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kris • 2 years ago

thank you Nina Pierpoint- thats a "second opinion" i will take!

Fisher153 • 2 years ago

Potentially? Mandates for an ineffective and dangerous drug absolutely are damaging, and erode trust in both govt agencies and the lacsadasical pharmaceutical-captured healthcare system. The govt of our republic no longer supports the Citizens.

Natural immunity is FAR better than any current COVID shot, we knew this, ignored it, and are now seeing breakthroughs and increased susceptibility due to ADE, which was ignored to fast-track human testing.

Natural Immunity Longer Lasting Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccines: Dr. Robert Malone


MayorofNYC • 2 years ago

More scientific proof on the ineffectiveness of these so-called safe and wondrous and now mandated vaccines.

Yet the one safe and effective drug that really works Ivermectin (IVM),only the second medical treatment agent to ever win the Nobel Prize, has been sidelined and banned for use by the FDA/CDC/NIH.

Americans everyday are dying because their government denies them a known safe and effective treatment. IVM currently cannot be dispensed or prescribed by doctors according to CDC/NIH guidelines in the treatment of covid. To make matters worst it is unavailable in most pharmacies.Plus the Big Brother MSM in keeping the masses well-informed and following in their traditional doublespeak dictum has even labelled IVM a dangerous horse-dewormer not fit for human consumption.

Since early 2020, IVM has been tested on 10's of 1000's covid patients thru out the world, and there are numerous positive studies like those of Dr. Pierre Kory, a physician at Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center in Milwaukee, who in December of 2020 begged the Senate Homeland Security committee to review his study of Ivermectin and reverse the NIH/CDC decision on its use.


Someone • 2 years ago

The fun fact is that the FDA is saying it's not approved when they themselves allow off-label uses of drugs. Here's something from the FDA's own website:


Plain and simple, the mainstream is using people's ignorance against them, not like that is a surprise because that happens a lot in the world. Most people don't know that Remdesvir was used off-label to treat covid as well at the beginning of the pandemic. It was only approved because it was still under a patent and expensive. Ivermectin isn't going to make Merck a ton of money, but it definitely can cut into the profits that Pfizer, Moderna and J&J can make on their toxic jabs.

MayorofNYC • 2 years ago

Its always been about profits before people, even if it means killing off your customers.

Isthisthingon • 2 years ago

a new sucker born to replace the last...the sociopaths are literally breeding their new customers and this is really why they pretend to be against abortion for moral and religious reasons...so they have an endless supply of addicts to suck down all their poisons and fill up all their sick and disgusting institutions...who are easily manipulated and controlled...plus killing off their victims saves in court costs....

Isthisthingon • 2 years ago

This is a very interesting conversation between Sayer Ji from GreenMedInfo and Dr. Saul/Doctor Yourself on the topic of Ivermectin vs Vit C in therapeutic doses both IV and Orally. Vit C in high doses will repair the DNA damage and prevents disease....


Someone • 2 years ago

I know IV vitamin C has been spoken of for a long time. I remember China was using that as a treatment standard in the early days of the pandemic, but most developed nations ignored their papers showing how effective it is because vitamin C even through an IV is a cheap and affordable treatment that can't be patented.

What I really think we should be doing at this point is studying the statistics and looking at what countries have the lowest percentages of covid deaths (not number, but percentage of population who has died). We should be looking to learn from those countries and add anything we can use to our own measures and remove anything clearly not working, like masking.

Isthisthingon • 2 years ago

Over and over, natural remedies are demonized and people buy it hook-line-sinker...mind bending! Everyone needs a freaking 12 step program for their addictions perpetrated by our "use and abuse" society! Why would a human be recommended to take less Vit C, D, Zinc, A B's and so on than a Monkey in the zoo? Our entire "system" is a "sick, debt and lack of" type of socioeconomic platform and isn't designed to achieve anything of importance...the people, or perps of this disgusting and unimaginative pyramid scheme are cold hearted sociopaths, void of spirit and are nothing more than "legal" oppressive drug dealers and pimps....

