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A poor country like Nigeria had only 3000 covid deaths in a population of 220 mil. Pfizer is not interested to target Nigeria with their aggressive marketing campaigns. More people are dying from and being disabled by vaxx injuries than all covid cases.

So, a dirty poor country with no masks, no distancing, no lockdowns and no vaxxines have almost no covid cases and no pandemic... Where is this 'pandemic' exactly? In the most wealthy and vaxxed countries who Pfizer targets to sell to keeping infections constantly active and alive. Malta, Portugal, Israel has no more people to vaxxinate to blame yet they are much worse off than Nigeria. And somehow this doesn't sink in that the vaxx is deliberately creating the 'pandemic'?

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

It's interesting that for a virus that is 100% spreading to everyone, it is only spreading in the USA. And in regard to the the other countries that have the highest vaccination rates, are the countries with money. ? And what about Japan? Zero cases. Zero vaccination mandates. It is all one very big (bleeping) lie.

All I hear about is, this one is sick, that one is sick, this one is sick....and guess what? They have all been vaxxed. The jabbed are already becoming sicker then they ever would have. Their immune systems have been poisoned by an engineered computer generated spike that attaches to organs, circulates in the blood and creates systemic immune inflammation.

We have been so duped its incomprehensible.

rose • 2 years ago

They want to divide up America and take the spoils, huge wealth from the baby boomers, they think the entire world is nothing but for them to walk over. NOT SO FAST.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

That's right! Slow down the horses!!! Their spikes are not the only ones that are of concern any longer. We have our own spikes all down on their roads to control and I sure hope they are realizing that they have fooled many, but they didn't fool all. And the many are waking up to the lies, and the others are forging ahead full steam!

Yesterday, in NYC and the boroughs , Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island have been lining up for free Christmas test kits. Of course they had to wait hours upon hours and if you know anything about New Yorkers, they have a lot of patience, but don't piss them off.

In other countries they are delivering not only test kits but treatments in the event you become sick. So, once again, they play on the American's like a bunch of fools but when the word gets out they have been screwed over? Well, lets just say its "gonna get ugly".

Mad Hatter • 2 years ago

Africa too has few vaccines or masks. You've likely followed the omicron reports from South Africa where vaccine uptake is in the low 20%, yet its generated a milder virus perhaps via passage through the population. Pharma minions are already claiming its from vaccine uptake, showing profit comes before real world evidence.

rose • 2 years ago

The drugs are more snake oil - read for yourself:

Covid-19 Drug Therapies/'Cures

Go this this link to read the full library:

Go to Section 4 - ALL sourced and linked -

Bill Gates: Covid-19 Vaccines Don't Stop Transmission, 'New Way of Doing Vaccines, Pivot to 'Cures' (lead article - WHO plan to pivot to test and treat, Gates Funding 'Cures')

Nurse: Treatment Killing Patients, Resigns - Parent Exposes School Board Bribery, Headlines Archive (state senate testimony whistleblower, treatment contributing to patient deaths)

Bigger Picture: Divide & Conquer Around Covid Cures to Align Public with Pharmaceutical Intervention

Exposure of Covid-19 Medical Fraud Must Also Direct Vaccine Mandate & Passport Fight, Criminal Act (drug therapy review)

Bill Gates, History of Pesticides as Medicine in Africa, & Red Flag Ivermectin Nanoparticle Study (IMPORTANT LEAD ARTICLE)

Covid-19 Treatment, DNRS Attributed to Early Death Clusters in Care Homes, Hospitalized & Others (important - LEAD article)

UK Media Diverts from Elderly Nursing Home Euthanasia Scandal w Matt Hancock Video, London Protests

Hydroxychloroquine/Plaquenil As Covid-19 Treatment? Extensive & Severe Side Effects Documented

Deborah Phillips • 2 years ago

Dr. Malone, for whom I have a tremendous amount of regard, said that he and his wife got COVID twice and he was asymptomatic. How would he know that?! A positive PCR test is MEANINGLESS! If you aren't sick, you aren't sick! If you aren't sick, you cannot have a disease!! I'd like further clarification from Dr. Malone, because his credibility just suffered with this statement!

rose • 2 years ago

He is pushing test and treat

A four point plan which is also being pushed by Gates and WHO


96% of Covid-19 attributed cases have four other serious co-morbidity factors (illness/disease)

You are right - the testing and attribution standards are designed to false assign Covid-19 to other causes (or INVENT.a case, there is no such thing as 'asymptomatic transmission'

The cure for Covid-19 is exposure of medical fraud. Not pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines

And, ALL the 'cures' are being researched and funded by Gates -


And, all these doctors are talking about a possible benefit to the elderly

There is no benefit to ANY population

Covid-19 is a manufactured crisis, pre planned and implemented on mass propaganda and multi-level information control

CastleConnell • 2 years ago

Rose, the standard treatment by doctors is to go home, isolate and do nothing! That is what has led to people getting to the point of not being able to breathe. It is not a solution!

