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Ash • 6 years ago

The only thing worse than this are the stupid fools who bought into (and still do) that global warming BS.
Then again, like P.T. Barnum said: "There's a sucker born every minute!" Ha ha, suckers!

Balgost • 6 years ago

Gore doesn't believe a thing that he tells others. Its all about the money. He has been and always will be a hypocrite when it comes to the environment and global warming. This article documents what he has done for years at his TN home and the ties to big oil... http://www.informationliber...

Sam Wise • 6 years ago


wow, are there still people who don't know climate change/warming is a tax scam?
Even Al Gore doesn't believe it, since he bought a house at sea level, and its supposed to be underwater by now.

Cacklin' KamelHo • 6 years ago

We do in California, where Clown Brown and gaggle of Morons has passed a cap and trade scheme to add 60 cents PER GALLON of gas to offset "climate change" while it gets stolen to support Krusty's crazy train. Welcome to Corruptifornia.

TexanForever • 6 years ago

"Krusty" ... LOL !!

Dominic DiCecco • 6 years ago

One of the reasons I left. Let someone else finance the Train to Bankruptcy.

Fed Up • 6 years ago

Anyone stupid enough to ride that train will be sorry as it will be as bad if not worse than the subways on the east coast filled with homeless, and gangs.

Guest • 6 years ago
King_Solomon1 • 6 years ago


evangelinebrabant • 6 years ago

Years ago, the head of the UK version of the EPA (Lord MoncThreeton) told Gore that if he stepped foot on UK soils, anywhere in the world, and tried to profit from his environmental schemes, he (Gore) would be arrested and he would go to prison.

Although American educators, mostly Leftists, lined up to swoon over "Inconvenient Truth," The Brits did an exhaustive scrutiny of the facts in the movie, and discovered over a dozen errors, or lies.

So, a judge ruled that before the movie was shown to British school children, the education system had to publish a booklet detailing the errors, and lies and school children had to read it.

The booklet was 80 pages long.

evangelinebrabant • 6 years ago

Along with the criminal-in --Barack Hussein Obama.

TexanForever • 6 years ago

true dat

Cacklin' KamelHo • 6 years ago

Going into effect this year: challenge mounted but not sure where it stands. The problem with CA is it's litigiousness: they can stall every challenge in court and drag things out to the point of ridiculous with the loony leftie judges out here.

Dennis • 6 years ago

That may change if Trumps sends in the troops to put down the insurrectionists. God I so wish that would happen. Sessions is up to something. He gets a decision from a judge, it may trigger a whole shit load of criminal charges. The statutes are on the books, Brown could do at least 15 years in the Federal Prison system.

Dominic DiCecco • 6 years ago

He'll never see the inside of a courtroom, much less jail.
Too corrupt

ned • 6 years ago

Diversity is a strength! (for non whites moving into white places only)

"Diversity is a strength" really says "White people are a weakness"

That's why they say Anti racist is code for Anti white

That's why they say Diversity is code for White Geno Cide

TexanForever • 6 years ago

IMHO it's stupidity more than intentional corruption.

Pauly Bagadonuts • 6 years ago

I was gonna say, no brainer for the judges out there to uphold. They just overturn common sense cases, and go against the will of the people.

Guest • 6 years ago
MyOpinionPost • 6 years ago

Now why would California worry about the lower classes, they are the upcoming serf classes, indentured to those public workers and select union thugs who collected dollars when everyone else collected pennies.

Guest • 6 years ago
MyOpinionPost • 6 years ago

Never happen, the serfs are well managed by professional democrat plantation workers. (Who will enjoy an excellent retirement courtesy of those serfs.

Numanoid • 6 years ago

The serfs are starting to realize buying guns is their God-given right. AND they can join the Nat'l Guard. They might just go all "Kent State" on the libturds...
"To sleep, perchance, to dream..."

