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Classics1018 • 2 years ago

When the CDC director, Dr. Fauci, and all leading scientists are telling you the vaccine is useless after six months and require boosters every quarter, and you aren't fully vaxxed unless up to date with all the above, AND they are still trying to push these mandates which were based on old guidance and definitions.. it's hilarious actually.

Paul • 2 years ago

Why would I want a person working next to me or in my office area getting a vaccine exemption who then contracts COVID on Summer vacation and brings it back to the office? How does an exemption for a Virus make any rational sense? These folks wanting exemptions should leave the office environment or be dismissed.

Debbie Langford • 2 years ago

When the last variant came through our office of 131 employees, every single person who was vaccinated caught it, and not a single UNVACCINATED person caught it. The VACCINATED brought it into the office and spread it. Get your facts straight.

KRSaurus • 2 years ago

Given that the majority of infections are now among the fully vaccinated, why are you so fearful of the unvaccinated? Folks unable to rationally comprehend risks should leave the office environment or be dismissed.

The vaccine is not working! We had it go through our place of business and the majority that got it were vaccinated. If you believe your vaccine is keeping you safe you should not be concerned if I’m vaccinated.

BP • 2 years ago

"The protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected." That's apparently the lack of logic you subscribe to. Pfizer wanted 75 years to release their trial data but a judge ruled they had to release the data over a period of several months instead. Pfizer trial data through 28 February 2021 (2+ months after the "vaccine" roll-out) listed 1,291 different types of adverse reactions to the shots. Some individuals have experienced 75 or more of these adverse reactions. The "vaccine" manufacturers were legally required to provide informed consent of these adverse reactions to their products but failed to do so. They constantly promoted their "safe and effective" false narrative instead.

Classics1018 • 2 years ago

Next up, influenza mandates for all or lose your job!!