anti-incarceration project at the school.

According to Dave Garrow's Obama biography, Obama, Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Michelle Obama and Khalidi and his wife lived in each other's pockets, sharing dinner several times a week for eight years. Then Obama lied about the relationship, and Ayers and Dohrn lied as well, as did Khalidi.

All six ought to be dragged before a congressional committee to investigate Obama's lies about his involvement with known terrorists and cop killers.

justthefactsmam • 5 years ago

Columbia University now represents the finest in Lower education. The Higher education at Columbia evidently went away years ago being replaced by the inferior one that they now offer. Degrees from Columbia and other Ivy League schools are now not even worth the cost of toilet paper, let alone the enormous amount they charge for people to go there and become nothing more than indoctrinated automatons for the Communists.

Ed C • 5 years ago

Total agreement. However toilet paper is more valuable.

Hard Little Machine • 5 years ago

I have asked the Jewish Theological Society (JTS) to at least speak up or speak out. Why? JTS and Columbia have a shared degree program. Get into JTS' List school and when you graduate you get a Columbia degree. Lower admission standards, easier courses and a solid gold sheepskin. But since JTS is Conservative Judaism they won't object to what goes on in Columbia. They probably work behind the scenes to support it. From the President of Iran to the endless antisemitc attacks to the endorsement of this PLO/Hamas program and speeches by Sarsour and worse, the the JTS has made its real mission clear. The only thing left is to make this well known. I expect it from Hebrew Union and the Reform/secular/Reconstructionist/Buddhist/LGBTQ branches of Judaism but it's a surprise to many that Conservative is no different.

justthefactsmam • 5 years ago

I appreciate your response and the information you provided. I am not too knowledgeable of JTS or this program through Columbia, so finding out about it is interesting.

Ginger Li • 5 years ago

They boast of the prestige such an Ivy League degree confers - and with some credibility. People with the smarts to view such degrees with skepticism are growing fewer. They were replaced by Ivy Leaguers who have no such doubts. Many businesses openly court the gay agenda - an in your face assault on majority values. And they are budging those values. And where they've gained a controlling grip, their fascism is used to protect their own. Take the Catholic Church for example.

NOamnestyEVER • 5 years ago

Anti-Semitic, open borders for cheaper labor and funded by criminal banksters… and these pols are making vast fortunes sucking the blood of America!


We must not let them cheat their way to power over the rest of us. Their ongoing vote fraud must be stopped and the Democrats need to take a look at themselves and at what they have become. It's not a pretty picture. What they have become threatens to destroy the greatest nation on the planet and they are doing it on purpose. They have nothing but contempt for the US as founded and for those of us who love this country. PATRICIA McCARTHY – AMERICAN THINKER

“Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate. His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret. Obama was open about his goals. He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world.” ALAN BERGSTEIN


“There is a deep racist and anti-Semitic disease in the leadership of the Democrats. As Senator Cory Booker brings his hatred for the Jewish State to the Senate, he should be asked whether he agrees with his hero, “The only good Zionist is a dead Zionist we must take a lesson from Hitler”. DANIEL GREENFIELD

hanekhw • 5 years ago

I'll date myself and say I worked at Columbia for a year or so and remember fondly my time spent there at Lowe Library. Between the School of Journalism and this latest travesty I see them as much more radicalized than even during the 60s anti-war movement. Not a place I would call a 'seat of learning', indeed more like a place of 'unabashed deliberate ignorance'. The perfect wall against progress.

Chief Mac • 5 years ago

By all means let's end the illegal occupations. Send the Islamofascists back to Arabia and not let them out

Steve Burstein • 5 years ago

You'd think that the obvious differences between the Ideology of Palestinians and Israelis would make it clear whose side Westerners should lean toward!(For readers in the UK: Maureen Lipman would say "They didn't get an 'Ology!")

Moh de Profit • 5 years ago

Yes but so many leading politicians and media stars are anti-Semitic that people see only one view, the west is being invaded by people who openly hate Jews encouraged to invade by the German led EU. That makes me a conspiracy theorist, take a look at Wikipedia’s definition of anyone right wing and that’s what you find them defined as.

Hard Little Machine • 5 years ago

As opposed to everything else Columbia, the most antisemitic university in America does and stands for?

KP • 5 years ago

Same globalist divide and conquer based on lies, first the Middle East and Africa, now the West.

Owen_Morgan • 5 years ago

It’s true: muslims don’t commit acts of terrorism. They don’t murder, rape, or even commit suicide, either, because sharia forbids all of those things. Consequently, the muslim who straps a bomb to himself, to massacre people in Baghdad, is supposedly innocent of murder, terrorism, or suicide, because sharia doesn’t define those things the way civilised people define them.

Innocent people end up just as dead and raped girls in Yorkshire are no less raped, because sharia says they deserved it, but I suppose that’s islam for you.

Guest • 5 years ago
Edward • 5 years ago

They'll learn how to assassinate US Presidential hopefuls (RFK), hijack planes, attack the Olympics as in 1972, celebrate terrorist attacks on the US (9/11) by giving out sweets, execute gays, execute opponents and drag their bodies behind motorcycles in Gaza, execute journalists who don't play along, bomb passenger planes like Pan Am 103, stone girls to death over "family honor", Columbia Film School for video editing of ISIS beheading videos, ...

Islamofascism makes checkpoints and border walls necessary.