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Deborah Phillips • 2 years ago

Sadly, the mother didn't know that thousands, maybe millions of people actually did know about the dangers of the so-called "vaccines". She claims no one was looking into this. Sadly, thousands of doctors have been trying to get this information out for a couple of years, but obviously, this poor woman only listens to MSM and that's why she didn't know about this danger. The information is out there. You have to look for it, because the MSM and Social Media companies are suppressing it but plenty of us have managed to find it via alternative media (such as The Defender).

Mary Nelson • 2 years ago

I had decided I did not trust the vaccines, period. Pfizer has a very shady past.
So no vaccine. I was able to get some IVM-FDA be damned.

Anne Simpson • 2 years ago

Have you heard of the Homoeopathic remedy Camphor? Since early on, the remedy in the 1M strength was given out to the police in the state of Iran in India and also given out to all the population by the governor of one state in Brazil. It appears to have worked as a preventative or if you have had covid and have any of the 70 odd malingering side effects, it can help you get over these too. To find out more you could look up Dr Rajan Sankaran, India or go into facultyofhomeopathy.org You will find information from there. The good thing is that homeopathy is so cheap to purchase but can be so effective as well as safe to use.

rose • 2 years ago

Have you heard the tests don't work and falsely attribution Covid to EVERYTHING elsse

You do NOT need a Covid cure for a false positive test

This is the biggest open secret out there and the Defender hasn't helped to expose the depth and scale of it at ALL


Sandy B. • 2 years ago

Thank you for listing the site, I glanced it over, and found it to be very truthful and reliable. I know of Reiner Fuellmich, and have heard him speak at length about covid. He is completely knowledgeable about covid!!!

I just want to add that Fauci is being taken down by Project Veritas!!! Read what has been revealed to them. As a matter of fact, James O’Keefe has said that if anything happens to him, he is not depressed or suicidal!


WhataWorld • 2 years ago

Has Project Veritas taken anyone down yet?

maria • 2 years ago

yeap...I wonder why "Defender doesn't go there...PCR has been the basic argument that the whole scam is build on, must be a good reason, we need to wait. I trust their strategies

jacques merde • 2 years ago

The CDC admits now that the PCR test cannot tell the difference between COVID and the flu...

gina • 2 years ago

That’s how we skipped the flu last year right? When they say there were no cases of the flu that was a huge red flag!

EM2 • 2 years ago

Never could, Fauci has known it all along. Complete and utter fraud, must be removed!

BraveNewWhirled • 2 years ago

In August the FDA admitted that, and that it generates too many false results. They didn't say the false results were from turning up the cycle count way too high, like past 28.

Anne Simpson • 2 years ago

I would understand that you are not fully conversed on the use of homeopathy? This particular remedy can be used as a preventative or can help you get over the effects of Covid if you were unfortunate enough to get it, regardless of any tests, lateral flow, pcr or otherwise. It was used in Iran early on and given to all the police in that state in India . It was also given out to all the population by the governor of one state in Brazil. I hope this clarifies the original statement I made.

Deanne • 2 years ago

I think her point is that the “SARS-CoV-2 virus” has never been isolated or purified. The genetic sequences claimed to be the “virus” are computer generated and not actual.

The “tests” are being used under EUA and are useless. Scientifically speaking, there is no “covid.” There are respiratory illnesses, as there have always been. It is impossible to have a test for something that has not been proven to exist.

Stephan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman, and Tom Cowan did an experiment showing that the same test results can be obtained WITHOUT adding the human sample. The chemicals, monkey kidney cells, and other junk are enough to give a positive test with NO sample added. They also believe (with scientific evidence) that the particles that are being called “viruses” are actually cell debris or exosomes - the RESULT of cell destruction, not the CAUSE of it - the RESULT of the body’s response to some assault or illness, not the CAUSE of it. Very interesting discussions and interviews.

In other words, you can’t “get covid” or have “effects of covid” when “covid” hasn’t been scientifically proven to exist. “Respiratory illness” would be a more accurate phrase to use.

WhataWorld • 2 years ago

Sanity I love it.

Anne Simpson • 2 years ago

Thank you for that information and I can understand what you are explaining and agree with you. With homeopathy you are treating the whole picture and not just the symptoms. What might fit the majority of peoples symptoms, might not be quite suitable for another and that is why it is useful to see a homeopathic practitioner. They will go through a variety of questions to get the picture of the remedy that would suit the individual. That is known as treating them constitutionally rather that looking at it in the first aid sense whereby you know certain remedies are very good for certain symptoms such as catching a cold at the very start with aconite or treating bruises and sprains etc with arnica, There are useful remedies out there that will help specific purposes that you can try yourself without seeing a homeopathic practitioner but for long term ongoing problems, you are better consulting someone. I am not in the medical profession but have used homeopathy successfully on myself, family and friends for the last 38years. Have come across several great practitioners in that time too.

