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MDskeptic • 2 years ago

Excellent review of the gaping holes in the published trial data. Pfizer issued what were essentially press releases through the NEJM to declare their product wonderfully safe and effective. The apparent fraud is why the FDA wants 50 years to release copies of the original raw data to peer review. They have garbage and they know it.

deb • 2 years ago

Now the FDA wants 75 years to release copies!

Holly Summers • 2 years ago

AND the release date is in 2092 !!!! geez ever wonder about TRANSPARENCY in these companies? said NO-ONE EVER ! They want everyone one under the age of 20 getting this jab to be dead or ALMOST dead , the babies will all be totally transhuman by then, and unwilling or unable to ask any questions about it .

Mick from Hooe • 2 years ago

But it proved deadly and ineffective and dangerous to health when tried for Covid. 75 years to drip feed the Pfizer truth about Safety agreed by FDA & CDC? It took FDA just 108 days to read and agree the dubious contents. Now they're "short staffed". You couldn't make up such nonsense! The dangerous but ineffective Covid jjab kills and maims thousands with no responsibility accepted by manufacturers while they reap in fortunes. Total LIABILITY must be a PRIORITY before APPROVAL is considered! Mick from Hooe (UK)

TeeJae • 2 years ago

Fortunately, FOIA lawsuits enabled a judge to overrule that. Sooo, the first 500 pages are now out in the public domain, and are absolutely damning. They include Pfizer's OWN Post-marketing report to the FDA, which recorded more than 158,000 different adverse events, including 1,223 deaths in only the FIRST 3 MONTHS of the vax rollout (Dec '20-Feb '21). So, both Pfizer and the FDA have KNOWN from the beginning how dangerous/deadly their jab is. See for yourself: https://phmpt.org/wp-conten...

MarkTwain2020 • 2 years ago
[Eric Topol] “I think we’ve done a horrible job from day one in data tracking for the pandemic...."

The problem is that "Covid" isn't about a disease. It's about tyrannical data tracking. Just about every luminary in this anti-globalist movement (Catherine Austin Fitts, RFK, Jr., Naomi Wolf, etc.) will tell you that. So we should be careful attributing the problem of Covid to a lack of data tracking. Otherwise, we are giving a warm welcome to Bill Gates and his subdermal chips.

Frank Dudley • 2 years ago

Bill's subdermal chips are now old hat. Today we have graphene nanotechnology already shown to be in all of the Covid vaccines. This is a very major step to having transhuman global population, that can be controlled and disposed of at will. It also explains why they are so desperate to jab us all. No one must be left untouched. https://corona2inspect-blog...

Ektor • 2 years ago

Get with the "pfizer/moderna program. The trials were designed to be poorly designed otherwise their crappy poisons would never have been approved by the dunderheads at the FDA. As usual, the trials were shoddy just like they were for statins and OxyContin. All pharma cares about is marketing and selling a product backed by nothing but thin air that has the power to destroy humanity. It's been the trade off since the 1950's...profits for death.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

I think we need to figure out more about what the purpose of the pandemic was.

I think we need to figure out was this a virus or was it some biological weapon.

What came first: the chicken or the egg? The virus or the plan for a pandemic?

I think we need to question why labs were built at such a record pace (Pfizer in Pearl River, NY for example) and the hiring of so many scientist, many from China, before we even knew what the virus was?

I think we need to figure out how they knew what vaccines to make before they knew what virus they were making it for.

Since Pfizers' trials were anything but accurate, even downright dangerous, it didn't occur to anyone that the injection needed to be scrutinized even more so then the virus that was 99.9% capable of not killing?

There were too many stones unturned that were significant. Evidence it was all about pharma companies in competition with each other when it should have been about saving lives and jobs and communities.

I think we needed to look at who was giving the instructions on what we need to do to stay safe. Yet all we got was confusing information and unanswered questions. So much money going into vaccines, without so much as a peep about what they were actually going to be protecting us from?

It is obvious why they want everyone to get the jab. So there are no victims unjabbed. The unjabbed hold the answer to the pandemic. They know this . This is why they drill and mandate and force even children to take them. They don't want anyone left unjabbed. It is obvious. This is why they are making life so difficult for many.

Why are they not even a little bit concerned about natural immunity? Africa is doing great with natural immunity So are many other countries.

It seems the countries being harassed the most, USA, Australia, Europe, are the countries China wants to take over.

