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MDskeptic • 1 year ago

Mary & Polly continue to be the steadiest anchors for the ship of Health Freedom in any sea in any storm. Respect and admire you ladies more all the time.

Len Hughes • 1 year ago

You're right Mary, this has long since (if it ever did) stopped being about health. It's about CONTROL! How dare this 18 year old not accept this shot!!!! Hopefully, this young man will learn an important lesson in life, stand up for yourself!!! Good on this young man, and remember: You're not alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hank Kovar • 1 year ago
Bob Roger • 1 year ago

The more society will let the bandits like Dr. Anthony Fauci be in the news always by news outlets and that's the way these bandits get support by corrupt government officials and Leaders of some countries, who have there heads up there (I'll be polite and not mention the word A++) - the more we validate them the more corrupt industries + politician's will support them this absolute nonsense if directed properly = like look at what health facts could be resolved like the biggest total of deaths amongst people on the planet is SUICIDE which can be resolved and guess what "without drugs" - the biggest mental health problem NOW I CAN PROVE IT is the FUILL MOON and prier to it for 2-3 days ... All diseases have solutions - there are countless of sports athletics that are dying of Cancer +++ which I even Painted some of them (in 3 dimensions ) nobody since the beginning of time has ever done this ! (How that for a mouth full) and all of these millionaires sports people that I tried to reach can't reach them I'd have a better chance of reaching the POPE - my paintings would be worth millions - one thing people don't know that artist die BROKE - only one didn't PICASSO - any good artist could do his type of paintings in under 15 minutes it's pure GARBAGE