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stampoffame • 2 years ago

Speaking of "going back to a normal life"....I just bought movie tickets for a movie opening tomorrow ( haven't been to a movie in almost 2 years)....the show is being shown in 2 theaters at the same showhouse...one for the vaccinated, and one for the unvaxxed. As of now...a handful of tickets sold for the unvaxxed showing, and ZERO for the vaxxed showing! Love it!

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

That is pretty funny come to think of it. The unvaxxed are more logical and have not been driven by fear but by research and staying informed. The vaxxed have been driven by a false sense of security in the jabs; now that Fauci just came out and said "the vaccines may cause more covid cases" and it won't be the first time vaccines have produced worse cases..well, unfortunately, now the vaxxed have to figure out how to deal with that bit of information. Hopefully, they will be on the phone calling their lawyers.

Beatrice • 2 years ago

Unfortunately, I think being vaxxed even once, for most people, reinforces their fear and increases their desire to keep doing whatever it takes to protect themselves. It's sort of a obsessive/compulsive phenomenon.

TruthHunter • 2 years ago

They will probably have an emotional breakdown.

Sandburners • 2 years ago

Hmmmm. Snopes says this: No, Fauci Did Not Say COVID Vaccines Are ‘Making People Worse’
Vaccine opponents stooped to new lows in December 2021, to almost violently misrepresent remarks Fauci made nearly two years earlier. Thanks CHD for prolonging the pandemic with all your BS!

notaluvvie • 2 years ago

Snokes? Fact checking? Would that be opinion or reality? Let's check farcebook.

Jael • 2 years ago

'violently representing his remarks'!
Was it as violent as putting healthy puppies heads in a gruesome machine where their brains are eaten alive?
Now who was it in charge of that🤔

Brian Ozzy • 2 years ago

That was horrific but not as bad as the hundreds of children from orphanages, some only a couple of days old, that he and his thugs injected all sorts of brews into to see what happened. Any child that was uncooperative had feeding tubes inserted directly into their stomachs. Hundreds died awful deaths. You can read all the facts in Robert Kennedy Jnr's book "Meet the real Tony Fauchi". It is a magnificent expose of this disgusting homicidal narcissist and his mentor Gates.

TruthHunter • 2 years ago

He should never be called Dr. Aren't they the group of professionals that say "Do no harm"?

Sandburners • 2 years ago

Didn't say Fauci was a good person. I totally agree that he needs to be ousted about what he's done to animals & children. And he did lie to Congress/Rand Paul.

TruthHunter • 2 years ago

And....Snopes is a venue we all should all unwaveringly trust?

Sandburners • 2 years ago

Yeah just like this one.

Kerry Lee • 2 years ago

Kennedy takes his legal ethics seriously. I had dismissed him previously because of MSM. After I listened to a debate with Dershowitz, I realized he backs up what he believes. When he appeared in Berlin at at a rally in 2020, he said it would be reported that it was a Neo-Nazi rally. And sure enough that is what happened. https://www.dailykos.com/st...

flothow • 2 years ago

Read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert Kennedy Jr. Then tell us why we should listen to anything he says. I would like to know why he isn't in prison.

JoePark • 2 years ago

He absolutely DID say that. He said this would not be the first time when a vaccine could work against the person. Snopes is lying. And you fell for it.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago
Justin • 2 years ago

The vaxxed are too busy cowering under their beds and watching the MSM propaganda.

Beatrice • 2 years ago


I was thinking more about you going to a segregated movie theater this morning and had a dreadful thought. What I'm about to say might seem a bit dramatic but you do with it what you will. Corralling unvaccinated people into one building or area can be dangerous because it makes it OBVIOUS WHO YOU ARE and there IS surveillance. The gov't is currently collecting medical data on all vaxed and unvaxed. I'm also concerned about this corralling becoming a trap that police or military can easily access. If you think it won't happen here then look at what is happening in in other countries like Austria and Australia I don't think it's a good idea for you or any of us to put yourself in a segregated place. Please everyone no matter how desperate you are, be reasonable and don't segregate yourself. THINK and BE SMART and BE SAFE!!

