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Kevin Johns • 7 years ago

Fizzle's producitivity course was one of the first Fizzle courses I took when I first joined the community, and I still implement it's methodology a couple years later! It's so important to organize your thinking and to be concious of when you are in CEO mode and when you need to just buckle down and be the worker bee. I think most folks spend waaaay too much time in CEO mode, when it's actually the worker bee who makes things happen at the end of the day.

Niki Shmikis • 7 years ago

Time-management is indeed a dead-horse topic, but this article is insightful and amusing to read. I tried 7 out of 10 techniques; 5 of which are part of my workflow operating system.

My recent upgrade and biggest game-changer is [PRODUCTIVITY JOURNALING]. Just do it, indie entrepreneur. I resisted to begin it for half a year, resisted to fill it on consistent basis first month, and now I love it.

Steph, Chase, thanks for in-depth sharing of your experience with [BRAIN DUMP], you helped me realized that I'm underusing this method. I learned first time about it from Alain de Botton on the Tim Ferris show. He calls it [brain download] and does it every evening, saying that this is his style of meditation.

I began recently daily evening and morning [brain dumps] to clear the mind before going to bed and to make the most out of the time right after waking up. I try to break the habit of checking Timehop and Instagram before journaling. I write down whatever comes to mind and about the dreams if I still remember them.

Ambrose • 7 years ago

I'm in the middle of updating my e-book with more productivity tips, so this article comes at a great time. I really like the CEO/worker bee modes.

Another thing that works for me is to have the 'CEO' set a DAILY recurring reminder for a list of things the 'Worker' needs to get done. This way I see it enough on my phone, so I actually go out and do it. I use Google Keep to set recurring reminders, if you haven't used it, you should try it, it's a free app with no upsells. Syncs with the web: keep.google.com - I'm adding this to my e-book (reach out to me if interested)

Great job, team Fizzle!

Bob Koby • 7 years ago

Great article. Was not expecting so many gems from what seems like an old (dead horse?) topic. Luckily for me, simplicity seems to be the key.

chasereeves • 7 years ago

Thanks, Bob!

Mon Espiritu • 7 years ago

I'm a self-confessed productivity porn addict and I can say that you guys did a great work in articulating these time management frameworks. It's refreshing that you've somehow put everything I read for the past few years of my life in just one article. Good job!

Other useful addition and ideas:

- Minimalistic framework to cut all the BS in your life (can be added in the Reconnect Your Why Section and Eisenhower method)
- Managing FOMO - getting distracted with every shiny objects out totally wrecks focus.
- I think the power of delegation should have been given more emphasis in this conversation.
- How about establishing routine so your mind "subconsciously" work on it's own and you don't have to push yourself to do stuff?

I'm curious about how we can put all these 10 to a powerful system. Or do we even have to use all these 10 tips?

KUMAR ABHISHEK • 7 years ago

nice...one of the best ever

Dwight Fortune • 7 years ago

Article was great. Thanks for that. My comment is about the business toolkit. It looks interesting BUT if you switched your phrases around it would be much more tempting. Swap "4 ridiculously helpful..." and "You don't have to..." Your an education company and I don't see that from the marketing in that optin. Feels disjointed.

Love your stuff, though.

chasereeves • 7 years ago

Takes all kinds, Dwight! Thanks, man.

Niki Shmikis • 7 years ago

I've just stumbled upon the WHY article by Derek Sivers, which is a great read in addition to what was covered in the article and on the 186 show about tip #6 [Reconnect with Your Why].


And if you are working on filling in the Fizzle Business Sketch Template, read it to think more about [Personal Fit] box, which is about what you want to get out of business from the future perspective.

Monika Burger • 7 years ago

Super duper as always!!!

Camille Harris • 7 years ago

GREAT article!!!
Always important to be reminded of productivity strategies
Thank you

Michelle Rated • 7 years ago

Good article! I think that number 4 is the best for beginning. CEO / Worker Bee is really good strategy for entrepreneur which want to get more productivity for less time. Also it's strategy only for people which are ready to spend all free time on work and work and work ... So, if you have chosen this tactic you need to concentrate all your patience inside of you and keep it to the end. Good luck for all your beginnings!