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NoTreading • 2 years ago

FINALLY - following the money. BRAVO.

WhataWorld • 2 years ago

Finally is right! Those behind the scenes have been consolidating power for a very long time and their spider web seems to be complete. All those start up companies get purchased for ridiculous amounts probably because those who print the cash can pay what ever it takes! Rothchilds Blackrock Vanguard State Street, WallStreet, Larry Fink etc. Supposedly a battle is being played out, but this time in plain site! 2 demonic factions outing each other trying to gain control. This is why we hear one side praising the covidiocy and the other side demonizing it. NEITHER gives a rats ass about humanity. The best we can do is NOT play along, discern all information and those bringing it to light. Stay free of fear for it's a control mechanism and it lowers your vibration and can make you sick.

jenn • 2 years ago

Take the power away from the money-

hurryandleave • 2 years ago

Larry Fink of BlackRock is the one pushing corporations to "get woke".

The means Critical Race theory, discriminating against White males of European Christian heritage, 58 genders, etc.

Of course, that all filters down to the public (and private) schools. It affects the whole society. You know how it works: The golden rule -- the one with the gold makes the rules.

Then just throw in the Big Pharma factor. No treatment for Covid (which is cheap and easy, but where's the money in that?) Nope, it's all about vaccines. Which cause sickness. Which means more money for the medical-industrial complex.

Then there's the Great Reset. That means the billionaire class owns everything and we own nothing. They own the air, the water, the land, the food, etc. And they ration things out to us if we're good.

The end game? Cull the population. They think they don't need us. To them, we're useless eaters and polluters. We're to be replaced by robots, AI, Big Data, etc.

The three big problems they want to solve: Inequality -- solution, get rid of poor people. Climate Change -- solution, get rid of middle class people. Covid -- solution, "vaccines", which help to solve inequality and climate change.

I have to hand it to the media and our "education" system. They've created the Covid cult of unquestioning obedience. Medical tyranny is the new religion. You get baptized in the "waters" of Pfizer and Moderna. And you keep wearing that mask to show your faithfulness and piety.

Chelsea Yorkshire • 2 years ago

We became aware of Black Rock and Vanguard in 2008 with the "Financial Crash." These two hedge funds should be considered "deadly predators." When 6-8 million citizens were forced out of their homes because of "The Crash" there was Black Rock & Vanguard (and others) who bought the vacant homes for pennies on the $$s. Not only do they control what the picture shows, they also hold ALL pension money, That's worth BILLIONS.

YogicCowboy • 2 years ago

That is why I stopped calling them Vulture Capitalists; I now call them Vampire Corporatists.

The Banksters have been steadily sucking the life's blood out of the U.S. Dollar since 1913.

WhataWorld • 2 years ago

100% saw it in Florida after the usual suspects crashed the housing bubble. Houses in my neighborhood were abandoned and when private buyers tried to attend auctions they were told sorry those homes were purchased by Blackrock

kertch • 2 years ago

Saw the same thing in Arizona.

YogicCowboy • 2 years ago

Something that I have long thought is that these globalist tyrants do not themselves produce anything: They exist only to take, and that is their one talent.

There are no no Mozarts, no Tolkiens, no da Vincis among them. And the Mozarts, Tolkiens, and da Vincis of the future will be aborted to feed their lusts.

fedupwithlies • 2 years ago

You've nailed that one on the head. I've always believed: Those "Elites" don't know what hard work is. They just corrupt, deceive, steal, murder and prey on psychological control of the weak minded, news watching "beings" to "Feed Their Greed"!! If this doesn't change, as the Bible and Prophesies point, mankind will be washed from this Earth. Nobody alive will be around to start the "New World" It will, in fact, start again from "The Seed". These greedy Elites will have to et each other up until their demise.

kertch • 2 years ago

No, God promised He would never again destroy the world by flood. This time it will be by fire, at from man's own hand.

JohnSiva • 2 years ago

The freemasonic deception runs so deep, that many dont realise, they have infiltrated and altered all religious texts also! The bible (and that includes the KJV) being no exception.
They also have controlled opposition agents everywhere, pretending to be truthers.

Eating the meat and spitting out the bones is essential.
Look up Mark Alan King and his real gematria discoveries!
For example he found entries, that say the book of revelation was added to the bible by freemasons as a predictive programming tool. But their plans are not going to work! Their NWO has been foiled!

gospelmidi • 1 year ago

Seek wisdom and understanding.
Even a fool may be thought wise if he keeps his mouth shut.

Basil Yacoub • 2 years ago

They will not eat each other up, instead they are eating us up.

WhataWorld • 2 years ago

Hence the term "parasites"

yewtai • 2 years ago

British Psychiatry: From Eugenics To Assassination

A behavior control research project was begun in the 1950s, coordinated by the British psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute, with the Scottish Rite Masons, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other British, U.S., Canadian, and United Nations agencies.


