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Schmutzli • 5 years ago

Justin Bieber Trudeau just can't be very bright. Paris is basically closed this weekend because Manny Macron just knows he knows what is best for the French, yet soy boy Justin persists in believing that he just knows he knows what is best for Canadians.

More importantly, if Canada goes completely open invasion as Trudeau surrenders to islam, we will face an existential threat as the border between Canada and the US is the longest unsecured border in the world and we can expect to have our attention divided between the still unsecured southern border and a new clear danger of a second front invasion from the north.

What Japan and Germany could not manage in WW2 the 3rd world and islam - with a huge assist from America's own Congress of Corrupt Cowards and tyrannical Judiciary - will have accomplished, without a shot being fired - an invasion via hijrah intended to conquer the United States of America.

Rafael • 5 years ago

I weep for our children and our children's children. Feels like we're just propping sandbags against the islamic and socialist tsunamis.

mobuyus • 5 years ago

Quit weeping and shake off that defeatism. For the sake of those children you mention, don't let them see you crying defeated.

Guest • 5 years ago
mobuyus • 5 years ago

Anything I may suggest would be better than abject defeatism which smells a lot like barefooted appeasement. You the defeated could for a start knock it off with the soft pills.

Guest • 5 years ago
mobuyus • 5 years ago

Defeatism is a disease that spreads and contributes to this tide. Not doing a thing and calling out defeatists is a better contribution than defeatism.

Ben • 5 years ago

Armed and organized resistance in-place of corrupt numb gov't leaders.

JDinSTL • 5 years ago

Being ready if it comes to that is the best guarantee that it won't.

Deplorable Reverend Ken • 5 years ago

rope/tree assembly required, oh and backbone to do what needs to be done.

seewithyourowneyes • 5 years ago

Buy books. Non-cultural-marxist histories, especially. Save them; hide them. Because, after the long dark ages that may come, freedom will arise again from the ashes.

Far North Weaver • 5 years ago

@seewithyourowneyes Absolutely! I have a Lot of Books. My husband keeps asking me when I'm going to stop buying them...lol. They are 90% used, but in Very Good Condition.

They are mostly on History, Other Languages, Weaving, Building, Masonry, Art, Spinning Fibers of ALL kinds, Herbals, Organic Gardening, Hand Sewing garments using 18th Century Stitchery. Also books on my Heritage, and the history of my forefathers. I began building this collection years ago. I didn't want to forget how to make those things that are lovely and beautiful, or to see it just disappear.

We are the Libraries and Craftsman and Craftswomen, that will hold the best of our Culture in the Light. And we shall Teach our Children Well!
Blessings to you and yours...

nopeacenow • 5 years ago

The Liberals will surrender to Islam. There is already an Egyptian Muslim holding the cabinet post of Minister of Immigration. Nothing like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.

JDinSTL • 5 years ago

They're anxious to surrender to anyone.

mobuyus • 5 years ago

He's not Egyptian he's somali. turdeau has a muslim caucus in his liberal party with two muslima's that had entered Canada illegally. The liberals will not surrender to islam because they've already surrendered to it with M103 a bill making it a crime to talk truthfully about islam.

Fritz • 5 years ago

It was a motion, there is no legislation behind that, if it were a crime to talk truthfully about Islam Rebel Media would have been closed down after M-103 passed. More disturbingly Turdeau has gone into gun grabbling mode again, mass immigration of Muslims, but zero self defense, time for a yellow vest campaign.

mobuyus • 5 years ago

No legislation behind that, but the liberal government has offices up and running 24 hrs a day looking for any criticism of islam or" islamophobia", and no doubt keeping lists of names for future consideration, that plus going to islamic community leaders for any questions the government may have about islam and how to better accommodate it in the new post nation state of Canada. turdeau believes the only people on earth with any true knowledge of islam are muslims and not their victims.

lesley • 5 years ago

Sadly many countries find themselves in a similar situation as Canada with weak elitist Govt's who are all obviously part of the globalist mindset. ( However Trudeau does take the cake when it comes to a total Islamic sellout!) Why else would they not do like Poland and the eastern bloc countries (and TRUMP, the saviour of the west at this time) and reject outright this despicable sell out of the rights and freedoms of their populations? Next year Australia will have a Labour socialist Govt, run by the trade union Marxists who will rush to sign a Pact like this as they are now and always have been traitors to the Australian people. Sadly Australian's are apathetic, "She will be right mate" coupled with ignorance and by the time they wake up it will be too late!

Me_again4 • 5 years ago

This invasion has already come to Canada. Our dimwitted, snowboard instructor Prime Minister has already opened our doors to these backwards peasants.

Far North Weaver • 5 years ago

Dear God, let's hope not...

I haven't thoroughly checked this out yet, but there has been some reporting from Canada, that Trudeau already has Muslim fighters in a "Training Camp", and plans to have them invade the northern American states, for the purpose of killing unawares, the people that are living closer to the Canadian Border.

I think they're ignorant of what we northerners can do to them, in the mountains and the forests that we KNOW. I live in an area where everyone is packing more than one firearm, and we all know how to use them. Lots of Hunting, and making sure your livestock is safe from predators

They'll be sorry if they lay one foot across our northern border from Montana thru Idaho, for they will loose that foot and more. People in these parts, won't for stand for it. Most are good family people, and hardened by living rough for generations. Raising Livestock, and Farming.

I think Trudeau has no real understanding of who Americans Truly ARE.

mobuyus • 5 years ago

As much an idiot as Canada's muslim prime minister is, he/she has no muslim fighters training in camps to invade the USA. He is however letting islam walk all over the Canadian people.

knowshistory • 5 years ago

those firearms will do you no good when the mounties are on the criminals side.

