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Bài dēng • 8 years ago

One must wonder why Joel Osteen is even being discussed on a Christian site.

Liz Holder • 7 years ago

Jeremiah 23:1-40 Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the Lord 2 Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the Lord...........

Coach • 8 years ago

The power of a religious lie. Joel Osteen is a false teacher. As Paul Washer stated, "people like Osteen are God's judgement on people who don't want the real God"

Amos Moses - He>i • 8 years ago

Yeah, i like PW. Great preacher of the word....................

Vicky • 8 years ago

I would discern that the statement just made is not Christlike. Stop tearing down our own body just because you don't agree! Too much garbage like this brings shame to the church of Jesus Christ.

Addjoa Henewaa • 8 years ago

What brings shame to the church is heretical preaching and lifestyles which pushes the unbeliever away. If you want to look nice to the unbeliever by not calling out false preaching then you ought to go back and read the bible.

Coach • 8 years ago

According to that logic, Jesus is not Christlike. What would you say of the Lord of glory as He calls the false teaching Pharisees a 'brood of vipers' Matthew 23:33 "Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell?" or Herod a "fox" Luke 13:32 "And He said to them, "Go, tell that fox, 'Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected."
Osteen is a false teacher and will be judged more severely than the neighbor down the street trying to join Isis.
Please study what the Bible says Vicky and flee Joel's self-worship, new age garbage. If you believe the false gospel Osteen's teaching, you're on your way to hell, repent of defending these lies and trust alone in Jesus Christ.

James • 6 years ago

Really? So you have the knowledge & Authority of God himself enough to call out Brood of vipers ?

No. Christ said don't judge. There is simply not enough information to make bold proclamations about Joel. It's not JW's for crying out loud.

You see this is what Losers do. They don't want to actually do what Jesus commanded. They don't want to love their brothers. They don't want to volunteer at the soup kitchen, visit prisoners.... they want to be study Christians. They appointed themselves prophets(false prophets if they are condemning a brother without actually knowing what God is doing in this case). They are the Christian police. Why? Because that's the path of least resistance. The job with the least work. The job of accuser
Christianity is littered with these kind of punks

Coach • 6 years ago

You sit in judgement of Christians for living and discerning according to what the Bible teaches. Jesus didn’t contradict Himself by speaking the Word, then tell people not to follow the Word.

You call Christians punks, criticize them for studying, call them the Christian police for not living according to “thus saith some guy named James”.

There will be many people in hell who’ve volunteered at soup kitchens.

Did you actually read what I posted nearly a year ago? or are you angry because I exposed your beloved false teacher Osteen?

To correct your statement, before you jumped in the judgement seat.

Jesus said “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” in John 7

Trina Starnes • 5 years ago

I disagree of a preacher getting rich preaching the bible. This is not God's tidings having big churches that some are fancy all this no ey should go to the poor spreading gods word do t need fancy rich preachers who live there life as a millionaire preach to the needy how can you talk to apoor man luvi g. On the streets help the poor give up your 13th and live humeuke Christ did people come to worship you not God a false idol you 're you do t feel the needy how can you in that mansion you live in do your hands get dirty you will be judged by God and he's not happy with you and your followers worshipping a false idol you'll see the wrath of God soon when je sus returns he will destroy those fancy churches

pegasusx86 • 6 years ago

The Lord tells us in his word to SPEAK the truth.

amapinki • 7 years ago

Lord Jesus said we must love even our enemies, pray for them. You are not Christ. We don't get to call people scum. That's hateful. And you don't get to send Christians to hell. And no, I'm no fan of Mr Osteen. We need to speak the truth in LOVE.

Coach • 7 years ago

Amanda, first let me start off by saying, you're correct, I shouldn't call Mr. Osteen "scum", so I've changed the previous statement to say "false teacher", and on the authority of God's Word, that statement is true.
2 John 1:9 Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son.

I don't get to send Christians to hell, nor do I desire to. When my Lord Jesus Christ is being blasphemed by a man who uses ministry to stroke his ego and fill his pockets, all the while deceiving people into thinking he's a kind compassionate man of God, when he twists God's Word to fit his own lies, I have every right and responsibility to call out the false teacher on the basis of Romans 16:17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.

Christians are to speak the truth in love, but those who hate the truth, love lies and avoid the truth. Jesus spoke about hell more than anyone else in the Bible and He condemned the cities where He did miracles in, because they didn't repent as recorded in Matthew 11:20-24, yet many portray Him as a weak beggar, unable to save people, but no my King is Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins. My King is He who said in John 6:44 "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day."
I love you Amanda and I'm speaking the truth, should you find otherwise, I shall consult the living Word of God, to which my conscience is bound by the Spirit of God.

amapinki • 7 years ago

Much love in Christ brother. God bless you. Peace to you.