There are cures for most things that ail us and it starts with your belief you can be and deserve to be healed...using food as medicine--and knowing our FDA recommendations for supplementation are grossly inadequate and out right lies to keep you sick for profit--, having something to live for, and most important to feel loved are key...people used to honor their health and there were known things everyone did to maintain their health like rid themselves of parasites every Spring and Fall--spoon full of sugar helped the turpentine to go down (we have better ways now :) also taking bitters, but now they simply honor being kept alive so they can continue to satiate their own addictions and selfishness.... Parasites can hijack your brain and make you do things, such as consume substances that feed them and not you as well as the waste from the parasites fill the body with inflammation causing the immune system to be too burdened to rid the body of bacterial and viral infections...this is interesting as Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic which is helping people recover from a viral infection...curious indeed...saturation point of Vit C as a vital nutrient and a component of a colon cleanse and can do the same thing as it eliminates all the toxic waste stored in the bowels and gives your body the supply of Vit C it actually needs to thrive...once the system is cleaned out then the inflammation subsides and healing can begin...one needs to eliminate poisons from their diet as well and be sure they are getting all 80 + micro nutrients, essential fatty acids and amino acids the body needs, everyday...if your government cared about you they would be sending you this information directly along with the supplements you actually need to be healthy. Parasites can and do contribute to mental illnesses...tape worms have been found in people's brains!

'Rare Earths, Forbidden Cures', by Joel D.Wallach, BS DVM, ND and Ma Lan, MD, MS is very informative as to how nutrient deficiency is at the root of all disease. They also wrote the book, 'Why Dead Doctors Don't Lie'.

Dr. Saul http://www.doctoryourself.com/ is there to help in your healing. He has, of course, been de-platformed.

Two things not taught in school anymore with any consistency or accuracy: Health/Biology and Constitutional Studies...pretty telling--parents need to wake the blank up!

The gross miscalculations of essential nutrients put forth by the FDA and them allowing poisons in our environments--in our food, air and water for profit should be enough to stop trusting them along with the CDC, FCC and the NIH...not to mention the fact that the FDA did nothing to curtail the consumption of table sugar and alcohol....two subsidized "legal" highly addictive poisons which are killing all who indulge! Sugar is the first drug peddled to the masses, starts in infancy--well actually in utero...just saying "no" is the first step to recovery and taking back your power...

MayorofNYC • 2 years ago

What's so sad its be going on for over a 150 years, the war on holistic medicine was a necessary priority for the Rockefeller based Allopathic medicine system that replaced it. The for profit medical system which birthed the Pharma industry guaranteed the present day tyrannical dystopia that we find ourselves in.

TyroneB • 2 years ago

Some random research and ideas. Not medical advice. Just some interesting papers.
Quercetin and Vitamin C: An Experimental, Synergistic Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Related Disease (COVID-19)
Notable Developments for Vitamin D Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, but Caution Warranted Overall: A Narrative Review
N-Acetylcysteine to Combat COVID-19: An Evidence Review
A molecular docking study of EGCG and theaflavin digallate with the druggable targets of SARS-CoV-2

Kalen • 2 years ago

Californians just voted for more lockdowns, more deadly Covid jabs and more medical, social apartheid, more discrimination and more segregation, more economic devastation and more monopolization of economy delivered by petty dictator Gavin Newsom, a poodle for Big Parma, Wall Street and Silicon Valley oligarchy.

Something that I emphasized long ago in connection with $50T global QE since 2008 and what achieved unheard levels in US in last 18 months is political clientelism, mass socioeconomic and political bribery, aggressive threats and persuasion under guise of emergency social programs promoting extreme socially cancerous opportunism combined with stripping all people of any political, civil rights backed by intimidation and violence by total security and surveillance state.

Note that all so called elections all over the world in last 18 months were choreographed to create illusion boosting political position of Covid henchmen. Already extremely narrowly controlled official Political spectrum vanished into nothingness from left to right we see massive political convergence into ideologically one party rule with no meaningful opposition.We see political and financial elite fusion, unity. All peddling univocally benign interpretation of dangerous totalitarian measures of intimidation, coercion, extortion and socioeconomic blackmail aimed at destruction of all political discourse and any even superficial semblance of democracy.

Even in few selected US states, governments’ opposition is meek, wobbling, not removing medical emergency rule, not addressing fundamentals of Covid fraud like denouncing CDC and WHO baseless anti science recommendations. That could be achieved by encouraging in Spanish and Portuguese style, lawsuits challenging PCR based quarantines or employment sanctions, by investigating and publishing new, actual data about Covid jabs adverse effects, educate public by advertising of adverse effects, publishing statistics of Covid risks vs Adverse effects risks of jabs be age group. Additionally they could establish official state panel of experts who would assess if there was any pandemic in the state at all, commission that would put Fauci and others Covid peddlers under oath expose to legal liability, , determine who actually died of Covid revise all statistics and determine why they did or were hospitalized including addressing malpractice, pardon of doctors sanctioned by medical licenses bodies for successful patients treatment, generously fund new objective Covid medical, epidemiological research done by known skeptics, officially publish works of experts now banned by MSM to formulate new science based policies, opening up clinics and hospitals that would follow scientific facts and reject big Pharma CDC and FDA dictate.

