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Chris in Maryland • 3 years ago

I no longer recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd when Bishop Barron speaks. He wants an attractive "Catholic-ism." On that note, so did "Rev." Marcel Maciel.

Bishop Baron speaks in political narratives.

He markets himself as "orthodox," but is silent on hard truths.

1 - His own Archdiocese in LA sponsors LGBTQ ideology at its REC COnference, and Bishop Barron is silent.

2 - Serious lay Catholics publish the Report on The Crisis (Sex Abuse) in the US Church in 2004, candidly noting that over 80% of the sex abuse is abuse of teen boys by homosexual priests, and Bishop Barron responds by saying we need to make sure we don't have a "witch hunt."

3 - Thousands upon thousands of teens are sexually abused, and rather than respond with anger at these crimes and solidarity with victims, Bishop Barron twists his response by ignoring the victims, and claiming victim status for the Church, saying "the Church is wounded."

4. The "Vatican" under the Pontiff Francis issues a white-washed report on McCarrick, which the faithful Catholic psychiatrist Dr. Fitzgibbons (who had warned the Vatican about McCarrick) declared in writing at the Catholic World Report to be stocked with "falsehoods and misrepresentations," and which candid Catholics like Phillip Lawler called a white-wash, and Bishop Barron lauds the report as "unprecedented openness."

Regretfully, I find Bishop Barron to be a conformist and a careerist, marketing himself, rather than teaching the truth of the Gospel.

Fred Flintstone • 3 years ago

The USCCB is a crazy Leftist echo chamber. It absorbs and transforms all who enter its vortex.

Timothy J. Williams • 3 years ago

Bingo! You have nailed Robert Barroncrat perfectly.

Phoebe Coombey • 3 years ago

A bullseye, Chris.

Barbara Jude • 3 years ago

The article, and your response to it, are both absolutely accurate with regards to Bishop Barron. A "Company Man" through and through, for one with so much God-given talent, he has turned out to be a great disappointment.

Guest • 3 years ago
CharlesCarol • 3 years ago

More than Mother Angelica?

Barbara Jude • 3 years ago

You supplied the name of Mother Angelica and LexOrandi mentions Abp. Fulton Sheen; I would agree with both. In addition, I would add the following names, and this is by no means a complete list: Anthony Esolen, Phil Lawler, Ralph Martin, Scott Hahn et al.

denis jackson • 3 years ago

How is it that many consider him a great success ?

Barbara Jude • 3 years ago

"...many consider him a great success." Who are the many and what are their beliefs on key Biblical and catechetical precepts?
"For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul..." Mark 8:36-37

Jay • 3 years ago

Your response to the question of whether or not traditional Catholics can be mean and judgmental is to lead in by comparing Bp. Barron to Maciel?

I'm a traditional Catholic, but come on, friend, this is comical. How can you expect to be taken seriously when you do this?

Chris in Maryland • 3 years ago

Jay -

I was not pointing out the problem of the "make Catholic-ism attractive" theme to be mean (i.e. suggesting that Bishop Barron is a criminal fraud like Maciel), and I understand your point. You are certainly right that it would be wrong to suggest that Bishop Barron is an immoral man, and I was not intending that.

What I was concerned with in making the comparison about the "Church attractiveness theme" is that it is a big error.

The truth, or better said, The Truth, is what is attractive.

My growing sense from years of reading and listening to Bishop Barron is that he will not confront the truth about the Church crisis, and is working hard in recent years to persuade other Catholics to avoid the truth about the crisis in the Church, which is, as one recent article called it, a "Bishops Crisis."

In leadership training, there is a saying that "there are no personnel problems, there are only management problems." In the military, this is expressed like this: "If the group is failing, it is always because the Commanding Officer is failing."

Bishop Barron is failing to come to grips with the crisis in the Church, and he is trying to convince other people to join him in not coming to grips with it. He is looking for a way to silence critics who are exposing the truth about rotten and mediocre Bishops. That is bad leadership, and bad shepherding.