Kim • 6 years ago

Wow!! Such amazing so called "Christians". Instead of praying for Olsteen which God calls us to do, you all trash him. I'm sure Jesus or whomever you worship, is so 'proud' of you. SMH.

Coach • 6 years ago

Being a recipient of God's unmerited grace, I find it necessary to pray for false teachers, that God in His mercy would save them also. As can be noted by the dialogue Amanda and I had, necessary adjustments were made to the prior post. Kim, my aim as a Christian, is to be pleasing to God, but that's only possible by faith in Christ, which God grants by His sovereign mercy.

You may see me as trashing Olsteen by calling him a false teacher, which he is, as he teaches the "law of attraction", which is rooted in satanism, but whitewashes it with Christian language. People fall for it because they are unconverted.

Matthew 18:2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them,3 and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

Unless a person is regenerated, they will easily fall for this falsehood.
1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

What's really hypocritical is that you do the devil's bidding by accusing me of not being a Christian for exposing a wolf in sheep's clothing. If you worship the same god as Osteen, you're on the broad road which leads to destruction. I urge you to examine what you believe in light of what scripture teaches, you're correct about my duty to pray for Osteen, but you fail to recognize that scripture calls believers to mark those who teach falsehood.

Romans 16:17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus[a] Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.

pegasusx86 • 6 years ago

I personally, as I am sure many others have, written Joel Osteen IN LOVE, to tell him that his preaching (if you could call it that) is False. I asked him to read the bible or even listen to his fathers sermons. No answer. No one wants to hear they are a sinner and that Jesus and only Jesus is the way.
Hearing the drivil that comes out of both Joel and Victorias mouths is what people want to hear. It leaves it all up to a person to believe THEY can get to Heaven by works or prayer or positive thinking. God calls those that He choses (not my words...GODS words). If He don't call ya, You will not see the truth.

pegasusx86 • 6 years ago

couldn't have said it better. Thank you.

mason1611 . • 7 years ago

We will not be shaken

Gigi_Junker • 5 years ago

No it categorically brings glory to the Lord Who Is Truth. One cannot teach a lie and claim to be a member of the body of Christ. Not only is Joel Osteen a false teacher, he is a greedy wolf.

Annah Kurtin • 6 years ago

How could these heathen shame the Church of Christ? Only a Christian could cast a shadow on the congregation.

I'm The Boss • 6 years ago

Osteen doesn't even quailfy based on the criteria for Pastor's outlined by Paul. He must be blameless, above reproach, not a lover of money.

John Williams • 6 years ago

"These men regard godliness as a means of gain." 1 Timothy 6:5

Fee • 8 years ago

There is an abundance of smooth operating Delilahs and Jezebels on the move, bringing godly men down left and right. Too bad Israel gave in to the lust of his flesh, tarnishing his own righteous reputation. However, there is forgiveness and restoration, which hopefully by now he's seeking, more so than being unequally yoked with Adrienne Bailon. After a divorce from a godly wife, of all the women to choose to replace her. Whatever happened to "till death do us part?" This nightmare involving one of the greatest (if not the greatest) praise and worship leaders of all time is simply unbelievable. "I'm praying for you, Israel, as well as your precious children and ex-wife. Adrienne Bailon, please wash your hands of this matter and break off your relationship with this chosen man of God."

mason1611 . • 7 years ago

Israel will return in time , those of us who worship with him know this in our spirit and hearts

Richard Donahue • 5 years ago

I Thank God I'm saved and a Baptist no Baptist would accept cheating spiritual leaders to serve again as leaders in the church.

Fee • 7 years ago

I trust God for that also, brother. As stated, he and his entire family are in my earnest prayers. By the way, do he and Adrienne Bailon attend your church as a married couple, now that they are indeed married?

Cg • 6 years ago

What kind of moron WROTE THIS?? "The longtime senior worship leader for megachurch self-help author and motivational speaker Joel Osteen says that he was not fired after announcing his divorce last month and being photographed this month kissing a woman not his wife."

WHAT???? Can we assume the man who was NOT FIRED HAS A NAME? ?_____? Houghton, Senior Worship Leader of the Lakewood Megachurch of Houston, TX. NOTICE: (no reference to Osteen's is required at all. Birdbrains) and that this article does not have to say anything more than the fact that ?_______? Houghton still has his job. The rest is nothing but FAKE-NEWS and name dropping.

