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johnlac • 6 years ago

I was highly amused at the naivete of people who expected Cuba to flower economically into Miami South after Obama okayed the big trade deal with the lifting of most of the embargo.
Sending more goods to Cuba and expecting the average Cuban to benefit was like giving the Mafia all your hard-earned savings and expecting them to make good investments for your benefit.
The same Marxist clowns/crooks are still running the country. They have no interest in the average Cuban becoming independent of the party. If the average Cuban doesn't need the Party to live their lives, what good is the Party for?
The commies running Cuba will keep their jackboots on the throats of average Cubans until the people reject the Party. Hopefully, that time is coming soon.

Hard Little Machine • 6 years ago

As long as they don't wash up here, who cares?

AlgorithmicAnalyst • 6 years ago

Thanks, love your articles :)

I think the character Red Beard appears in the early part (NY scenes) of the movie Topaz?

ben t • 6 years ago

U.S. dollars from U.S.citizens support the murderous narcotic industry. U.S. dollars from U.S. citizen tourists support the murderous stalinist cuban gov't. There is a politically incorrect way to deal with these 2 problems.