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seconal formula 27 • 3 years ago

But, but, but Fr. Georges de Laire stands for gay values inclusion. To his credit, that's got to be worth something?

Tom Chopp • 3 years ago

Jesus the Christ and the Lord of His Church declares: "Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits."

Adam Miller • 3 years ago

Nicely done.

Hibernian Faithful • 3 years ago

The Faux Father's lawyer proudly lists this as proud accomplishment on the bio page of his firm's website:

As lead coordinating counsel for the ACLU and the National Lawyers Guild (founded by the CPUSA) , Mr. Cooper successfully represented the Occupy Boston movement in 2011 on a pro bono basis. He obtained a temporary restraining order allowing the protesters to remain encamped in Dewey Square in Boston for nearly a month after other encampments had been dispersed nationally.

This lawyer has some real disreputable clients

Black Monk Rosaries • 3 years ago

Pray the Rosary fro the St. Benedict Center!

praesentiae • 3 years ago

This Georges de Laire is another prime example of a moral narcissist.

Pilot • 3 years ago

1.5 Million home ! Either he is good friends with McCarick or he inherited the money! If not he is skimming from somewhere! Look into the Financial status of the Diocese! Or is the Bishop stealing also ?

Philipp Merillat • 3 years ago

Looks like George is living the good life. Now that we know where George's de Lair is, at least by heckicopter, I'm wondering where is George's DeLorean?

grngia • 3 years ago

It amazes me to see the RC Church in such disarray. It is supposed to be the One True Church but it displays so much descent among its leadership. If we compare Protestantism, it is all over the place in theology and practice but I would expect more unity within the leadership of the RC Church.

FreemenRtrue • 3 years ago

As a lowly Catholic, just a simple bass-turd, I have absolutely no use for any cleric living in a 1.5 million$ waterfront mansion. I don't need to know anything else about him - i think some day he will thirst for a drop of that water.

E F Erhardt • 3 years ago

They're detatched from reality. They are all "legends in their own mind."

denise • 3 years ago

They are emasculated and weak. After 55 ++ m abortions so few have any courage to stand up for what is right. And when these weak priests and bishops do act they choose the easy path forward by aggressively attacking those who are decent and good within the flock. What is with Bp. Libasci, can he not get a hold of this situation and straighten out his bad apples?....but then again.

Andrew • 3 years ago

How could a devout fearless Catholic bishop select "on the waterfront de Laire" as his right hand? Oops, I think I just answered my own question.

dabears70 • 3 years ago

This will be an interesting case as I don’t know if the court will accept anonymous sources There have been cases where, if the reporter would not reveal the anonymous sources, then the information from those sources cannot be used to defend against the defamation charge. It really is a Catch 22 in journalism and for reporters and publishers.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

I think they may have more problems with this case. According to Happy Jack below, Fr. de Laire's interpretation of Church teaching is correct. If that can be proven by the plaintiff in court, then the whole premise of the article is false and they can likely argue that CM should have known it was false prior to the writing of the article. In that light, then the releasing of personal information about him takes on the appearance of unwarranted defamation. Kind of like reporting: "Biden was elected president through widespread fraud, and anonymous sources say he also kicks his dog."

JohnnyCuredents • 3 years ago

Only the first report is accurate. He's too deep into dementia to care for a dog.

mon38288 • 3 years ago

But Candidate Joe was elected through widespread fraud.

RET • 3 years ago

I must inform you that he is a faithful Catholic and Nancy Pelosi does the Lord's work. Just ask them! Besides they performed a miracle and brought the dead to life in order to vote for Biden.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

Sorry to disappoint you. No, he wasn't. If he was, someone would have found some evidence by now.

JohnnyCuredents • 3 years ago

There is plenty of evidence. But, as the Spanish adage has it, No hay más ciego que quien no quiere ver.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

I think another Spanish saying sums it up better: En la tierra de los ciegos, el de pelo naranja es el rey.

mon38288 • 3 years ago

Listening to the lies of the democrat propaganda arm known as the MSM, leads to servile obedience.
Take your vaccine and keep your mask on, the battle for control and compliance rages on.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

Servile obedience to elected officials who lie to you leads to the end of our republic. I would prefer not to abandon truth and democratic principles for the sake of political expediency.