Lauren • 2 years ago

the reason the docs tell them to do nothing is bc they WANT them to demise/dye off; THEN the gov can USE the deth numbers to further FEARMONGER the rest of the public to get repeated jbbs; itsacull....

CastleConnell • 2 years ago

Yes! Early treatment is necessary regardless. Whether it is natural treatments or something that has proven to not have serious side effects. But offering nothing is unethical and unprecedented!

rose • 2 years ago

Early treatment is necessary for a Covid-19 attributed infection which presents asymptomatically 86% of the time?


This is due to PCR tests set at high cycle amplification rates giving false positives as documented HERE


They are pushing the EXACT same manipulations as those who sell vaccines instead of drugs -
Covid-19 attributed infections hardly EVER present with severe symptoms or death - so the EXPECTED outcome is recovery 99% of the time ANYWAY.

And, the tests are entirely fraudulent with Covid-19 - with the 'virus' being nothing more than a computer simulated model based on PREEXISTING genomic sequencing

The left is selling vaccines. The right is selling 'cures'.

The TREATMENT PROTOCOLS are killing people including the early death clusters


This is mass scale criminal fraud

Tired of ALL the manipulations.

CreoleGumbo • 2 years ago

"And, all these doctors are talking about a possible benefit to the elderly. There is no benefit to ANY population."

I could not agree more. Those who are most likely to die from CV are the same ones who are most likely to die from the pseudo vaccine, which turns your body into a spike protein production factory.

Objective Observer • 2 years ago

Yes, the bogus pcr is the basis of the whole lie. Everyone knows it but keeps on referring to it. Also,
he was injected which explains him getting reinfected, damaged his immune system with the jab.

rose • 2 years ago

I am not buying that ANY of the inside players actually got this injection.

CreoleGumbo • 2 years ago

I don't believe they got it either. The injection is clear and colorless and so is saline. Who knows what was in those injections? Diluting or substituting one clear colorless substance with saline happens every day and has happened for years in hospital settings to sneak out morphine and fentanyl and any other clear colorless substance of abuse that can be sold on the street.

Bailey Moad • 2 years ago

I've also read or possibly saw a video that said - you CANNOT get covid twice. so which is it?

CreoleGumbo • 2 years ago

I think it is more correct to state that you cannot get infected twice with the exact same strain. These viruses mutate rapidly and from one 6 to 12 month period you essentially have a genetically different strain.

CastleConnell • 2 years ago

Yes I was thinking the same thing, if Dr. Malone's test was the back-then PCR test, odds are, it was showing the antibodies from the previous infection, or it was inaccurate (as most of them were to begin with).

Voyt Regnal • 2 years ago

PCR does not test antibodies ! Real time RT–PCR is a nuclear-derived method for detecting the presence of specific genetic material in any pathogen, including a virus...
Here is the best column for layman, explaining controversy:

CreoleGumbo • 2 years ago

Wow! That is the best article that I have read on this topic.
I am an MD and people have repeatedly asked me about all testing to which I have consistently replied "I have no idea what they are testing...if they want to know if someone has the virus and spreading the virus they need to obtain the virus from the orifice from which they believe it is being transmitted." This paper is precisely what I have been looking for to help educate friends and myself. THANK YOU FOR SHARING!

John • 2 years ago

That was an excellent read. Thx Voyt.

Terri77 • 2 years ago

I'm not sure what your definition of "sick" is, but there are many diseases for which you can be infected, asymptomatic, and contagious. For example, it is known that you can have an asymptomatic Pertussis infection in the 6 weeks after a DTaP/TDaP booster. You can asymptomatically carry meningococcal in your throat. You can have an asymptomatic strep throat infection that keeps getting others sick, but you yourself don't notice.

The PCR tests are measuring the presence of Covid in your throat or nose thus measuring the likelihood that if you sneeze or cough you could transfer it to others. You not having symptoms (or simply not being in touch with your body enough to notice) does not change the presence and transferrability of Covid.