SuziAlkamyst • 2 years ago

You are SOOOO right! In allowing ones self to be segregated, we are playing right into the hands of the divide and would be rulers!!! We will stand our ground!!

trade0714 • 2 years ago

Yep, REFUSE to go to any event that has vaxxed/non-vaxxed seating. Refuse to go to any "vaxxed-only" event.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

Point taken. Not paranoia. If this is as sinister as it appears, and it does, one must be very very cautious.

Beatrice • 2 years ago

Kim, I had a horrible memory of the ghettos during the holocaust. I hope Suzi understands what I am referring to. It is NOT safe to identify yourself as the opposition. The blueprint being used today and timeline of specific events since 2001 is becoming quite clear to me now.

el Gallinazo • 2 years ago

Please clarify your reasoning, Beatrice. The ghettos existed long before the rise of the NAZI party. Is your reasoning that if the inhabitants of the ghetto behaved in a docile manner then the SS stormtroopers would have treated them in a fair and equitable manner? I am only 75 years old so I do not remember the holocaust. But I will say this. In terms of mayhem to humanity both with his AZT pandemic and the current mRNA pandemic, Fauci makes Josef Mengele, known as the Angel of Death, appear similar to St. Francis of Assisi.

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

But that said, of course I wouldn't go to any segregated event even though I considered the vaxxed shedders more dangerous. Nor will I sit in the back of the bus, as did Rosa Parks refuse to do in 1956. That I do remember.

Isthisthingon • 2 years ago

January 6 was to draw the "domestic terrorists" out of the shadows, just like all the protest events are a way for the perps to track who's who. Trump played his followers and they are paying dearly.

John Trudell spoke clearly to this after his whole family (his pregnant wife, mother in law and his 3 other children) were burned in a house fire that was deliberately set 12 hours after he burned the American flag in protest of our failed and fake for-the-people system--the FBI refused to investigate...he then after much suffering, became a protest artist and stopped going to rallies, etc.

There is a book, 'Blessed Unrest' by Paul Hawkin. It is a book that speaks to all the good work people are doing in the world and movements naturally occur without specific leaders...people just show up to do the work needing done and then move on to other issues...this way there isn't really a "leader" or "individual" that can be targeted...just good people doing the good work meeting the challenges as they arise and even try and get In front of potential harm...people also just need to organically help one another out. We have seen too many effective leaders be silenced...we all need to put our energy into things that matter and stop giving the perps our money in every way we can...cash Friday's is a thing...we need to keep as much off line as possible and maintain our privacy in every way we can...maintaining our ability to use our own money privately is super key.

This is a class war and the rich are winning and we the people in our ignorance have given them all the power to dominate us as we have been lazy about our civic duties as a whole and we took far too much for granted....

The scale of this con is massive...but it is really going down and we need to act...we should be totally boycotting department store Christmas all across the board! Think small, meaningful/useful and local.

Beatrice • 2 years ago

Thank you for this reply. It's reassuring when I find others who share the same values. I hadn't thought about the Jan 6 ( my own cognitive decline) but I agree. We really do need to help each other out. We've got to learn to discern quickly and find ways to connect. One never knows when they will need to relocate and we all need a safe place to go.

Have you heard about the Redoubt group in Idaho? If not look it up. I'm not sure what to think about those people but initially I was quite interested in them because they are doing what I have been suggesting for quite some time- create our own state. They are trying to negotiate a new state line with Montana.

