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Andrea Emanuela Bossoni • 6 years ago

Interesting and yet to be proven. I think we shall know only when we go beyond the threshold. For now we can only think, believe, infer. Truth will be known at the right time. Anyway Jesus was a wise and good man that was surely living in accordance to the laws of the Universe.

Sankara Menon • 6 years ago

See the test is simple. If you have to lie, kill, rape and commit genocide to make people believe in this "God", then it is at best the religion of Satan. As of now whole Africa was destroyed by Christians who cane with sword and Cross; same with South America. Now South America i reverting. Europe has discarded. North America less the bible belt care two hoots.

So this is part of campaign to ensnare Indians. It will meet unprecedented resistance.

John • 6 years ago

I agree. More people have been killed in the name of Jesus that all other reasons combined.

But that has more to do with his followers that what he actually taught.

There is a very Buddhist flavor to what Jesus taught and if his followers were to stop and listen to what really said they would not be so evil.

Nick Lamb • 6 years ago

John! That is nonsense! Hitler,, Stalin and Mao killed many many millions and I don't think they did it for Jesus. Did they?

pillar610 • 6 years ago

Hitler was a Christian,lol

John • 6 years ago

Don't be naive.

The Christians have been at it for 2000 plus years.

They have slaughtered people who did not agree with their specific views on the subject practically for day one. They have enslaved millions. They have slaughtered entire races. They have committed genocide many times over.

In the 2000 years of hate, rape, pillages and conquest they have slaughtered BILLIONS and they are still at it.

They are many times worse that the Nazis, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan combined.


Sloan Bashinsky • 6 years ago

Look at how many native American's Christians slaughtered in North, Central and South America. Look at what else Christians did to the real Americans.

Who knows what ancient texts are locked away in the Vatican basement, which the Vatican intends never to see the light of day?

Rajiv Bhatarkar • 6 years ago


Sloan Bashinsky • 6 years ago

If you factor in demonic possession, you arrive at what drove Hitler, Satan, Mao, and also, for example, the Christian crusades in Palestine and the Inquisition. And the African slave practice. And the destruction of the Native Americans. And just about every war America fought after they got done fighting the British, although WW II might be a war America had to fight. or Western Europe would be a Nazi state, and Russia and that Nazi state might still be at war, if the Nazi state did not get the atomic bomb first.

Sloan Bashinsky • 6 years ago

You are correct, John.

Ukulelemike • 6 years ago

Except, no, you're incorrect. That would be the Catholic institution, not true Christians, which one would know with a small amount of actual study of the Bible. The were also, by the way, also killing actual Christians at the same time, mainly for producing copies of the Bible in the vulgar tongues, because it exposed them for the frauds they were.

David Donison • 6 years ago


Martin Kimble • 6 years ago

u see u mix religion with Jesus .... he never say kill but love ...ppl killed in his name and that was wrong they didnt follow his words, open your mind and think a litlle and get knowledge before speking like that

stefan si • 6 years ago

you don't sincerely believe the natives of America or Africa were peaceful nice people, do you?

guitarguy_nw • 6 years ago

The concept that religion is summed by its negatives that are in blaring contrast to its scripture, is like declaring medicine evil because of the imposters, fake degrees and malpractices.
The majority of the history of the failings in Christianity are tied to the governments that used religion even against it's own people (the real example of Church and State) where the marriage was tied to all levels of societal controls and actions through the military.
Those actions were not supported at all by the Icon of Christianity - Christ himself. So that is not Christianity. Doing things in the name of something doesn't necessitate that that "something" is the problem. It's those malpracticing to justify their actions.

Alex Arthur • 6 years ago

Jesus never preached conquest; that was in the hands of christian usurpers. Any power structure can be used for ill if in the worng hands.

abeheuer • 6 years ago

Religion of satan? there is no such thing a satan - religions yes - there are plenty of religions and they are all man(men-made) about a man-god that they invented.

