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Scott • 2 years ago

Come on Rivian you got this, ramp up already. I would really like to see them become a successful EV manufacture.

MorinMoss • 2 years ago

Perhaps they may be thinking of ramping too quickly?
Aren't they building a 2nd factory already?

Bernard • 2 years ago

It's aggravating, but moving too fast is how you end up with QA/QC failures. Rivian is a luxury brand and they don't have Tesla's fan energy yet. They can't afford mistakes.

t_newt • 2 years ago

I was wondering about this company, but I've now seen two of these on the road, so I guess they really are delivering them. Nice looking truck!

aaarrrgggh • 2 years ago

I wish them all the luck, but it seems like what people counted them spending time on during the delay they missed on. I wouldn’t want to be a shareholder at their current valuation, as it says they are hoping to produce an average of 1,000 cars per week next year. Even if they couble it in 2023, they will be hard pressed to hit $10B in revenue. That would seem to make the company worth closer to $10-20B than $100B optimistically.

Nick Schrader • 2 years ago

At the model 3 launch In May'17, Elon promised 1,000 cars/wk by July and 5,000/wk by year end 2017 -- they delivered a total of just under 1,800 cars for the year. They didn't even achieve 5k/wk in Q4 of 2018. Rivian will be ok.

kbm3 • 2 years ago

Two completely different things. Model 3 is a volume program. Rivian will never even hit 2k / week with this line.

hellu • 2 years ago

tesla's revenue is nowhere close to 100b, yet it is worth 1t

Scott • 2 years ago

Production hell! Ramping up has been very ruff for everyone.

I like the the looks of the Rivian EV, other than the cost. I'm glad that I'm not a shareholder at this timebut if they can ramp up I maybein thefuture.

Anon • 2 years ago

Agree- I think they are on a good trajectory.

Techfan12 • 2 years ago

bigger pack is 45kw extra, so for every 3 Max vehicles they can make an extra Large pack one. Makes sense if they are battery supply constrained (which they most definitely are).

eCat • 2 years ago

That is rather unfortunate news. This truck would have much more value in my eyes with the bigger battery/longer range.

Jack Rainey • 2 years ago

Let’s be honest. All of Rivian’s production goals were unrealistic.

Pinewold • 2 years ago

When I heard all of the hype about Rivian’s management team knowing how to build trucks so they would not go through production hell, my first reaction was anyone who knows manufacturing knows every new production line goes through production hell. The delay is no surprise.

Not having enough batteries is a supply chain miss that EV makers cannot afford long term. Perhaps their battery supplier is having a new battery production line with a production hell of their own. Just about every battery maker has sold more batteries that they can hope to deliver in the next three years.

Tessaract • 2 years ago

Benefit of hindsight. And goals that are not slightly beyond reach are worthless.

jamesjm • 2 years ago

First there was the 'chip constraints' that hobbled the car industry. Now we are entering the 'chips and battery' constraints with GM and others trying to build bigger, heavier EV vehicles that require more batteries rather than more smaller vehicles. Makes no sense as we enter the EV twilight zone. You got to wonder how these CEO's like Mary Barra actually get their jobs? The big unwieldy legacy car companies like GM, Ford and FCA are going to fall first.

man • 2 years ago

She does have an EE degree and then business degree from Stanford. GM still makes a lot cars that people buy and will be in business for some time. I'm not their customer, but that's reality.

earl colby pottinger • 2 years ago

Having a degree does not mean you will continue to make right decisions.

disqus_x5vTSEKiMV • 2 years ago

Neither does pretending you’re an engineer like St Elon does.

J Bell • 2 years ago

Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Larry Page, Sergei Brin and Aaron Swartz all dropped out of Stanford. Mary stubbornly stuck it out. Hmm.

hellu • 2 years ago

the current CEO of google stuck it out at mba as well. Also, larry page and sergery brin and musk dropped out of PhD, jobs dropped out of bachelors. Unlike PhD, mba is not a long term commitment, so you can complete the degree with relative ease compared to doctorate

kbm3 • 2 years ago

GM also made a lot of cars in 2007 and still went bankrupt soon afterwards. So making “a lot of cars” is definitely not a valid argument.

disqus_x5vTSEKiMV • 2 years ago

Except when it’s inept tesla, right?

disqus_x5vTSEKiMV • 2 years ago

Only truly inane people think that. Frauds like Elon and inept tesla will be gone long before savvy execs like Barra.

jamesjm • 2 years ago

Tesla now has a higher market cap than all the legacy's combined. Not sure how you came up with these assessment other than pulling it out of yours, but GM stock is terminal and worthy of shorting. Barra, who along with Trump, tried to get lower vehicle mileage and environmental standards. Their compliance Bolt has been abysmal. She's really not a good person in general, let alone a CEO. Ever heard her speak? It's kinda scary how clueless she really is.... She and her stodgy board members are having their golden parachutes tailored and fitted as we speak. The future my friend will not be kind to GM. "Frauds like Elon" as you naively attest, who has many successful companies, are expanding at break-neck speed with Giga's around the world and supply chains set up for years to come. China Giga alone is producing a new model Y from scratch every 28 seconds. Bodhisattva, either you live under a rock or you just like to spout things you are clueless about?.