It seems pretty obvious. Now it just needs to be put out there and the truth needs to be known.

Mick from Hooe • 2 years ago

Vaax was being created simultaneously with the Gain of Function Fauci was overseeing in Virginia then Wuhan. Bioweapon technology was part of the exploration. '75 years to drip feed the Pfizer truth about Safety' agreed by FDA & CDC? It took FDA just 108 days to read and agree the dubious contents. Now they're "short staffed". You couldn't make up such nonsense! The dangerous but ineffective Covid jjab kills and maims thousands with no responsibility accepted by manufacturers while they reap in fortunes. Total LIABILITY must be a PRIORITY before APPROVAL is considered! Mick from Hooe (UK)

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

So the vax was being made during the GOF experimentation? So the vax was the chicken and the pandemic was the egg. Thank you for the clarification . That is what I suspected. Sheesh

Beatrice • 2 years ago

Kim, they have been developing/researching this vaccine for many years but it was never used in any clinical trials that I'm aware of and never approved for use by FDA. We are currently the clinical guinea pigs. I had SARS in 03 and was near death but they never once talked about any vaccine or other therapy. I would guess that after the 03 outbreak, they were still developing vaccines for corona viruses alongside the GOF research.

Sieglinde Koenigseder • 2 years ago


Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

We certainly are the guinea pigs for this trial and also keeping these creeps living high on the hog. No pun intended.

What were your symptoms for SARS in 03? What did you do to recover...? Glad you did by the way. xo

Do you take the flu vaccine yearly or did you take any medications prior to your SARS attack?

Beatrice • 2 years ago

Happy New Year Kim!

Oh gosh, my SARS symptoms were so sudden. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It started out to be a wonderful day, a week before Christmas. I got up that day, ran errands and then came home to call my health freedom activist buddy, John, who lives in Washington state. We were working on threats against supplements at the time. During the phone call I told John that I felt like I was getting sick- just had that flu like feeling but wasn't all that concerned. By the time I got off the phone with John,I was so exhausted, fever was spiking, I could barely hold my head up and I went to bed. Literally within 2 hours I went from being perfectly fine to completely incapacitated and felt like I had an elephant on my chest. My fever was getting higher and higher, my body hurt and I was coughing like I've never coughed before but nothing would come up. I had difficulty breathing. The next day I went to the doctors and they put me on oxygen and rushed me to the hospital. I was otherwise a healthy person and I've never taken any vaccine for flu or otherwise except tetanus and the basic childhood ones. The only thing that I can think of that may have compromised my immune system was that in Sept of '03 I had endured hurricane Isabel and it really did a number on me in terms of stress and trauma. The hospital new I had SARS and kept hounding me about where I had traveled but I explained that I had gone no where. Why would I lie? The thing is, I live in a very transient area surrounded by military bases in VA. I had gone to a pizza hut for dinner to meet an old friend and noticed that the chef who brought out our food was drenched in sweat. I didn't think she was sick at the time. I just thought she was hot. Anyway, about 5 days later I got sick. I spent Christmas in the hospital and I was in and out of a low glycemic coma. I began hemorrhaging from my uterus and blood vessels causing a ' rash' all over my body under the skin and the hospital didn't have any sanitary napkins! Can you believe that? I had an additional problem with the steroids that they were giving me reacting with a fluoroquinolone antibiotic which has since been banned and I knew they were killing me so when I was conscious, I got my friend to unplug me, give me some soda and some crackers to get my blood sugar up and I walked out, came home sick as hell and near death and began my research to save my life. I honestly don't know how I managed to survive except that I'm definitely a fighter. The antibiotic damage to my hearing and vision was bad enough but the vascular and lung damage from SARS was horrible and I felt like I had pieces of glass pulsing through every artery in my body. I couldn't sleep on any soft surface because it was too painful to move - requiring too much effort- so I had to sleep on the hard floor with my dogs :D for two months. Thank G-d I had them, they kept me alive! The doctors at my checkups wanted to put me on chemo to shut down my immune system but I wouldn't let them. I finally recovered about 8 months later but I had severe vascular damage and lung damage from the SARS. What people need to realize is that SARS and COVID are diseases of inflammation that create cytokine storms in the body. People who are overweight have extensive inflammation in their bodies even though most Americans are inflamed simply due to diet and stress. Sugar causes severe inflammation and obliterates the immune system but did experts warn about eating too much sugar at the holidays? NO! No one ever talks about how to reduce inflammation or improve diet to support a healthy immune system. Dr. Andrew Weil wrote a book about the anti-inflammatory diet and I highly recommend it.

