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Dan Develop • 6 years ago

Today’s left-wing terrorists:

Anti-Guns for Law Abiding Citizens
Pro-Guns for Criminals
Anti-Incarceration of Criminals
Anti-Enforcement of Laws
Pro-Open Borders
Pro-Illegal Immigration
Anti-Sovereign Nation
Pro-Giving American Jobs to Illegal's
Pro-Spreading Central American Deceases Here
Pro-Sending American Jobs Overseas
Anti-Freedom of Speech
Anti-Energy Independence
Pro-Cap and Trade Skyrocketing Energy Taxes
Anti-American Military
Pro-Minimum Wage
Anti-Maximum Wage
Anti-Average Wage
Anti-Quality Education
Pro-Huge Gluttonous Wasteful Government Controlling All Aspects of Our Lives
Pro-Seize and Redistribute
Pro-Welfare Dependence
Pro-Holding Down Minorities

James Higginbotham • 6 years ago

that's a STRONG LIST, and is RIGHT ON.
and is another SIGN were living in the LAST DAYS.

Rosalina Martin • 6 years ago

In other words. . . . Communist.

justthefactsmam • 6 years ago

"Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscating them and leaving the population defenseless." Vladimir Lenin
“Only the police should have handguns.” Billy Jeff Klinton
“If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.” Stalin
“Banning guns is an idea whose time has come.” Joe Biden
“Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe.” Dianne Feinstein
“We’ve got to rein in what has become an almost article of faith that anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime,” she said. “And I don’t believe that is in the best interest of the vast majority of people.” Hillary Klinton

Seems there is a train of thought that is very similar among all these people, all of whom have been political leaders, which is very scary to say the least.

TheOrdinaryMan • 6 years ago

Venezuela, here we come.

Guest • 6 years ago
CowboyUp • 6 years ago

But they never are happy, and it's always someone else's fault that they aren't.

Conniption Fitz • 6 years ago

Posted on another thread, but it fits here too:

“Show me a university which is a hotbed of thin-skinned offence-taking, where every unacceptable idea is policed and every person who happens to hold one is hounded out of a job, and I will show you a university that isn't a university, but an ideological prison camp and indoctrination centre.” - Howard Jacobson


Kate • 6 years ago


TomD • 6 years ago

There is more to the story of Michael Smalanskas at Providence college, all good.

Other faculty members besides Dr. James Keating took his side, including Dr. Matthew Cuddeback.

Four "young" Dominican assistant chaplains issued a statement that defended him from attack, their names are Fr. Peter Martyr Yungwirth , Fr. Michael Weibley, Fr. Dominic Verner, and Fr. Bonaventure Chapman.

The local Catholic bishop, Thomas J. Tobin, has publicly taken his side. Since the college president is not a Jesuit, the local bishop can order him to leave Providence if he wants to go that far and suspend him from saying Mass if he refuses. Probably won't happen, just sayn'.

tanstaafl02 • 6 years ago

Upon their completion of the workshop, participants should be able to “describe what is meant by privilege overall and white privilege especially;” “describe the role of denial when it comes to white privilege;” “differentiate between equality and equity;” “list at least three examples of Christian privilege;” and “list at least three ways to be an ally with a non-Christian person.”

George Washington University (and apparently a lot of other schools) are deep into The Stupid these days.

The asinine assault on "white" and "Christian" apparently comes from a bunch of people who have insufficient skills and intelligence to make it on their own merits. Or who are simply lazy and want to drag everyone else down to their level.

On a deeper plane (and perhaps unbeknownst to many of them) they are tools for the ongoing ripping apart of western society and culture.

Kate • 6 years ago

Away from home and their own little bubbles of "specialness", they Rush into the arms of conformity. And this is what colleges do best.

tanstaafl02 • 6 years ago

Yes great susceptibility to brainwashing, and not just at the colleges but long before in K-12 public education.

Kate • 6 years ago

Very true but most kids K thru 12 just hear blah, blah,blah. When they are away the kingdom in which they are the center of the universe, it all kicks in. Then they again become the center again. This is how useful idiots are made!

Guest • 6 years ago
tanstaafl02 • 6 years ago

It won't need to be built back up as they will be our absolute rulers and we may (or may not) enjoy the privileges of serfdom, depending on their whim.

Cynthiacurran • 6 years ago

Guess, who gets prosecuted the most in many third world countries, Christians. Well, the left is very ignorant on how Christians are treated in Muslim countries or places like India. See the publication the voice of the Matryrs.

nomoretraitors • 6 years ago

Too bad there wasn't a mob there to SUPPORT Smalanskas. As David Horowitz says, fight fire with fire

TomD • 6 years ago

But Christian privilege is real: "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life..."

If knowing that isn't privilege, what is?

CowboyUp • 6 years ago

So if you're not white, and not Christian, you get standards lowered for you twice? That's what that is all about, the privilege of lower standards.

