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Donald J. Trump got 74 million votes.
There are 133 million registered voters in the US.
If every single registered voter went out and voted there would only be 59 million votes left for Biden.
How did he get 81 million votes?
As I understand it, last minute registration, as you walk up to vote or turn in your voter registration WITH the ballot. Plus ballot "harvesting" That works.
As per this there were 168 million registered voters in 2020.
Murdoch is gutless. Those machines were flipping votes by the thousands and everybody knows it. That as well as the drop box bs and those mysterious boxes brought out from under tables to be counted through the night
Or Murdoch realized he didn't have a case and Fox News decided paying $787 MILLION was worth avoiding the risk of a higher payout. False statements by a news organization are not defamation. False statements with actual malice are - malice would have been determined by a jury.
False statement? I guess you miss all the shenanigans that went on that day of voting at 3am in the morning. I don't like Fox they talk from both side of their mouths and out of their ( , )s. They should have never settle.
Trump lost. Facts don't care about your feelings.
You know you've lost the debate when you use the fallacious, "everybody knows it." line.
You're not really that stupid. How much did you give to stop the steal?
Its the other way around, it is you who is that stool pee. I doubt Americans voted for this senile old fool who gets lost in his basement at 3am trying to find the toilet. Americans did not vote to pay more in taxes, or pay high gas prices or open borders. Do you think you can take your head out of your ( , )?
Anything but evidence. That's what you offer.
Facts don't care about your feelings. There was no fraud. Trump lost.
Well said, I agree.
No. There were approx 215 million registered voters during the 2020 election. You are repeating false info, already debunked multiple times.
Go away troll
The truth hurts, doesn't it?
Not 215million
In 2020, there were 168.31 million people registered to vote in the United States. This is a significant increase from the previous election, when 153.07 million people were registered...
Are there any statistics, or at least estimates, as to how many of that increase were fraudulent/illegal/harvested ? It doesn’t seem like a realistic increase.
Sounds good to me! The math still works.
What truth?
Prove what Robert said is wrong with facts verifiable by independent (read: not right-wing-propaganda) sources - not attempted proves-nothing insults "Trump Forever"
Do the search for yourself.
Not 215million
In 2020, there were 168.31 million people registered to vote in the United States. This is a significant increase from the previous election, when 153.07 million people were registered...
Tell it to the election officials of every state that verified their vote totals were correct - Trump lost the general election TPS12
...and just for your enlightenment from the US Census Bureau
I doubt Americans voted for this Trojan Horse old slow Joe. Enjoy the high gas prices, loser.
Doubt all you want Just Lin a Patriot (can't be and be supporting DJT) - the votes for Biden over Trump withstood every challenge - and Trump lost
...and duh...ot the "loser" on display here - Econ 101 = prices reflect supply and demand...when supply is down...prices rise due to competition for them...all of which Biden didn't cause (reduced travel because of the pandemic reduced petroleum production...then Russia's invasion interrupted supply lines worldwide...then the Saudis just raised their...and local flooding in Florida raised their prices, etc., etc., etc
...again...not the 'looser" nor the uninformed one on display here...take a look in the next mirror you pass Just Lin !!
Goes to show the whole system is corrupted, bought and paid for. The only real demagogue we have it's this senile old fool who gets lost just going to the toilet. Speaking of toilet, your diarrhea is spilling over here I suggest you put a plug in your ( , )
The system isn't corrupted - that's your right-wing-deceived mindset talking Just Lin
The supply-line system is a delicate international balance incorporating nations suppliers, refiners, transporters, re-sellers, ultimate users, etc., which you apparently and obviously know little to nothing about to make the statement you did about the "system"
...and also obviously you wouldn't recognize a demagogue if one landed on your head - otherwise you know it's not Biden but Donald J Trump who is the demagogue (and autocrat) and Biden isn't senile - that just more right-wing-bs propaganda you have fallen for
...and your closing is the little boy out on recess trying to act tough and impress his friends
You want us to believe that Americans voted for this old senile stupid fool? Either you must be a very st00l pee man or on something?
Much easier than believing 74 million voted for the dotard idiot Trump.
No. I want you to recognize that 81 million Americans voted AGAINST Trump.
I want you to recognize that you are a loser and perhaps paid to be one. Now I suggest you crawl back into your hole in the wall and don't come out until I tell you.
I know it must hurt. To believe in something so strongly, only to discover that all those people who tried to tell you, tried to talk sense into you, all the friends and family who now look at you and whisper behind your back, all those people were right all along.
You coined the term, remember? "Never Trumpers"..... you thought you were being clever, but it's real after all and you grossly underestimated just how real it really is. I would vote for a fence post before I voted Trump. And I am far, far from being alone in that regard.
Try and take comfort that you were correct: 81 million Americans didn't vote for Biden......
We voted against Trump.
Well, you did indeed got a fence post. It's sitting in the white house.
Calling Biden dumb really isn't effective as an insult considering you support Trump, a bona fide f'ing idiot.
This POS is a traitor who stands with evil who is destroying our country. In the mean time we have open borders millions of illegals leeches raping our resources and drugs coming in and this scumbag R.M sees nothing wrong with this.
What you voted is for our country to be destroyed with the open borders and drugs coming in. As long as your kind of scum are doing well you don't care what happens to our country. You sir are the lowest form of a human.
Simmer down, sweet and sexy chicken little. Quit believing everything you read on those extremists, fanatical right wing infotainment sites, and just look around with your own eyes...the sky isn't falling.
So you cut your nose off to spite your face. And now you’re bragging about having put that corrupt thing in the white house, who is a thousand times worse than anything you ever thought about Trump.
Sort of.... I am bragging about helping defeat Trump. But Biden is most certainly not worse than Trump in my opinion. But no worries, neither Trump nor Biden will be our next president.
Trump worst? At least he closed the borders and this senile POS open it up for criminals to walk in bringing in drugs. Over hundred 100 thousand of young Americans have died because of the fentanyl that was bought in.
Nobody "opened the borders."
You didn't care about a million COVID deaths, but you care about this?
Biden did. 2 million in the interior last year alone. The record. 300k plus since January. Biden holds the record for most covid deaths, too. Oops!
Biden has been president for much longer during the pandemic than Trump was. Duh.
That doesn't matter. His actions caused more deaths.
Nope. Biden told people to get vaccinated. He did everything right.
Biden endangered people's lives. More died under him.
The sound of your vagina?
Trumper websites are not reliable sources. Sorry.
The so-called judge in this case told the jury Fox was lying? That's it folks, we are officially a banana republic!