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ME MCC • 2 years ago

Scary stuff here - we have long suspected that Gates was controlling the narrative on a global scale but there you go. And with Gates and Soros teamed up - two of the scariest people in the world. Both want to control society (as does Klaus Schwab) and depopulate, manipulate all of our (and the world's) narratives. Do not be Sheeple, do not give in, do not accept the ones who say, "well, you know he's dead...so, you have to be careful." Keep in mind that this world is fleeting for each one of us - and God don't like ugly, no matter how it looks at times. There needs to be a transparency regarding ALL funding.

Bambi • 2 years ago

I dont think it should be legal for any entity to fund any media. Period. We need to encourage that strong laws are written.

Louis Brown • 2 years ago

Gates is just a front man. The real boss is stealth

kris • 2 years ago

gates is literally like holding the entire world hostage like some creeper dr. evil.. demanding more money for more bogus "health" ventures.. that are really eugenics!!! . he's the biggest terrorist the world has seen in a long time! why isn't this creep locked up and on trial?!

mainstream media people, politicians, scientists... need to rearrange their lives! stop selling your souls to the highest bidder! don't just assume that someone else would sell their soul so you better sell yours first... it isn't a race to the bottom! there's more to life than money and fancy resumes! stand up to this creep!

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

How about the news today they found viles of smallpox in a Merck lab in Penn/Pittsburgh and Gates is touting how we need to be mindful of a more deadly virus then covid....he has said "small pox" will be our next attack. I think after what we know, it just may happen.

BoopJr • 2 years ago

We the people must demand Bill Gates and friends be stopped from crimes against humanity and pay for these crimes. Since they are so rich and are in control of our government by payoff, they get a free pass?

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

No one should get a free pass when it comes to murder. We may be guilty of being ignorant but then again, we work hard, take care of our families and friends, don't break the law (a speeding ticket wouldn't really constitute a criminal), lol, get up every day, pay our bills, taxes, all to be able to hopefully spend a few years at the end of the road to enjoy some down time.

For someone that wakes up every day and conspires how to drain them of their blood money, destroy their health, maim and harm our loved ones, take away our freedom to speak about injustices, they don't deserve a free pass. Not now. Not ever.

BB • 2 years ago

I'm sure they are planning another and worse pandemic since COVID didn't kill enough people. Actually, in the US, death numbers were pretty stable from 2018 through 2021. So the death numbers that they are reporting are actually from all causes, not just the virus. Even so, the "vaccine" will continue to kill through the years.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

That seems to be what is circulating in the news. The virus didn't kill enough people, so the vaccines will. The pandemic was a diversion to keep us from seeing what is really going on. Takeover of all our rights and finances and control over our lives. This supposedly was in the works for years, and many are not surprised by it. It's only the ones that do not have time to follow what goes on behind closed doors in politics and government that are in shock and awe. But I think this got us all and we are now waking up to the corruption. Let's hope its not too late.

Ricky Ricardo • 2 years ago

They have so many to choose from!

TwilaTharp • 2 years ago

Kim, it is not productive to be negative and repeat scare porn and give it credence. The only way this can be fixed if we all work together to be positive and bring those responsible to justice.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

I will not hold back what I know. Period. Don't like it you can just move ahead.

Jjule • 2 years ago

So telling the truth is fear porn

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

Obviously. The truth is now too uncomfortable for some.

Jjule • 2 years ago

Kim is telling the truth. Huge difference between scare porn and horrific truths

Guest • 2 years ago
CreoleGumbo • 2 years ago

The vials found in the freezer were labeled "Smallpox." It may have been something else, like cowpox, but that is not how it was labeled.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

That is correct. A worker found the viles and they were labeled "smallpox".

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago
Guest • 2 years ago
Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

Just saw the corrected article. The first one said the vials were labeled smallpox but the vials were virus to treat small pox. There are two labs with actual small pox: Atlanta, Ga and Russia. (supposedly)

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

Please post where you saw the vials. Thank you.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

I think more and more the real culprit in this is Gates and China.