Now, here's something else I know you will appreciate: Keep in mind that I didn't have any insurance so I was able to go to the closest doctor and hospital of my choice. I was admitted to a hospital that was not in my attending doctor's network so when she requested my hospital records, I had to pay 100 dollars for them AND they faxed them to her completely blacked out, line by line with a black marker. When I saw those records I asked her how they can get away with that and she just said that sometimes they do that when they have to send records out of network as if it were no big deal !!!!!!! I was so F'n angry and to this day I still don't have records that anyone can read. But what really angers me is how my doctor could just stand by and not fight for my right to my own health records.

People might think I'm nuts for not getting a covid ' vax' after all that but I don't believe these vaccines are safe and even if it were a typical sterilized vaccine, I still wouldn't take it. I do what I can to keep myself healthy and I don't expose myself to unnecessary public interactions. I do wear a mask when I go inside a store and I use sanitizer but I'm not living in fear. I just keep my fingers and toes crossed and knock on wood every day :D

orangputeh • 2 years ago

Ignorance isn't bliss. Since when does a president have the power to dictate our lives?

“I know vaccination requirements are unpopular for many,” Biden said Tuesday. “They’re not even popular for those who are anxious to get them. But my administration has put them in place not to control your life, but to save your life and the lives of others.”
Holly Summers • 2 years ago

since last year in our fuzzy presidents head did someone tell him its a new game, pretend to be a dictator , you can make them do what ever you want. here's the list , joe.
#LetsGoBrandon you P.O.S. #GFYS

BIOLYNX49@GMAIL.COM • 2 years ago

Laughable at best. Who would have guessed? LOL Nuremberg Trials II coming up in the near future.

Beatrice • 2 years ago

I doubt there will be any nuremberg trials. The EU and other countries want to repeal the Nuremberg Code and it looks like it may happen. SCARY!!

Doug Nierman • 2 years ago

Great article. The Pfizer trials sound a bit like the AZT trials in ‘The real Anthony Fauci’. The irregularities, unblinding, ending trials early, unrecorded transfusions and multiple shenanigans in Fauci’s AZT trials are head spinning. He’s a cheerleader of Pharma, and as science based as Al Capone. Thanks for bringing truth and light to some very dark places.

Mick from Hooe • 2 years ago

NO LIABILITY (?) while thousands die POST VAXX (20,000 in USA alone). It's mostly about the money but could be Population control??? 75 years to drip feed the Pfizer truth about Safety agreed by FDA & CDC? It took FDA just 108 days to read and agree the dubious contents. Now they're "short staffed". You couldn't make up such nonsense! The dangerous but ineffective Covid jjab kills and maims thousands with no responsibility accepted by manufacturers while they reap in fortunes. Total LIABILITY must be a PRIORITY before APPROVAL is considered! Mick from Hooe (UK)

zark • 2 years ago

This is an incredible report.
Only when patients are dead, you find out they were given a wrong medicine
based on cheating results.

Mick from Hooe • 2 years ago

Population reduction sounds more likely buy the day! 75 years to drip feed the Pfizer truth about Safety agreed by FDA & CDC? It took FDA just 108 days to read and agree the dubious contents. Now they're "short staffed". You couldn't make up such nonsense! The dangerous but ineffective Covid jjab kills and maims thousands with no responsibility accepted by manufacturers while they reap in fortunes. Total LIABILITY must be a PRIORITY before APPROVAL is considered! Mick from Hooe (UK)

jprexena • 2 years ago

They skewed the data to make it appear they are safe, when in fact these gene therapy bioweapons are killing people that suit depopulation agenda.
Can't wait until these evil doers are held accountable for crimes against humanity. Let the real Nuremberg trials begin.

Mick from Hooe • 2 years ago

75 years to drip feed the Pfizer truth about Safety agreed by FDA & CDC? It took FDA just 108 days to read and agree the dubious Pfizer contents. Now they're "short staffed". You couldn't make up such nonsense! The dangerous but ineffective Covid jjab kills and maims thousands with no responsibility accepted by manufacturers while they reap in fortunes. Total LIABILITY must be a PRIORITY before APPROVAL is considered! Mick from Hooe (UK)

Frank Dudley • 2 years ago

It very much seems to be about depopulation and control. Most of us are likely scheduled for disposal (per the Georgia Guidestones) and those few who survive will spend the remainder of their short lives as transhuman workers.

