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Anthony McCarthy • 13 years ago

With papers, of course.

Nope, full citizenship.

Guest • 13 years ago

Obama: "Congress won't act. So I am going to act."

I'm sure people never considered you a slow learner, Harvard man. Huh.

jr • 13 years ago

nationalizing the banks would have been cheaper but "socialist"

Meander • 13 years ago

Macacawitz :
Rick Perry's suit last night looked like it was designed to repel steer feces.

I'm so glad you mentioned this.

WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK is up with his high-collared shirts? Don't tell me that that shit is coming back.

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Toucari, aka cosmic tumbler • 13 years ago


Heck, they just love minorities in Arizona.

Anthony McCarthy • 13 years ago

OK, how about the North West. Or California. Or, hey, I'd really love to have lots of Jews in Northern Maine, we might actually turn into the liberal state that so many believe we are.

Deacon Blues, f*ck cancer! • 13 years ago

I had my annual pastrami sandwich yesterday, too.

Anthony McCarthy • 13 years ago

I'd love to have more Jews living in the United States. I wish they'd offered emigration here as an alternative to the disaster that putting Israel in Palestine has caused. Taking a piece out some place like Arizona if a state was desired would have been a better idea.

Only the ideological ancestors of the End Timers would have prevented that happening.

Oh, I'm sure the Jews would have been welcomed in Arizona with open arms.

Billy B • 13 years ago


Deacon Blues, f*ck cancer! • 13 years ago

With papers, of course.

Anthony McCarthy • 13 years ago

Unlike they were in Palestine, you mean?

See, now you're actually starting to piss me off.

Anthony McCarthy • 13 years ago

Seriously, I'd love to have a few million more Jews in the United States, one of the most progressive constituencies in the country, great philanthropists, brilliant disuptationists. Living here in relative safety and security. What could possibly be objectionable to that? The Likudniks would come to, or maybe not if those with a history of terrorism were excluded.

Anybody know how to say "keep digging" in French?

Toucari, aka cosmic tumbler • 13 years ago

Continuez à creuser?

And heh.

Fly-fornication Moscowitz • 13 years ago

Fouille toujours.


R. McGeddon, futilitarian
My solution has always been to move Israel to Florida.

And while we're at it, the Gypsies need a homeland too.

I think there's an abandoned shopping mall in Jersey they could have.

Gummo • 13 years ago

The gypsies could run the concessions at the theme park, Holy-Land.

Chichimec • 13 years ago

Can't understand messaging, can't play this game. Rails against "Washington" and "bureaucrats" and "government regulations" like the best Republican around. Praises Republican governors.

Then asks people to vote for Democrats. WTF, man. WTF.

Fly-fornication Moscowitz • 13 years ago

He keeps pandering to the people who'll keep on hating him with increasing contempt. While alienating the people who liked him.

Isn't one definition of insanity the persistent re-trying of something that keeps failing?

Gummo • 13 years ago

Had a girlfriend like that once. Treat her badly and she'd do anything in her power to win you over. Be nice to her and she got bored and took you for granted.

Not exactly healthy.

Rhoda Mendelbaum? You dated her too?

Gummo • 13 years ago

Didn't everybody?

Anthony McCarthy • 13 years ago

The only thing surprising about Elizabeth Warren's last two weeks is that she was the only one who had the guts to say what had to be said.

What's going to be surprising to a lot of people is how popular real populism is with people. Go figure.

Fly-fornication Moscowitz • 13 years ago

It was originally going to be called French Tower.

Deacon Blues, f*ck cancer! • 13 years ago


Gummo • 13 years ago

Washington pols running against Washington is pretty nauseating.

How about reframing the message, jerks? Government is nothing more than the people's way of getting big jobs done. Period. It's all of us working together to clean our environment, build our roads and bridges, educate our children, provide for our old age, etc.

Culture of Truth • 13 years ago

Why does Rick hate our seamen?

I love you.

Chichimec • 13 years ago

Obama, referring to a teacher: "Now he'll get to spend his time teaching, instead of bureaucratic mandates from Washington that don't get results!"

Goddamn Washington. I hate Washington. And bureaucrats. Hate 'em.

Guest • 13 years ago

Yeah, you found out about all those people who were cooking the test scores.

Rmj • 13 years ago

Can't say as I ever thought much of "No Child Left Behind."

Culture of Truth • 13 years ago

Not looking forward to the Freedom tower or whatever we're calling it.

100 years from now people will say - "did you know people called it ugly when it was first built!?"

Yes, yes we did.

Deacon Blues, f*ck cancer! • 13 years ago

Not crazy bout the name at all. But I like the building. The tall one. Not the other one.

Gummo • 13 years ago

Hey, CoT.

People reviled the World Trade towers while they were around -- they were incredibly ugly and ruined the skyline.

Meander • 13 years ago

Steve Simels :
I think the national Dem party will do everything they can to make sure Warren's influence doesn't extend beyond Massachusetts.

Call me cynical, but I think the Obama DLC wing finds her message actively abhorrent.

I agree with you entirely. I'm surprised that she's getting ANY traction in MA - the Obama camp hated her in Washington.

Gummo • 13 years ago

Warren's populist message terrifies the corporatist DLC types.

She might hurt a big donor's feefees!

Meander • 13 years ago

I can guaran-damn-tee you the DLC and the national party will try to starve her campaign of oxygen, like they did Alan Grayson and Ned Lamont.

Gummo • 13 years ago

You are correct, sir.

Chichimec • 13 years ago

Obama: "Congress won't act. So I am going to act."

So now he's a tough guy. Okay, it's a start.

Deacon Blues, f*ck cancer! • 13 years ago

Yes, we should encourage whatever good behavior we get.

Anybody see Jon Stewart last night?

His solution to the problems in the Middle East?

A spelling change. From now on it's Palestein.

George • 13 years ago

Dr. Murray Palestein.

Even better!!!

Fly-fornication Moscowitz • 13 years ago

My solution has always been to move Israel to Florida.

Moe_Szyslak • 13 years ago

We call ourselves Halestinians, sometimes.