Isthisthingon • 2 years ago

I have heard of this group. Haven't been paying that close of attention though...there really is no where to run and no where to hide...we need to deal with our problems as a collective, I'm really not down with othering as I feel this group probably does engage in it...the weapons man has achieved at this point which are in the hands of sociopaths, really make it impossible to think we have any autonomy or the ability to create sanctuary that won't be dominated...I want to believe we win by changing the way we view life and our responsibility to the Earth, how we treat one another and the nature we, as humans, depend on...we need to respect our limits and be stronger in general...too many are sick and weak as we have normalized disease as a way of life for far too long as well as breeding and eating ourselves out of house and home...I think people should do whatever they feel called to do in these very trying times...resisting in every way one can and pushing back...no one should be participating in segregation as a new "normal"...we also need to stop doing stupid stuff because we are told to by these pimps and drug pushers...we all need to slow down and savor...be more disciplined in general...stop with all the instant gratification...find reverence and be in awe...see the best in everyone and everything and help Uplift humanity...stop thinking somehow we humans are not animals...maybe people should have to take a test to see if they should even be a parent...know thyself...stop reacting emotionally and start thinking...stop giving up our Rights is a good start as well as stop eating their chemical laden fake food...I don't know if we make it, but I do know change is coming at us fast...we are not in Kansas any more...we should be stocking up and planting food...support your local farmer...power is in being able to feed yourself and help others do the same...we peasants lost our power when they industrialized the food and sold people on the "cheap" and "easy" life...I want to believe in the "good" of man...I have experienced grace and have felt "held" somehow as my life has not been easy...maybe that's why I can "see" what is happening for what it is...change needs to happen and is always hard...we either take charge of what we can do and find the gumption, or we accept what they dole out...whatever one can live with....

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees! I interpret this to mean that we keep on keepin on, doing the work we need to do to maintain our sovereignty...hope for the best and plan for the worst--say the thing needing to be said.

Beatrice • 2 years ago

I live as you describe by doing the right things and planning for the worst. I'm always planning for the worst because I've had many horrible experiences :(

I live a righteous life here in my own little place in this world but I don't have confidence that anything I do or say will positively influence anyone else to change their lazy ways and think for themselves. Maybe I'm just an old jaded lady now. But there are too many followers and not enough good honest leaders in this world and that I believe, is just the nature of humanity.

I live by necessity and some have called me a naturalist but I'm not sure I would fit the typical stereotype of one. I'm not a hippie or dirt rocker as they say but I don't know anyone who would be willing to live as I do without a dishwasher or microwave. I've been cutting and splitting wood for 4 days straight with my chain saw and Swedish log splitter :D and I wondered how many other people would be willing to put that much effort into heating their homes. I actually enjoy the exercise outdoors and it's so much more rewarding than going to a gym though admit I've never been to a gym. I have two water filter pitchers with 'smart' indicator lights that tell me when I need to change the filter so I guess I'm high tech :D now. Do people realize that these dummy lights are created to scare dumb people into purchasing new filters when not necessary? I have an old stove from the 50's made in Ohio and I will keep this stove until I'm absolutely forced to replace it. Oh gosh, the thought of having to buy anything new just makes me sick. Anyway, I've never had to replace anything on this stove in the 30 plus years I've owned it but I can't find any replacement temp dials and so my stove dials are hand painted by me because the numbers washed off. I'm sure when people see this, they probably think I'm a poor pathetic woman.

Die on your feet doing the right thing but don't be careless and stupid or become a martyr with corns and callouses then complains how your feet hurt. I've lived a long life- long enough to know that we don't need to spend our lives in a state of rugged struggle all the time surrounded by people who drain the life spirit from us. I want to live in a safe peaceful community ( better yet, country) of like-minded people who re-charge my spirit and who share resources and wisdom and who share the same values about lifestyle and nutrition and the environment. I briefly lived on a commune when I was teenager and it was a wonderful experience. We worked very hard and we all had to learn the skill of serious cooperation. Imagine that! All the members were Ivy League professionals that dropped out of society to create their own happy place in the world. They were social activists as well but they had the good sense, some of them anyway, to say out of unnecessary danger.

Take Care Isthisthingon and stay warm. Hope you're having a peaceful hollyday :D

Isthisthingon • 2 years ago

Sounds lovely to me. I grew up in the forest/farmland, and the streets...I have way more than I need now, in fact, having so much to take care of just enslaves...less and well-made is definitely better, and yes, far too many are lazy and don't behave as if they even have a clue to what is going on...all that instant gratification has made a lot of disposable people...a community of like minded people sounds brilliant!

