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Uwungelema • 5 years ago

The #WalkAway movement has become a runaway train. Only the certifiable lunatics will remain in the Democrat Party. And at that point, the Party will die a quick and painful death. Good riddance.

allangen • 5 years ago

The left peddles hatred and lies about it. They are brazen about getting in the faces of and trying to destroy the reputations and careers of enemies because no one has shown them sufficient push back to either get their attention or alter their behavior.They have even stepped over an important line and spew anger and hostility toward Trump supporters with such vehemence that only a fool would pretend that violence will not surely follow in the wake of this madness.

We deplorables are on our own. While there are a handful genuine Trump loyalists in congress there are as many or more establishment types who offer only fainthearted support for the president. The party doesn't have the courage or the honesty to stand up to a left that is leaning toward violence each and every day.

Threatening and bullying people on the streets and in restaurants is criminal behavior. Inciting people to violence is criminal behavior. If legal authorities will not enforce the law to protect innocent citizens from criminality and violence the public will take matters into their own hands. That's what the left and their globalist allies, none of them friends of representative government, seem to want.

cxt • 5 years ago

Well said.

Edward • 5 years ago

Maxine Waters should be a contestant on Jeopardy to prove that she is intelligent.

Do the people of her district want someone who is intelligent or just a dumb loud mouth?.

QuitBS • 5 years ago

They want a hater of White people. They want a congresskank that blames Whitey for an entire Race's failure. And they want free stuff!

What do we want? Free Stuff!
Who is gonna pay? Whitey!

d8IOvOl8b • 5 years ago

Jeopardy! requires you to PASSaTEST.
Her district wants somebody they are comfortable squatting next2 whileTAKINGaDUMP on the SIDEwalk.

Chief Mac • 5 years ago

Remember she doesn't live in 'her' district. She resides in a multi-million dollar gated community.

The only thing her voters want is government handouts and she delivers them by the truck load

Guest • 5 years ago
Skydive5 • 5 years ago

I guess Maxine Waters is unaware that the primary reason her Democrat Party came into existence in 1828 was to protect slavery. The Republican Party came into existence much later. Lincoln was the first Republican President, elected in 1860. In 1860 not a single Republican owned a slave. My source: The Big Lie, a book written by Denish D'Sousa.

List of POTUS's and political parties:

Some say that Anthony Johnson was the first slave owner in the British Colonies of America:

Steve • 5 years ago

Maxine Waters is so stupid she's unaware of which direction the sun set in. She thought Putin invaded Korea.

Skydive5 • 5 years ago

On the days of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. In July it is rising in the northeast and setting in the northwest. That is because the earth axis is tilted 23.5 degrees. In Winter, the sun rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest. If the earth were not tilted the sun would always rise exactly in the east and set exactly in the west.
Maxine Waters "...does not know where the center of the earth is." [a line from the movie "Little Big Man." And Maxine will fight to her death to keep her constituencies as ignorant as she is. She will never know that her Democrats lost the Civil War. No thanks to Lincoln and his Republicans.

Steve • 5 years ago

Of course. Where would she or the Democratic Party be if they walked off the plantation?

Skydive5 • 5 years ago

She would have to get a job?

Augen • 5 years ago

I hope we find out. . .

Skydive5 • 5 years ago

Trump's meeting with Putin--Could annexing N. Korea be by Russia be plan B or not to be B.

Brenley Forrester • 5 years ago

Maxine:I'll take Korea for three hundred, Alex.

Alex:That's Crimea, Maxine!

Maxine: Oh, who is Timothy Geithner's CEO?

JDinSTL • 5 years ago


This is from a fake account, but the beauty of it is that it feels so real.

Steve • 5 years ago
Jim Samaras • 5 years ago

They want them in their own image so that answers that

Brenley Forrester • 5 years ago

Maxine's wig is very important. It helps shield all 60 of her IQ points from the sun's harmful UV rays.

Hard Little Machine • 5 years ago

Buzz her with annoying drones. Small ones, like irritating hornets.

junkyard_infidel • 5 years ago

How is it that flies don't hover around and land her lying purple lips like they do with brokeback barry?

Augen • 5 years ago

She's demented. . .not Evil. (Yet.)

Kit_Jefferson • 5 years ago

When all is said and done the only conclusion I can reach for Waters behavior is that she is running scared. The only question is what does she have this great fear about. At this moment the main deduction is that she is near to soiling herself because she's afraid that she is the one who will be exposed as a corrupt public official who has used her office for her own beneficial gain - else why does she live in a four million dollar mansion - with a wall around it.