JohnnyCuredents • 3 years ago

I know. That is why I abandoned the Democrat Party decades ago. I was a union president and I got to see what those rats were capable of doing when they thought no one was listening or looking.

misspreparedness • 3 years ago

There is evidence. 200+ signed affadavits ARE evidence. Needed to investigate further but crooked "partisan" judges would not let it happen.

JohnnyCuredents • 3 years ago

Actually, there were over 2000 affidavits.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

The affidavits were looked into. An affidavit is just a witness statement - people saying that they think they saw something amiss. When they were investigated, it was determined that they were mistaken, incorrect or misunderstood what they saw. And some, like Melissa Carone, were just in bad faith. This article explains it well:

You do realize that many of the "partisan" judges were Trump appointees. The fact is everyone did their due diligence and no widespread fraud was uncovered. Some are just politically motivated to keep spinning that yarn.

JohnnyCuredents • 3 years ago

" The fact is everyone did their due diligence and no widespread fraud was uncovered." Naturally. And that is, of course, why we witnessed Democrat poll workers blocking with cardboard the ability of poll watchers to see what they were doing. This is what anyone doing 'due diligence' does. Happens all the time.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

The room that was cardboarded off was full of observers from both sides. They put the cardboard up because others were pounding on the windows and demanding to be let in, and trying to take pictures of voter information. Get your story straight, sir.

mon38288 • 3 years ago

Your "straight" story comes from a media source that has lost all credibility to those not blinded by globalist ideologies to build the city of man, based on love of self, even to the contempt of God.
The lies and propaganda that advance the utopian agenda is an end that justifies any means, even at the expense of truth.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

It comes from the people who were there whose responsibility it was to manage the ballot counting. I realize that in the reality that you live in, all those people were in on the fraud. I know that there is likely nothing I can say to dissuade you from such delusion, but perhaps use a bit of common sense and ask yourself if such fraud was so evident why no judge or law enforcement could find credible evidence of it.

Let this sink in: AG Barr, an avid Trump supporter, angered many of his DOJ department heads when he said the DOJ/FBI were going to investigate the fraud claims. After weeks of investigating, he announced that no credible evidence of widespread fraud were found. He then went to the White House, after Trump threw him under the bus, and told the president that his claims of fraud were BS, and then submitted his resignation. Do you really believe that Barr sold his soul to Biden?

Common sense is very helpful in discerning the truth. I strongly encourage you to use some.

mon38288 • 3 years ago

The same needs to be said to you, where is your common sense, has anyone ever been manipulated, bribed or threatened in your world?

I know that there is likely nothing I can say to dissuade you from your delusion, but did you not witness the video evidence, do you tell yourself that all those people that came forward exposing the fraud and lies, risking all manner of threats, did so as a prank? Did you think that the effects of the cancel culture that erases all opposition to the leftist narrative is a populist or grassroots movement?
Do you really believe that 80 million legal votes were cast for that corrupt, heretical Catholic, career politician, bumbling and stumbling around on the rare occasion when he campaigned, and with hardly anyone around in support?
More people showed up to burn and loot at the Blantifa rallies.

Let this sink in: The populist in 2012, from the Editors at Merriam-Webster who define the term with the use of a picture of Obama, yet he only received 51% of the vote but you go ahead and tell yourself that the old and ever so umble Candidate Joe was able to defy all odds.

It comes down to this; you are either willfully ignorant or you choose to believe the lies of the iniquitous media in order to tell people, with a straight face, I voted for Candidate Joe and I am pro-life.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

I didn't vote for Biden. Jumping to conclusions based on limited information is clearly a hallmark of your thought process.

