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We are carbon based. It is helpful to offer short biology 'classes' in local library to wake up people to this fact. A short 2 hour program on how to prepare for Spring planting season, and weave this knowledge in talking about seeds, and growing pretty flowers and lettuce.
It works like infomercials work. People let this info in that way.
So lets get this straight. A bunch of unelected bureaucrats are making a decision about climate change and carbon emissions that are only an issue because they say it is? It is well known that the climate changes over the years and sometimes drastically in an extremely short period of time. If this were not true they would never have found woolly mammoths flash frozen with vegetation still in their mouths. But we are suppose to believe that all this was from burning fossil fuels when no fossil fuels were being used during the time that this happened?
There is another agenda here for sure. Are they trying to cull the population before a solar flare knocks out the world wide power grid? Is the population reduction plan because of an expected magnetic and crustal pole shift? Do the powers that be think that when these things occur there will to much rotting flesh from man and beast that they need to reduce life on the planet so it is habitable? I think the answer is yes to all of these questions. For more information look up "suspicious observers" youtube channel for the science and reality of this situation.
Unfortunately for them ( the WEF and the EU parliament), there is NO climate change at all.
We are going into a little ice age again.
But just keep the people ( sheople ) in fear and you can rule.
NASA told us that polar caps on Mars were melting in 2018. How many cars on Mars? Yes, Al Gore told us in his movie about their professor telling students about current global dimming...How is dimming Sun heating up the planet? It is not.
Good advice for Suspicious0bservers. Well done friend.
Jan 2, 2020 THE SUN | Plasma Climate Forcing
This is the first in a new special series investigation the mechanisms of solar climate forcing.
I have gathered tens , if not more of scientific papers and arguments debunking scientology/cult of climate change/warming thanks to human made emissions of CO2 and CH3. Plenty of it on X now, many on variety of serious websites.
But it is of no use, I stopped quoting them. The captured bureaucrats from WEF, UN, EUC will not listen or discuss the matter. It is obvious that the whole narrative is at best a big SCAM to rob people, and at the worst to enslave people and depopulate the planet.
Well, I am just a participant in the blog universe. I am just steadfast and do not argue with idiots. This is from NASA.
Apr 26, 2016 Rising CO2 Levels Greening Earth by NASA Goddard
From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.
There are about 318 B trees in Canada, each absorbs about 48 pounds of CO2/year = 7 155 000 000tones/year.
Canada prodces only about 600 000 000 CO2/year, yet we are paying CARBON TAX imposed on us by this 'WEF' implant called Turdeau 😡🙄
The Earth is getting greener?! And this from NASA?! Wow! I admire your gullibility. I've researched the U. S. military geoengineering efforts for twelve years; I've watched the jets fly their routes for ten years over northern and southern Utah laying down streams of Solar Radiation Mitigation materials (aluminum, barium, strontium, microscopic plastics, etc.) for ten years. It's climate change - but from geoengineering programs that were greatly increased in number in the late 1990s. In 1997, a director of a NASA satellite-monitoring program told Dr. Steven Greer, that if people knew the actual condition of the Earth, they would be in a state of panic. That was twenty-six years ago.
Well, I once believed the corporate myth of a fat man every Christmas as a child. I am way beyond those years. You should attempt to write and callout NASA. I would want to view this!
January 09, 2024 Benefits of CO2 for Plants
When it comes to carbon dioxide and indoor agriculture, we know that CO2 is an essential component. In fact, CO2 is part of the process by which plants make their own food. It's during this photosynthesis where plants use
carbon dioxide, along with water and nutrients to produce glucose and oxygen. Further, the glucose produced by the photosynthesis is used by the plant as an energy source for growth and development.
Glad they are NOT going to stop the protests. Do it right before the elections to put a final nail in the coffin of their ridiculous objectives for 2030, 40, 50.