But they won’t as they are only interested in political game leading to meaningless 2022 midterm elections. As they are driven by money they will get while in power, not by interest of people.

As Jefferson noted elections would never dispose dictatorial rule of usurpers of power, as every dictator organize so called popular movement or organized elections as a fig leaf of their political brutality and totalitarian rule. Only, needs be, violent, throwing off despots by small militant part of population can provide opportunity to return of minimal democratic conditions of free speech and political equality enabling people’s impact on governance.

Yellow stars for everyone • 2 years ago

Can you even believe that California really just said they still want that sicko smiling Governor…yea the one who gets downright delighted on National tv whenever huge forests are on fire in CA…he grins and says “it’s so perfect! It’s proof of global warming!” As he sweeps his arms around and smiles..meanwhile the forest is on fire because some antifa guy (a university professor) did start the fire on purpose…SICK..AND WHAT IS WRONG WITH CALIFORNIANS? It’s either …total voter fraud again …or some kind of nanotechnology brain washing crap in the air and water. How stupid are we?

MN • 2 years ago

Did you see the hole in the envelope? The vote counters can see if you vote for Yes or No to recall Newsom. How easy it is for them to toss any non-Newsom votes in the trash. Citizens would never know their vote got thrown in the bin.

Mail in voting is ridiculous and must be outlawed, except for special, individual cases.

Someone • 2 years ago

California never really has had a good track record regarding elections anyhow though. I wasn't surprised in the least bit that Newsom wasn't recalled, because he's very popular. Also keep in mind this is the state that voted no to allowing gay marriage before it was legalized by the Supreme Court. That alone shows they have a track record of denying minority groups basic human rights. California also has high vaccination numbers, which shows most of the population is brainwashed still. The bigger concern is going to be keeping allies like DeSantis and Abbott in office who are growing very unpopular. Abbott especially because he's made some very unpopular laws that have alienated many who support the lack of mandates.

SGlord • 2 years ago

Vaccine mandates are in violation of the Nuremberg Code.

savemethespin • 2 years ago

I recently had hay fever, sneezing, coughing, runny nose and eyes. I was very tempted to go and get a COVID test to see if it came up as positive, but got scared in case they isolated me in a hospital ward, then put me on a ventilator and remdesivir which killed me off.

MN • 2 years ago

I seriously don't blame you.

Leslie Taylor • 2 years ago

This is recent, updated on September 11, 2021 in fact:
SCANNING & TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY REVEALS GRAPHENE OXIDE IN COV-19 VACCINES by Dr. Robert Young. (Fig. 1a and 1b images show normal healthy blood and blood after mRNA inoculation).

Graphene is a single, thin layer of graphite — the flaky material used in pencil lead. Graphite is an allotrope of the element carbon, meaning it possesses the same atoms but they’re arranged in a different way, giving the material different properties. For example, both diamond and graphite are allotropes, forms, of carbon yet they have quite different natures. Diamonds are incredibly strong, while graphite is brittle. Graphene’s atoms are arranged in a hexagonal arrangement.

Graphene's flexibility and microscopic width provide opportunities beyond mere consumer devices, however. It could also be useful in biomedical research. Small machines and sensors could be made with graphene, capable of moving easily through the human body, analyzing tissue or even delivering drugs to specific areas.

Link: https://www.drrobertyoung.c...

serah strandberg • 2 years ago

Why do you think the vaccines are mixed with this graphine oxide material? Is it so we can be 'detected' by satellite perhaps, traced, tracked?

Yellow stars for everyone • 2 years ago

Biden just made a rule…the IRS employees will be doubled to come after the middle class and any amount over $600 spent by anyone will be examined by the government who now has the right to look at your bank statements. So keep voting for the democrats and let me know when you finally wake up

Leslie Taylor • 2 years ago

Correction: Dr. William Pawelec gave this interview with Dr. Greer prior to the 2001 National Press Club Disclosure event and asked that it not be released until after his death, in 2007.