Guest • 6 years ago
Numanoid • 6 years ago

Thanks for catching that. Lesson learned; don't eat and post. :-)

D.Plorable • 6 years ago

There is the matter of the $1 Trillion unfunded pension liability for the public retirement funds. They are going to have to bust out Prop 13 but this will tax people out of their houses and they might not like it. The elites are OK with it though.

MyOpinionPost • 6 years ago

It will be the purge, will it not?

Guest • 6 years ago
TexanForever • 6 years ago

To me all Libs are revolting.

D.Plorable • 6 years ago

That is some of the most expensive cheap labor there is. With 1/3 of the state in poverty and the trend most negative heading toward half. The new majority costs more in benefits than they can ever pay in taxes.

BayouKiki • 6 years ago

Don’t for get the new train!!!

TexanForever • 6 years ago

So glad I saw what was coming and left Huntington Beach for Texas before house prices went up here. Got a 2-story, 3br native stone house in a good area for only $29K. Californians are currently pouring into Texas to escape the lib crazyness.

Trump cutting off Fed funds due to sanctuary and a 60 cent gas increase should bite. Unfortunately, a lot of innocents who can't get out for whatever reason are going to get hurt.

billy • 6 years ago

Diversity is demanded Only wherever white people live. Its Anti White.

It actually means finding the world’s dwindling percentage of white people and Chasing Them Down until they're acceptably non white

"Diversity is our strength" translates to "White people are our weakness"

sarone • 6 years ago

Just look at the pictures coming out of South Africa, if anyone has any doubts.

Numanoid • 6 years ago

Everyone boos when we people in the know talk about solar insolation; they just don't get that the lack of sunspots means the sun is cooling. Sunspots APPEAR to make the sun look darker, but it just means they are emitting electromagnetic energy at a very high frequency beyond visible light. The spotless sun has appeared more and more lately. The climate here in New Orleans has cooled considerably since 1965.
And now they want to inject vast quantities of aerosol Sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere to change Earth's Albedo. This will REALLY screw us again; no one can say for certain what will happen except acid rain.

TexanForever • 6 years ago

Glad I have posting company on the sunspot connection, The same weather effects can be observed on Mars, in unison with earth. So are cow farts on earth also affecting Mars' climate?

Bottom line, Global Warmists are ignorant as hell.

Numanoid • 6 years ago

Has anyone else noticed how, whenever there's a big global warming conference, it gets snowed out? This has happened about 6 times in the last 2-3 years.... They think they can predict the weather here, and totally deny the effects of the 900,000 mile wide H-Bomb that goes off in the sky 24/7.

D.Plorable • 6 years ago

That's the mansion at Montecito where Oprah lives. Was waiting to see any follow-up as to they made out after the mudslides.

Bill1942 - 6th Gen Texan • 6 years ago

An appropriate picture - Al mooning the whole world!!!

Numanoid • 6 years ago

His actual residence (not auxilliary homes for show) uses 34 times the average residential home usage. So much for energy conservation... My bill was $256.60 last month, times 34=$8,724.40....

TexanForever • 6 years ago

Mine was $254,32.

alanthegreat • 6 years ago

These stupid idiot leftist retards just eat this shit up, just lap this BS up like trained dogs on cue.

tymwltl • 6 years ago

And being stupid is impossible to deal with.

Ash • 6 years ago

Just like the comedian Ron White said: "You can't fix stupid!"

TexanForever • 6 years ago

John Wayne said "Life is tough. And a lot tougher when you're stupid."

Guest • 6 years ago
Numanoid • 6 years ago

Then you know JACK about comedy; or the truth behind the whole Anthropogenic Global Warming. AND your momma spelled Kathryn wrong.

Guest • 6 years ago
Dennis • 6 years ago

It started with Armond Hammer and Gore's daddy.

Numanoid • 6 years ago

Kathryn is a 2500yo Greek word meaning 'pure'. I learned it in seminary. Where did you get your doctorate, and in what?
And by the way, she has turned out to be pure hellion! ;-)