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Wayne Harmon • 5 years ago

Price control leads to scarcity and diminished quality, anytime, anywhere.

CM • 5 years ago

I wonder how many people realize that renting out a single family home is often financing assisted living or nursing home care for the elderly homeowner. I know of several cases where this is happening. If you couldn't rent out the house to cover some of the costly care, the state or other welfare agency would be paying for it when the money ran out after selling the place.

Jason • 5 years ago

I love how the article try to correlate prop 10 with affordable housing. "...even though two-thirds said they felt that housing affordability" because PROP 10 would have hurt affordable housing. I feel that the politicians wanted a political win regardless of the actual outcome. David Chiu's days should be numbered and he is a Harvard grad no less. How could he not see that this would negatively affect everyone.

Insignia2 • 5 years ago

I'd love to discover a way to get rid of Chiu (I am in SF). But hopefully this defeat shuts him up for a half hour. He is also responsible for ridiculous airbnb restrictions in SF.

CM • 5 years ago

Being a Harvard grad doesn't mean you have any sense of reality. My dear father had a term for it: intellectual jerk - book smart but no common sense.

Prefiero Figurados • 5 years ago

The voters said no. That won't matter to new Gov. Gavin "I do what *I* want!" Newsom, with a Democrat (read: socialist) controlled legislature ready to do his bidding now that reasonable Gov. Brown and his fiscal responsibility are a thing of the past.

Insignia2 • 5 years ago

The CA legislature has tried to limit Costa Hawkins but it always dies in committee. I'm certain Chiu and Newsom assumed 10 would pass if put on the ballot. Instead it lost by a 2:1 margin. There isn't any way to explain away this defeat- I suspect the CA legislature backs away from rent control as a solution now.

D-Dog • 5 years ago

Why would a home owner vote to limit the money they make on a rental? Why would renters be able to vote to limit what someone can make off their own property, when the renter is not even the owner. This is completely backwards. I didn't even make a penny off our rental because of maintenance cost and upkeep. No surprise this didn't pass.

CM • 5 years ago

The renters want to limit their rent so in theory (notice I said theory) will not go up.