Who wrote this blatant misrepresentation of fact? Why wasn't it edited for facts? Since it wasn't edited, why is it published OR WAS IT? You can't tell by reading WHO IS ACTUALLY BEING TALKED ABOUT, and by totally bad FACTUAL PRESENTATION, this article makes the actual person "Houghton" obscured by name in the entire TEXT. THIS IS ABOUT HIM, NOT JOEL OSTEEN.. Take this down until you can present the facts in a straight, open, clearcut fashion that removes any confusion about WHAT and WHO is being talked about!

Kim • 6 years ago

It's so sad, anyone can fall from grace. Watch yourselves!!

pegasusx86 • 6 years ago

its true, so I have no reason to point. But God does tell us to point out heresy.

mason1611 . • 7 years ago

Israel is my worship leader period . I do not judge him period .Who else but God has the right to condemn anyone of us period

Richard Donahue • 5 years ago

Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!
Acts 5:29

You are following man not God

Johnny Wallis • 6 years ago

osteen is one of anti christs

Publius3 • 5 years ago

To his own Master he stands or falls. So what are you who condemn' doing for Christ?

Samuel Diaz • 6 years ago

Be ready brothers in Christ because He is coming soon:" many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Chareena Crawford • 6 years ago

This article is sooo misleading! This article is talking about ISRAEL HOUGHTON not Joel Osteen.

Eric Sotelo • 6 years ago

Church people are the wolves.. Just read the stupidity on these comments and you'll see what I saying.. Church people are always first to devour and rip apart.. but down deep inside, you are all just as nasty and vile as this worship leader and his pastor.

Come on idiots admit it. You are vile, disgusting, nasty demonic and you all have hidden sin too. Stop being so damn hypocritical..


pegasusx86 • 6 years ago

its truly unbelieveable that these heritics are still around. But, the Lord did says that it would get worse as time winds down for this age. Its just very hard to see. Im kinda ready for the Lords Day.

Steve Gillum • 6 years ago

we as christians should be the first to forgive although I know 75% of people will crucify him, as well her. It can only be a salvageable relationship if THEY both with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ by their sides. Ive been in a relationship for 27 yrs and it hasn't been easy. I don't believe any relationship, including ours without the help and faith in God can weather such storms such as these. Yet there are many that do with time & effort for any relationship a swell raising a family takes nurturing, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, loyalty, the ability to remember we are human & not that it justifies bad behavior but we have made a promise on the terms of marriage as well giving our lives to God. When two people as they preach the word of gospel they must live up to the words they preach or many will believe it was in vain, that was it two very good spokespersons preaching the word of christ education, helping many, reminding us of things we may falter, things to wreath out to our heavenly father for, our faith, our sins, love thy enemy as thy neighbor,do not past judgement upon others, I could continue but my point is our faith is not only a practice for our lord, it is ourselves as well. How do we move on so quickly after losing the mother or father of our children, our partner, family etc? Do we have the right to place judgement on Mr Olsen or his wife for that matter for his weaknesses? are we not as guilty for the sins we commit for anybody that does not sin cast the first stone. I just found out about Mr & mrs Olsen turning down the quest for the citizens of Texas to use their stadium when the flooding took place. I am shocked, yet I know nothing of his reasoning or in fact that story is true. It seems when somebody, no anybody to whom make a mistake is easily a target for half truths and trickery. Especially ppl of religion, different political views, those that do not fear honesty verses being manipulated, followers not thy own leadership and cowardess for fear of retribution. When did our honesty play such a big role in if we were traders verses follow on demand? Where doe all this craziness stop?

Richard Donahue • 5 years ago

What's crazy about exposing a cheating pastor? Has Joel repented? If not there can be no forgiveness but even if he does repent he can no longer serve as a church leader according to the scriptures.

Laurie Schrader • 6 years ago

Talk about a false teacher! I'm an atheist who celebrates my 30th anniversary (man and woman) in just a few days. Funny- we actually said our vows in a Christian church. Oddly, we seem to be only two of the few who actually takes them seriously.

Joel- you stink. While you crapped on gay marriage, you were busy trashing your own vows. Right there in front of God and all. I couldn't care less what happened to you, personally. But your public persona is abysmal, given your personal movement/actions. YUK

Richard Donahue • 5 years ago

You better be careful who you talk down about they will be your neighbors in eternity.

Yong Choe • 6 years ago

Try to get to the point about Joel's divorce if this is true.

Guest • 8 years ago
Amos Moses - He>i • 8 years ago

We are far more likely to be struck by lightening than killed be terrorists...... and we can thank the government for being fearmongers in that regard. The business of government is control, they prefer to control with fear.

What else is new?

pegasusx86 • 6 years ago

thank you Moses for seeing the truth. Many of your color believe otherwise. The Govenment also controls by GIVING to you...free shit.