Voyt Regnal • 2 years ago

Many white people get woke without being pushed. I think that white people started hating themselves. I have no idea what or who is behind it.
Consider this Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association and published recently there: 'On Having Whitness' by white author Donald Moss. You may google him..quite a big story.

Truth Seeker • 2 years ago

satan and the demonic realm is behind all of this! It is the biggest cosmic war against God's creation ever seen!

Kareema Bowens-ali • 2 years ago

I agree

Basil Yacoub • 2 years ago

You blame the non-existence Satan but I blame the system that allows this to happen. We are nothing to them.

Terri Wilson • 2 years ago

Truth Seeker: You are very wise, indeed. Unfortunately, only 17 of us "liked" your comment, and in my opinion, this sad fact illustrates our underlying problem, and it is that far too many belonging to the human race believe not only that Satan is "non-existent," but also, that God is "non-existent," as well.

kertch • 2 years ago

It has nothing to do with "the system". There is no "system" that will force people to be moral. Some are better than others, but every system can be corrupted. If you don't acknowledge Man's capacity for evil, and his need to address this by a accepting that there is a power greater than himself, and his need to submit to it, then evil will reign. It doesn't matter what religion or spirituality we claim to adhere to, Man must actively fight his evil nature. "I'm OK, you're OK, we're all OK" doesn't work. In fact it's been a complete failure that has brought us to the crisis we now face.

joanofark06 • 2 years ago

So where does good and evil come from?

WhataWorld • 2 years ago

Because you see white where most behind the white hate agenda are Jewish. It's taughtin schools because that whole system is about as corrupt and colored as it can be ..check for yourself, dig deeper past skin color

JohnSiva • 2 years ago

The freemasons play divide and conquer with race. In reality there is no such thing as 'white people' or 'black people' etc. So called 'whites' are infact are from different biblical nationalities. They got lumped together as 'white'. They fake jews did the same with 'black' 'brown' 'red' yellow' etc people also. Also the 'wheat vs tares' concept is true and applies also. Look up the movie 'They live' (1988), for an insight into that. They often show the truth to us in movies. The seeds of cain are found mixed in among all communities, and it is they who tend to become freemasons, and slither they way into ruling positions and oppress real humanity.

sadik • 2 years ago

Breaking news.4 healthy British Airways pilots died after being vaccinated with second dose. https://www.ukcolumn.org/co...

boogandbrooks • 2 years ago

Which is a lie

Hannah • 2 years ago

The biggest lie is that we need money to survive. The earth gives us everything we need for free. We need to refuse to buy all the chemical-laden food and plastic disposable crap that we’ve been buying because it’s convenient and work together to grow our own food and create what we need in a healthy and sustainable way. Think of Amish societies (without the religious aspect) but with electricity and modern tools. There’s nothing we can’t do if we work together. Land ownership and zoning laws seem to be a roadblock to this vision, but maybe we need to stop playing by the rules. Many of the rules are designed to keep us dependent on a monetary system that basically keeps us in debt slavery, while the banks keep collecting interest on what we “owe.” Insurance companies keep taking our money too, and then when we need the insurance they barely pay anything. We’ve paid enough! Time to take back our power as creative human beings and create the world we want to live in through cooperation with each other and with the earth.

Lori2017 • 2 years ago

Yes, they bottle our water and sell it back to us and other countries. Humans were not meant to live on a hamster wheel...

Chelsea Yorkshire • 2 years ago

We agree with you, Hannah, but there's "a hitch." To live independently from predatory capitalism in the US, you have to have $$$ to buy land. Secondly, you have to drill into the ground to have water.

Based on what honest observers are writing and charting, more & more Americans are falling into poverty.

The latest figure is: the top wealthiest citizens have more money than the BOTTOM 90% of citizens.

Just wait until the federal govt. ends ALL stimulus money and allows landlords demand the millions to "pay up" for their past due $$ because they've lost their jobs from Covid. It's going to be a very traumatic time.

Hooha8 • 2 years ago

You don't need money or land if the people band together and take back what was stolen from 'us' in the first place. People like yourself have been indoctrinated into believing that the world needs money to function and survive, we don't. All we need is for people to respect life and the land and work together to provide what we 'all' need to live in a world of harmony. Capitalism and greed is what's holding back the human race from advancing to a higher state of being and harmony with each other and our planet. The majority of the people on this planet are good, and if these people stand together as one we can make the world a better place. 'We' have the power!

YogicCowboy • 2 years ago

The irony is that the very leftists/globalists who profess to want to return the Earth to Nature (and in the process, coincidentally disenfranchise, eliminate, or imprison the commoners) are the ones who are promulgating every kind of unnatural technology - and behavior - imaginable.