Sloan Bashinsky • 6 years ago

Abeheur, you speak from your experience, but your experience is not what others experience. I have been head to head with Lucifer. Terrifying beyond human comprehension. Of course, Lucifer is pleased that there are people who doubt such a thing exists; that makes it easier to be lured and infiltrated. Lucifer is just as pleased that religions that recognize such a thing exists, believe they are protected. Where would the devil hide that people would not think to look? In a church.

Martin Kimble • 6 years ago

u see u saw something and u think u know something but u actually dont know nothing ...and your ego is all over the place

Sloan Bashinsky • 6 years ago

Looks to me that what most ails humanity, be it of Jesus persuasion, or not, is absence of, or injury, to the internal feminine, anima, yin, which looks to me is a projection out of what in Christendom is called the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit, which is the female side of God. In the New Testament, Jesus taught his disciples what he knew, but they were still children when the left them: squabbling, posturing, lacking in understanding. They grew up after the Holy Spirit invaded them at Pentecost. She awakened in them what Jesus had taught them. If She were to invade humanity, it would be very different.

As would humanity be very different if it lived as Jesus taught people to live. Looks to me, that is far more important than whether Jesus was in the east during "the lost years", or after he came out of the tomb. He spent his entire ministry trying to show people a different way to live. He must have felt, therefore, how people live is very important to their soul development and to God. His reputed brother, James, in the New Testament wrote something along the line, to ask him not about his faith, but to look to his works and in there see his faith.

Sloan Bashinsky • 6 years ago

I imagine in the big scheme, we all know nothing, Martin Kimble. I know my experiences have been really different from what anyone I now know experiences, although I have two women friends near the cusp of what I experience, have dreams about me which I need to hear about. A man friend had been hauled into it, not to his happiness, when he and I last were in communication. He was dreaming about him and me and what we were facing, which other people do not face. Other people also dream about me or used to dream about me, which I needed to hear about. I have known a few people in the past who were close to what I was experiencing, a male friend and a few women I was with; then came a woman who seemed to be brought into it as deeply as I had been brought into it. Brought into it describes it. We were not in it for most of our lives, then we were apprehended so to speak, and we were brought into it. Changed out perspectives of just about everything. At times, I got into a lot of personal difficulty for talking about it.

Another difficulty, for me anyway, was bending to and coping with the ongoing advice and corrections from something a whole lot bigger and smarter than me, which demonstrated many times that it could do anything it wanted to me, to get my attention, or otherwise. Those interventions often were frightening, sometimes terrifying. I am pretty sure a dream before dawn today was about your comment to me, Martin. I was rebuked in the dream for the ways I had originally responded in this thread. I am advised and corrected in all of my dreams, and in other ways, but mostly in dreams.

Luke Liberty • 6 years ago

How can you know this if it is only a book that tells you?

Xavier Benitez • 6 years ago

fine, fine...

John Thompson • 6 years ago

Thousands saw Jesus die on the cross and the Romans recorded it along with 500 historians. Another 500 saw Jesus after he rose from the dead also. This film is fiction.

Mariamme Baum • 6 years ago

Was anybody who commented here a witness of what really happened?
I don’t think so. If you really think you know what Jesus was about, why aren’t you more like him?

Drew Carter • 6 years ago

The Nag Hammadi texts have been proven to be a complete fake, the alphabet they used to fake the manuscripts wasn't invented till the 8th century! I'd give this movie as much credence as their source material which is complete fakery - if they do so little research as to claim the Nag Hammadi texts are "real"!

John • 6 years ago

Not correct. I guess if you want them to be fake you can find "evidence" to support that.

Most scholars consider them genuine but there is a lot of debate on if they are originals or copies. There is a lot of debate on when they date from as well.

But they are not considered fake by most scholars .

Guest • 6 years ago
Guest • 6 years ago
Joseph Archi • 6 years ago

for a start, learn history. Hebrew block script was already in use in 570 BC during the exile to Babylon when it changed form from Phoenician script to Aramaic script. secondly, the scrolls were found by a Beduin Arab Shepard in 1946- before the State of Israel was established,and when those caves were still under Jordanian occupation, so no one had a reason to Glorify the State of Israel and/or justify it. 3ed- Palestine was an Area that included nowadays Israel,Jordan and the southern part of Syria, so it was NEVER a country, hence was NEVER occupied . There were Muslim, Christian And Jewish Palestinians who lived in the area. Jews only returned to their homeland after 2000 years of exile. If you deny this, you may well deny Jesus and ALL the history !