Watch this 8 minute video of a Spanish speaking doctor (English subtitles) telling us what he has found. It gives us an idea of where we are heading. https://rumble.com/vppv0h-d...

Millicent Fenwick • 2 years ago

But I was saying this when the reports of the clinical trials first came out: the number of participants was about 40,000, yet they extrapolated the results of fewer than 200 to come up with their “efficiency” rates. How can that be remotely “statistically significant” or doesn’t that count anymore? This entire covid craziness would be a joke if it weren’t so deadly serious!

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

According to the document, 3,410 participants were suspected from their clinical presentation of having COVID but they were excluded from efficacy calculations because a diagnosis could not be confirmed through PCR testing.

This would imply that covid existed. Would these suspects actually have had a dead flu virus or some other virus since we know the PCR test is not valid for use in detecting live virus.?

Assuming Pfizer’s investigators followed their study protocol, these participants were in fact tested. Yet that forces us to accept that more than 3,400 participants who had symptoms of COVID were suffering from other illnesses, not COVID.

So they pulled the injured or murdered? Took them off the data. Gone. This sounds more and more like a Fauci move; make data disappear, cover the trail and fire anyone that gets in the way.

orangputeh • 2 years ago

If it doesn't work the first time, keep giving more boosters. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."

In world first, Israel set to give 4th COVID shot to over 60s, at-risk groups
Hailing recommendation by panel of health experts, Bennett orders swift roll-out of extra vaccine booster for people over 60, immunocompromised and health care workers...


Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

I was in CVS yesterday looking for some vitamins, which they didn't have, and behind a little curtain I watched as a female approximately 18 years old was getting a covid jab. I watched closely since this was the first time I was witnessing someone actually take this horrific jab, so my curiosity got the better of me.

There were 2 red flags that hit me hard:

1 - Nurse didn't aspirate the injection (which we know is what may be causing the myocarditis/pericarditis)

2 - Within 1 minute, the female injectee was up and walking to the front of the store where the exit door is.

The nurse did follow behind her, but my guess was she was going to pick up the next victim and not out of concern for the person that just took a genetic manipulated not approved shot of spike poison.

I thought ....what if this female has a fatal reaction to the jab and crashes into a mother and her 3 children crossing the street and kills them? Who is responsible? My guess? The female and her insurance company.

Liability stops at the factory and we are all going to pay the price, in more ways then just losing our loved ones and livelihoods.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

To do a very simple statistical computation as to anyone questioning whether to take the jab or not:

How many people are dying from covid?

How many people are dying from the jab?

If you get covid and live, you will experience a rough few days, maybe weeks , then recover.

If you get injured by the jab, and live, you will experience disability for the rest of your life.

Now, if you are wondering if it is worth keeping your job if they are mandating the jab:

If you get the jab and die, you won't have to worry about work. As a matter of fact, your family will most likely be in a worse place after your death.

If you don't get the jab, and live, yet lose your job. You can look for another job. My old job is offering my $1000 incentive to come back. But back to you. If you live, well, you are alive so you can plan what you want to do next.

From what I can tell, not getting the jab, is the lesser of two evils. Choose the lesser and you will be much better off.

Sieglinde Koenigseder • 2 years ago


Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

Hi Sieglinde, I hope your recovery is quick and you get to leave the hospital soon!
My friend was in the hospital with double pneumonia and they put him on the covid floor. Now, does that make sense?

So many are on prescription drugs. Its people like your roomate there that keep the industry going. I don't even like to take OTC pain relievers so I hope I am never am in a position where they start pumping me with drugs. I'll run for the hills with the IV in my arm and the hospital gown blowing in the wind. What a vision, huh?

So they are worried you will contaminate her? Then they should move you. Or they should move her. But of course they won't because if she does get sick, they won't be held accountable and will blame you. If I were you, when you know you know you are being discharged, I would have them put in your chart that they were concerned about you making someone who is on 35 medications, on oxygen and vaccinated sick. My thoughts are not good here. They may be out to do her in and collect $400K pass go for having a covid death at their hospital.

