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Felice Pignatiello • 4 years ago

Can I use to detect the window glass?

DFRobot Support • 4 years ago

Hi, I don't advice that you use the sensor to detect the window glass because the light will pass more than reflect.

염동원 • 4 years ago

Is there any other Library for AVR Atmega128 ?

DFRobot Support • 4 years ago


Marcin Liskowski • 6 years ago

Is it possible to connect 4 sensors to one Wemos D1 mini module ?

DFRobot Support • 6 years ago

You can check the datasheet to use different I2C address, then you can control different sensors.

Tomosuke Yamaguchi • 1 year ago

Can you guys provide a Solidworks file of this so I can incorporate it in my project? Thanks!

Fabrizio Marabini • 2 years ago

Is it reliable for measuring distance from a rough water surface?

Miroslav Štandera • 2 years ago

Is there a library for Microsoft Makecode (Micro:bit)?

DFRobot Support • 2 years ago

Hi Miroslav,

Sorry, there is no extension library of this sensor for Makecode.

Ömer Başar Özgüven • 3 years ago

Is it compatible with Raspberry pi?

Felice Pignatiello • 4 years ago

Can I ask again the use of windows Glass? The reflection on each windws is normal 4% of incoming ligth, so the glass is not complitely trasparent.

DFRobot Support • 4 years ago

Hi, the glass has a serious influence with the sensor which is base on detecting with light.