I was just trying to get my son through HS, he has one more year, before heading back to forest/farmland--I crave the simple doing! Not sure we will be able to stick to our plan...we shall see if we get through this one, Ha!

Nonetheless we persist! One never knows the true impact of their words and kindness, even here on this site...in today's world your words just traveled all over the way around it! :) We definitely need to give more value to the things that matter and right quick!

An honest lived life of fending for oneself with reverence and awe is a life well lived! Blessings to you and yours, Beatrice, we would make great neighbors!

Merry Solstice! May the Winter months be kind to you! :)

Beatrice • 2 years ago

Thank you for the solstice blessing. It happens to be my favorite day of the year. The moon has been absolutely mesmerizing this week. Unfortunately, I had cloudy skies so I wasn't able to view the moon or the meteors but I had a beautiful bonfire.

When I was little girl, I loved my pet dogs and I had a very close relationship with an old Irish veterinarian who lived on a huge farm in VA that he ran his vet practice out of. He was usually drunk and despite my concern about that, my mom assured me that I wouldn't want him to be sober when treating my dogs. One time I had to take my dog to him because a man had run over him with a tractor/bush hog. The doctor told me he would stay up with my dog all night and invited me to spend the night as well. The three of us slept in his stone barn/office around the fireplace. While lying on my cot, I noticed a framed picture of a man with something printed beneath it. The next morning I asked Dr. McHale who the man was and he told me it was Albert Schweitzer and he read the text called, ' Reverence For Life'. That was the moment that my current values and ethics were instilled in me. I studied Schweitzer's work for many years and there isn't a single day that I don't hear his words in my mind. " Ethics is nothing other than Reverence for Life. Reverence for Life affords me my fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, assisting and enhancing life, and to destroy,to harm or to hinder life is evil." (Albert Schweitzer, Civilization & Ethics)

Isthisthingon • 2 years ago

Thank you for the lovely story. It truly takes a village to raise a child. Albert Schweitzer walked his talk and definitely left us with many gifts to ponder our purpose. 'Reverence for Life', says it all!

We should all be living in service of and working with, the Earth! I like so many of his quotes! This one stuck out:

“The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their minds.”
― Albert Schweitzer

It truly needs to "occur" to individuals that they have a choice in the way they see and think about life around them.

Reverence for life is at the heart of it all! Children are raised to care about all the wrong "things"! Society has been groomed for this moment in time...let's hope there are enough of us who truly value being able to care so deeply for all the magical things life has to share with us...Love truly is our greatest power! "Whoville!"

I must know what happened to your beloved dog? :)

Peace, Love and Light

Beatrice • 2 years ago

Your spirit is the greatest present I could receive this season. I sincerely mean that. I cohabit with and around a ton of negativity and it's very challenging to stay positive and kind though I do have a wicked and warped sense of humor that allows me the freedom to have passive-aggressive fantasies :D Mean people are ridiculous and such an energy drain! However, I don't believe in wishing bad things on bad people because it only makes them put more bad energy into the world. I really believe that the hot negative energy, literally electrons, that are cloaking this globe is generated by all the anxiety and anger manufactured by human beings. Thankfully, I have a backyard full of wildlife and my beloved dog who keep me aligned with love despite the negativity around me.

Albert has been my spiritual mentor for almost my entire life. His architect and friend, Percy Mark, and I became email friends about 20 years ago and I learned so many intimate details about Albert that I now feel like I actually knew him! I often have conversations with Albert when I'm struggling to deal with the consequences of selfish people who wantonly destroy habitat and harm animals. I have an original black and white photo of Albert with his pet pelican in my office and I have a huge concrete pelican in my garden in honor of him.