I sure hope I am not right. Just get the heck out and heal quickly. :)

Maxwell • 2 years ago

Extremely good, detailed deconstruction of the fraudulent Pfizer/Moderna "studies" here:

13 minute video

It's all rigged.

Mick from Hooe • 2 years ago

Their problem for them is that more of us know their dirty little secrets day by day. 75 years to drip feed the Pfizer truth about Safety agreed by FDA & CDC? It took FDA just 108 days to read and agree the dubious contents. Now they're "short staffed". You couldn't make up such nonsense! The dangerous but ineffective Covid jjab kills and maims thousands with no responsibility accepted by manufacturers while they reap in fortunes. Total LIABILITY must be a PRIORITY before APPROVAL is considered! Mick from Hooe (UK)

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

The participants who participated in the study and were given the placebo were offered the real jab (they claim it was their way of saying "thank you") and it was only then, that they completed their study. Eliminating all of the placebo group.

This is exactly why they want EVERYONE to get jabbed. They don't want anyone that could claim natural immunity or even better, there was never a virus to begin with.

lizzite • 2 years ago

A lot of these may have been purposefully unblinded ("Oops!") in order to exclude them. The mother who testified next to her injured daughter said that in the course of various communications, Pfizer confirmed that the girl had gotten the vaccine. Soon after that they were told her data would not be used due to this "protocol deviation." Indeed they stopped answering the mother's calls after that.
One story is not data, of course. But WHY SO MANY DEVIATIONS IN THE VACCINE GROUP? What happened to these poor people? If something in the vaccine ruined the data, I'm scared to think what it did to their health.

Mick from Hooe • 2 years ago

75 years to drip feed the Pfizer truth about Safety agreed by FDA & CDC? UNBELIEVABLE! It took FDA just 108 days to read and agree the dubious contents. Now they're "short staffed". You couldn't make up such nonsense! The dangerous but ineffective Covid jjab kills and maims thousands with no responsibility accepted by manufacturers while they reap in fortunes. Total LIABILITY must be a PRIORITY before APPROVAL is considered! Mick from Hooe (UK)

sparky • 2 years ago

will comment next week wish you all a very merry christmas and a peacefull and better new year.

Mick from Hooe • 2 years ago

75 years to drip feed the Pfizer truth about Safety agreed by FDA & CDC? It took FDA just 108 days to read and agree the dubious contents. Now they're "short staffed". You couldn't make up such nonsense! The dangerous but ineffective Covid jjab kills and maims thousands with no responsibility accepted by manufacturers while they reap in fortunes. Total LIABILITY must be a PRIORITY before APPROVAL is considered! Mick from Hooe (UK)

BH387 • 2 years ago

Poorly designed to test the safety and efficacy of the jabs, but evidently very well designed to get as many of them into people's arms and as many people into hospital beds and funeral homes as possible.

Glen Wallace • 2 years ago

It seems as though barely even a cursory effort of merely creating the illusion of a valid pharmaceutical trial was made by Big Pharma to push through the vaccine. These vaccine trials appear not much better than cut and paste grade school effort. And that the FDA would give an 'A for effort' and approve the vaccine clearly demonstrates that the FDA is 'in on it'. I just can only hope that the US Supreme Court isn't also as hopelessly corrupt as the FDA; if they are I think a case can be made that we could be witnessing the very end to what is referred to as 'The American Experiment'. I make just that argument in my most recent video I posted on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Gretch Agapin Greig • 2 years ago
Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

Merry Christmas One and All!

John Stone • 2 years ago

Merry Christmas Kim!

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

Thank you John!

Michael Raymond • 2 years ago

Merry Christmas. Enjoy. https://mobile.twitter.com/...

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

The risk reduction was less then 1% of dying from covid. The chance of living if you get covid was 99%; not a mathematician if one does the math, I'd go with the latter and risk it.

vinu arumugham • 2 years ago

Billions and decades of research later, doctors don't know the cause of autism, allergies, asthma, autoimmunity but they magically know trial adverse events are not related to this new mRNA vaccine?

orangputeh • 2 years ago

I'm glad that I don't have any children who see this doctor who works at a children's hospital. He gets his numbers totally mixed up. He also probably works to get children COVID vaccinated. Bummer.

We rarely see a vaccinated child in the hospital.


COVID vaccines are “irreversible and potentially permanently damaging,” says Dr. Robert Malone, who explains why 16,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly declaring healthy children should not be vaccinated for COVID-19.