So, you really believe that dozens of judges (many Trump appointees), FBI agents, hundreds of elections officials, and AG Barr were all bribed or threatened to hand Biden the election? Do you really believe that is a plausible argument?

The population in 2012 was @ 314 million, the population today is @ 331 million, so the fact that Biden got more votes than Obama is really not that amazing. The other factor that many refuse to admit is that a large number of people voted against Trump, not necessarily for Biden.

If you are speaking of the video evidence from Georgia, it was only evidence that nothing untoward happened. Giuliani edited it and only provided the part that fit his false narrative. If you watch the whole video, you will see that the cases are the same cases that the same election officials put under the tables 15 minutes prior when they thought they were done for the night. Subsequently, they were told to keep counting so they pulled the cases out which contained the same ballots that they had just been counting. You think the media lies to you, but actually it is Trump and his cohorts that have been telling all the lies.

Lastly, stop making the people who filed affidavits into imaginary heroes. Most of them were just mistaken about what they thought they saw. Trump had so primed them to believe fraud was going to occur that they saw supposed violations everywhere they looked. All of the affidavits were looked into and were determined to be inaccurate, mistaken, or in some cases, false. They were so erroneous that Giuliani et al stopped using them in their cases.

mon38288 • 3 years ago

Oh whatever, my thought process is suspect for accusing you of defending and voting for Candidate Joe, when you defend the child killing advocate and suffer from TDS. At least my heroes defend truth, yours are traitorous to God and country.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

I have never defended Biden, in fact I have said nothing about him. I have only said there is no evidence of election fraud, which there isn't; and that Trump is a liar, which he is and for which there is copious documentation. If you are going to attempt a counter argument, I suggest you not populate it with straw men.

mon38288 • 3 years ago

The inexplicable contradiction continues. Let's see if I got it right this time.
Trump is a liar and managed to induce mass delusion in all those liars that voted for him, causing them to swear under oath, calling God as their witness, but you're here to tell the truth as you see it.
You didn't vote for Candidate Joe but your hatred of Trump causes you to cast political conservatives as the enemy of freedom. If I got that wrong then maybe you're just an enigma that stands like a neutral bystander, a glass always half full kinda guy, watching and commenting while the left rebuilds America from the ashes of aborted babies.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

I am casting no one as an enemy of freedom, except perhaps Trump. The man incited his supporters to attack the Capitol and hunt for congress members to stop them from certifying an election that all of his experts in Homeland Security, DOJ, and election officials around the country told him was not fraudulent. Thus, he was either mentally unstable or such a tin pot dictator that he was willing to torch the Constitution to stay in power. Those are really the only two explanations for his actions. The fact that evidence shows that he was planning for months before the election to declare victory on election night before all the absentee ballots were counted, which Fox upended by calling AZ for Biden early, makes me think the dictator theory is closer to the truth.

Yes, it is very possible, and I know I am not alone, to believe that both Trump and Biden were bad options to lead this country. Trump has certainly proven me correct, and unfortunately, Biden will likely also.

mon38288 • 3 years ago

Well good, no straw man on my last post, I got it right then, your utter contempt for the man has obviously caused a moral blindness, seeing that great defender of life as a mentally unstable dictator and yet a tool of Satan as merely likely to be a bad choice.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

I'm not sure what else to call someone who attempts to remain in power through violence and intimidation. If it quacks like a duck....

You realize, of course, that Trump was pro-life for political expediency purposes. Now that he is no longer president, he will shed that identity faster than a duck molts.

mon38288 • 3 years ago

No, I don't think so.
That moral blindness brought on by your ideology is the issue and the cause of your contradiction.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

What is my ideology in your opinion?

mon38288 • 3 years ago

The ideology that conforms to your idea of freedom.
You are, of course, free to believe whatever news sources that you gather your information from, but that ideology leans left.
Half of the voting population in this country knows where the left want to take us, with blind obedience to tolerance, that version of "freedom" always ends in violence and godlessness.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

The problem with your assessment is that facts don't lean left or right, they just are. The problem with news media catering to political ideologies is not what they DO report, but what they fail to or avoid reporting. No news media reports demonstrably false information as fact, and you can find me no examples of such. So Fox will bring Powell and Giuliani on their talk shows to spread their false claims, but they will never report in the actual news that Dominion machines flipped votes or that widespread voter fraud took place anywhere because there are no facts to make those claims. And when faced with a lawsuit, they finally DID report that there was no evidence to back up Trump's team's claims because they were forced to report something they had been avoiding.