So my dog, Rascal, was a beagle and the caretaker of this estate that my family was leasing, ran over him when mowing the turf. That caretaker was a very mean man and he was fired after this incident. That awful day, after school, I was in town at the babysitter's and I told her that I needed to go home right away- that I felt something was wrong. She believed me and drove me home and we found Rascal with his entire back shaved off down to the muscle and bone. You can imagine the pain he was in and he was curled up in the corner of our back porch. Everyone said to put him down because his injuries were too severe but I was determined to save him and so, I used the technique often used by Jim Fowler on Wild Kingdom to trap animals with a net. Wild Kingdom was my favorite show! I didn't have a net but I had a bed sheet so I gathered the neighbors to help me slide the sheet under him and lift him into the car. One of the neighbors drove us to the vet. When I tried to get him out of the car, he bit my wrist but I didn't care. It took a few weeks of constant vet care but he recovered completely. I couldn't stay with Rascal every day because I had school but I spent the weekends on the farm with the vet. Doctor McHale was a true doctor who cared about healing. He also helped me with rehabbing wild animals like deer and rabbits and never reported me to the wildlife police though he would make me promise not to keep the animals as pets...wink, wink :D I don't know how the man managed to earn a living as a vet because we were living in an impoverished rural area and he never charged me for the wild animal care and he would let me pay for my vet bills by doing chores on his farm. Rascal and his mother, Sugar, lived to be 18 years old! I was in college and 25 years old when they passed away. Sugar was my first dog ever- a present from my father when I was 7. When I saw the movie, My Dog Skippy, I think I cried for two days straight because it reminded me of my long term relationship with Sugar and Rascal.

Given that you have a son in HS, I would imagine that it is a real challenge trying to keep things authentically human when he's being groomed by a shallow tech generation. He's quite fortunate to have a mother like you to maintain balance.

Well, that was a pleasant trip down memory lane but I must finish my chores!

Isthisthingon • 2 years ago

I'm glad I could bring some happiness into your life...I've fully enjoyed sharing with you as well.

I hear you about negative people, they are a huge drain and I do feel the weight of their negativity is putting a dark energy all over the world...just like the perps want...lots of money in sadness apparently...I have far too many neighbors that I just don't seemed to be able to connect with...Hell is other people for sure. :(: So sad and unimaginative...people just don't seem to know how to be with themselves, let alone others...love is scarce it would seem.

I am so glad your dog made it through-unbelievable he survived being mowed over, let alone recovering from such a horrible injury! Growing up on my Aunt's dairy farm and in the city, I've seen my share of gruesome. Dogs hold a special place for me too...love to hear how long they lived! I've had the privilege of having that kind of time with some pretty sweet dogs and I miss them dearly. What a great story you shared! Thank you!

Yes, it is a hard balance to maintain in respect to the dark forces of technology and my son...he is really aware and isn't too crazy about it all...we never went down the video game road and he has yet to have his own cell phone--total challenge at times as there are no public phones anymore! He is also a Waldorf kid, so lots of art and reverence to help with the balancing act; although, it is crazy how many Waldorf kids don't seem Waldorf at all these days with how addicted to technology they are...now I just need to do all I can so he can remain human! I regret bringing him into this mess...we shall see. He is painfully aware of all that is happening...so the balance is even harder--especially when the president of the USA comes out and lies to the American people, making the world a bit more scary...bends the mind!

Hope you are able to relax a bit after busting a move on getting your wood cut...I know how good it feels when it is done! We are bracing for some cold nights in the teens here in Oregon. So glad you have a yard full of nature--my yard too is full of life and is what gets me through...can't imagine not having access to nature--I feel like snow white with all the creatures around me--because i feed them, ha. We see what the lack of nature and reverence for the natural world does to people--it is a big problem...we were/are lucky.

Relaxing seems difficult these days as we just don't know what is coming at us and when, but I hope you get to spend some quality time relaxing and enjoying nature through the window of your cozy, warm home! The Moon was lovely!

Happy Winter!

Blessings to you and yours!

trade0714 • 2 years ago

I agree that you don't want to make yourself a target. But that also makes it hard to speak out against these fools. If I send a letter -- no matter how civil it is -- to a politician, I'll have to attach at least my name to it. Should we send them out anonymously, or with fake names and addresses??

