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Suzie Andres • 4 years ago

Maura, you must have a direct line to heaven - and I guess that would be your guardian angel! I've just posted about your new book (and your articles here, and your previous books) which I want to offer to those who don't yet have one - over at my birthday party with Marcel Van and little Therese at Miss Marcel's Musings (suzieandres.com/blog)

I was linking your page of articles here to the blog there, for easier access to your amazing meditations for all readers who stumble upon my post - and to my surprise, I found the perfect birthday gift from you here: Padre Pio and the angels?! Another article, even more wonderful than all the previous essays you have written to help us grow closer to Our Lord and weather each and every storm with Him near us in the boats of our souls....

Thank you again! Please keep writing for us, the little ones who so need your timely reminders. Yes, Padre Pio teaches us that we can send our angels to those who need comfort, help, enlightenment, joy, peace, and love. Wow! Jesus always finds a way, often a little way, and I'm so glad to be part of your world and thus share in these lovely acts of charity! God bless you and yours!!

Eustace Dsa • 4 years ago

The Stigmata Of Saint Padre Pio is something worthwhile dwelling on during this Pandemic Crisis.

Saint Padre Pio had a great devotion towards the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist.

For Saint Padre Pio Jesus Christ was everything as it should be for each and everyone of us who call ourselves "Baptized Catholics".

Jesus Christ is the living source of life and as long as we are faithful to him he will get us out of this crisis asap.