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mulga mumblebrain • 4 years ago

I do think it is misjudged to still claim that there is time left to avert the ecological Holocaust that will destroy most Life on earth, including most, if not all, of humanity. In my opinion, a major task left for humanity is to ensure that the denialists face justice for assisting in causing the greatest Holocaust of Life in planetary history. That is a crime orders of magnitude worse than anything the Nazis ever did.

Mikey • 4 years ago

Right beside the horror of climate change we see the ghastly consequences of an industrial economy that uses fresh water as a disposal mechanism. This extremist capitalism, which deceptively refuses to acknowledge and pay for the social costs of its reckless and destructive practices, plays out daily all around us.
If we want change, real change, we can't vote for the 'center' parties which have allowed this to occur and multiply for decades under their irresponsible and undemocratic governance.

JCensored • 4 years ago


Extinction Rebellion:

JCensored • 4 years ago

An ancient christogram chi rho, I think we can repurpose...