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David • 16 years ago

chris @ 7:
This is the only way libs

chris @ 7:

This is the only way libs can get there propaganda out, fire someone, how are those rating for Air America?

Yep, so many right wingnuts, so little time...

Nope • 16 years ago

Only GOOD lefty is a DEAD lefty.

Only GOOD lefty is a DEAD lefty. PERIOD.

So when we are we going to fight, losers?

Jimmy Z • 16 years ago

"Get lost bathroom floor licker. Go

"Get lost bathroom floor licker. Go practice your right wing wide stance!"

a well thought response from a leftwinger! I am astounded.

"Bite me Jimmy Z, I’m a vet. Bush is USING the troops for his own selfish motives."

How so? I know a great many Marines - they're all for finishing the job we started, 'veteran.' How about this? Have you read what Angelina Jolie wrote of HER conversations with our troops? You are either selling out your brothers and sisters to TURN THEIR EFFORTS INTO A TRUE WASTE, or you are not really a veteran at all.

So, get specific. How is Bush using the troops for his own selfish motives, what ARE those motives, and what will Bush benefit - besides the seven years of bleating and frothing fromthe anti-American left?

ysbaddaden • 16 years ago

I'm an Air Force vet that held a Top

I'm an Air Force vet that held a Top Secret Clearance.

John F A • 16 years ago

Jimmy Z @ 189:
Color me surprised -

Jimmy Z @ 189:

Color me surprised - left wing cowards talking trash when someone who is pro troops is removed from the airwaves - for whatever reason - simply because you hate the military.

I recommend all of you getting a life.


Bite me Jimmy Z, I'm a vet. Bush is USING the troops for his own selfish motives.

Neocon • 16 years ago

chris @ 83:
Karen @ 66:
chris @ 52:

chris @ 83:

Karen @ 66:

chris @ 52:

xoites defends Constitution @ 38:

The government has been involved in education for what, 50 years, look at the state of education now, but you think more government will work?

Competent, principled government. Public schools that are well-funded do very well. Those that are ignored do not. Public schools under George W. Bush have foundered.

Ditto for health care, who's going to invest in the medicines and technology, government? "

Actually, government does a ton of investing in medicines and technology all the time. Government scientists are often our best. All too often, though, breakthroughs made on the taxpayer's dime have their patents sold as welfare to large corporations who then receive protection, and artificially inflate their prices.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. " Not Karl Marx I know but try and think about it okay??

As a libertarian-progressive, I have no problem with principled, regulated capitalism. In fact, we need it, in my opinion.

But government is not necessarily the incompetent behemoth orthodox libertarians or conservatives say it is. Take the post office, for instance. Often the butt of jokes, in actuality, you really can have a parcel delivered from Bumblefuck1, USA to Bumblefuck2, USA for a measly 39 cents. And the vast majority of time, it will get precisely from one point to the other, just as you requested. No private company could make a profit doing it that way. 39 cents? You couldn't get a five-year-old to lick your stamp for you for 39 cents. Ever dealt with the competition? FedEx? UPS? They are bastions of inefficiency, despite the profit incentive.

Capitalism is not per se bad. Neither is government. Insisting that one or the other is the only solution to life's woes in a purist fashion, however, is.

Libertarian Progressive??? WOW, do you think Friedman or Paul would agree with "regulated capitalism"?? I would take UPS and Fed Ex over the PS any day, why do you think they keep raising the price of stamps, because they are operating in the red, because its a government run operation.... Point is, your a lib, a lefty lib, bat shit crazy lib, please do not make true Libertarians look bad by saying your one of them.......

Oh brother! WHATEVER dittohead. Every time we allow conservatives to actually practice their half assed ideology we have S&L collapses, stock market bubbles, housing market collapses, recessions (two under your numb-nuts hero alone) and MAJOR tax INCREASES --- surely dittohead you did not think those deficits were free money did you? Your a-hole president and his corrupt conservative flunkies have saddled all of us a with a 4-trillion dollar tax increase. Point is you're a conservative flunky, a corrupt conservative, a bat shit crazy apologist for failed conservatives policies, even a moron dittohead like you makes idiot conservatives look bad (libertarian/conservative --- same effing thing and equally worthless).

motorfingaz • 16 years ago

Jimmy Z @ 189:
Color me surprised -

Jimmy Z @ 189:

Color me surprised - left wing cowards talking trash when someone who is pro troops is removed from the airwaves - for whatever reason - simply because you hate the military.

I recommend all of you getting a life.


Get lost bathroom floor licker. Go practice your right wing wide stance!