Leslie Taylor • 2 years ago

The interview here below with electrical engineer Dr. William Pawelec, prior to his death in 2003, who worked in the beltway with intelligence agencies, the government and defense contractors reports of nano tracking devices (injectable). His, and in another I saw years ago, claim was that they knew of billions of these devices being sent to Siemens Corporation in Germany. You cannot control a viral infection, who specifically it infects. Yet it can be used as an agent of irrational fear and an excuse to inject people with substances (as in the covid innoculations) that contain micro transmitters that track, spy, provide personal physiological data and perhaps contain internal destructive weaponry (associated with 5G) as well as physically debilitating and deadly infectious agents, such as the unstoppable mRNA manufacture of spike proteins. As for the micro, or nano, technology products, an electrical engineer told me that they would not last long in a body (though enveloped in PEGylated lipid structures) given their size and perhaps the reason for repeated and ongoing covid injections as well as the 73 vaccines for children beginning at day one (hepatitis B clearly without any sensible reason whatsoever that medical practitioners mindlessly inject into newborns - unbelievable!).


draeger • 2 years ago

it's the American way: if something doesn't work, keep using it until it doesn't some more

Fisher153 • 2 years ago

I guess you live in dumb America, i.e., in a fluoridated community. The smart ones drink clean water, eat organically, and don't continue to harm themselves through bad choices. And now, we no longer trust the govt; it's an evidence-based decision.

kimmie taylor • 2 years ago

I think Draeger is being sarcastic.

Fisher153 • 2 years ago

written sarcasm doesn't have the same effect as when spoken, does it? I apologize for mischaracterizing.

savemethespin • 2 years ago

You say dumb America, I say Australia has out dumbed you by miles. We drink poisoned water, eat GMOs and we really trust our government and the media, in fact if they say it well it must be true we hang on their every word. Imagine a zombie robot that abuses itself then recharges itself ready for the next instalment of self abuse.

natemoore1986 • 2 years ago

I've been following what's been going on down under. It is frightening and Orwellian, to say the least. Health minister of NSW talking openly about "what things will look like in the New World Order." And that old hag with eyes 2" apart and a huge nose. Muppet tyrant!

savemethespin • 2 years ago

You absolutely got it in one, the old hag with eyes 2” apart and a huge nose we refer to her as rat face.

Yellow stars for everyone • 2 years ago

And they gave up their guns which says it all here is what is next so don’t give up your guns! See photo https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Fisher153 • 2 years ago

Americans and Aussies share much in common; hence, your condition shows the descent, much like Nazi Germany, when one political group seizes the reins of power and drives the entire country into the gutter. Australia has stood with us; we stand with you. But don't trust in US; trust in God.

"All of us get lost in the darkness... until we are hit with the light."

savemethespin • 2 years ago

I hope “all associated” with pushing this poison are registered in the book of retribution and are held accountable when the time comes. Here down under we say, Welcome to Australia proudly sponsored by the NWO, we love to be oppressed and kow tow to any authority. We are the best examples of zombie robots you could ever get, we no longer get our knowledge from research and critical thinking we have fakestream media and government to do our thinking for us. In fact we don’t even know we are being shafted and it wouldn’t matter if we did know because we love it, in fact bring on the cabal ASAP we love it on our knees grovelling for the next tyrannical command of our overlords, as we say in Australia “she’ll be right mate”

Jack Shirley • 2 years ago

Your fully Vaccinated, Yet are still Susepticle to Covid, And you can Transmit it to Others, The unvaccinated are no more of a threat then the Vaccinated, Other then the Vaccinated are less likely to take precautions because they have a false sense of Security Fed to them by Dr. Fauci, Who lied to Congress and America about his role in what took place in China, And the Serial Felons, Big Pharma, And the compliant Media.

Isthisthingon • 2 years ago

It is even looking like the "stabbed" are a danger to themselves and to others-no matter their stab status-...as the stabbed are driving the mutations of whatever they are detecting and potentially spreading the spike protein technology to the unstabbed and to the children...DARPA wet dream....

Viren • 2 years ago

As a vaccinated person I am 4.5 times less likely to contract COVID, 10 times less likely to be hospitalized and 11 times less likely to die from the disease. Hospitals are being overrun because of unvaccinated.

I honestly could care less about what happened in China because it does not change what we need to do about it going forward. Also the term "Big Pharma" should not be used to make up whatever data we want to after that.

savemethespin • 2 years ago

I hope you feel safe because 80-90% of people hospitalised in Israel with COVID are vaccinated and it’s about 60% of vaccinated hospitalised with COVID in the UK. So how you reckon your not sick yet just hang on a while, this myth that vaccinated people not getting sick is not holding up very well is it.

natemoore1986 • 2 years ago

I wouldn't be so quick to believe that hospitals are being overrun by "unvaccinated people." CDC definition of "unvaccinated" includes those who've had both shots, but less than 14 days since. If you get a jab or two and get sick and/or die, you're reported as unvaccinated. That's the way they report it. Once the booster shot is recommended, you'll be counted as "unvaccinated" if you haven't gotten your booster. It's a scam.