Vaccines - real or fake - are inherently unnatural, and compromising to the human immune system.

Antoine Bechamp was right; Louis Pasteur was wrong. However, Nature cannot be patented; artificial vaccines can be patented.

Follow the money. Follow the power.

Follow the control.

Jay • 2 years ago

Left and right are meaningless constructs these days. Black rock and Vanguard run both.

Teri • 1 year ago

There is no money in natural immunity.

JohnSiva • 2 years ago

Agents are all over the comment sections of sites like this, pretending to be truthers, but pushing negative mind programming into people.

Basil Yacoub • 2 years ago

Is this vision a bit naïve?

JOEMADD76 • 2 years ago

So we’ve been told since 2016 that
the Orange Man is a Racist, Liar, Russian collaborator, misogynistic, and the most dangerous man in the world. Now we have a Good Old Joe to save us. The Great Reset. Gates and the DAVOS crowd. None of this should be a surprise. Passports with Medical Records? Next Cashless society? Censorship by the Media. The old saying Follow the Money has been established by contributors to this site. Look some of us are Liberals that follow this site and RKJR; some are conservative. Obviously we are all suspicious of Big Pharm, big Corporate interests, Bill Gates, Fauci, Vaccine safety. But we all need to hold our elected officials accountable. As a rule we don’t. Many are beholden to the Global Giants. This Country stands in their way. We have a great system of government if we the people are vigilant. God Bless Robert Kennedy Jr. and all who provide the support for this site.

Basil Yacoub • 2 years ago

We may say God save the queen, but nothing will save us from this cruel self-serving system. Vast majority of people are totally BLIND.

Sieglinde Koenigseder • 2 years ago


A. Wood • 2 years ago

Check the list of members of Illuminati, Bilderberg, etc. Also check John Colemans' book, "Committee of 300". He used to work for the CIA. Some very famous and rich names on these lists. They are all members of the CABAL. It ALWAYS comes down to money! ALWAYS!!

Chris Richardson • 2 years ago

God Bless You both: Mercola and Kennedy and all the other Light Bearers that are saving this Beautiful World!!!

Tracey Kilgour • 2 years ago

Great job. Thank you.

Kareema Bowens-ali • 2 years ago

Yes awesome indeed

Sentinel • 2 years ago

You're right, I never would have guessed. I've heard of vanguard, never heard of Blackrock.

Houston, we've got a problem. So the oligarchs like the Bush's are pulling all these strings?

It will take military tribunals to straighten out this mess.

Christopher • 2 years ago

These people own the military.

Truth Seeker • 2 years ago

I am not so sure about that. Could it be possible there are two Militaries? Go back to when this country was founded. There were two. One to fight for this nation and Britain. Could we have two. It is possible. I am praying it is so but leaving it all into God's hands.

Here is a link from a military man on GeorgeNews ( a magazine started by John Kennedy Jr. aka John John ) https://www.youtube.com/wat... It is on encouragement but what I am getting here he is military!

Praying for Gods victory!

Hooha8 • 2 years ago

It's up 'us' the people to take responsibility for taking out this evil, not an imaginary deity that might or might not exist! Getting down on your knees and praying doesn't change the reality we live in and is a cowards way of passing the responsibility that is ours alone! 'All that evil needs to prevail is for good men to do nothing!'. 'We' the 'People' have the power to change everything if 'We' stand together! At the end of the day it's not about religion and beliefs, it's about human survival! So what are YOU going to do about it, stick your head in the sand or fight for your right to LIVE?

Terri Wilson • 2 years ago

God is NOT "imaginary;" I know because my family, friends, and I have experienced REAL miracles after praying for them. However, the NWO/OWO the elites plan for the rest of us is, above ALL, GodLESS!!!:-((( Here's another little surprise: Jorge Bergolio is complicit, and I HATE having to say that because I am a devout Roman Catholic; nonetheless, there have been bad popes in the past, and yet the Church has survived, just as God continues to survive. God sees and knows exactly what's happening, and the just will win, just as the wicked will lose. Try prayer, my friend; it really DOES work.

Matty • 2 years ago

What defines good and evil? Can it come from man? If you believe it can, you are implying it is subjective. If it is subjective, explain how anyone’s opinion can be held above anyone else’s. Biblically, we are defined as being equal, equally sinful. In an evolutionary view, we are all Homo sapiens, correct, equally evolved.

Terri Wilson • 2 years ago

Ah, another telling example of media censorship by none other than THE MSM!!! To ALL of you wise enough to pray to God, I commend you, and I want you to know that there are many of us praying WITH you!! Also, please pray for the GodLESS to convert to believers as we need their prayers, as well; thank you!!:-)))