Edwin • 16 years ago

As conservative ships sink, nationwide,

As conservative ships sink, nationwide, watch for all kinds of superfluous and useless baggage to be jettisoned. See ya "Mel"! How I'll miss your false outrage.

oh_please • 16 years ago

uncle joe mccarthy @ 120:
deang @

uncle joe mccarthy @ 120:

deang @ 118:

It's not like her career's over. She'll probably show up within the next couple weeks hosting some show with another station. Whatever the real reason she was "let go," people with her opinions are still real popular in the US so she'll find a willing broadcaster elsewhere. Y'know, when I listen to the comments of hers you've compiled here, I remember how many times I've heard people from other countries just aghast at how right-wing US media is. Some have wondered to me how such things can be allowed to be said on the air when important news that the rest of the world gets to hear uncensored isn't broadcast here. After hearing Rush Limbaugh once, a French friend even assumed there must be constant attempts on his life because of his incitements to violence and pointed hatemongering. If only it were so, for all of these types.

not another station in sf

Oh don't be too sure. KNEW across the bay in Oakland is the home of Michael Savage-Weiner. Since they broadcast that hateful clown, I'm sure they'd be thrilled to have Melanie on-air, farting through her little hate-kazoo.

Jimmy Z • 16 years ago

Color me surprised - left wing cowards

Color me surprised - left wing cowards talking trash when someone who is pro troops is removed from the airwaves - for whatever reason - simply because you hate the military.

I recommend all of you getting a life.


MooseShady • 16 years ago

Somebody better call the waaaabulance!

Somebody better call the waaaabulance! Melanie's having a flyin' fit! LOL!!

bibimimi • 16 years ago

Back to the blackjack table with

Back to the blackjack table with you.

Ex-Canuck • 16 years ago

About f**king time they got this repuke

About f**king time they got this repuke slut off the air. Good riddance, bitch!!

I don't know why they just don't shut the damned station down, as it is populated by thugs, each and every one of them just like morgan. Watch for the section of the video with sussman for a prime example.

ysbaddaden • 16 years ago

seth @ 178:
Ron @ 101:

seth @ 178:

Ron @ 101:

Proud2bHumble @ 100:

Ron @ 96:


Ifeel like Seth is part of a club. What do ya think?

They call me "The Pompadour".

A pompous troubadour?

ysbaddaden • 16 years ago

seth @ 179:
ysbaddaden @ 177:

seth @ 179:

ysbaddaden @ 177:

xoites defends Constitution @ 31:

Trittydi @ 30:

No, i think it was her hood.

Over her clitoris?

No, the flap of skin around her neck that she flares out when she is threatened.

I thought that was some kine of lizard

Or at least the King Cobra.

Figaro • 16 years ago

The Malkin plague rat has already

The Malkin plague rat has already posted her regrets at Clamidia's ouster.

How touching...Scylla defending Charybdis.

VegasRage • 16 years ago

Brian @ 145:
How many hours will it

Brian @ 145:

How many hours will it take for Morgan to get a job on Fox News?

Oh I hope they do, on more stupid move on their part to help sink their fair and balanced battleship.

JR • 16 years ago

Who's left to kick around, now that

Who's left to kick around, now that Stifler's Mom has left to go work for the John Birch Society (or some similar extremist group who shares her prejudices). That ex-weatherman Sussman goes off the deep end like Mrs. Stifler. I try calling in to challenge him but he doesn't like hearing from people who disagree with him.

Iron Gator • 16 years ago

Perhaps that hosebag Malkin will be

Perhaps that hosebag Malkin will be joining her soon.

seth • 16 years ago

ysbaddaden @ 177:
xoites defends

ysbaddaden @ 177:

xoites defends Constitution @ 31:

Trittydi @ 30:

Big E @ 3:

Is it true she had her pair pierced? That she wears a flag lapel pin in each one?


No, i think it was her hood.

Over her clitoris?

No, the flap of skin around her neck that she flares out when she is threatened.

seth • 16 years ago

Ron @ 101:
Proud2bHumble @ 100:

Ron @ 101:

Proud2bHumble @ 100:

Ron @ 96:

seth @ 95:

LOL, that was really funny.


Ifeel like Seth is part of a club. What do ya think?

They call me "The Pompadour".

ysbaddaden • 16 years ago

xoites defends Constitution @ 31:

xoites defends Constitution @ 31:

Trittydi @ 30:

Big E @ 3:

Melanie Morgan.. one way ticket to Iraq,

no body armor.... hope she wears her

American flag lapel pin

Is it true she had her pair pierced? That she wears a flag lapel pin in each one?


No, i think it was her hood.

Over her clitoris?

ysbaddaden • 16 years ago

bob dobbs @ 153:
yipppe for her. She

bob dobbs @ 153:

yipppe for her. She can go back to being a Marin county matron with a gambling and drinking problem. good riddance to her.

And boinking the pool boy?

ysbaddaden • 16 years ago

Limp-Dick blimpaugh @ 168:

Limp-Dick blimpaugh @ 168:

Melorganite, Don't let the door hit you in your massive, smelly ASS. Good news for all Americans.