Isthisthingon • 2 years ago

Not sure where you are getting your stats, but you should consider you are being lied to as the stats from Israel beg to differ...all of our so-called protective agencies are captured by corporations for profit and control...I understand you are having a hard time processing that you have been lied to, but seriously--the truth will set you free and help you to resist further manipulation and allow you to get help for the Stockholm Syndrome and the harm the stab is causing you....

It is completely nonsensical for you to declare that it isn't important to know how all this "crazy" was thrust upon us...the details matter to getting to the truth and as an American, I demand to know...especially since the chain of events are looking more and more dubious, nefarious and out right criminal....

btw--go troll somewhere else...you are obviously on the wrong site!

Beatrice • 2 years ago

Everyone should watch this video , ' Hitler's Dark Methods of Manipulation'. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

If you are old enough to go back 20 years into American history, watch with undivided attention and note the disturbing similarities between what events occurred then and now and how each event was used to control the masses. It's quite disturbing. Hitler used America's blueprint for eugenics and other inhumane control. The 1933 fire at the German parliament was Hitler's first opportunity to create his propaganda machine by arresting a ' communist' and then promising to restore order, to protect freedom of speech and protect the German people. It was ALL a ruse that the people bought hook, line and sinker.

After I watched it, my reaction was ( aside from wanting to vomit) extremely melancholy and I thought about how all the Jews back then were in the same exact situation we are in today- that is, wondering what in the hell they could do about any of it. What can any of us do about this? We can't even escape the country now. They have us locked in unless vaccinated. The only open borders that exist are the ones for illegal immigrants! We haven't anymore time. Time is up as the woke progressives like to say. Time is up and there's got to be someone out there who can tell us what the hell to do as measly peasants against these political tyrants.

CK • 2 years ago

More news:


Also, Exley has his new site up after being essentially fired by Keene University for his vaccine research:

Ken Swiatek • 2 years ago

It is "Keele" University.

John Stone • 2 years ago

Spell-check I expect.

Heather Blackwell • 2 years ago

This is a moot point. The “Delta Variant” 🙄 is akin to a weak cold virus. Symptoms are sneezing, coughing, and runny nose…Oh My!

natemoore1986 • 2 years ago

I wouldn't be that dismissive. My mother-in-law (very healthy, active 80 year old, no co-morbidities, unvaccinated) died from covid pneumonia on July 26. My wife and I both caught it from her, presumably. For me it was a slight cold lasting three days. I only had a cough and mild fever. My wife had a tougher time. She said she hadn't felt that bad since chemo. It took her two weeks to beat it. My covid cough lasted 6 weeks. Hers, about 4. We both had been taking HCQ/zinc/vitamins D3 and C prior to catching it. Anyway, natural immunity ROCKS!

Viren • 2 years ago

A weak cold virus that is killing over 1,000 people per day in the US. I guess a gunshot wound to the chest is really just a flesh wound too in that respect.

savemethespin • 2 years ago

I had all those symptoms last week, it was called hayfever

SYakoban • 2 years ago

What delta variant? Nothing has ever been isolated.

Jeff Robson • 2 years ago

I'd suggest using caution before accepting the author's views on anything as according to Google's Publication Research searching facility (https://research.google/pubs/), she has never been published in any scientific journals (so it's a bit misleading that the article above says that it's referring to a "published paper").

Further, she has written a book on "Wind turbine syndrome" which has been widely discredited by the scientific community https://checksandbalancespr...

Lastly, with regard to the studies she cited: (i) the CDC article states on page 3 "data from this report are insufficient to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, including the Delta variant"; (ii) the Oxford University paper studied just 62 people & states "Data on breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant infections are limited"; (iii) the last one states "SARS-CoV-2 vaccination still reduces new infections, but effectiveness and attenuation of peak viral burden are reduced with Delta."

Reading the source articles, it seems a bit of a stretch to reach the conclusion that "vaccine mandates are stripped of their justification" and "All severities of COVID-19 illness produce healthy levels of natural immunity" (presumably, she means other than those severities that resulted in death).

A peer-reviewed article published in the well-respected New England Journal of Medicine's article concludes that "Only modest differences in vaccine effectiveness were noted with the delta variant as compared with the alpha variant after the receipt of two vaccine doses. Absolute differences in vaccine effectiveness were more marked after the receipt of the first dose. This finding would support efforts to maximize vaccine uptake with two doses among vulnerable populations." https://www.nejm.org/doi/fu...

Yellow stars for everyone • 2 years ago