Beatrice • 2 years ago

It's risky enough exposing yourself independently but I'm referring to larger groups. It's not worth their time to take out one person when they can arrest (or worse) a larger group. Are you familiar with the Holocaust and how they rounded up the Jews and other dissenters? They even lied at one point and said that the Jews were going to a special place aka ghettos for their protection. Then they set up a camp called Terezin- complete with tennis courts and swimming pools- for the American Red Cross to film as part of their propaganda campaign about how the Nazis were protecting the Jews. When no one was looking, they shipped all the Terezin Jews to other camps and exterminated them.

Aside from authoritarian tyranny, we also have the typical nutjobs that may attempt a mass shooting because they blame the unvaxxed for killing their loved one. So, I would highly recommend staying away from ANY place that is designated for the unvaxxed!

DLT88 • 2 years ago

Excellent point. And when they are all in one spot, it is not hard to hit them with a 5G bioweapon beam and make them all sick with blood clots (aka covid) so they can say "See? Look what happened to all these 'unvaccinated' fools?" And people will say cold things like 'They deserve it', etc. I don't think your thoughts are over dramatic, I think you bring up an excellent point to ponder. I have seen the 5G documentary last year and hitting protesters in third world countries with 5G bioweapon beams is NOT new. They have been doing this for a few years now before they made 5G a 'cell phone speed' which is NOT what it was created for.

Beatrice • 2 years ago

5G, gunfire, handcuffs, warrants or whatever else they deem fit to use at the time.

Nola • 2 years ago

I'd love to see that documentary if you'd share the name of it. Thanks!

DLT88 • 2 years ago

I'm so sorry. I didn't see your post until now. I just went to find the documentary, but the site has been taken down. It figures it was wiped out since it was so damaging to the evil one.

Beatrice • 2 years ago

Good for you! However, the segregation is mighty concerning.. The last movie I saw in a theater was Amadeus and that was 1984.......omg, 1984!! How weird is that given what we are dealing with today.

Glassylady • 2 years ago

If it is an AMC theater, just be forewarned that china now owns all of those theaters, so you are throwing more money at china. Of course they own America for the most part now anyway, so I suppose my point is moot!

Sharon Cooke • 2 years ago

Does that mean the vaxed are too scared to go?

S-j Chadwick • 2 years ago

That is very interesting!

GrannyAtlanta • 2 years ago

W.H.O. Director Tedros says: "“Even if Omicron does cause less severe disease, the sheer number of cases could once again overwhelm unprepared health systems."

Wait....WHAT? Didn't they just say that only ONE death has been reported WORLDWIDE? What in the world is he talking about...."overwhelm UNPREPARED health systems." Why in the world would they be unprepared for a virus that's already almost two years old and is less severe than the prior variants?

What a great example of false projection. Tedros obviously wants to keep the people in fear....just in case.

Michael Raymond • 2 years ago

Gotta get special pcr test. And start fixing death certificates again.

allrite jack • 2 years ago

Well he has a background in terrorism after all.
Meet WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
While all eyes are on the WHO during this pandemic, it pays to take a look at the person at the helm.

Tedros Ghebreyesus (or Tedros as he prefers) is not a medical doctor despite the appellation. He is the first WHO director-general not to have a medical degree.
As Ethiopia’s health minister, he is accused of covering up three cholera outbreaks, calling them cases of watery diarrhoea.
He was the third most important person in the terrorist organization, Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and is said to have played a key role in the kidnapping of a prominent dissident as well as other atrocities.

GrannyAtlanta • 2 years ago

Okay, you're kidding....right? How did we miss this on his CV? Did he fudge that, too?

Beckie • 2 years ago

I guess when your a hammer, the only solutions you see are nails.

GrannyAtlanta • 2 years ago

Naw.....it's all about the money. They have to keep the fear factor revved up so the fearful rush to get the next booster shot. Even when it doesn't make sense, the fearful believe it. The good thing is that more and more people are beginning to wake up. I believe the scales are beginning to tip in our favor. Too many of us know too many who have been injured by the "safe" shots.

Fool me once......

SuziAlkamyst • 2 years ago

Yup! They're laughing all the way to the bank, taking the sleepers to the slaughter house, but as you say, the awakening is ahappening!

william flynn • 2 years ago

WHY hasn't Tedros been charged and sent to prison for DENYING that the virus could be spread human to human ??