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Neal • 3 years ago

“unprovoked, offensive, racist, harassing and violent”; “offensive”; "misogynist and racist language"; "harassment"; "abhorrent" - so we are fed these incendiary terms without any specifics. At all. The media and leftists in government will interpret and judge for us. All we need to do is just trust them, and not question.

Sugmag Suggerson • 3 years ago

Employers can terminate for almost any reason in IL.
But there is always the court system which is occupied by liberal judges so why bother.
If the lawsuit involves a "protected class" then you have a case.
But if you are just some deemed racist white guy then good luck.
You know who the media is going to champion and who they will demonize. No need for digging deeper or reporting the facts. That only happens now if there is a race angle to exploit in the media. Even then they get it wrong.
Like we continuously see the term "unarmed black man" for Jacob Blake, a man who was in fact armed.

USA Vet • 3 years ago

The First Amendment guarantees free speech. But I guess unless some democrat somewhere disagrees with you. I hope this employee sues these "officials" personally for aggravated denial of civil rights.

Sugmag Suggerson • 3 years ago

The guy was warned and he did not stop. So he got fired. I have no problem with that.
What I do have a problem with is people being fired for simply attending Trump rallies or protests.
Getting fired just for being there. I have a big problem with that.

USA Vet • 3 years ago

We're both fighting the same devil.