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Georg • 11 months ago

Hey! Thank you very much for that Video! i have a question though. The code that you provided for putting into the OnVisible in the LoginPage has a lot of syntax errors or just variables and standard errors and it won't accept the code. Does someone have any Idea of why this happens to me? Thank you

Toto • 9 months ago

Maybe you are using english syntax in "your" german Office365?

JonasK • 1 year ago

My Flow keeps failing with this error (http://helpdeskflow.Run failed: { "error" { "code" : "WorkflowTriggerisNotEnabled", "message": "Could not execute workflow .....)} How do I edit this trigger? Thx for the help.

JonasK • 1 year ago

For those having the same error... I had troubles finding the right flow within my department. After it worked.

leonce • 1 year ago

have you correct it ?? please send the code that you have use

snehal mayekar • 4 months ago

its showing error in get items filter query. what i can add? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

jason • 4 months ago


Great Article. All is working except that TaskStatus and Assignd To are not getting updated when you edit the ticket. You can select the status and you can select "assigned to" from our O365 users (that part works) it's just not updating the fields in the ticket once you click update.

I do not have any errors appearing anywhere, not sure how I can identify and fix the issue.

Any suggestions? Looking in the SP list still shows it as NOT STARTED and Assigned To is empty.

Thank you

Raphaël Dolder • 5 months ago

Hi Mitch could you please show us the steps needed to adjust the names of columns/categories as well as the choices within these categories? I'd like to replace these with german terms.

Adding custom choices in the sharepoint list and adapting the code in OnVisible seems to be not enough. Tickets simply disappear after being created and don't show up in the sharepoint list, whereas tickets created in sharepoint show up in the app without problems..

Kelly • 6 months ago

Are these instructions still current? I'm looking to set up a simple ticket system for our small team. Thanks.

Mitch Herrema • 6 months ago

Hey Kelly, it's been a while since I've set this up myself, so I'm not sure if there's any bumps in the road or not. If there are, they would be minor. However, I would view this app as a stepping stone to a "proper" ticketing system that may have more features. This app is great for people who want to get into the template and fiddle with things to see how it works, and maybe get a little use out of it.

annabzheleznyak • 6 months ago

Hello, My name is Anna Zheleznyak. I started using Power Apps and watched your excellent video on how to setup Power App Help Desk. It worked all fine, util I removed Category field form the list. After that, the App broke and it is not clear how to match the app to the list. I removed the list and then reconnected it, but it did not help. What shall I do?
Thank you so much in advance -- Anna

Mitch Herrema • 6 months ago

Hi Anna, honestly, the simplest way to resolve issues like this is to delete the list, recreate, and go through the "Connect to the HelpDesk List" section in the blog again. The list and app are definitely tightly coupled, and customizations should only be done when you've got a handle on understanding how the different elements of the form are set up in the app. There's likely a lot of good tutorials out there about saving to a Sharepoint list from Power Apps in the community!

Nawaf Shams • 6 months ago

i have the following issue in the edit form the "Update" is still greyed out, after updating fields and assigning user.


Nabeel Jogee • 8 months ago

Good day. Much appreciated for the how to. Really Helped. I am running into a bit of an issue, I have added all steps as shown and changed the required fields to show my sharepoint list, the app runs with no issues, however it does not send the email notification to the relevant people when a ticket is created, the flow is as is from the imported canvas.

Daniel Lindey • 7 months ago

Hi there. Who are the "relevant people"? Based on the flow, emails are sent when the status changes. Is this what's not working for you?

Brian • 6 months ago

I am on the same boat as Nabeel everything works flawlessly within the app but when it gets time to send a notification from the flow on NOT STARTED trigger nothing is received and flow checker doesn't provide any errors.

Mitch Herrema • 6 months ago

Hey Brian, are you able to see any run history for that flow?

Nabeel Jogee • 8 months ago

Good day. Thank you for the video, really helped. The flow is not really working though, I have amended the flow with the sharepoint site and list but the emails are not being sent. If I monitor and test the flow, it works. Just not receiving the emails.

Anna Favre • 11 months ago

Hi. Is there a way I can add an extra category to this screen? Like underneath assigned too: I would like to add Property.
I have already added their property in a drop-down menu on the create ticket screen. https://uploads.disquscdn.c... i,

lungile • 11 months ago

Afternoon , please help. im trying to connect on the Help desk List ,however there screen that is showing is not the same as the one shown on this Blog and on Tutorial Video. please help.

abdulrahman alem • 11 months ago

I have an issue with the app, I can't update the ticket from the admin perspective, I can only update from the employee said and receive a message, why is this happening?https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Mitch Herrema • 11 months ago

The update button is disabled because the form isn't valid, it looks like maybe it needs someone selected in the "Assigned To" input?

Aeri • 12 months ago

Excuse me i wanted to ask regarding the section wiring up the app, The part where it says paste the following code, That place appears to be empty for me any help on that or if possible to paste it under this comment?

Mitch Herrema • 12 months ago

Hey Aeri, thanks for letting me know, I just got that corrected. We had an issue while migrating our site and that snippet got missed. Should be all set now.

Aeri • 12 months ago

Hey thank's for that,much appreciated. If its possible to impose further, i have a question regarding this helpdesk, My current sharepoint has error regarding the HelpDesk name, It isn't recognized causing a ton of errors, How do i fix this error. Apologies i am still new to Powerapp's and Sharepoints, any help on the matter is is greatly appreciated

Mitch Herrema • 12 months ago

I'd recommend re-stepping through the process slowly to make sure you get all the details right. I would guess it has something to do with the data source connection to the SharePoint list. Make sure the list is named correctly etc.

