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cxt • 6 years ago

Good read!

The plain fact is that China has been conducting a trade war against us--and everybody else for decades.

Manipulating their currency, theft of intellectual properties, etc. etc.

There really are only 2 choices

1-Lay back and take it like we have been doing.

2-Try to make them stop.

I vote "try and make them stop"

Attila_the_hun • 6 years ago

America has met its enemy and that is itself. Lenin said it right.
"The Capitalists Will Sell Us the Rope with Which We Will Hang Them"
Don't blame The Chinese, blame people like The Clintons. Is URANIUM ONE sounds familiar?

rouge1 • 6 years ago

Believe a lying commie you fool. Capitalism isn't the problem, crony capitalism controlled by our corrupt government is the problem.

Guy • 6 years ago

Just read a book about uranium one it is worse than you think turns
out Jeff sessions was involved. He sat in the committees that would have allowed the sale of 20% of our uranium.https://www.amazon.com/Comeys-Heroe... to interested in reading

Attila_the_hun • 6 years ago

He can't be the Senate had no role on the sale but he may know it and didn't do anything

AlgorithmicAnalyst • 6 years ago

USA citizen STEM students ought to be supported, rather than discriminated against, as currently.

LtColWashburn • 6 years ago

I think there should be a moratorium on STEM students from all Asian countries with whom we compete economically. Either that or charge them tuition fees that would make an oil sheikh blanch.

Mayor of Merritt Island • 6 years ago

Overdue "war!" America has been subsudizing China for decades, the Chinese have been playing us like barbaric fools as soon as they opened their borders. Of course, they were FORCED to open their trade routes after the failed "Boxer uprising." Their navy is funded by the trade deficit and they "own" over a trillion dollars in US debt! "Thank," our politicians every day, for thier idiotic passages of an Omnibus, Continuing resolution or any other gimmick, rather than an actual BUDGET!!! Get our fiscal house in order and AUDIT the Federal Reserve!!!

ohio granny • 6 years ago

The Chinese have and are stealing us blind. The CoC, democRATs and many republicans apparently have no problem with that as they refuse to do anything about it. Now that President Trump is trying they are screaming about a trade war. What do they think has been happening for years? Definitely not a level playing field. The question is why do those whose job is to protect and defend this country do the exact opposite? When will they be held accountable?

aj nitzberg • 6 years ago

of course trump is right on this one. my only issue with the thrust of this article is that it mentions only the Chinese.

japan, s. korea, france, etc have all been indulging in massive corporate spy-work to steal from the united states. the effort has been continuing on a large scale on since the 1970's. the soviets were largely interested in military tech for 1/2 a century before that.

to this day I will not buy anything Toshiba.

cranberry • 6 years ago

Let's not forget that many wealthy Chinese men send their pregnant second wives or mistresses to live in the Chino Hills area and other areas of So Cal so they can bear their children due to the one child law in China. These children also become American citizens. The problem with the Chinese is that they are unable to develop ideas on their own because they are taught to think like everyone else. They lack imagination and creativity. Money is everything since they have no scruples when it comes to putting plastic in baby formula or pet food in order to show a high nitrogen content, rather than nitrogen from real protein. They are not taught to have a conscience or compassion.

James Higginbotham • 6 years ago


Guest • 6 years ago
TheDeplorableX • 6 years ago

They are going through Africa like Grant took Richmond.

Guest • 6 years ago
Steve • 6 years ago

It is immoral for the USA to 'trade' with China. Why does no one(high up in gov't) dare say that China is a wicked nation, with terrible human rights violations, slave labor, and unscrupulous business practices, and that trading with them is aiding and building our most lethal enemy?

Do we sell our soul to the cheapest manufacturer?

I am ALL in favor of a HUGE trade war with China. Hire American. Buy American. Save America.

Guest • 6 years ago
Steve • 6 years ago

Your vitriol overshadows anything you have to say to me.

Joel Cairo • 6 years ago

The internet is a two edged sword. As we depend on it for communications we open the door to theft. Meanwhile, Chinese "immigrants" may well be used by the PRC government under treat of harm to relatives back in Asia. Very few Americans study Chinese cultural history. They have had a desire for world domination for centuries. They were thinking about it before they knew how large the world truly is, and have not given up on the idea.

Guest • 6 years ago
ohio granny • 6 years ago

You are absolutely right. It is the fault of politicians from both parties.

LtColWashburn • 6 years ago

Well, I sure as he11 blame China. What a bunch of corrupt, rotten bas tards. Of course it's our own fault for leaving the doors and windows open for these thieves to steal our technology. As I've said before, a country as stupid as we are doesn't deserve to survive. Finally, we have POTUS who appears to give a shiiite. But it's the thief who is ultimately guilty so let him stretch hemp first. Then march our own home-grown idiots and traitors up the steps immediately following.

Jgat • 6 years ago

We do indeed have a POTUS that seems to care about this country and what does he get? Constant investigations and fear of being incarcerated. That's why I think that China and Russia are stable and focused on their country and it's destiny. Our country is being torn apart from within with it's leaders fighting and fierce efforts to tear apart what unity we have left.
I predict that one day we will be speaking Russian or Chinese. Maybe both depending which side of the Mississippi you live on.