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kris • 2 years ago

it's really humiliating to know that the torture and murder of dogs is receiving more outrage online than the torture and murder of children... minorities.. orphans.. they both deserve outrage but orphans.. why aren't people screaming about this? definitely doesn't make me miss social media.

wake up people! they have one formula! create a fear of a disease so huge that you don't notice it's the "cure" that is more deadly than the disease!!!! wake up! reject the poison "cure" !!

Ronne S • 2 years ago

Thank you for post God only knows what hes' doing with those who have not protection or family!!! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!

disqus_34ahnrRRQA • 2 years ago

Resign hell.. Charged fauci with mass murder, indict him and when found guilty tar and feather him dragging him though the the streets before hanging him in the public square.

pcj • 2 years ago

I have never heard of this abomination.
Thank you Defender for exposing the cruelty and
disregard for children’s health that is promulgated by Dr Fauci and his ilk.
It seems to be happening again!

Brian • 2 years ago

Never trust a man who is cruel to animal -- My dad was right!

Cari Harris • 2 years ago

It takes great courage to sometimes be the lone tree withstanding the gale force winds, but in the end the TRUTH will ALWAYS PREVAIL!! Thank you to Vera Sharav, Celia Farber, and the late Liam Scheff (may he rest in peace) for being the heroes to expose these injustices.

Nadia Alexan • 2 years ago

We were horrified when we learned about the CIA conducted experiments on unsuspecting patients. In the 1950s and 60s, a Montreal hospital subjected psychiatric patients to electroshocks, drug-induced sleep and huge doses of LSD. Families are still grappling with the effects. These horrors were conducted with the blessings of our governments. I thought this travesty could not possibly happen again today, until I read this article. I guess poor, dark people are disposable! Shame on the so-called democracies! "The toxic legacy of Canada's CIA brainwashing experiments: 'They strip you of your soul"

kennethhenson • 2 years ago

Has the Biden administration revealed its program to 'unvax' people who have subjected themselves to vaccination but have had a change of heart, become sick or died from getting the shots?

CK • 2 years ago

Fauci is an eager and willing puppet of the Deep State- that's why he's never been prosecuted for his many crimes. HIV=AIDS is a HOAX meant to cover up a depopulation agenda. The Deep State got away with it and it emboldened them to try the current COVID-19 SCAM-demic.


Jennifer Taylor Perry • 2 years ago

Thank you so very much for posting this site. EVERYONE needs to read this info. it connects the depopulation agenda with exactly what's going on now!!!

Meave G. • 1 year ago

I think Fauci's the puppet master.

Yasmina • 2 years ago

This man is a psychopath. He is just like the Nazi doctors that experimented on Jewish People, handicap people and orphans as well. He needs to be prosecuted as well as everyone who aided and abetted him. They are all mentally ill.

Christine Scalise • 2 years ago

How? How does no one see this man is a lunatic? Children, puppies, the human race... I just don't get how you can sell your soul like this. For what? Money? And those who go along with his insane, barbaric experiments; are they sadists'? I wouldn't trust this monster to make me a cup of coffee let alone a medicine. How can anyone with a thinking brain put him in charge of anything? Someone needs to stop him.

JOEMADD76 • 2 years ago

I can’t believe that something like this can happen. There is no Statue of Limitations to a Crime Against Humanity like this. The same methods of accusing those who spoke out as being Anti-Gay sounds very familiar to the Tactics used today for questioning the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA Injections. Yes Fauci is responsible but so are many others perpetrating this crime. Big Pharm needs to be reigned in. Trials like this are barbaric. Please write your Congressman and Senators to revisit this Crime against the most helpless born to Mothers who had no capacity to protect them.

SEK • 2 years ago

More criminal activity.....how will it ever stop?

Patricia Murphy • 2 years ago

Fauci behind the MMR; tried it in Africa; and when thousands started getting autism threw Ebola into the mix for a distraction, then uploaded it into the western world.........these things are bovine parasites, NOT viruses; they don't hardly exist becuase of pasteurisation......it's another con, and children the consequences!!

.........God is the Judge ultimately. Always, God. Jesus did NOT like child harmers or moneylenders; both of whom are now in control. Or trying to hold onto it desperately just to get us all numbered, tagged and controllled........and killed.

John Stone • 2 years ago

Hi Patricia,

Have you got any details for the MMR in Africa.