Milan Smolko • 6 years ago

I agree and that is also my understanding

Milan Smolko • 6 years ago

It was Constantine the Roman emperor who started the religion of Christianity. He and some of his official clergy at that time constructed the Bible at the council of Nicea in, I believe, 325 AD. They declared lot of the other texts and stories about Jesus a heresy ( illegal) and if one possessed other writings one would be punished as a heretic. So, lot of the unofficial writings about the teachings of Jesus ( Issa) were secretly buried because many followers considered them precious and didn't want to destroy them. All the sayings including the Bible books were written by ordinary people from stories told by the original students and people who knew or just heard of Jesus (ex. St. Paul). Many students understood His teachings only partially and His inner, gnostic instructions even less well. So, please, follow the spirit of the Bible but a literal interpretation causes only fundamental religious fanaticism and leads to intolerance, anger and wars.

Guest • 6 years ago
John • 6 years ago

By scholars I mean people who put reason,facts and data ahead of biased uninformed mythology.

If you want to believe this nonsense they have at it. Just don't represent it as fact c it not fact it's myth.

willy Flynn • 6 years ago

John how about Roman scholars who wrote about Christ like...Tacitus,Pliny the younger,Suetonius or perhaps Emperor Trajan who wrote about Jesus. Then of course there is the Jewish historian Flavuis Josephus who also wrote about Christ and his followers. Yes John Jesus Christ is a real historical figure who you choose to believe is a myth. Whether you believe Christ is God or not is a question of faith but don’t call real history mythology because you don’t want to believe he existed.

Howard Koolman • 6 years ago

And who exactly is saying the manuscripts are fake? How can I trust what they say?

Jason Lewis • 6 years ago

BBC is on shit. Liberal propaganda to kill religion.

Rafcav • 6 years ago


Rajith Mendis • 6 years ago

Its the bitter Truth that No one wants to Admit...

Aer O'Head • 6 years ago

How does it "kill religion"?

Adrian Bailey • 6 years ago

The BBC has no connection with this. The title is a lie.

Mekhi L • 6 years ago

The documentary is literally embedded in the post. It's called "Did Jesus Die?" Google is your friend.

Guest • 6 years ago
Mekhi L • 6 years ago

I suggest watching some videos of Tovia Singer's regarding how the new testament was modified. If you can stand it.

Dubiuus Anonymus • 6 years ago

Jason-- it is one of the great coceits of the day that everything can be divided into "Liberal" and "Right thinking". Most of us here are actually interested to find more about the truth of the matter, and that truth will be valid no matter which side of politics it suits. Grow up.

Kirttan • 6 years ago

Not Budist . But Vaishnav. Isha means Isvara. Vaishnava concept.

Rathiraj • 6 years ago

Really interesting. The story of Jesus being in Kashmir is common and people there do believe that. But, Christianity gained a serious political stage after Constantine II in 300AD. The Holy Roman Empire ruled on this very theory on Christ.
Any deviation to the firmly entrenched belief would cause serious upheaval all over the world.
There are so many facts still being protected and held in secrecy that may endanger the common belief.
By the way Buddhism began in 1500BC as per the Hindu Vedic and Puranic records and not in 500 BC.

Ukulelemike • 6 years ago

The Catholics came about well after true Christianity, and only have hold on those who believe their lies. The Bible as we have in the KJV and earlier Received Text versions, all the way back to manuscripts from the first century, declare the truth of Jesus and His word, and show that well before there was an Catholic church, the word was completed and received by true churches. And they don't include anything about Jesus being in India or studying Buddhism, and more than that He visited the Americas, as the Mormons claim; Buddhists and Muslims and Hindus merely want to claim Him as their own, to be better accepted by more orthodox societies. The recognize His importance in the world at some level, as do even Satanists who use His name as a word of power for spells.

John • 6 years ago

It's all mythology.

But it is interesting.

willy Flynn • 6 years ago

Try doing some research John