"...She also mentioned that while Smalanskas’ position on marriage was consistent with that of the Church, it is “only a part” of Catholic teaching that, “when taken out of context,” “can have detrimental consequences, especially if it ends up alienating people from the truth that it serves.”..."

They aren't "alienated" from your truth, they reject it. And I bet she didn't put it into context, because that would surely 'alienate' them even more. They're already posting violent images and openly advocating "rape culture," the only step left for them to take is to advocate murder, if they haven't already. Speaking of which, it would be a federal hate crime case if someone posted an image of gay men being raped or attacked on a bathroom wall. Imagine the fit if someone posted an image of gay Iranians hanging from cranes, or gay Syrians getting thrown off tall buildings, directly over the rape image the 'tolerant and inclusive' people posted on the bathroom wall.

Who didn't know they were applying to go to a Catholic university? If they didn't they're too stupid for college anyway. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a Catholic experience at a Catholic university, and it's sad to see them compromise their principles so completely for tuition revenue. Providence : Divine guidance or care. Maybe they should change the name to something their benighted student body would find less offensive.
"So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Rev. 3:16

Guest • 6 years ago
Kate • 6 years ago

Your analogy of order to disorder is exactly the opposite of God's creation story. He created the universe from disorder. Thank you for this post

Guest • 6 years ago
justthefactsmam • 6 years ago

The main tool of corruption being used by satan for the past 160 to 170 years has been Marxism and all of its tentacles, i.e., communism, socialism, democratic socialism, Maoism, Leninism, Stalism, etc...Unfortunately, it has worked pretty well; undermining Western Civilization to such an extent that unless we start to fight back, it will all be lost, and fairly soon.

Gideon • 6 years ago

The U. of Notre Dame, Providence, GWU, Texas Christian U., the Roman Catholic Church, The Southern Baptist Convention... None of these "Institutions" are saved from perdition.. INDIVIDUALS from all off them probably ARE saved Christians. God works with each of us as individuals. Everything on Earth is corrupt to some degree. Only individual hearts and minds can receive forgiveness, a building, an organization, cannot. "One will be taken, the other Left". "You must be born again"- Jesus the Messiah. ( Why the wait, DH??)

Stepman • 6 years ago

We must Protect the Republic and take control of the narrative. We can only do this by sharing our faith and inspiring other to do the same. Also get political. Consider this, http://restoretheusa.net. Local groups need our help.

PopSeal • 6 years ago

Count it a great affirmation of your trust in Christ if the fallen, reprobate world around us hates us. It hated Christ before it hated His disciples. Never forget that we Christians have a past and the lost unregenerate have a future.
"Because they received not the love of the truth, I will send them strong delusion and they will believe a lie."

We Christians have four options: 1. take persecution to the court system, 2. tolerate abuse (turn the other cheek), 3. move , 4. as a last resort in family (community) defense....armed revolt.

tagalog • 6 years ago

"Vice President of Student Affairs, Ms. Goodwin, did send out a rather lengthy email to the student body imploring for all of its members to treat one another with respect. She also mentioned that while Smalanskas’ position on marriage was consistent with that of the Church, it is 'only a part' of Catholic teaching that, 'when taken out of context,' 'can have detrimental consequences, especially if it ends up alienating people from the truth that it serves.'”

Let's take a look at Ms. Goodwin's position. Mr. Smalanska says that marriage is intended for one man and one woman. The Biblical passages on marriage are unmistakably clear about that. Mr. Smalanska is correct about his views being consistent with Catholic dogma. So, the Church's view on marriage is "only a part" of Catholic teaching, says Ms. Goodwin. Well, of course that's right: for example, the Catholic Church also teaches that the communion wafer miraculously is transubstantiated into the body and the wine into the blood of Christ. The Catholic Church says that the Virgin Mary gave birth to the baby Jesus without having lost her virginity. The Catholic Church says that Jesus Christ had two natures, divine and human, within one mortal body. So it's true, the dogma regarding marriage is "only a part" of Catholic teaching, and just to be absolutely clear, it is only a part of Catholic dogma too. There are many other parts of Catholic dogma, another example being the concept of the Trinity. That's dogma too. The refutation of the concept that good and evil represent two conflicting forces, called the Manichean Heresy, is Catholic dogma. The concept of the resurrection of the body. The concept that salvation requires both faith and good works.

So if the Catholic dogma regarding marriage as the union of a man and a woman can have detrimental consequences "when taken out of context," can Ms. Goodwin give an example of how that might happen? How is the idea of marriage being the union of a man and a woman to be taken out of context?