CreoleGumbo • 2 years ago

PCR does not measure the presence of a virus. To date no one has ever isolated a virus! Covid is an in silico virus. What they are measuring is a genetic sequence NOT a virus. Suggest you read the outstanding paper submitted by Voyt Regnal above.

Maybe he said that in the earlier stages when we knew little about covid. Today we know you can't actually catch it twice.

GrouchyMathGrad • 2 years ago

I don't think he said he was asymptomatic.

A local hospital in Montecito, California, had 13 stillborn babies born in a 24 hour period. The mothers had all received the vaccine while pregnant. The normal stillbirth rate is about 1 in six months. The head physician of obstetrics filed a police report against Pfizer and their experimental vaccine.

john francis • 2 years ago

I would want to see these numbers in a reliable journal.
A wise old Nun told us: believe nothing of what you hear ; a quarter of what you read and half of what you see.
Or something close to that.
Merry Christmas to all.

John Stone • 2 years ago

We are about as reliable as journal’s get these days

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

Go back a year ago, I met a security guy in the mall and he told me about his daughter in law that got the jab a few hours ago and is now in the hospital with a dead baby to deliver. She was 8 months pregnant on her 5th child. The baby died a few minutes after the jab. This should have gotten out. But did it? Or course not.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

This should be interesting. The mayor and governor of California are pro vaccine. The police force is bad now due to defunding the police maniacs. These people will need to get their own lawyers and the head of obstetrics hopefully has a good lawyer as well.

Bill Rood • 2 years ago

Good for that physician. Too bad there aren't more of them. The local DA will bring no charges, but I guarantee if he/she did, a jury would convict. You just can't get more statistically significant than that.

Jerry Alatalo • 2 years ago

The clearly obvious, paramount-importance, elephant-in-the-room question demanding (no less than) a satisfactory, fully-transparent answer is this:

WHO is responsible for the unbelievable, arguably criminal, suppression of life-saving drugs/treatments for COVID-19, resulting in an estimated 85% of deaths across the last 2 years occurring unnecessarily? Most importantly, a serious investigation must become conducted to arrive at the answer to the following related, especially vital question:

WHY did those responsible - acting consciously and with diabolical intention - create conditions where so many innocent people were clearly forced to die, in a process which can only be described as premeditated mass murder?

john francis • 2 years ago

The criminal Marxist media should be exposing this on every media.
The only parts of society lower than them are abusing children.
May God bless America 🙏

Lauren • 2 years ago

you dont know? its geni cyde; propelled by the EUGENIST billigates, funder of the wuhan biowarfare lab from whence the vyrus was "accidently" set loose in order to provide an excuse for the jbbing of millions, in order to slowly exte rmi na te them...itsacull...its agenda21...

Bill Rood • 2 years ago

Read recently of charges brought at the ICC against several of the co-conspirators, but can't find the article.

Edit: found it: https://www.thedesertreview...

Richard • 2 years ago

I have to laugh at the trust people place in experimental rushed to market drugs manufactured by 4 companies who, IN JUST THE LAST TEN YEARS ALONE, together have paid out over 35 BILLION DOLLARS IN FINES FOR FRAUD, MALFEASANCE, LYING TO THE PUBLIC, CONTAMINATED SUPPLIES AND FACILITES, DEADLY PRODUCT RECALLS, ETC, ETC. You have to be a special kind of stupid to trust this kind of criminality AND THEY’VE BOUGHT THEMSELVES ZERO LIABILITY FOR INJURY FROM CONGRESS AND BLANKET APPROVAL FROM THE FDA.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

It's truly mind blowing isn't it? This thought has come to mind lately: The difference between stupid and ignorant is : you can't fix stupid. We are left with people that don't pick up a book, examine anything, and just fly by the seat of their pants on crucial matters. It makes it very difficult to maneuver to the truth when they get in your way. Speed bumps.

Ricky Ricardo • 2 years ago

I don't care who it is; you have to stop claiming that this cold virus is killing people!
People die from pneumonia, the flu and many other diseases. Didn't the "disappearance" of colds and flues, within the past two years give you a clue? Does this help:
From the local bought and paid for media:

"If you have symptoms compatible with COVID, in the context of a
massive outbreak, you probably have COVID-19 and should treat it
as such
"Here's what to do if you are vaccinated against COVID and think
you have Omicron
Cold-like symptoms appear to be the
hallmark symptoms of Omicron, including runny nose, headache,
fatigue, sneezing and sore throat".

