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Dan Knight • 4 years ago

Dear Britain,

You're done. ... Put a fork in it.

... If you Brits cannot stop cultural suicide now,

the only things left are to do

... are burn everything to the ground

... and die.

Now I know we're close behind you, but even droolers in Portland, Oregon have noticed that the Governor of Oregon is treating them like they're Whiteys ...

... waking up a lot of drones in the People's Republic of Portland ...

Sam Topeka • 4 years ago

Katie wrote a very fine article. I wonder if the British will issue a warrant for her arrest for the hate crime of Islamophobia?

L.J. • 4 years ago

When I first moved to London I knew it was a 'world' city for various reasons- but it took me a while to appreciate just how non-English this English city identifies as. It doesn't mean the Scots, Welsh and Ulstermen dominate this city. That would still be considered a British city- which for some Burroughs it no longer is. But it is the 'ye olde English' industry captains that preserve the tourist landmarks that keep up the facade.

Rocío Matamoros • 4 years ago

Ye Olde Dar al-Harb

CharlieSeattle • 4 years ago

Is Westminster Abbey a mosque yet!

L.J. • 4 years ago

Not a laugh. Burial place of many kings, queens, aristocracy and the giants of culture Westminster Abbey will one day stop ringing it's bells during Ramadan(out of 'solidarity') or allow Mslm services inside it's sacred walls yet. It will be the same for St. Paul's I fear, that very femininist-inspired, Progressive institution that 'fears' for every 'stranger without' with the utmost sincerity. Grief- the need for a traditional, discriminating masculine Church that can defend it's nation's spiritual life has never been greater.

CharlieSeattle • 4 years ago

There is no such thing as Islamophobia.

It's not islamophobia when they really do want to assault, rape or kill you. The threats posed by Islam and its adherents are quite real.

Phobias are irrational. Nothing irrational about fearing an ideology that seeks to destroy the civilization that your ancestors have been building for 3000 years.

Sam Topeka • 4 years ago

Well stated.

Mike • 4 years ago

It's a very rational fear, indeed.

Strzygon • 4 years ago

If she had published this in the UK she would have had her door kicked down by the "hate-speech" police.

Mike • 4 years ago

It might still happen.

The First Amendment seems to be outlasting other similar provisions elsewhere, thankfully.

Because let's be honest: it doesn't matter just to the U.S. It's the backstop for the rest of us, too.

Archibald_Bomwitz • 4 years ago

What use is it to import people who can neither read nor write and have no skills that are needed in an industrialized country like the UK?

Dan Knight • 4 years ago

To commit the violence the Left needs to sow dissension ...

... and of course anyone who resists the violence

... will be labeled a racist and a bigot

... and that virtually guarantees anyone with enough brain cells to see the violence, and enough of a conscience to say anything

... will be unemployed

So - rah, rah for hate and violence by stupid, ignorant assets of the Left

Oh, and it has the added benefit of destroying innocent people

... which is a turn-on for Leftists.

SteveFinSC • 4 years ago

They will vote for Liberals/Progressives once they gain citizenship (real or faked). That's their utility to the Left. You have to remember, almost all government bureaucrats/employees are Liberals even when a Conservative government was elected. As we're finding out here in the US, this Deep State acts on its own without oversight from voters. It seeks to implement Liberal policies at all times without or without the consent of the voters. And, as they are not elected, they cannot be voted out.

L.J. • 4 years ago

Actually, you'd better not hope ALL government employees are Leftists. It really would, then, be a juggernaut of destruction. Reduce the government, yes, and balance the numbers left with conservatives.

CharlieSeattle • 4 years ago

We elected ...JUST one man Trump.

The leftist cabal entrenched in the DOJ/NSA/CIA/FBI/IRS is ....STILL mostly untouched.

Trump naively left them in place.