And Ms. Goodwin apparently accepts that Catholic dogma on marriage does indeed serve a truth, since she says if the doctrine of marriage as the union of a man and a woman "can have detrimental consequences, especially if it ends up alienating people from the truth that it serves,” can she give an example of one "detrimental consequence?" Does she mean making homosexuals feel as if they're not able to get married? Why is that some sort of problem for the Church as opposed to being a problem for people who want to twist the Church's conception into a sacrament for people it is not intended for? What, for Ms. Goodwin, is that "truth" that the Catholic conception of marriage serves?

I'm just an individual self-taught seeker after religious understanding, but I can state the dogmatic truth that each of the items of Catholic dogma serves in the several examples of dogma I've stated above. Surely Ms. Goodwin, as an educated specialist in this area, can do the same when it comes to the truth that the Catholic conception of marriage is supposed to be serving.

I mean, if the Catholic Church is to recognize LGBQT marriages as sacramental, why don't they just change their millennia-old dogma? We all know why, don't we? There's going to be a problem with a long history of Papal infallibility on the issues of faith and morals. The straights are going to disappear from the Roman Catholic Church. But by all means, let's define what the right thing to do is, then by golly just go ahead and do it. God must be served, and we'd all better get to doing that ASAP.

TheOrdinaryMan • 6 years ago

"School officials refused to take any of these measures." That says it all. What are they afraid of? If school officials would band together, and publicly condemn this student's contemptible treatment by the left, and strongly affirm Providence's mission, Providence College would win a victory, and the leftist idiocy would die down a bit.

tagalog • 6 years ago

Providence College is a Catholic school. If any school ought to be deciding what God's will is, and then insisting on carrying out God's will, it's Providence College. They ought to get on the stick and start deciding what their religious principles are. Most Catholics follow the lead of the Pope on matters of faith and morals. So maybe Providence College ought to follow what the Pope has said, and let the chips fall where they may. If that means the end of Providence College, then that must be God's will, eh?

Geoff • 6 years ago

In is becoming ever more obvious that the Left is totally out of IDEAS. Their fall back position is to use IDENTITY to divide and conquer. Every crisis and every problem has ONLY one solution. That solution is always the same. Find a Victim, Identify that Victim and then blame the "whatever" for the creation of the Victim.

The Democrat Party IDEOLOGY is without any VIRTUE. IT has become the "Walking Dead" 21st Century Zombies sucking every ounce positive energy out of every non-Zombie.

Stephen Triesch • 6 years ago

Insofar as this is still a nominally Christian country, with many Christian churches, I suppose Christians still have a sense of being "at home" in this country in a way that non-Christians don't. (On the other hand, Christians are increasingly coming under fire from mainstream media, entertainment, and academia, so that sense of being "at home" has significantly eroded in recent years.)

Still, even if things were as they were forty years ago, feeling "at home" does not guarantee you anything, does not pay the bills, and does not do your homework for you. As "privileges" go, it is pretty insubstantial.

carpe diem 36 • 6 years ago

Why are the universities still open is beyond me. Just to read about the violence for having an opinion is not a normal thing, these people are sick and they should get help. Of course there is no help for people like these. It used to be that the university thrived on opinions and discussions but now it is nothing but a "re education camps" just like No, Korea or Cuba. My grandchildren are students now but as far as I heard they are not in such re ed institutions. But who knows what will happen tomorrow??

cxt • 6 years ago

Interesting that our Lefty friends have found yet another thing to be "against."

One wonders what pray-tell they are actually "for."

CowboyUp • 6 years ago

They'' tell you they're for tolerance and inclusion, as they suppress and exclude.

Kate • 6 years ago

Smart, aren't you? Well said!

justthefactsmam • 6 years ago

They are all for some form of Marxist dictatorship, whatever it takes.

cxt • 6 years ago

Well said, scary enough, "whatever it takes" is exactly right.

ahem • 6 years ago

They are for the destruction of western civilization in its entirety. When it lies smoking at their heels, they'll either become slaves to a totalitarian system that doesn't question its own existence, or return to the trees.

James Higginbotham • 6 years ago

everything that is happening TODAY, lines up with living in the LAST DAYS.

tagalog • 6 years ago

The sign in the photo at the head of the commentary mentions "CHRISTIAN FASCISTS." Can anyone name two Christian fascists?

The sign says something not visible, but undoubtedly good and virtuous, will happen when people stand up to Christian fascists. What are Christian fascists, assuming any can be identified, doing that requires that they be stood up to?

TomD • 6 years ago

BTW, Anthony Esolen partially disavowed the title "Totalitarian Diversity Cult" (which had really riled up his opponents) in his final battles with Providence College - he stated that he did not choose the title for his essay, it was chosen by an editor at Crisis magazine. Still, Prof. Esolen can't be too unhappy, he still writes for Crisis.

Here's the essay: https://www.crisismagazine....

Guest • 6 years ago
Kate • 6 years ago

God said, you don't want me? Ok I'll give you something else...what our world is quickly morphing into now!