CNN and the like are no better. They report on what caters to their audience and avoid reporting things that don't jive with their ideology. For example, they won't report on the crowds at March for Life or Trump policies that were successful.

It is just that in the case of this election, the facts were on their side. Had Trump won, I am sure CNN and MSNBC would have had plenty of people on their shows claiming that Trump may have stolen the election.

News is news, and politics is politics. It is unfortunate that we have chosen to blend them so that people have lost trust in journalism.

dabears70 • 3 years ago

And there is a question on whether the priest here is a ‘public figure’. If not, the bar for defamation or slander in court is much lower and he will be able to more easily prove his case.

I do question the use of anonymous sources in this case as it is used to suggest that Fr. de Laire doesn’t know what he speaks on. These people should be willing to come forward and say so in my opinion or their opinion shouldn’t be used in an article.

Well, anyway, this will be an interesting case to watch.

Andrew • 3 years ago

Democrats on the WaPo brought down a POTUS Richard Nixon by using an anonymous source called deep throat. The federal courts thought that was kosher

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

It is also not just the anonymity, but the information that is being provided, that may really get CM in trouble. Deephroat primarily confirmed info that Woodward/Bernstein already had, such as Haldeman was deeply involved. He provided only objective information about who did what. He never made claims to Nixon being "emotionally unstable" or that Ehrlichman was "manipulative," and the WaPo never reported as such even if he did, as it would be clearly the opinion of one man.

That is the issue here. Not that CM is using anonymous sources, but that it is reporting these sources' opinions as if they were fact. Basically using hearsay to damage Fr. de Laire's reputation. That is where the legal waters get very murky for them.

dabears70 • 3 years ago

But that was mostly Deep Throat pointing the reporters in a particular direction where they would find either evidence that could be defended in court or people that were willing to go on the record. Deep Throat wasn’t used as a single anonymous source in the articles published by the Washington Post as CM has done in these articles. So there is a difference.

Good King Wenceslas • 3 years ago

I agree. It is one thing to have an anonymous source corroborating objective info, such as "he said this", or "he did this." It is a whole other matter to have a secret source claiming he is "emotionally unstable" or "manipulative" which are broadly open to interpretation. The original article even states that a source claims de Laire wishes to be appointed to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and follows it with: "Hence his attack on the Saint Benedict Center, a "useful situation" designed to redirect attention away from complaints regarding his performance and instead to his "skill" as an expert in doctrinal matters..." Which seems to imply unprincipled motive to Fr de Laire's actions for which CM has no attribution. Thus, it would seem that they would need to own that theorization, and if Fr de Laire's doctrinal decisions prove correct then such a statement could readily be argued as unwarranted defamation.

Lastly, it appears the appeal to CDF has failed: https://www*unionleader*com/news/religion/vatican-rejects-slaves-of-the-immaculate-heart-of-mary-appeal/article_cf5ffceb-47de-5f9f-8098-aa6e3ffa2e26.html

Alyosha Karamazov • 3 years ago

I see that comments with links get caught up in moderation, so I also suggest that folks reading this article do a search for "Promising Salvation to Non-Catholics: A Sin against Charity." To me, this puts the whole theological issue in its proper context.

Alyosha Karamazov • 3 years ago

I suggest that readers do an internet search for "Letter Explaining Saint Benedict Center's Doctrinal Stance." This letter was NEVER answered by the diocesan official who received it — and this is the same priest who is persecuting the St. Benedict Center!