Guest • 2 years ago
Deanne • 2 years ago

The difference this time is the media and government hype, 24/7 statistics reporting, blatant lies about and withholding of effective treatments, and insistence of using harmful treatments in hospitals.

Glenn Lego • 2 years ago

I think camphor is a main ingredient in such otc remedies as Vicks Vaporub, Mentholatum, etc. you can get these in most drug and department stores. Would such things work?

Anne Simpson • 2 years ago

They will only give a bit of relief to your breathing, like for a blocked nose etc. If you were to use the homeopathic remedy Camphor 1M and then rubbed vicks or anything with menthol in it, you would destroy the effects of the homeopathic remedy. There is such a tiny amount of the remedy in them that any strong smelling substances such as scented candles or room freshners can knock them off. This is where people can give homeopathy a bad name. They try the remedies and say they don't work for them but they do not realise that if they have been in touch with these strong smelling substances, even having them in a bathroom cabinet beside vicks or the likes will destroy the remedy so indeed they won't work. That is also the reason that you do not handle the remedies as oils in your skin can destroy the effects of the remedy. I am not in the medical professsion but I have been using homeopathy successfully for myself, family and friends for the last 38 years and have learned a great deal about the subject in that time.

Glenn Lego • 2 years ago

Thanks for the information.

WhataWorld • 2 years ago

People are ridiculous with this "test" garbage. If you mention "cases" or "positive tests" I am done with you. STEP 1 TESTS don't work..STEP 2 this renders "cases" null and void! I don't believe any Covid exists although even those we think are on our side are using these lies to instill fear into our side ..HMMM ...FEAR the lowest denominator ...Covid is Insilco a computer generated model is that why tech turds are all over it??? Just a lovely little cartoon to present to the duped.

john walker • 2 years ago

Why are you treating something that doesn`t exist ? you people
are also not looking very deeply into this scam either. This truly is
a nation of sheep. It`s the common flu and cold people

WhataWorld • 2 years ago

I think sheep may not be the correct term anymore, even sheep can recognize a wolf where as most of the population can't. I am going with zombies.

Anne Simpson • 2 years ago

It is the symptoms that are being treated, not the name of the disease and yes camphor if you look it up does help these symptoms.

L.J. Ayres • 2 years ago

Thanks, Anne, for that tip on Homeopathic Camphor! I was aware of a couple of others (incl. Arsenicum), but not this one. It was esp. helpful that you provided the additional link, and the other references, which commenters often leave out. I will, indeed, research and add it to my First Aid / medicine kit!

CastleConnell • 2 years ago

It isn't a cure all though. I know people who have died when it failed to work. However, it does seem to help in many situations, and there are no adverse effects. The mechanism of action is unknown, so hard to prove it is not placebo.

Janice L. Blake • 2 years ago

Where did you get the IVM? The product I found I could get is so price-gouged, it gouged me right out of the market. I have a website. You can send me a secure email, if you dare... secure@janicelblake.com (goes through protonmail) Thank you. Not for me so much. For my brother who got 2 Moderna shots and says he hasn't been the same since. I'd like him to have this stuff before he REALLY gets sick. He's not so young, 59, but not old either. I told his doctor to give him some as prophylaxsis and she just rolled her eyes. (I am currently looking for a more sensible doctor, but, as it now stands, they are all in on it.) Cheers!

Aaron Stafford • 2 years ago

One alternative, if it is difficult to get one's hands on Ivermectin or Hydroxycholoriquine, is to take Quercetin (OTC)...should be taken along with Zinc, vitamins D3 and C. Quercetin may not be as strong as IVM and Hydxc, but works well enough, and much easier to obtain and afford. This remedy some are referring to as the Zelenko Protocol (Jewish MD in NY began treating hundreds of his patients last year successfully).

Ren • 2 years ago

Coincidentally, I only learned about Quercetin earlier today on Bret & Heather's DarkHorse podcast. Sounds promising - we've been doing the other vits and mins you mention (+ vit K2) for 20 months now.

teknikAL • 2 years ago

20 months and you are still treating symptoms? That's a long haul...

maggie • 2 years ago

You can make your own HCQ - skins of grapefruit especially and other citrus, I use orange and lemon, bring to boil then simmer for 2-3 hrs (leave lid on do not disturb) then let cool for another few hours. Strain put into jar and have 1-2 T a day.

JMarie • 2 years ago

Great sources, been taking all, but got omicron anyway. Check out the links I posted above for Janice re: IVM. Z Stack protocol is excellent but everyone should have IVM or HCQ at home just in case you or a family member gets sick.

