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Sikhulu • 1 year ago

Which government organ can investigate the incumbent president separated at birth with General Idi Amin Tata. That will be like trying to examine a cobra (snake). This issue with Zimbabwe can only be solved by the death of all ex combatants, I mean all they are just the same - a bunch of lunatics who ran away Moza and Zambia fearing arests for their criminal activities.

ViX • 1 year ago

This is like asking a jackal, to investigate the loss of chickens. Hahaa, what is the next joke for today?

Colonel Moyo(retired) • 1 year ago

If this government can get this mineral and tobacco smuggling resolved the Zimbabwe economy will rebound even if sanctions stay. We are an abnormal economy because a few crooked individual are "living a heaven on earth" due to these nefarious activities. I mean there are possibly less than a 1000 people benefiting from corruption and money laundering at the expense of millions of Zimbabweans. I hope our intelligence services start protecting the state from these economic saboteors

zibulo • 1 year ago

stop writing uncenga to be seen as "good boy" . why say a few individuals ? Uyabazi yini then say it, name them . Angithi you always write to politically correct. Its a Bad Organization this ZANU yenu , which has CAPTURED the country through your participation as a previous Colonel , if true . you worked and aided them !!!Why do you hope that the "intelligent services" start protectng the state only now ? When thousands were slaughtered , what did the country , and our citizens in the west of the country say or do ????? Nothing . coz they believed that this devilish govt was doing them a favor. Yes it did coz as much as they are also crying , these from the East are crying whislt dominating other communities and they "plead " to God to also help them when they are sdteppin g other people's feet at the same time !!!!!! Cases like Gugurahundi come tomind when such revelations appear, never solve3d in the correct way but in the war vet way . writer above is correct when he says all war-mentality people have to die and then the country will be really free becausethese guys still live in the war in their heads. murderous evil thieving looters . SATANISTS who hunt civillians all their reigning life so that they rule and steal forever