Wendy Allen • 2 years ago

Fauci/Gates etc

BoopJr • 2 years ago

Yep, Gates, Fauci Soros and China

Jjule • 2 years ago

That other demon from U.K. starts w a D. So many of them allowed to fester

Michael Waters • 2 years ago

Golly, Gates' generosity couldn't be to push a mandatoy-vaccination agenda could it?

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

It isn't china that wants to control us...its Gates.

NoTreading • 2 years ago

Couldn't open source the shots - because it would expose the fraud and destroy Big Pharma profits.

Tershia • 2 years ago

Evil at work.
In Canada we are left in the dark mostly and rely on outside publications for news, even about Canada.
Trudeau has paid out millions to the local MSM and others we don’t know about, so they will not bite the hand that feeds them!

disqus_uABc4HyTUt • 2 years ago

It is everywhere, very difficult to get honest journalism . It is like zigzagging around.

chingchang • 2 years ago

how does he keep getting elected. ? Is he the one that started socialized medicine?

Tershia • 2 years ago

Tommy Douglas started it in +-1968 - I stand to be corrected. Canada is basically a socialist country that is moving towards totalitarianism under Trudeau - only the Lord knows why he keeps getting elected. I think Canada has too many sheeple who don’t think deeply.

Seabreezes1 • 2 years ago

Gates is good at BS, but he knows that, "Money talks, and bullshit walks." So he buys what he wants. He can afford it.

TwilaTharp • 2 years ago

It is appropriate that Bill Gates is apprehended and his records audited - has he bribed so many people that this will not happen?

Sherry • 2 years ago

The wealthy are out of control. :(

Ricky Ricardo • 2 years ago

I've stated a number of times that billy boy has everyone paid off! Evidently - I've been right all along! What about those "conflicts of interest" - part of The New Normal?

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

He inherited Epsteins money.

chingchang • 2 years ago

more like stole it. The more I see of Gates the creepier he seems to get.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

I feel the same. He is really really ugly on top of creepy.

Jjule • 2 years ago

He’s a psychopath. That strange creepy laugh. His spectrum hand gestures. He’s beyond disgusting.

Ricky Ricardo • 2 years ago

...probably stole it!

disqus_uABc4HyTUt • 2 years ago

A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. A person with a god complex may refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, even in the face of irrefutable evidence, intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks. The person is also highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct. Someone with a god complex may exhibit no regard for the conventions and demands of society, and may request special consideration or privileges

Joe Kosugi • 2 years ago

Like Fauci, who says “When you argue with me, you argue with science.” He believes he is the god of science, despite the fact that his 50 years at NIAID has seen American children become the most chronically ill in the developed world.

BoopJr • 2 years ago

Exactly, Fauci and Gates think they are God. God will make them pay. But can we wait? Many lives are being destroyed by their so called cures

BoopJr • 2 years ago

Spot on, That is Bill Gates

Wendy Allen • 2 years ago

Ban Foundations/Term limits for Fauci/Nancy P/Biden etc.and all government workers.

SuziAlkamyst • 2 years ago

All this info as to whom the Gates foundation has funded, has always been freely available on the official Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website, I trawled though most of it last year after I heard they were funding Oxford University. Don't know if it's still there for general perusal? That is why I have often said that these people 'Know not what they do'. They are so immersed in the reality of their psychopathy they really don't think that what they do is wrong!!! Insane!

Joe Kosugi • 2 years ago

Correct; this is all publicly available information; rather than a conspiracy, all the conflicts of interest that underly the plandemic rely on an uninformed public. The infamous “dumbing down” of the American public that when into high gear under Reagan put us here. Many people I talk to find facts and statistics disturbing, and they associate facts with “conspiracy”; for example that covid is a mostly mild disease that poses almost zero harm to children; or that the covid vaxxes have killed thousands and terribly disabled tens of thousand. Yet both of those facts can be found on CDC’s website.

John Marshall • 2 years ago

Gates is a top eugenicist for the Rockefellers His father ran Planned Parenthood for many years. You see death to other humans is in their genes literally. Gates is not going to be able to pay everybody to shut up. Nuremberg has a seat with his name on it right next to Fraudci. Many countries have arrest warrants for him if sets foot in their country like India and Africa.