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Chris Nordby • Hace 1 mes

Zoo York for a reason 🤷‍♂️

Jimmy Ying Li • Hace 2 meses

I find this couples behaviour truly a blessing as its freedom of expression and they were under a blanket so whomever has a problem with sex can go tell that to their beloved god of choice and you should have your answer. Ill bet you $5 I know what that answer will be. But Id say it here but whomever has a problem with this couple doing what they did, hell, you'd probably try to hunt me down and shoot me or something. I'm not difficult to locate, Ill be here somewhere having sex but it won't be under a blanket, just an FYI. Hahaha these two in the park are awesome. Making love is a natural human thing to do, and being spontaneous isn't a sin neither is making love. So tough it up if you don't like what your seeing, too bad, look the other way or stay at home if you don't like reality, or get into a tiff over peoples actions. In my opinion some people just need to "loosen up the bone Wilma"! Sure, they could have done this at night but they had reasons for sure not doing it at night and I'm sure the majority of the city there would not be caught dead in the parks at night, so what would you rather see, this couple under a blanket or dead people scattered around the lovely park with bullet holes looking like their whiffle balls. Probably the latter not the best example but hey my opinion take it however you wish, just don't complain to me because frankly its my opinion and I have the right to like or not. So do you and I enjoy my freedoms because we probably wont have freedom much longer the way the worlds directions going anyways. Have an unbelievable day to those two under the blanket.