Fritz • 4 years ago

It's not much of an industrialized country anymore, militant Marxist trade unions, and incompetent corporate management (often upper class twits), as well as idiot politicians brought that to an end years ago. I still can't figure out why the pound is worth anything, it's not like they produce much anymore.

CharlieSeattle • 4 years ago

$$$$$$$$$.....used as cheap labor everywhere in the EU and US!

SFTOBEY • 4 years ago

THIS is the plan:

The so-called "refugee" invasion and the continued toleration of the INVASION of aliens (legal and illegal) - particularly from Third World countries - constitute the "shock troops" of the globalist, oligarch "New World Ordure" cabal. The plan: destroy whatever hegemony the nations of the West still retain. Destroy - with their “diversity” - their ability to be self-governing. Destroy their sovereignty. Cause as much strife, economic hardship, crime, mayhem and murder as possible. The brainwashed zombies of the Left are just the current "useful idiots" helping this to occur.

When the situation gets bad enough the sheeple of the once-free nations of the West will beg their so-called "leaders" to "do something". Then the NWO cabal will come out with their "solution": WORLD GOVERNMENT. (Translated: enslavement of all who are not part of their cabal or the government drones that do their dirty work.)

“The Decline and Fall of American Nationhood”

"Refugee Crisis: Using Chaos to build Power"

"UN-'Together': Propaganda Bid Seeks to Flood West With Migrants"

"New UN Chief to Europe: Ignore Voters. Open the Borders"

"EU Insider: US Must Take More Refugees - Get Rid of Sovereignty"

"Hungarian PM: Mass Migration A Plot To Destroy Christian West"

Global Free Movement: UN Chief Calls Migration a ‘Right’ in a ‘World on the Move’

“New United Nations Boss Unveils Plan to Promote Global Mass Migration”



Our country is being run by spineless, decadent twerps , but the opposition parties are even worse

This all began 30 yrs ago with the collapse of the Soviet Union when we let our guard down, gave into pacifism and hedonism and then lost the national will to defend our borders ; we have not gotten to the stage where we cannot even stop illegal migrants from gate crashing our borders during a pandemic ; if the S U still existed they could simply invade and occupy us within a matter of weeks ; the fact is that we have a government of spineless Quisling appeasers and the social and political empowerment of women has merely accelerated the decline

PS/ I find that Mark Steyn's twice weekly podcasts provide the best analysis of these unfolding events and he is surely one of the best political minds we conservatives have

Gulag Inmate #5575 • 4 years ago

It's well past time to take Rights away from women.


It ain't gunna happen. It is one of the main causes of the decline of Western society.
The young women in the US are vile, rude, demanding creatures who are the vipers who want to destroy America. They LOVE the international gangster, Hillary Clinton.


The only women with any sense are conservatives , but the further left they go then the more deranged they become ; there's a part of the female mind that will never be older than 13

Jeff Bargholz • 4 years ago

Most of them are emotional children.

stemwinder • 4 years ago

And if you've been married to such a woman, you probably would have received a lifetime's worth of empirical evidence. Of course, there are a great many contemptible female conservatives, too. It is the height of naivete to believe that the adoption of a Rightist political worldview has some sort of magical effect on one's personality.


Conservatism helps restrain the irrational and destructive tendencies , but it doesn't necessarily cure them ; there's a part of the female mind never older than 13 and its such a struggle for them to overcome

mollysdad • 4 years ago

Clinton's new novel: To Kill a Mockingbird And Make It Look Like an Accident.

L.J. • 4 years ago

No, just Feminist women. True conservative women are what help keep all the right things together- the bedrocks of a stable society.

stemwinder • 4 years ago

Not always. I wouldn't exactly characterize Sarah Palin as possessed of either stability or intelligence.

stemwinder • 4 years ago

H.G. Wells, I think, anticipated all this in his time.

Edward • 4 years ago

The Morlocks are the descendants of the barbaric, Islamofascist friendly LaBOOR Party.