Bless these farmers! I do hope they have the stamina to keep going until the EU drops this nonsensical net zero farce. I think most of us by now know there is NO climate emergency and earth goes through it's own cycles regardless of what us puny humans do. As someone mentioned, in areas where the C02 is increased, so is the greening, even in the Sahara. We need more C02, not less. C02 is life! Of course, those very dark individuals pushing this agenda know this ve
CO2= gas of life Not only for plant life!
Unlike what we were taught in physiology some decades ago we humans need CO2 to finely regulate our use of Oxygen in breathing.
Al Gore, please pick up the red emergency phone.
Jan 31, 2024 Farmers encircle Paris to fight Climate Scams and Climate Communism
January 29, 2024 France's protesting farmers encircle Paris with tractor barricades, vowing a 'siege' over grievances
Protesting farmers have encircled Paris with tractor barricades in a battle with the government over their industry's future.
The EU is in thrall to the destructive plans of the WEF I'm sure.
Net Zero is a stupid left wing idea that is impossible to meet and is not necessary to do so. I am America's go to guy on everything health and environment. Leslie Davis www.EarthProtector.org
Start thinking about nuclear. I am.
Sorry friend, Nukes are not the answer as Fukushima has demonstrated to the whole world.
Aug 24, 2023 Japan releases treated Fukushima nuclear wastewater into Pacific Ocean | ANC
The World Tonight: Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has begun the gradual discharge of treated waste water into the Pacific Ocean.
Nuclear plants combined with renewable energy projects are the best for those concerned about CO2 emissions. Accidents with nuclear power plants are happening. Accidents with everything are happening. Fukushima suffered because of unfortunate location. I live near the nuclear plant and it has been the best reliable source of energy for the province since more than 50 years.
CO2 is plant food!
You repeated your comment about water release. I read the first. Chernobyl..though the horrific disaster, did not affect seafood ! I do not know why in Japan they do this. Perhaps after all , it is not that much detrimental. If you plonked me down, you are mistaken. I wrote: "for those concerned about CO2 emissions" and I do not belong to these believers. No need to remind me that 'CO2 is a plant food'. We are at the same page on it.🤗
Thanks, I have more data and radiation does not kill immediately.
02/03/2022 Fukushima Radiation in U.S. West Coast Tuna
After an earthquake and tsunami resulted in an accident at a nuclear power plant in Fukushima in March 2011, NOAA Fisheries tracked radiation levels in U.S West Coast tuna in order to better understand migration.
Jan 28, 2014 Fukushima Plume Prediction
Radioactive contaminants from Fukushima are carried across the Pacific Ocean by currents, the strongest of which is the Kuroshio, and spread along the West Coast of North America by complex coastal processes. Models predict that radionuclides from Fukushima will begin to arrive on the West Coast in early 2014, mainly in the north (Alaska and British Columbia) and then move further south in coming years before appearing in Hawaii in small amounts.
You seem to be focused on Fukushima. Chernobyl released about 10 times the radiation that was released after the Fukushima accident. Nevertheless I quote from the article below:
"To date, there have been THREE severe accidents at civilian nuclear power plants. Two of these led to significant releases of radiation, which averages out to about one major release every seven thousand five hundred years of reactor operation ! The International Atomic Energy Agency’s International Nuclear Safety Group believes that if best practices are implemented, major releases of radiation from existing nuclear power plants should occur about fifteen times less frequently. Indeed, improvement on this scale is probably necessary for nuclear power to gain widespread social and political acceptance."
Read just first page or two. You may read it, or not. Regardless of it , we have different views on nuclear power generation safety, and that is OK with me.
2012? What year are we in today?
One more article from 2019: It Sounds Crazy, But Fukushima, Chernobyl, And Three Mile Island Show Why Nuclear Is Inherently Safe";
I think there is no point to extend our discussion beyond this.
Another outdated publication, and yes I agree there is no point to extend this conversation with outdated articles that you have. Mar 11, 2019. Be blessed!
This is Japan what about our seafood? Aug 24, 2023 Japan releases treated Fukushima nuclear wastewater into Pacific Ocean | ANC
The World Tonight: Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has begun the gradual discharge of treated waste water into the Pacific Ocean.
