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Alan Brooks • 4 years ago

Now how about an article on all the criminals facial recognition software has helped apprehend. There are lots of very legitimate and productive uses of this technology and to ban because of some privacy Nazi is short sighted and foolish.

Freeland_Dave • 4 years ago

Funny. The liberals are all upset over facial recognition but don't worry about them being tracked on their cell phones or eavesdropped on those phones and emails. If they truly 'have nothing to hide' as they claim what is their problem with facial recognition?

Look, I am no fan of this 'spying' that is done mainly at the business level for the purpose of sales or government snooping to 'get the goods' on political adversaries. What I am getting at is the hypocrisy of the left that complain about one thing yet promote the other that essentially is the same thing when it comes to rights of privacy.

If anything they should embrace the day when they walk into a store and an AI rolls up to them and says, "Hello Mr. Loony Hightech Liberal, let me show you where that gizmo you have been talking to your friends about is located." I mean, what liberal just wouldn't love to be treated with such respect and compassion? :)

Rick • 4 years ago

Obviously this technology must be an effective tool against crime. Why else would the Left (a criminal organization) want to do away with it?

Reima Hoale • 4 years ago

Relieving yourself, and crapping all over public areas is a faceless crime and deserves to be protected.

Abstemious • 4 years ago

Facial recognition is a nail in the coffin of Freedom! I'm seeing a lot of Sheeple in the comments section!

Tony Clifton • 4 years ago

So, 10 years ago some lady was stopped because the cops thought she was driving a stolen car because another cop entered the wrong license plate number into a database...facial recognition is dangerous.

Freeland_Dave • 4 years ago

So is tracking you by your cell phone. Don't believe me? Ask OJ Simpson about it.

Jim1937 • 4 years ago

They should ban fecal recognition.

Freeland_Dave • 4 years ago

They do unless it's your dog or cat's poop.

Come On Now • 4 years ago

So, let me get this straight. The Silicon Valley companies responsible for facial recognition don’t want it used on them or their employees? God forbid their vampire transfusions, LSD micro-dosing, Keto dieting and cross dressing would be caught on camera.

Freeland_Dave • 4 years ago

Just go north along 101 a bit and you can catch them working out with their sex robots as well.

So they outlaw facial recognition because the cameras are ONLY seeing spouting turd blossoms instead. Makes perfect sense. Sociallist shtholes employing facial recognition that doesn't work because all the cameras see is politicians (spouting azzholes).....

Clown world in effect in Blue Bastion territory.. Honk Honk...No sane person would live in these Democrap strongholds. If you are and intend to remain there, then you deserve what you get.

Kevin • 4 years ago

I thought the title was “fecal recognition”, as in DNA testing the sidewalk poopermint patties that these areas are becoming famous for and then returning them COD to their rightful owner, tent-side delivery.

Jim1937 • 4 years ago

Return them using Amazon to deliver them.

tree207 • 4 years ago

So because "any benefits of the technology outweigh its impact on civil rights" is the reason for banning the technology?

Gawd, my thinking processes are just so muddled these days. Must be my white privilege brain damage and failure to thrive.

Come On Now • 4 years ago

No, the article author is obviously so self absorbed that they didn’t catch their obvious mistake.

rexo • 4 years ago

Anti Whites call themselves "anti racists” but their actions target only one race, the White race.

When has a “diversity activist” ever campaigned to bring white people to any global place or institution that is non white?

Is this what they mean by White 'Privilege'?

Where are the "anti racists" to protest the ongoing torture, rape, and murder of minority Whites in South Africa?

If it's all because of 'slavery, colonialism', then why does noone care about the colionalism of say, Turkey or North Africa? Or the mass slavery imposed on the Slavs or the Irish?

And if it's about the Aboriginals, then help the Aboriginals. Importing more "thieves" to this "stolen land" as they like to say doesn't help. Nor does importing random third parties as a solution make any sense.

It’s clear that ‘anti racist’ is just code for Anti White
And that diversity is CODE for White G-

--enocide. We know. It is that cognitive dissonance problem among whites that fail to recognize it at all because they can't rise above their own suicidal sickening virtue signalling. Maybe they deserve it because they refuse to DEAL with reality. Suicidal virtue signaling is more important. Don't worry though, Mother Nature rewards stupidity, ironically and justly.

DavidPeoria • 4 years ago

They have to protect their criminal voter base.

Guest • 4 years ago
Freeland_Dave • 4 years ago

Had a black friend who lived in Oakland (yes there are some good ones there) who one day said to me in jest, "You white folks look all the same to me." We had a lot of fun times with HR when we were reported for using racial slurs against one another as we played around. I also was accorded the honor to be selected as a Godfather for his two children because we hated each other so much.

HaroldBortner • 4 years ago

Given all the public defecations, San Francisco needs to develop fecal recognition software.