You into lycanthropy?

ysbaddaden • 16 years ago

Couldn't have happened to a nastier

Couldn't have happened to a nastier beatch.

Of course it could be because she's 51

They'll replace her with (gri)malkin..

Big Dick Cheney • 16 years ago



mackiddo5 • 16 years ago

Zeno @ 134:
I wish KSFO were firing

Zeno @ 134:

I wish KSFO were firing her because she's terrible, and not because its owner can't afford her. Melanie Morgan will fall back on her Move America Forward activities, staying visible and looking for a new post, all the while continuing to shake the right-wing money tree. [Link]

I think by "can't afford her" means they can't afford to lose more advertisers.

mackiddo5 • 16 years ago

chris @ 83:
Karen @ 66:
chris @ 52:

chris @ 83:

Karen @ 66:

chris @ 52:

xoites defends Constitution @ 38:

The government has been involved in education for what, 50 years, look at the state of education now, but you think more government will work?

Competent, principled government. Public schools that are well-funded do very well. Those that are ignored do not. Public schools under George W. Bush have foundered.

Ditto for health care, who's going to invest in the medicines and technology, government? "

Actually, government does a ton of investing in medicines and technology all the time. Government scientists are often our best. All too often, though, breakthroughs made on the taxpayer's dime have their patents sold as welfare to large corporations who then receive protection, and artificially inflate their prices.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. " Not Karl Marx I know but try and think about it okay??

As a libertarian-progressive, I have no problem with principled, regulated capitalism. In fact, we need it, in my opinion.

But government is not necessarily the incompetent behemoth orthodox libertarians or conservatives say it is. Take the post office, for instance. Often the butt of jokes, in actuality, you really can have a parcel delivered from Bumblefuck1, USA to Bumblefuck2, USA for a measly 39 cents. And the vast majority of time, it will get precisely from one point to the other, just as you requested. No private company could make a profit doing it that way. 39 cents? You couldn't get a five-year-old to lick your stamp for you for 39 cents. Ever dealt with the competition? FedEx? UPS? They are bastions of inefficiency, despite the profit incentive.

Capitalism is not per se bad. Neither is government. Insisting that one or the other is the only solution to life's woes in a purist fashion, however, is.

Libertarian Progressive??? WOW, do you think Friedman or Paul would agree with "regulated capitalism"?? I would take UPS and Fed Ex over the PS any day, why do you think they keep raising the price of stamps, because they are operating in the red, because its a government run operation.... Point is, your a lib, a lefty lib, bat shit crazy lib, please do not make true Libertarians look bad by saying your one of them.......

Will someone tell this nut just how many LETTERS UPS and FedEx handle? Per Day? Versus the USPS? This is an Apples and Oranges issue. How many want ot pay $23.50 for mailing a bill? (If you don't on a computer you can't pay online smartasses! - pre emptive snark)

wesisbest • 16 years ago

Thank God! There is hope after

Thank God! There is hope after all.

Screw Morgan, Sussman and that idiot poster Chris.

Fade • 16 years ago

Another idjit bites the dust. Buh-bye.

Another idjit bites the dust. Buh-bye. She's probably happy, because Republicans don't want women to have jobs, anyway.

Limp-Dick blimpaugh • 16 years ago

Melorganite, Don't let the door hit you

Melorganite, Don't let the door hit you in your massive, smelly ASS. Good news for all Americans.

Rich in San Bruno • 16 years ago

abob @ 129:
Melanie Morgan got fired

abob @ 129:

Melanie Morgan got fired despite the fact that her husband, Jack Swanson, is the general manager of KSFO. Jack is gonna have the tough task of explaining to his wife why he allowed that to happen. It's gonna be a long time before Jack gets laid.

The thought makes me SICK!!

Dr. Matt • 16 years ago

chris @ 32:
xoites defends

chris @ 32:

xoites defends Constitution @ 29:

chris @ 26:

Gotugye @ 16:

Pardon me, thanks for the correction, now try to look at the big picture for once.......

Without her we have a great chance of Mr. & Mrs. Socialist getting into office, don't want that do you..

I sure would like to see a Socialist get a shot at the White House. In the meantime, Chris, i think you would feel a lot better after a nap.

We'll see if your singing the same tune after your taxes go up 10% and the economy goes down the drain...

PS. Defends the constitution? ummm no with those policies...

herr dubyah has cut taxes for the rich and corporations for 7 years and we see the economy is now destroyed. Next....

Dr. Matt • 16 years ago

Has Faux hired her yet? Should we

Has Faux hired her yet? Should we start a pool for the hire date? I predict by next Friday.

pickles • 16 years ago

oh, kids. i've waited for this day. i

oh, kids. i've waited for this day. i complained, put up posters nr the station with a pic of her with a target on her forehead. she'll be back somewhere and it can start all again! bah-bye melanie. i'm tearing up.