Chris • 3 years ago

I don’t think Bishop Barron and Maciel have anything in common.

denis jackson • 3 years ago

What a crazy insult to such a bright spark💥 as the good Bish Barron!
His daily gospel short commentaries are well written and provide much spiritual nourishment to thousands of hungry souls . I live in England and am not party to much of American church politics . But as an enlightened shepherd I find Barron excellent. I look forward to the day he receives his red hat❗️

Prolifedem6M • 3 years ago

He very well may with this Pope. After all, Wilton Gregory who is helping Joe Biden to commit sacrilege did. So did Cardinal Cupich.

denis jackson • 3 years ago

Both Gregory & Cupich are excellent serving priests .

chris • 3 years ago

Well that is an indictment, isn't it?

Richard W Comerford • 3 years ago

Mr Chris:

Great line!

God bless

Richard W Comerford

Rick W • 3 years ago

I believe that was sarcasm

Adrian Johnson • 3 years ago

[Note to American readers:
Mr Jackson is speaking in the finest tradition of British irony.]

denis jackson • 3 years ago

Actually Mr Jackson is speaking on behalf of thousands of sincere forward thinking Catholics who support Pope Francis and his train of thinking in appointing great priests like Gregory and Cupich. No irony or sarcasm there , just true British honesty and grit.

Adrian Johnson • 3 years ago

I saw what you did there :-)

denis jackson • 3 years ago

What did I do?
Edit it ?

CharlesCarol • 3 years ago

I love the brits dry sense of humor. Bloody funny! I loved Life of Brian, it was prophetic was it not?

denis jackson • 3 years ago

Ha ha , indeed the British SOH is so much FUN !
It saves us from extreme polarisation ...I loved Life of Brian too, but many more narrow minded Brits though it blasphemous !

TheFlyingTigers • 3 years ago

These two towers of Catholic orthodoxy who are supportive of both sodomy and "Catholic" Joe Biden? The Joe Biden who gives uncorrected scandal in receiving Holy Communion when he's vocally, radically pro-abortion?

No, NOT great, except to say GREAT EMBARRASSMENTS to the Church.

denis jackson • 3 years ago

I beg to differ Sir .

Rick W • 3 years ago

Bob barron is that you ?.

denis jackson • 3 years ago

Ha ha 😇

Maggie Sullivan • 3 years ago

VERY well written!!!!!!

Guest • 3 years ago
YourMoveCreep88 • 3 years ago

If Bishop Barron is silenced for speaking out about the LMNOP ideology or remains silent about it, what's the difference other than not even taking a swing at it and letting his voice be heard?

Guest • 3 years ago
Patriotic American • 3 years ago

Silence = consent.

opusaug • 3 years ago

Were that completely true, the Faith would have died with the martyrs.

Margaret • 3 years ago

With all due respect---the martyrs were far from silent. They spoke the loudest of any of us by their actions.

Guest • 3 years ago
Patriotic American • 3 years ago

I would hardly compare a secular job to the high calling of Father Barron to lead souls to heaven. Was he forced to become the Auxiliary Bishop? Isn't he obligated to point out error for the benefit of souls who may be lost?

Manualman • 3 years ago

Does Gomez really strike you as the organizing force behind REC?
Or is it more likely that Gomez too has spent his life in a clerical society where "Never let your divisions show to the outsiders" is Rule #1?

Rick W • 3 years ago

Gomez is in charge, it is on him to be the shepard we deserve. I think the filth mahony may still have his filthy hand in this diocese. If gomez can't stand up and do the job, he should leave.

matt_commons • 3 years ago

Come on, Lex. Not your best work.

Rick W • 3 years ago

This is not a job, it is a vocation to serve God, if he is afraid let him get another job and preserve his soul.

Mark Giles • 3 years ago

OK. Courageous to a fault.

YourMoveCreep88 • 3 years ago

BLM is a secular Marxist movement that bullies people into accepting their ideology or risk social ostracization, violence, and worse. With Bishop Barron, it is clarifying his position as a prominent leader of the Church for the lay faithful. He would hardly face the same fate either way (although he would most certainly be elevated if he were to speak in favor of LMNOP). Many are simply asking for clarification from one of the most outspoken Bishops, with one of the largest Catholic platforms, in our country.