T.Martin • 2 years ago

Absolutely right..get ivermectin before you need it. It will save your life

Sandy B. • 2 years ago

Yes, Dr. Zelenko is a life saver!! He saved thousands of lives! I take his Protocol, and believe in it 100%! If anyone wants to get it just go to his website.

T.Martin • 2 years ago

If you cannot for whatever reason, get a Dr to give a prescription or if it is too expensive, I myself have went to my local feed/tack supply store or Co-op, & bought a tube of the 🐴 paste. Was $8.99. Has to say 1.87% ivermectin. No other meds in it. There's weight notches to go by. Just use how much you weigh. Use with a fatty meal and zinc and D3. It works just as good. Saved my daughter's life 2 months ago. We couldn't wait around on it. It'll save your life...especially if taken as soon as you feel symptoms.

Guest • 2 years ago
T.Martin • 2 years ago

We put ours in a cup of pudding and can't taste it at all. It's helped us a lot. I am so thankful someone told me about it because my daughter was so sick she could have died. I know so many people that have died or are in skilled care in the small rural town I live in that didn't know about ivermectin. They probably had it in their barns the whole time

I'M SO DONE!!! • 2 years ago

You can find a reliable doctor and IVM on FLCCC.net

rose • 2 years ago
Sandy B. • 2 years ago

So many have been killed because of the censoring of successful treatments,,,,This is a Crime Against Humanity!!! At least 500,000 people in the US alone could have been saved by using them. Trump talked about it, and the press and demons once again criticised him. Dr. Zelenko treated President Trump, his family, Giuliani, and his son, and thousands of others,,,,Look at his website.

Go to https://americasfrontlinedo..., and they can help you find a doctor who can/will prescribed it for you. I have a friend whose son had covid, and he got in touch with them, got Ivermectin, and in a day or two was so much better. It before Omicron,,,

Melanie • 2 years ago

Have your brother take NAC (n-acetyl cysteine) supplements, as the toxic spike proteins from the "vaccines" cause inflammation and possibly cytokine storms. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...

T.Martin • 2 years ago

Janice, IVM has been price gouged. I couldn't afford the tele-doc plus meds or wait around when my daughter got very sick. I went to my local co-op or farm/feed store and got the 🐴 paste. It works just as well. It has to be ivm only. Says 1.87% ivermectin on the box. Take it by your weight. The dispenser has notches on it for weight. My boyfriend & son got the Moderna and they haven't felt right since either. Headaches, brain fog, dizziness, plus other side effects. They've been taking this ivm once or twice a week and the headaches, etc..are gone. The ivm I just bought was $8.99 at the feed store. Take with a fatty food & zinc. It works. Saved my daughter also. It may sound crazy but it works and is cheaper. Better than none at all. Here is a link for the Drs that do prescribe it..

aj54 • 2 years ago

it is safe enough to take the horse paste. People largely do not know that drugs for animals and humans come off the same production lines. If you do buy some at a farm store, each of the small blue nubs on the applicator are for 50 human pounds. So if you weighed 150, use 3. It is apple flavored for the horses, but mixing it in a bit of applesauce should be palatable. Enough in a single tube for several doses.

Barbara C Wills • 2 years ago

Easy to get if you know where

maggie • 2 years ago

In Australia they have made it illegal to get unless you can show your cattle licence.

blackseabrew • 2 years ago

So in the Land of Oz you need a license for cattle. Great. Once wanted to travel there but I will pass for now. I'll head to a more free country like Russia.

Sandy B. • 2 years ago

Go to Dr. Zelenko’s website, for prophylactic protocol.

JMarie • 2 years ago

Janice, here's a link to the FLCCC US physician directory of those prescribing IVM or HCQ. Many of the doctors are licensed in multiple states. 2nd link is pharmacies that are filling the prescriptions. You'll get a telemed appt first for basic history etc. Pass this on as FLCCC is the most reliable site for Covid treatment. America's Frontline Doctors are amazing but their capacity to provide telemed appts for prescriptions was overwhelmed 6 months ago. I got a physician in FL that covers S Carolina, appt is tmrw after 2 week wait. Good luck to you.



EM2 • 2 years ago

America’s Frontline Doctors can hook you with a prescription, and fill it for you too. U r required to do a medical consult, pay out of pocket, and then the pharmacy will contact you, but it is legit. I’ve ordered several times. Not cheaper, but better an death! Website= https://americasfrontlinedo...

Co-Reigner • 2 years ago

Yes, they sure do have a very shady past. I would also add other big pharma groups too. No vaccines for me and if a prescription drug is ever prescribed for me, I do my best to research it and possibly find an alternative.