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Alessandra Brinley • 3 years ago

when I first got Honey( my dog) growing up it aggression became excessive, he could literally chase anyone and anything, my neighbors were really terrified of Honey they won't say it to my face but I could personally smell their fear from miles away as the approach my compound.

this has become a problem for me and my neighbors as well as they could no longer easily come over for a drink and all that. So I started looking for solutions to this problem that was when I came across a website that recommended brain training for dogs and trust me when I say its been nothing but amazing.

so far the training has helped Honey tremendously and he's more under control than I've ever seen him be.
you might as well try it out for yourself , click here To Get brain training for dogs program:

Vaccine Damaged • 4 years ago

We have two one year old hounds in a neighbour's back yard of a semi-rural neighbourhood. These things are let out many times per day to "bugle" away driving every neighbour to distraction. One has many older age health problems and screams back at them every day, while his blood pressure is about to explode. Most neighbours have dogs around us and they are mostly quiet and respectful. One small poodle type dog causes them to go crazy every time he is seen by the hounds. However these two dogs are so annoying, and talking to the owners have only resulted in screaming matches, and near fist-fights, I fear somebody will poison the dogs this summer after the windows get opened, in the warmer weather, again.

Another neighbour and myself are ordering air horns to attempt to curtail the offensive dog howling. The animal control officers here are non-existent, too busy, and complacent. The police will be called in order to lay charges for "Disturbing the peace", since it seems that is the only option. Then the air horns will come out if no results are obtained from the owners.

Jennie McCluskey • 4 years ago

Our dog will go outside lay down by the back door and sometimes just stands up and howls. We have a doggy door, so he doesn't need to be let back in. I find it strange, seems so random. I do occasionally go over there and let him in for fear the noise might bother someone.

Catherine Hutapea • 3 years ago

I have hollandseherder 1,2years age. Im so curious because sometimes (not oftenly) he howl after barking in the afternoon. Is anybody know why? Thank you.

April Stolfus • 4 years ago

Hello Cesar,

My yellow labrador, Striker, has started howling for hours and the neighbors are complaining. I believe its anxiety since I have to leave in the morning for work. I have tried the CBD treats but causes him to destyroy his beds.

What can I do?

Jumasto • 3 years ago

Get him used to your leaving a little at a time. On those days when you don't have to work, get dressed, go out the door and wait. If he starts howling, open the door, tell him 'that's enough' or 'be quiet' or whatever you feel is appropriate, then close the door again. Once he's quiet, go back in the house. Praise him for good behavior. He will learn that noise means discipline; quiet means you come back.
You say he 'started howling'. Is this a new behavior? How old is Striker? Senior dogs can have some of the same ailments as senior people: arthritis, dementia, senility, etc. His vet is the best source for cause and solution. Make sure you give him all the information regarding his changed behavior.
Striker may also benefit from a dog walker or a dog sitter so he's not just home alone all day.

Mary Kay • 4 years ago

My pug, Frida Kahlo, has slight separation anxiety. She will sometimes howl for a minute or two after I've left for work. She does not pace, destroy anything or "eliminate" in the house. Following the howling, in natural pug fashion, she settles down for a long nap. Luckily she has forgotten all about this by the time I get home.

the dog breed • 4 years ago

Hey CESARSWAY you have a nice post but do you know that there is difference between baying and howling and barking which you did not mentioned for more info click here

Bella Michel • 4 years ago

Our neighbors dog howls several times throughout the day and night. I feel his howl is of sadness, we never hear him interacting with anyone. It's heartbreaking 😥
But apparently someone does feed him since he is still alive.

Rosalie DeGaetano • 4 years ago

My dog sleeps in his room upstairs and in the evening by 21:00 he actually starts crying to go to sleep in his room. We take him out for his daily morning walk by 5 am before work, however he wakes up howling by 4.30am or 4.50am. Obviously he does the same during weekends, meaning that we can never sleep in a bit. What can we do differently to reduce his uh? We are worried that someone will report us for this inconvenience.