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Seabreezes1 • 2 years ago

QUESTION: If you visited this articial plague on humanity through your hubris, might you want to bury the evidence by eliminating the 'control group' by mandating everyone gets the poison injected into their veins?

Greebo • 2 years ago

You also would want as many dead as possible so they could not enact revenge for the deaths of their families and loved ones. If they did not die immediately, you would want to increase the doses to ensure as many would die as possible or to be too ill for retribution. Notice the illegals being imported are NOT given the vax.

Usual_Suspekt • 2 years ago

done, and done.

Heather Lowe • 2 years ago


Pam Schwetz • 2 years ago

I have my share of what the doctors call idiopathic autoimmune issues. When I heard how that mRNA worked autoimmunity was the first thing that came to mind. If our own cells are being poisoned with pathogens anre our immune system goes after our own cells if that isn't autoimmunity I don't know what is...insane. We get enough of it cuz of GMOs and their pesticides killing all the beneficial bacteria and depleting the soil of nutrients, poisoning our air,water,soil, food supply. Everytime you turn around there is a new GMO or pesticide coming to market. They need to ban them all before all life on this planet is wiped out. Look how many endangered species there are and so many extinctions due to that toxic crap. Now using taxpayer dollars to make a bioweapon that harms all life on this planet and trying to force people to be injected with a dangerous pathogen that altered spike protein part of their bioweapon is insane. How do they get away with this crap. It neds to end.

Maya • 2 years ago

Ok, but then the unvaxxed are also in danger if they contract covid, right? Since the spike is altering our cell repair mechanisms....

wandakate • 2 years ago

The injections DO NOT prevent infection...THEY have NOT kept anyone out of the hospitals, nor have they spare anyone from dying? Anyone know how many died b/c of these injections? Thousands so far...Just as I keep finding out it's about controlling the people. Watch FOX NEWS b/c they talk a lot on there about the virus and Omicron as well ! Stay informed. Remember they were fast tracked. NEVER have been 100% proven to be safe before they were brought out and injected. People thought they were doing the right thing, ahhhhh, things are NOT always as they seem.

Jeff Murray • 2 years ago

Possibly, but this would likely be significantly mitigated if you follow the outpatient protocols which minimize viral replication within 72hrs of symptom onset, then deal with any inflammation occurring typically from day 5-8 onward with strong steroids and anticoagulant drugs. So there is a huge difference since you cannot apply the same to vaccinees.

Isthisthingon • 2 years ago

Here is a healing protocol that detoxifies the body of the spike protein-apparently whether from the stab or the wild, so I would assume from shedding as well. Mercola just put this out this morning:


Dr. Ealy has a protocol for injury from the stab which incorporates water fasting as well as vital nutrient supplementation--which he has proven works.

It is mind bending that even early on The Salk Institute did a study finding the spike protein to be causing all the vascular issues and our governments ignored them--worse though, the media ignored this profound finding. Why the hell would anyone want their body to make the thing that is causing the actual illness and it is a synthetic spike protein to boot! The real mind bending part though is not realizing how many would line up and offer up their babies! I knew things were bad and that very few cared about the things I know to be important, but seriously.

All the perps needed to do though, is call these poison stabs "vaccines" and no questions were asked--even though they are a long way from introducing cowpox to ward off smallpox--because of course our governments in our democracies care about the people, of course they do--EUA, trial period, experimental stage, informed consent. gene therapy, none of these words mattered to the masses. These perps are not resting and taking it easy over the holidays...the machine is pumping along. These sociopaths denying logic and not applying what has been learned, repeating nonsensical bs, has to wake people up

If you don't know your neighbors, and chances are in America you don't, then it's probably time to introduce yourself and have some conversation--the perps don't want us talking, but talking a lot we must! Disaster preparedness is a good topic--we need to know how people are behaving in our arenas.

I'm praying for "Whoville"!

Bry • 2 years ago

The vaccine and covid are one and the same

Greebo • 2 years ago

Apparently, you do not recover from the vax like you can from the virus.

Stacey Johnson • 2 years ago

RIP clotters!!

UnionMember • 2 years ago

There was no covid. People were getting sick from other factors.
One is the flu shot, which gave my father similar symptoms years before.
There's a study that found a correlation with the flu shot and bad convid

The Man With No Name • 2 years ago

There is covid. The problem is the "solution" is brought to you by the same psychopaths who created the pathogen.

Greebo • 2 years ago

And the same ones pushing the Warming scam and wanting our defensive weapons.

Hope21 • 2 years ago

Help me understand. The Covid recovered have an increased cancer risk? "Researchers Show How COVID Damages Immune System, Increasing Cancer Risks — Science Says Vaccines May Do the Same"

Guest • 2 years ago
Greebo • 2 years ago

The sooner the better.

RHE9 • 2 years ago

Thanks for a very comprehensive and informative article.