Ryan • 16 years ago

Dude!! Stiffler's mom is

Dude!! Stiffler's mom is gone.

pfeld • 16 years ago

I won't count her out yet. These

I won't count her out yet. These creeps are like water; they seep into every crack, hole, or pore of our existence. You can vacuum them up, pump them out, or toss them off, and they keep coming back. It's a tough battle, but one worth fighting. The poison coming out of these ghouls is doing terrible things to us. It is important to never let our guard down because they just won't go away.

Rusty Shackleford • 16 years ago

If I were currently a troop I don't

If I were currently a troop I don't know which I would hate more: bullets flying at me, or Melanie Morgan "supporting" me. Ugh.

azureblue • 16 years ago

PS and they both Hate

PS and they both Hate Jesus

azureblue • 16 years ago

Chris & Melanie have a lot in common-

Chris & Melanie have a lot in common- self delusion being one thing- refusal to admit that Bush has ruined America is the other.

Liberal AND Proud • 16 years ago

I wish her well...she needs to her

I wish her well...she needs to her address her anger issues...bless her heart.

Liberal AND Proud • 16 years ago

Now she'll have more time for her

Now she'll have more time for her hobbies...drowning kittens and reading Hitler's speeches.

Liberal AND Proud • 16 years ago

rain @ 148:
"We haven’t had a, a

rain @ 148:

"We haven’t had a, a serious war, really, since WWII."

What's wrong with this person? Not getting enough would be my guess.

Maybe we should take up a collection to get her new batteries.

Liberal AND Proud • 16 years ago

She is hiiiigh...she is far....she

She is hiiiigh...she is far....she isss....GONE!!

The..e..e..e...e...e...e...LIBERALS WIN!!

John F A • 16 years ago

We should have blitzed Iraq? First of

We should have blitzed Iraq? First of all ,wasn't blitzing what our ENEMY did during WWII? Didn't that just help to strengthen the resolve of the British and bring the U.S.and the allied forces into the war? What was "shock and awe"? remember that? What did that get us? Tens of thousands of dead Iraqis and survivors that will hate us for generations. For all our talk about "Bunker Busting" we only found Saddam after getting an anonymous tip, and he was hiding in a pathetic little hole, not one of those massive underground bunkers ("Capable of hiding all the WMDs and their entire Air Force")we heard so much about.

bob dobbs • 16 years ago

yipppe for her. She can go back to

yipppe for her. She can go back to being a Marin county matron with a gambling and drinking problem. good riddance to her.

baylaw73 • 16 years ago

The air pollution levels in the Bay

The air pollution levels in the Bay Area have gone down. Now, if we could only find a way to scrub the savage Weiner, we'd be another step closer to a better world.

Captain Kangaroo • 16 years ago

Put yourself in my place. I woke up

Put yourself in my place. I woke up this morning and made coffee and turned on the computer and did a couple things and came over her to C+L to get caught up on what is happening in the world and YEE HAAA. There is Melanie Morgan’s mug up there from last night and she has got her ass fired from a right wing hate radio station. No matter what happens today, if the stock market tanks, if I twist my ankle dancing around the room or if Obama loses in the Ohio election today I will be walking with a bounce in my step. It is a good day.

Bluestocking • 16 years ago

“I think we should have gone in and

“I think we should have gone in and just blitzed Iraq. We haven’t had a-a serious war, really, since WWII.”


While Ms. Morgan is right in one sense (the United States hasn't made an official declaration of war as outlined in the Constitution since WWII) that wasn't the point that she was making -- and the point she wanted to make was, of course, totally wrong on more than one point. Firstly, I'd like to see her try making the same claim at a VFW hall filled with people who served in Korea, Vietnam, and Operation Desert Storm -- but if she were imbecilic enough to do such a thing, she'd probably end up fleeing for her life. I'm sure that many of those veterans would be extremely displeased to learn that she considers their service to their country to be of no import. Many of those who served in those conflicts were drafted instead of serving voluntarily -- and even if Congress never officially declared war on North Korea or North Vietnam, that didn't stop people from being injured or killed in those conflicts. Second, Ms. Morgan apparently still refuses to acknowledge the fact that we were not sufficiently justified to go into Iraq -- they were not involved in 9-11, they had not attacked us or any of our allies, and all appearances suggest that they did not have the WMD we accused them of having. "Blitzing" Iraq would simply have compounded our error -- if "error" is even the right word, since there's plenty of room to suspect that going into Iraq was more than simply the result of faulty intelligence and that the Bush administration was determined to use any excuse to go in.

Captain Kangaroo • 16 years ago

TRex had the best email confrontation

TRex had the best email confrontation with Aunt Gladys (Melanie). He calls her Melanoma. The whole post is about as funny as it gets.