John • 4 years ago

The Bay Area is a third world region in a developing country called the U.S. of A.

LW No Club • 4 years ago

However, in S.F. one will soon be required to stand- pants removed over a mirrored camera and instantly recognized by perineum recognition technology.

That's the same as facial recognition for Leftists!

Roy Rogers • 4 years ago

You cant stop that genie its already out of the bottle, webcams, Facebook, drones are places its already being used. pretty all internet portals

Old Sod • 4 years ago

San Francisco is where it's dogs that must be careful where they step.

Croozin4aBroozin • 4 years ago

They're using stool samples instead.

HRC's Strap-On • 4 years ago

Sanctuary City, no Facial Recognition, Revolving Door Justice System, one party rule, BUT, you can't have plastic bags or straws.. Simply Insane

Freeland_Dave • 4 years ago

Or toys in children's happy meals..

disqus_wblY9NhElY • 4 years ago

Wait. What? How exactly does a machine that misreads the license plate of a passing car know that the woman driving it was black and profiled her? They made a point in the article that the woman the police thought was driving a stolen vehicle was black. So I wonder if it is the policy of the SFPD when realizing a suspected car thief is non-black, to holster their weapons and let the suspect go about their business?

This woman who had guns pointed at her was let go after only 20 minutes… for that she sued and won $495,000? Cali keeps getting poorer and dumber it seems.

So does this mean that if I information on a vehicle I think was used in a crime and am not sure about one of the digits in the license plate, the cops won’t even touch it because it would be considered profiling? Could I be sued for misreading the plate? (I’m just being ridiculous to make a point)

Where was color of change when we had a work truck stolen out of the motel parking lot and the GPS tracker it had onboard located it in Oakland. We called the police with the exact location and they told us that it was a “bad” area of town and to not even try to go down there ourselves and they would “get to it”. We never did get the truck back.

Facial recognition is already in place in airports and in many private businesses. Retail stores, casinos, schools, dealerships, offices, etc. Not only can they flag a “person of interest” to be alerted when/if they come back, it can also be used to alert them when an unknown person enters the property or area. Doesn’t seem like a bad thing to me, but I’m not a criminal.

Mackerel1 • 4 years ago

Well how many criminals live in Oakland? Self preservation.

Miguel Stevenson • 4 years ago

Of course they don't want it, it enables criminals to continue to ply their trade more easily.

itbethetruth • 4 years ago

Its rather easy,,, its Oakland. Stop everyone.

NMBill • 4 years ago

This facial recognition stuff has got to stop!

- sent from my iPhone X

itbethetruth • 4 years ago

Why? Because YOU say so? Only criminals need worry.

NMBill • 4 years ago

The point of my comment went so far over your head, it achieved low space orbit.

Chipsie • 4 years ago

Sure. What could possibly go wrong?

TeaRunner • 4 years ago

Who decides who is a criminal?

ibis • 4 years ago


tommytorero • 4 years ago

Once again the left prioritizes protecting the criminals while the law abiding, tax paying "legal" citizens get the shaft.

Clown world. Honk honk. Welcome to Obamas "hope and change" results.........

dave • 4 years ago

Democrats are loosing voters so fast they have to protect the ones they have left. The more criminals they can keep on the streets causing chaos the better for democrats. Always remember the democrat motto, "Never let a crime go to waste and if there are none create choas"

Chipsie • 4 years ago

I agree, but the saying is actually "Never let a 'crises' go to waste."
It was said by Rahm Emmanuel, mayor of Chicago and Obama's pal who was his first Chief of Staff.

alanmonrovia • 4 years ago

Law enforcement will be banned from using facial recognition software, but private companies can continue to zero-in on individuals to better enrich themselves. In the same way, our government is prevented from interfering with free speech, but Facebag, and the rest, are free to censure whomever they like.

yoshi • 4 years ago

Thy're pro-censorship but don't want their faces seen?

Chilli Palmer • 4 years ago

How long before San Francisco requires it police officers to wear blindfolds? Come on
Supervisor Peskin, what better way is there to stop "racial injustice"?

raynebc • 4 years ago

Antifa protesters often cover their faces too.

Steve Gomez • 4 years ago

Ironic, the cities that create this technology don't want it in their backyard. It's always monitor, collect data, and monetize all that information of others.

Chipsie • 4 years ago

Exactly. The Left (which politically dominates cities and our technology sector) is powerless to recognize irony. There are so many examples such as pro open borders activists who live in high security residences,like Jeff Zuckerberg for instance, who lives in a private residence behind walls with exceptional protections.
The same goes for George Clooney, Barbara Streisand, etc.
Or the way they promote so called "diversity", just as long as its the most superficial kind involving skin color, but never actually any diversity of thought, opinions or ways of thinking.