Rabbi Happyman • 2 years ago

"The purveyors of gold (VACCINES) sold their souls for profit. They shall be confronted by The Holy One upon their return to Heaven and returned to Earth to act as saints to compensate for their inhumanity to Man"

Meave G. • 1 year ago

I don't think they will go to Heaven. I think they'll suffer eternally in Hell.

Tom Busse • 2 years ago

The true hero of the ICC story was my friend, Liam Scheff. He died in 2017. He saved everything at this website, including the recording "Doctor" Payinter who drilled holes into the baby's stomachs:

This "Doctor" comes off so cold the way she can't think about life. Celia's book, "Serious Adverse Events" is profound, but the best account is Liam's "Official Stories." I am so happy for RFK Jr's book because it might cut through, but RFK Jr. is standing on the shoulders of giants.

jb • 2 years ago

Im sorry, in a previous post on this same topic I said it was catholic orphanages that did these experiments in the documentary Guinea Pig Kids...wrong. Thank you CHD for the correction. But none of these children and no one during the AIDS "crisis" had HIV, like COVID19, a simple weak cold virus that is non-cytotoxic to cells. What gays did have were symptoms categorized as GRID by toxicologists before CDC claimed it as a "killer" virus that was sure to wipe out millions around the world.... AZT killed quickly in first dosages as it is a chemo DNA chain terminator. Thank you Liam, RIP. And Cecilia, and Duesberg, Faucis hated nemisis.

Gary Brown • 2 years ago


In this video Nina Newcity, a young mom and wife tells her story of how challenging it has been for her and her family since she fall victim to an adverse reaction to the vaccine.


Droopy • 2 years ago

The AP calls all of this mis-information. But then again, the AP is part of the problem :)

Drspocks • 2 years ago

I tried to share this story on FB but it got blocked with a "false information" label. Does anyone have links to original citations so that i can fight back against this censorship?

Leslie Taylor • 2 years ago

The above article states," And while those experiments did not produce effective treatments or cures, they successfully desensitized researchers and healthcare workers and trained them to “just follow orders” regardless of health outcomes." In other CHD articles Kennedy mentions the Milgram shock experiment in 1963 [link below] that examined the justifications for acts of genocide made by those accused at the Nuremberg War Criminal trials. Their defense was "obedience" - that they were just following orders from their superiors. I've always been interested in what is called "group think." In the 6th grade we had a visiting German refugee teacher. It was clear that he was quite depressed and I thought it was due to his experiences during the Holocaust. He stated that the Holocaust happened due to group think. Group think is common and observable in less dramatic situations even, as in a school yard or the feigning of admiration of works or an individual (such as Picasso or Pollock, being an artist I had to say that). It's a pitiful want of being accepted and fear of rejection, or worse in some cases. But going along with the crowd it's never worth loosing one's self respect which is always lost in obedient compliance resulting in senseless harm to another or others, including those who participated in inflicting the harm. I have a website where I examine the spread of evil, as in group think [link below].


BB • 2 years ago

When is Fauci going to be dragged to a world court?

Gary Brown • 2 years ago

Aug 6, 2020 HIV=AIDS - Fauci's First Fraud

Billions of dollars are authorized for fast track drug and vaccine research...simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed......presumptive diagnoses...exaggerated death statistics...falsified death certificates...


PaulTahoe • 2 years ago

I believe the experiments on children are selfishly ignored by sick individuals that think this will ensure their selfish preservation. This is actually the narrative Fauci is pushing..

SOF • 2 years ago

I am sure those caring and concerned 'AIDS activists' got their jabs and are having a great time flopping about in bed uncontrollably for their efforts to shut down this story.

megamillionfreak • 2 years ago
Meave G. • 1 year ago

Fauci is a monster on the scale of NAZI Dr. Mengele. I've been reading JFK Jr.'s book "The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)." Fauci and his Pharma buddies, including Bill Gates should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Jack • 2 years ago


Not sure if you can see this sticker I've attached but it has the QR code to this article. I'm posting these all over DC. I find that people (even my most progressive friends) are becoming receptive to questioning the grand narrative of Covid. In Northeast cities like DC, Boston, and NYC, many are triple quacked and still catching Covid. They are being told to wear masks again and schools are temporarily shutting down.

If you live an area with a lot of progressives, get this sticker up outside of the coffee shops and yoga studios and start talking to people!