308btsp • 5 years ago

Because she has a ton of skeletons in her closed from all the illegal acts she committed to enrich herself and family, she is almost a crooked as hillary and pelosi.

The "Sane" Silence Dogood • 5 years ago

She's afraid of the #WalkAway movement as well as those like Candace Owens and Kanye West who are waking and leaving them. They are more afraid of losing their power than anything else and country be damned for it.

Augen • 5 years ago

Do you suppose that if they lose their power the Democritters might be PROSECUTED? THEY do.

Hard Little Machine • 5 years ago

They are easy to prod into even more hysterical frenzied nonsense

Jerry G • 5 years ago

What is so disturbing about this article is that the Trump animus is understandable in nearly all all of the groups mentioned but why should Jewish organizations ally themselves with so many anti-Semites in the other groups?

Augen • 5 years ago

I've never understood why this is.

QuitBS • 5 years ago

Maxine Waters? Really? Who would listen to this ranting failure of a congresskank?

ClydeX • 5 years ago

Hey Auntie Maxine, I suspect that Adolf instructed the Hitler Youth to harass Jews too. You are in good company if your goal is to be a homicidal maniac responsible for the deaths of innocent people minding there own business.

Hank Rearden • 5 years ago

The hate and violence of liberals is coming out. Nothing enrages a liberal more than having their trough taken away. Look at Maxine for instance.

A piece of advice to liberals. Don't even think about trying to make the public space unsafe for Trumpers. We Deplorables are going to step in, and you have no idea who you're dealing with.

Guest • 5 years ago
Augen • 5 years ago

They are just now letting us in on it.

James Keir Baughman • 5 years ago

Rabbi Spero, thank you as a Jewish American who has finally spoken out loudly, by name, against the majority of Jews who remain Communist or Communist voting and therefore anti-American and supremely dangerous to America. Our Media and our Hollywood are overrun with them, and the damage they do to America is severe. It always feels good, as most do, to remain silent amid the horrible misdeeds of "our own" people. But, it seems to me, to survive this Communist Jewish assault, the rest of us must grow stronger and closer together as Dedicated Americans. Jennifer Rubin is a classic example in leading the lies and false, manufactured, attacks against President Trump's EPA Cabinet Secretary Scott Pruitt.

Augen • 5 years ago

The group of which you speak are the Secular, unobservant Jews: In name only.
Orthodox and observing Jews are not toxic like this.

ahad_ha_amoratsim • 5 years ago

I doubt very much that the majority of secular, unobservant Jews in the US are now or ever have been Communist or Communist voting, or anti-American. Any Birchist creep who expects me to apologize for other American Jews, or to come crawling and plead "Please, sir, I am not like those other Jews; I am Orthodox, politically conservative, and a true American like you are", is going to have to wait a very long time. Rabbi Spero has not and I do not intend to either. My only response to them is the same as Jabotinsky's -- they can simply go to h-ll.

Don't forget Rabbi, the Communist ideology underscores the entire Leftist movement. The hapless dupes marching along following with tongues wagging and signs that scream stupidity are those in need of a good education in restraint and living in a Communist country for a year. But that will never happen because they find their voices here due to the feckless Representatives unable to make a strong case for the greatness of American freedom and replacing it with government largesse. Usually because these same RepNitwits want big government control and they need Power to propel their Big Egos into the spotlight every day. They are the new muckraking scum on America and the newest Leftist immigrants are the carpetbaggers on America's giving heart as they want to tell generations of Americam patriots where to "get off". Except for certain needs of the job market and true refugees, immigration should be halted for 10 years as in the past. Incorporate the immigrants we already have and then 10 years down the road revisit the issue !!

moallem1 • 5 years ago

This woman has a big mouth and should be locked up. She is a lunatic !

NITZAKHON • 5 years ago

Rabbi - Shabbat shalom!

I look at my fellow American Jews and their philia for Islamic immigration and scream!

NOamnestyEVER • 5 years ago

......... but this foul woman never opened her FAT MOUTH on the crimes of HILLARY, BILLARY and the OBOMBS!

NOamnestyEVER • 5 years ago


“It will more likely come on the heels of economic dislocation and dwindling wealth to redistribute.”


"The kind of people needed for violent change these days are living in off-the-grid rural compounds, or the “gangster paradise” where the businesses of drugs, guns, and prostitution are much more lucrative than “transforming” America along Cuban lines." BRUCE THORNTON

There can be no resolution to any social problem confronting the population in the United States and internationally outside of a frontal assault on the wealth of the financial elite.
The political system is controlled by this social layer, which uses a portion of its economic plunder to bribe politicians and government officials, whether Democratic or Republican.