Youtube/ The Eloi damn them... 3 mins view

Chief Mac • 4 years ago

There are 56 Islamofascist regimes which have colonized over 25% of the world yet have accepted exactly ZERO refugees. They need to accept every single one of their fellow terrorists

CharlieSeattle • 4 years ago


If Saudi Arabia won’t take in Syrian refugees, why should the United States?

infowars. com/saudi-arabia-refuses-to-take-even-a-single-syrian-refugee/

In recent weeks, we have heard a whole lot from Barack Obama about our “moral obligation” to take in refugees from Syria.

Well, if there is a “moral obligation” to help these refugees, then why aren’t more wealthy Islamic nations stepping up to the plate? According to Amnesty International, since the beginning of the Syrian civil war Saudi Arabia has not accepted a single Syrian refugee. Neither has Kuwait. Neither has Qatar. Neither has the United Arab Emirates. These nations are absolutely swimming in money, and yet they have slammed the door on these desperately needy Islamic refugees.

But instead, they want all of the rest of us to deal with the refugee crisis that they have played a large role in creating.

No, Arab Gulf Countries Are Not Taking in Refugees

huffingtonpost. com/chaker-khazaal/no-arab-gulf-countries-ar_b_8280448. html

According to a 2014 report entitled “Left Out In The Cold“ by human rights organization Amnesty International, the GCC had not officially resettled a single Syrian refugee since the crisis began in 2011.

amnesty. org.nz/sites/default/files/.... pdf

Edward • 4 years ago

The population of the UK is about 66 million.

The Muslim population of the UK is about 2.6 million.

How can 2.6 million overwhelm 63 million?

Are the UK elites going to imprison 63 or 31.5 million who don't want to submit to Islam?

Wake Up people before it's too late.

OTOH it may already too late to avoid a Civil War in the UK.

ricpic • 4 years ago

The great bulk of the British people are unrepresented. They are without a voice. That's how.

CharlieSeattle • 4 years ago

Ya, patriotic Brits v treasonous Brits battle, while the muslims watch and laugh!

stemwinder • 4 years ago

How can 2.6 million overwhelm 63 million? Put another way, how can a gang of 50 members terrorize an urban neighborhood of 5,000? In each case, the relatively small minority succeeds with violence, threats of violence, political pressure from sympathizers and weaponry. Fear of death is a powerful motivator for the loss of will to resist.

Edward • 4 years ago

Very simple. "Send" the toughest of the gang of 50 to meet their maker, Satan, in HELL. The remainder of the gang of 50 will get the message.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke

aussiegooner • 4 years ago

Yes but they won't accept anyone unless western leaders have the spine to insist they do so. And I can't remember a bunch of western leaders more spineless than we have now, with the possible exception of Trump.

Fullbladder • 4 years ago

"As usual, a female is somewhere in this mix, pimping these men into our countries" Boy is that the truth! The Left knows just where to go to get an inexhaustible source of Usefull Idiots.

JPM • 4 years ago

Why are the ones with the hyphenated last names the dumbest of the dumb? Feminism to the Left is truly the gift that keeps on giving.


AOC is EXACTLY the reason why women were not allowed to vote


There's some pretty impressive conservative women , but liberalism/leftism merely encourages the worst aspects and failures of the female mind and character

Gulag Inmate #5575 • 4 years ago

This is why we need to take women's Rights away.


most women , not all, should not be allowed to vote until they're 60

L.J. • 4 years ago

Now that's an interesting idea. Or at least until they have 3 children.

stemwinder • 4 years ago

There are lots of stupid, semi-literate moms -- and not just the ones with one or two children.

cuckdisliker • 4 years ago

Closed pubs

Open borders

JDinSTL • 4 years ago

The pictures above indicate why the UK is finished. You have to laugh to keep from crying. Patriots in the UK need to come to America. We'll make our stand here. And, you all are welcome. The Western World is far too important to meekly surrender.