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MadBrother • 6 years ago

$85,000 is a lot of money for a book of fiction.

InfiniteLight • 6 years ago

love and respect all of humanity. we are all african. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Winter Archer • 6 years ago

Glad that is has a good caretaker now and it may help future generations understand what obscene actions politicians will take given the chance.

Putting native born citizens (not anchor babies or DACAs) into concentration camps and allowing their businesses and property to be taken by others is one of the blackest marks on US history.

If ANYONE is owed reparations it is this group.

Cindy & Michael Hossain • 6 years ago

However the practicality of paying reparations(and imagine the magnitude due to loss of businesses and property alone) back to Native Americans, the original native born citizens, is simply not feasible.

NVRNVRLND • 6 years ago

Look, no one can claim to be aboriginal, all the Native Americans are descended from migrants across the Bering Bridge. So you are all migrants, just the first ones. We kicked your butts, get over it, you have no rights to anything. Get over it, you lost. Pull up your panties and get on with it. And what about that Caucasian skeleton up there in Washington. Also, what about the DNA tests that show that the Eastern Indian tribes and the Western Tribes are not in any way related at all. Sounds like all this Indian stuff is so much crap.

Cindy & Michael Hossain • 6 years ago

Anyhow-we all are African in origin

Cindy & Michael Hossain • 6 years ago

Like I said- not practical or feasible