Mitt Zombie • 2 years ago

market cap means very little.
So what that Elon owns a 1/4 trillion in market cap when Tesla only has 55 billion in assets.

AMC went from a couple dollars to a hundred or whatever because of pumping, the core business did not get 20 times more viable.

disqus_x5vTSEKiMV • 2 years ago

Thanks for proving my point about inane people thinking things that aren’t true….🤣🙄

So you think the absurd valuation of a meme stock like inept tesla reflects reality? No wonder you make up such moronic things…

And now you pretend to know Barra? Ever heard st Elon speak? He stutters and stumbles through every drug-addled presentation he makes announcing his next vaporware.

Teslas lousy quality cobbled-together clown cars combined with better-built, better-engineered EVs from real OEMs are why inept tesla is losing marketshare everywhere they operate.

jamesjm, either you live under a rock or the koolaid you’ve been swilling for your cult is making you spout off things you are clueless about.

jamesjm • 2 years ago

You sound like you've never grown out of your school yard bully phase but Elon, like many other extremely intelligent and resourceful people have a type of Asperger's syndrome. We see you're the Bully that makes fun of everyone who has impediments or afflictions like most of us do, that you don't. I can't reply to your dribble any longer since you have nothing to support it other than your neurons, which seem to come up short of a synapsis. Everyone else here probably thinks I've spent far too much time on you and simply can't be helped.

J Bell • 2 years ago

Yes, you’ve spent far too much time on him.

disqus_x5vTSEKiMV • 2 years ago

Yeah, he should’ve avoided putting his brainless responses on display.

eCat • 2 years ago

He’s just a troll I blocked him

disqus_x5vTSEKiMV • 2 years ago

Yeah, stay in your bubble where facts can’t hurt you…🙄

slipnslider • 2 years ago

Maybe people with aspergers syndrome shouldnt be designing cars for people without aspergers syndrome. Those of us without it prefer turn signal stalks and full steering wheels.

sreams • 2 years ago

The vast, vast majority of Teslas don't have those.

slipnslider • 2 years ago

They will. This is the direction they're heading in the new models. Yoke in the cybertruck, roadster, and model S. No turn signal stalks. Pure arrogance and idiocy.

sreams • 2 years ago

No stalks doesn't bug me one bit. The yoke does... but it won't once they implement progressive steering and eliminate the need to turn the wheel multiple times.

slipnslider • 2 years ago

What is the advantage of getting rid of stalks? Making your car even less usable by someone not specifically trained for it?

disqus_x5vTSEKiMV • 2 years ago

Hahaha, you think he’s intelligent?!😂😂😂
My moneys on the koolaid you’ve been swilling…
I bet you pretend he’s an actual engineer too!
You sound like you believe in fantasy BS and ignore reality. Now you think having Fraudsbergers is an excuse to lie his way through everything….you can’t reply because you have no facts to back you up, only cultists talking points that have been repeatedly debunked. You simply can’t be helped or bothered with simple reality.

I bet you like to think tesla will build humanoid robots too…🤣🤣🤣🤣

Patrick • 2 years ago

Welcome to the Steely Dan song, jamesjm:

Would you keep on talking trash
Would you keep on talking trash
Can you show me
It’s true you are an @ss
Malarkey means buh-bye now
Can you show me

disqus_x5vTSEKiMV • 2 years ago

So you hate facts and rational thought too, huh?

Tessaract • 2 years ago

If you had expressed either a fact or rational thought, you might have leg to stand on. I’ve read only hateful diatribe, intolerance, and outright falsehoods in your comments. Despite any faults Elon may have, his lack of a formal engineering degree, and his stuttered verbal delivery, one of him is still more intelligent than an roomful of “Bodhisattva” clones.

disqus_x5vTSEKiMV • 2 years ago

If you could recognize a fact or a rational thought, you might have a leg to stand on. I’ve only read tesla cultist talking points and hypocrisy here—the very hateful diatribe, intolerance, and outright falsehoods you clumsily accuse me of. Despite the endless lies and fraud from your lord and savior st elon, you and your cult still haven’t been able to dispute anything I’ve posted.

Tessaract • 2 years ago

Doubt that. But point me to any actual factual statement you've posted. And while you're at it, perhaps a summary of your verifiable technical background, so we might be impressed by the weight of your expertise and therefore give you some credence. Your response above is fact-free, so no need to address that. And there's no point in trying to dispute your opinions, since they are merely opinions and worthless in themselves without some grounding in expertise.

disqus_x5vTSEKiMV • 2 years ago

Here’s two: Tesla is losing marketshare everywhere they operate and their quality/manufacturing is a dumpster fire. No rational person can dispute either of those facts.

Again, you haven’t shown the ability to find a fact even if I spotted you the “f”, “c”, and “t” as facts are anathema to your cult.

I’m sure you believe you’re somehow not doing the exact things you’re desperately accusing me of here too…🙄

eCat • 2 years ago

Well, I looked at some of your comments before blocking you. I don’t blocking folks with negative, but making sense comments, but if you just want to be a troll, – that is a different story. There is no value there. Bye

disqus_x5vTSEKiMV • 2 years ago

“Folks with negative”?
Is English your third language?