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Dimitris-UK • 4 years ago

Carsen is a streak scorer. His game predicates on his psychology, ie if he hits a couple he will gain momentum and score otherwise he can ruin our offence.

I don’t believe it is easy to find opportunities for this kind of game so he will need to work a lot

My concern is that our rookies don’t get enough playing time and as such their value is diminishing

Manny loco from LA... • 4 years ago

IBM no expert, but the men have shown me some power over heavy opponents lately....
I'm envisioning a 7 game series.... many of them should they continue to show team first.....7 can always beat 5....
My L A peeps keep telling me, "it's early" but habits come early! As such I'm getting excited again. I see quality everywhere. (Imagine a zone defense with Tacko in the middle ) for a short play or two during said series....or how about these red claws filling in situational minutes....

To those who may not believe that we can win without a big center......just remember Dave Cowens diving for balls some time ago !!

Maybe Brad & Danny are on to something.

18 N 20

nj celtic • 4 years ago

still don't understand how u give rookies 40 mins a night in the nba they do nothing yet the d league they do wonders? is it that theyre on national tv?

David Anthopoulos • 4 years ago

They don't still call the G League the D League for nothing!

Michael Guetti • 4 years ago

Waters needs to be the backup point guard for the big club, not starring for the Klaws.

David Anthopoulos • 4 years ago

With Kemba missing some time, Waters should be around just for that, if not for more.

Michael Guetti • 4 years ago

Yeah, David, I don't get what's going on with the so-called Celtic braintrust. Waters is better than Wannamaker, and is needed to give some semblance of offensive cohesiveness.

RichardStk • 4 years ago

We don't need more scoring, we need defense & Wannamaker is listed at 6'3" and 209 lbs. and at 30 years old has tons of experience. He's also praised for being strong & able to guard bigger guys. Waters is 5'10" and 174 lbs. & is just out of college.
And last year many wanted Wannamaker over Rozier. Add up the pluses & minuses & trust our brain trust. Go Celts!

RobotBoy • 4 years ago

Waters is not better than Wanamaker. Wanamaker can play NBA defense and handle run an NBA offense. It's not clear if Waters will ever be able to do the former.

David Anthopoulos • 4 years ago

I am very happy with Wanamaker’s play and his team-first attitude. And he’s a bargain at his salary. But Waters with his quick hands and steals plays better D than we often assume, and if we’re thin at point guard I would like to see him get minutes.

RichardStk • 4 years ago

Wish Carsen Edwards could come in scoring off the bench in the big leagues! Being his short size Celts can't afford to start him or give him regular minutes but we sure could use an Eddie House or Vinnie Johnson type who comes in hot and scores! Go Celts!

Guest • 4 years ago
Thiago Reis • 4 years ago

Langford will get there, he defends well and attacks with confidence. Edwards is afraid of the big league, it seems to me, and his horrendous defense keeps him off the court, so i really don't know if he will get there, his problem is more mental than anything.

Elliot Ness • 4 years ago

Looking good.