They are telling you in those excerpts that if you have ANY symptoms of the cold or flu - YOU HAVE COVID. Obviously; many people still don't understand the "game".

It's the common flu and the common cold, people! No deadly virus is knocking us off!
People cough and sneeze in the winter time! Time to step out of the Paranaoid Delusion.

Ernie • 2 years ago

I agree! Every person with a brain needs to say FU to these mandates and passports. If everyone flips the "regulators" the bird as they walk in unmasked and no passport wherever they want the sheep will start to get it. JUST SAY NO! (nicely)

Ricky Ricardo • 2 years ago

I have a big problem with "nicely" when I'm being viciously attacked by tyrants.

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

I have a big problem with "nicely" as well. Why should we be nice when they killed our parents, brothers, sisters, and children?

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

Hey, did you catch the news yesterday that the flu season wasn't bad in 20-21 and deaths were so low from the flu? What are the odds? Covid was the only virus ....hmmmm.

Ricky Ricardo • 2 years ago

There was lots of talk about "breakthrough" cases in the "media" today. Breakthrough? It's the shots that are making them sick and killing them! They even mentioned that one (because it's so RARE!) person who was "fully vaccinated" died! A person really does have to be a total zombie, not to understand what a global psyops this is!
"Hey...the shots aren't protecting you from anything...but we have a solution! Take another shot! If the first 10 didn't "protect" you; the next one just might"!!!

Kim from Brooklyn • 2 years ago

Breakthrough cases and hospitals are filling up again. No wonder. They are giving the boosters out now.

If the first two didn't kill you, the booster will. My brother in law just got his booster and every day hounds my sister to get one. I spent two hours on the phone with her yesterday telling her why "she shouldn't ". I hope it worked. Her comment was "I took the jabs to protect him". I almost upchucked..

Melissa Forshee • 2 years ago

That's an extremely ignorant and dangerous viewpoint. SARS-COV-2 is a real virus with the propensity to attack the human respiratory system. The genome has been sequenced by enough reputable labs to verify it's a coronavirus from the same family as SARS-COV-1 and that it's not an influenza virus nor in the same viral classifications as the flu. Due to its unique structure it's highly transmissible between humans beyond anything seen in decades. Also, the virus started in Wuhan (probably) and it wasn't winter there and several of the early routes it developed globally were in areas outside of the respective winter season. If you're going to make an attempt to inform then start from a solid knowledge base and not such oversimplified ignorance such as found in your post.

Ricky Ricardo • 2 years ago

If I want your "opinion"; I'll give it to you! You know absolutely nothing, but what you hear from the Talking Heads/Usual Suspects. I'm sick of the Lemmings that do nothing but allow this PsyOps to continue, through their obliviousness and compliance. Don't waste my time!
Since you saw fit to disrespect me...Enjoy your short, pathetic life as the Intellectual Property of Big Pharma. They can now experiment on you any way they want; because their Patented Nanobots are now inside you!

CreoleGumbo • 2 years ago

Covid 19 is an in silico virus. NO ACTUAL VIRUS HAS EVER BEEN ISOLATED FROM A SINGLE PERSON ANYWHERE ON EARTH. There is no vial, no petri dish, no container of any kind that contains a microorganism known as Covid 19.

EllyW • 2 years ago

I think there’s been a misunderstanding of the statement that 85% of COVID deaths could have been prevented. I think this statistic originated in a retrospective study of the Zelenko Protocol which was done and published early in the so-called pandemic. Dr. Zelenko treated only high-risk patients (patients who were elderly, or had significant comorbidities, or experienced shortness of breath). So the finding was that 85% of deaths among high-risk patients could have been prevented. My understanding is that Dr. Zelenko’s treatment protocol became even more effective as he added anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant drugs to his original protocol of HCQ, zinc sulfate, and azithromycin. The most recent figure I heard was that he had had six deaths among 6,000 patients treated.

Bill Rood • 2 years ago

I love courageous Dr. McCullough, but FFS most of the deaths CDC counted as "from" Covid were actually "with" Covid. 94% had at least 1 comorbidity and averaged somewhere between 2 and 3 comorbidities. CDC changed death certificate criteria in order to boost the numbers. Deaths from flu in previous years were never counted this way. The statistics we're left with are truly worthless. This doctor and state Senator, formerly an award winning doctor, has had his medical license challenged multiple times in retaliation. He is now running for governor of Minnesota: https://www.youtube.com/wat...