Wes-J • 5 years ago

Not too worried about the Mounties on the American side. And in the rural parts of Canada, they are a long way away.

Bansaku • 5 years ago

Ya know it's rather funny that in the 80's and 90's, I was taught in school that my nation of Canada is a nationalistic nation, and that was our rallying cry over the supra-patriotism found in the USA. I was taught that Canada only welcomes citizens who will be of a net benefit to Canada both economically and socially, and that our vetting system was second to none. Now...

Last year, my city built several Government subsidized town house complexes. Their original intent years ago when planned was to house low income families, single mothers, and the homeless, essentially whoever needed a leg up. As of the completion of the complex down the street, 90% of the occupants are Muslim "refugees"; Tax free, rent to own, oh and $50,000 free money to help buy a car or put money down on a mortgage. This wasn't the beginning either. Just 1 block away sit older Government subsidized townhouses. When I moved into the neighbourhood some 18 years ago they housed the needy such as aboriginals, veterans, single moms and low income families. Now it looks like little Mozambique with elementary aged girls all wearing hijabs while their brothers wear Iron Man t-shirts and Nikes. Durning recess, the school across the street from me, St. Theresa's Catholic Elementary, is nothing but a sea of brown. The local watering hole in the strip mall is now a Halal deli. When I walk to the 7-11 I always pass by numerous Muslim mothers, pregnant (because they always are), carrying a child in arm, pushing a double (sometimes triple) stroller, with 2-3 kids in tow.

Meanwhile my Government can't seem to find the money to help the Nation's 200,000 homeless, fix decrepit First Nations communities, or give our vets what they are not only owed, but rightfully deserve, all while telling us that these "refugees" are more Canadian than those who's families date back generations!

Schmutzli • 5 years ago

Those strollers are carrying the future of Canada. Demographics are destiny.

Ben • 5 years ago

Wrong. Those demographics are leading to a pogrom.

knowshistory • 5 years ago

that's what he means.

Meadow Fox • 5 years ago

I cry for Canada. They still have this globalist shill as Prime Minister until October 2019! I fear he's being coached by the left/soros and Obama's mafia on how to cheat his way back in.
We live in frightening times when the infection of unprincipled evil either rules our countries, or does everything possible to destroy a legitimately elected president.

mobuyus • 5 years ago

He was elected using members of obama's election team.

Soulshock • 5 years ago

We need to vote Trudeau OUT, before Canada is taken over. Europe is already gone!

Truthhurts • 5 years ago

Canadians will follow in the footsteps of the French. We've had enough!

Ben • 5 years ago

Trudeau is an enemy of the Canadian people. He is bringing in violent and radical Muslims, each family hell-bent to have seven or more children. He is criminalizing any speech against them. At the same time he is removing rights of indigenous Canadian citizens.

knowshistory • 5 years ago

"recognizes that a comprehensive approach is needed to optimize the overall benefits of migration"................................................there are NO benefits of migration to the receiving country. ALL the benefits of migration accrue to the migrants, and the country they left. anyone who encourages the lazy, criminal, Marxist faction of their population to emigrate is sane. anyone who welcomes them to their own country is insane. it is time for some sanity in the migration-receiving countries. Canada, and other immigrant trampled countries, should send all their precious "immigrants" home, and require each to take a liberal traitor with them. we cannot end the invasion problem until we address the traitor problem

Shuali • 5 years ago

Andrew Sheer should be leading the charge against this surrender to Islam. I don't see that happening in any meaningful way and so all I can hope for is that Trump will see the dangers inherent in Canada being part of this free movement of people and will be stimulated to do something about it. It is clear that DJT does not want Canada to be going in the direction the Liberals and Trudeau are steering it.

Trudeau is Canada's Macron and he will suffer the same fate.

Luc • 5 years ago

We have to vote Trudeau and the Liberals OUT a.s.a.p.

Trudeau has already given 10 billion dollars to Indonesia, Palestine and other places, where they are building infrastructure. And there is NOTHING being invested here.

Trudeau promised three years ago, "Real change now." That was the speach of a false messiah.

OUT Trudeau OUT!

One Man • 5 years ago

Will Trudeau learn from the mistakes of his idealogical brother Macron? Nah .............

RevRoy • 5 years ago

Trudeau's dream Socialist/Communist/Islamic EUTOPIA (which, by the way, he knows will self destruct quickly..and if he doesn't know this, he is even beyond stupid), is soon to be replaced by a THEOCRACY, and this THEOCRACY will NOT be voted in by Conservatives, the Liberals or any of the Canadian dhimmi's, oh no, it will be imposed on us (and the entire globe) by the ALMIGHTY that created it in the first place.
2,000 years ago, Jesus said He would be coming back, and He even described what the world would be like when He returns. And it looks just like, about, NOW !!!
If you don't know Him, NOW is time. "Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" !! He will either be your Lord or your judge, and you even get to pick the one you want (so you will have no excuse).
"And the dead in Christ will rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be quickly changed and join them in the air to meet the Lord, and so shall we ever be with the Lord, wherefore comfort one another with these words". Google this Scripture to find out who said it !!
Time is almost up.
Rev. Roy...........<><

Goh Heung Yong • 5 years ago

One thing about Trudeau is that he is consistent. In line with his multicultural, Canadians-be-damned belief, it should be no surprise that he now wants to be the globalist supremo. Well next year's election should show us whether Canada will be snatched from the brink, or like Europe, slide into the abyss.

Fritz • 5 years ago

Maybe the U.S Strategic Defense Command could arrange a "Friendly Fire" incident on Turdeau's aircraft, it would be in the U.S, and probably Canada's national interest.

Calvin Abbott • 5 years ago

Trudeau and his Liberal/Soros/Islamist Government will have to go now by force, we cannot give him more time to fulfill the Puppet Masters Orders.


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