SamC • 1 year ago

This is an absolute diamond!! It all works perfectly ..i had a few issues with the flow filters but a few googles later and i managed to get that working my only issue is the TaskStatus does not update when edited it just reverts to the default "NOT STARTED" any ideas on how i can get this to update with everything else on the screen? Thanks :)

mherrema • 1 year ago

Thanks Sam! The only thing I found when having similar issues was to note that all those fields/statuses are case sensitive, so double check that everything matches and it should save!

SamC • 1 year ago

Perfect!! I knew it would be something simple! Thank you for your quick response.

Nori • 1 year ago

In the setting process of linking Power Apps and list, even I changed the settings, Top menu bar including "View" and "Data Sources" do not show up.  Please let me know how I can get around this.

JonasK • 1 year ago

Its on the left hand side. There you can see a bucket, which is the datasources you are looking for

Nori • 1 year ago

Thank you, JonasK,  I found the data in the bucket.  After wiring up the App, I tested run. but "No Data source provided" error.   was it because I changed list and the script according to our needs like this?










I am a newbie for Power Apps.  please advise whatever you can.  Thanks for your attention. Nori

mherrema • 1 year ago

Hey Nori, it look like some others had similar issues in the comments below, see if their solutions help!

Nori • 1 year ago

thank you mherrema for reply.  I rebuilt as exactly the same as per instruction. (not modified).  it seems to work on "login as a Help desk user", but "Login as a help desk admin" does not work with error "Name isn't valid, 'My Profile' isn't recognized"
do you have any idea?

mherrema • 1 year ago

Is that displaying in the OnVisible code for the start screen? There are some other comments below this one that sounded like Microsoft updated some things on their end and it needed to be reset in the app. It might help if we're able to get a screenshot of the error (maybe upload to imgur and post a link here), and we can have our team look at it.

Nori • 1 year ago

Hi, mherrema.
thank you for your reply.  i just uploaded the screen shot.   I don't know because of this, Help admin button does not work.

faridrazali19 • 1 year ago

Sorry i'm new to this powerapps. I'm stuck when linking the data source to powerapps. When I preview the apps it comes out no data source provided. I already add my email as admin but when I try to use as admin it will prompt out error. Im really need help on this

jhordaCZ • 1 year ago

Hello,same problem at us, maybe Microsoft has changed anything. Please help us

jhordaCZ • 1 year ago

We managed it - the link to the Lists is casesensitive, be carefull. And in the data fields, microsoft has changed some links to Office365Users.MyProfile() so change them also -  https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-apps/maker/canvas-apps/connections/connection-office365-users

Moe • 11 months ago

Can you share what excatly have you change on your side please?

mherrema • 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing the solution jhordaCZ!

overlord619 • 1 year ago

Awesome write up! I'd like to add a single additional choice for users under "problem type" & "priority"; I understand that I will need to create that column in the SharePoint list but I am having troubles "reverse-engineering" the code in PowerApps to properly get that data to SharePoint.

Any tips on adding additional list columns and properly setting it up in PowerApps?

Thank you in advance and great content!!

mherrema • 1 year ago

Thanks overlord! Yes, basically you have to add the field to the SP list, and you may have to refresh its connection. Then edit the form on the ticket pages to add the new field. You may be able to leverage some of the instruction here: https://www.bulb.digital/blog/customizing-sharepoint-forms-with-power-apps

tjkalb • 1 year ago

When I import the package, I click Select during import on the Office 365 Outlook Connection and it's not bringing up any in the list.  It does for the SharePoint Connection.  If I go to Create new and click New connection, Office 365 Outlook Connection is not in the list.  I do see http://outlook.com and Outlook Tasks.  What do I choose OR how do I resolve?

mherrema • 1 year ago

Hi tjkalb - I'm not sure! That is odd that it isn't showing up. I can do some asking around to see if anyone has any ideas.

leblanc9425 • 1 year ago

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for putting together these step-by-step instructions.  I am new to Power Automate and Power Apps and so many of the YouTube videos do not explain to the level of detail that you have done. I watched your video but it you had not created these instructions (with the screenshots), I would have not been able to create this help desk.

I am happy to report that due to your help, I now have a functioning help desk!

Again, thank you for the many hours that I am sure that you devoted to this blog.  It was a tremendous help to me.


mherrema • 1 year ago

Thanks for the thoughtful comment David! They make it all worth it, knowing that you now have a help desk app.

It's tedious to document to this degree, but I'm glad it was helpful 😀

kkiefe • 1 year ago

Good afternoon, I just set this up today and I'm seeing 2 things:
1. My email is not registering as part of the adminlist (I've checked the OnVisible settings several times to match yours)
2. When I test my flow it is erroring out and giving me the following error:
The expression "ID = ID eq" is not valid. Creating query failed.
clientRequestId: c69a181e-4c29-45b9-bb52-5af91923d557
serviceRequestId: c69a181e-4c29-45b9-bb52-5af91923d557

Do you have any suggestions?

mherrema • 1 year ago

Hello - it's hard to say! The only times we've had real issues with some of this code is when someone is in a different country and has a different notation. You're always welcome to stop by one of our upcoming office hours.

What step in the flow is showing that error?

kkiefe • 1 year ago

Side note:  I did replace the user@microsoft.com with my email address.