Net zero is right up there with males swinging their male organ in a ladies locker room,pretending to be 'female" swimmers. Farmer have common sense, they need to have and use it to grow our food. We need farmer, we have no use for WEF and most politicians.
I don't see socialists backing this I see Centrists pretending to be the Left. The Left has long been sidelined.
The EU not looking like such a good idea after all when a bunch of bureaucrats sitting in power somewhere not your country get to dictate how to do your job, earn a living and feed your country. The plan is to consolidate land and the means of food production into the corporate state. Europe is the canary in the coal mine for the US.
Oh, the next time they try the net zero BS, all the farmers will unite again, only with more manure.
I support the farmers. However, I do support the government's goal of reducing pesticide use.
"...but held the course with plans to cut 90% of emissions by 2040."
That may fall by the wayside, too. The laws of physics are not a suggestion.
What we read here(thank you) are neutral, carefully summarized news often referring to 'net zero' policy. Yesterday CHD reprinted attack on oil/gas industry that contributes to 'climate pollution' (BTW: how climate can be polluted?). And few days ago , by the sama John-Michael Dumais, another column clearly pointing at idiocy of 'green ' agenda.
I would like to know, whom I plan, (or not) to support here this year: globalists' megaphon, or resonable opposition against tyranny of 'climatards'.
" imposing a disproportionate burden compared to other industries that also damage the environment" - If the farmers didn't follow the practices of big agriculture, they would be causing less environmental damage, although other industries likely cause more than they do at present. I sure the way they "measure the harm" is inconsistent and likely calculated to make it look worse than it is. All the "elites" want people to eat unhealthy fake food while they get good food.
Remember the Globel Warmers come up with a Computer Modelling
for the next 10 to15 years of earth warming with 8.5 degrees Celsius.
A year later another computer modelling specialist decided it to be only be 2.7 degrees. SO, the name was dropped and was called Climat Change.
Hip, hip hoera.
a few months after that someone come up with 1.7 Celsius
SO, WHICH BS do we have to believe??
Believe none of it. :-)
Bless these farmers! I do hope they have the stamina to keep going until the EU drops this nonsensical net zero farce. I think most of us by now know there is NO climate emergency and earth goes through it's own cycles regardless of what us puny humans do. As someone mentioned, in areas where the C02 is increased, so is the greening, even in the Sahara. We need more C02, not less. C02 is life! Of course, those very dark individuals pushing this agenda know this very well. Like the meme says, "we are the carbon they are trying to reduce". Are we going to let them?
We are NOT going to let them. Don't let them. Make T-Shirts, get kids fabric paint. Paint plants on Tshirts , paint humans.
CO2=gas of life Humans are carbon based. Plants are carbon based, breathe CO2, breathe out oxygen we breathe
No CO2=no plants=no animals=no humans/people
What do trees, and other plants breathe in? The best carbon reservoir is the presence of more plant life, not ridiculous zero carbon policies. Absurd.
Having been part of a German farming communty for 16 years, as an American/German citizan, Ihave seen and felt in my pocket the bought of EU Aristocray elietes leaders destroy over 600 years of my village's constant 650 population reduced to a Goste Village. First I could not sell my produce on a no longer existing market and now all the young farmer had to give up Dairy production for bigger and bigger farms, until they were gone to imports. It was the American who forced Pesticide on farmer and now they want to atarve us out completely, by hock or crock! This is a proud village were the Brothers Grimm colected the first Faiytail of 52 the basic one known around the world.
Thank you for sharing this important information! Go farmers! ...It's obvious why gov would single farmers out when there are other industries that are so much worse.
CO2 =gas of life...No CO2 =no plants=no animals =no humans.
I have been able to open eyes of quite a few woke climate advocates by using
this simple equation.
Put this on T-Shirts, on ball caps, on flyers. We can defeat the ignorant message of those who want us dead.
Worthless measures addressing a non-problem and hurting people. This is an attack on carbon-based life! All EU people should dismiss their worthless elitists (or bought out) leaders. Keep farming and feeding families!