Chris in Maryland • 3 years ago

LexO -

Just a note in reply to the 3rd of your points about "the Church being wounded."

My sense that stirs when I hear Bishops pronounce the "Wounded Church" theme is that this a very subtle manipulation that serves the purpose of evading the submission to truth and justice.

Here is how it operates:

The people who are wounded by sex abuse are the victims of the abuse.

To take the word "wounded" and apply it to faithful who were not abused is a 3-pronged tactic of psychological misappropriation: (1) it deflects attention away from pursuit of justice owed to victims because of the suffering they have endured; (2) it steals the apt word "wounded" from the actual victims and uses it to infantalize the Church at large, by suggesing that "non-victims" are victimized, even the criminal coverup Bishops themselves, and encouraging the faithful to feel sorry for themselves, instead of feeling what they ought to feel, which is outrage at the injustice that has not been resolved; and (3) thus creates a detour path for Bishops to misdirect our attention, and theirs, away from the arch-injustice done to victims by Bishops who protected abusers, and let's the same Bishops avoid accounatbility by pretentious therapuetic PR that "we are all suffering together."

Thus, Bishops persist in skating away from the crimes of their own Bishop colleagues, and in many cases their own crimes, and the price of that is the diminishment of the justice owed to the real victims, and the further infantalization of the faithful, by perpetuating the reign of abusive, unaccountable Bishops owed fealty by virtue of not their faithfulness to their office, but merely their status as officeholders.

Guest • 3 years ago
Chris in Maryland • 3 years ago

LexO -

I am speaking strongly here below, but it is not directed at you personally.

I agree that the outrage I feel is justified, but it does not flow from a place of pain. It flows from a love for the truth, and for the innocent who suffer at the hands of greedy, mediocre frauds who stock the ranks of Bishops, men like Mahony of LA and Cupich of Chicago and Tobin of NJ and Wilton Gregory and Donald Wuerl of WAshington, DC. The latter two of whom are cohorts of the sociopath McCarrick, who have themselves this week been exposed as money-grubbing frauds, the latter having been caught receiving a whopping $2M in 2021 for "his personal ministry" from Gregory, an increase over the $1.5M Gregory gave away to Wuerl in 2020, while Gregory cuts support for priestly formation and charitable work.

The archbishops and Cardinals named above are disgusting and repulsive frauds, all marketeers for the Pontiff Francis, the ultimate fraud, who brazenly orchestrated idolatry in Rome in October 2019, showing his contempt for the 1st Commandment, after spending six years showing his contempt for numbers 6, 7 and 8.

That Bishop Barron is silent you have already agreed. You have offered an explanation in his defense.

I do not think his silence is defensible. It is nothing other than self-preservation, to continue his religion business, which I am guessing is lucrative.

Romulus • 3 years ago

Good points, but Gomez isn't a Cardinal. In fact, it's kind of a scandal that he isn't. Francis must hate his guts for some entirely personal reason.

Adrian Johnson • 3 years ago

To be a Catholic prelate hated by Francis is a badge of honour, in my books. Look at the sort of people he's been promoting: Mediocre at best, sleaze at worst.

JMJ • 3 years ago

Okay, please, blessedly, enough with rhetoric and sophistry.

1. His Boss is the Beloved. He speaks the truth for Him in reverence and kindness, in season and out of season....if silenced for being and witnessing Christ, His Boss, he will be rewarded - he could call on Padre Pio for assistance in carrying this Cross in drinking from the Beloved's Chalice.

2. You obfuscate. The point was not what he said, but what he did not say by what he said. He should have said the report shows the vile and demonic wickedness and protection of evil doers and evil and is NOT a witch hunt. It is false logic to bring up Cardinal Pell. Comparing an actual witch hunt and a non-existent, or potential future, witch hunt (while not acknowledging the evil but recasting the evils and the protecting of them as a witch hunt), is not of Christ.

3. Another absence of right reason. The point is NOT that the Church is wounded, but that he should have said a good number in the Church wounded thousands of the Beloved's little ones, covered it up, and there was no expression of Christ's anger, making a whip of cords and driving out these vendors and merchants of perverted lust. It is not an either/or reality, but a both/and.

Lex credendi.....lenten blessings.