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11:00pm....lights-out to see how many votes needed.
11:00 pm - 6am. Suddenly 1 million votes come in by truckload in the middle of the night. 100% for Biden with no down ballot candidate.
How do you explain a clear red wave across the nation except for four cities?
If you don’t want fraud allegations then don’t act shady ..stopping vote counting in the middle of the night at the same time, and only in four cities where the ”red wave” did not occur? How do you explain that Joe Biden under performed Hillary Clinton in literally every urban locality except the four in question (Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta)?
I can only explain it as FRAUD. Banana Republic type steal.
Fake polls. It's 100% Trump voters. Trump 2020!
One of the nice things about President TRUMP is that he can build a up a story so well. Like Universal Studios used to - plenty of suspense !!!
I was thinking about this last night before going to bed and I had a dream about the election:
He won Arizona but had to appeal over some of the other states, those states subject to litigation do not count towards Joe's total until they can defend themselves against the charges of fraud. Fraud is a serious thing, you cannot just say it did not happen - Yah Boo !!! The courts have higher standards than that - sometimes they achieve this, at other times they fail. Anyway, in my dream, TRUMP was working towards 270 with Biden just behind but then an action would fall and Biden might squeeze level. It was neck and neck.
The dream jumped forward to January 20 and the outcome was that somehow, they were both going to the inauguration ceremony and both going to claim the prize - absolutely unprecedented !!!
Unknown to all, in the background, one momentous legal hearing had gone unreported by the MSM because they just like Biden for his impressive personality and charisma. People go for miles to hear him fill stadia with his spelbinding rhetoric (this is a dream - remember ???) But it was to cause a stir within minutes.
The time approaches noon and, on the podium, someone appears holding the Bible. Joe snatches it and starts to read the Oath without even being invited - so much a hurry he is in. Yet again he acts like Stalin's Army. Then, at that critical moment, a whole army of sheriffs pour in from the back, seize Joe and frog march him off - under arrest for the as yet unknown heinous of High Crimes.
The Archbishop has retrieved the Bible as Joe had dropped it and hands it to Justice Barrett. She passes it to TRUMP and says: Repeat after me...
My dream ended with TRUMP smiling his most boyish of smiles as he starts to read the oath.
Within an hour, all 401k, funds have doubled in size. Everyone lives happily ever after.
Your task for today is to guess what that unreported court action was. Because, unlike my dream, it is totally REAL !!!
I truly believe Bidens party orchestrated an effort to manufacture votes in the key states using mail-in ballots while the dem controlled princincts shuttered the GOP observers from witnessesing the bogus counts, invalid signatures, and dominion scanning machine hacks.
And if you truly believe it, then it must be true. Amazing conspiracy. Thousands of people leaving zero evidence. No one found any anomalies.
Probably the most scrutinized election ever. Read any of the trump legal teams brief. There was nothing there.
The Chinese are responsible for this travesty of justice. And they succeeded.
Zero evidence? There are VIDEOS of it. There are sworn affidavits. Biden even bragged about it.
Then take your evidence to court.
They are you moron.
Boy, you are certainly an angry little muffin. Are you still mad about losing your slaves?
Abraham Lincoln was a republican so if you are saying republicans were slave owners then you are sorely mistaken.
The GOP says Thomas Jefferson was the first Republican. Read some history.
All that really matters -- Biden 2020.
I never said Abraham Lincoln was the first republican LIBTARD
When did you suffer your brain damage? TJ owned lots of slaves.
You are the dumbest ass in the world
Are you going to self identify as 'TRUMP' when that pig is in prison?
The lawyers will not allege this is fraud in court...because there's no evidence. They know it, the courts know it, that's why these cases are DISMISSED and not heard.
Then Biden is the legitimate president-elect.
Uh, they are, Clondike. Stop watching Fake News and watch something involving the actual REAL world.
Yeah, like Breitbart! Or Newsmax!
These news outlets are TOTALLY true!
I've got 2 million dollars, for them to debate in public. You think they will put up that bet? Of course not. Come on, FREE Money! Thats what you are calling "totally true" ? You need another dictionary!
Then why hasn't Trump been declared the winner? Oh wait, evidence is pretty much assumed to be factual rather than totally made up.
"Biden even bragged about it".
And your source for this is what right-wing meme?
Not a meme. Just like the video with him bragging about blackmailing the Ukraine with $1B US to fire the prosecutor looking into the corrupt company Pedo Hunter was involved with. There is video of him saying that they have set up the best fraud machine. https://thefederalist.com/2...
Over 30 lawsuits and no evidence provided. The judges were astonished. Nothing provided. Just allegations and bs to feed the likes of you who now believe all this crap.
So affidavits and videos aren't evidence? You are an idiot.
They were all debunked. And the videos did not show anything. They were just submitted with a lot of interpretation and innuendo. It was a disgrace to the practice of law.
Yep, don't believe your lying eyes. Don't believe the hundreds of affidavits, many from registered democrats that testify to blatant fraud. Yeah, we get it - you hate America and love cheating and fraud. You need to move to North Korea.
Yeah, don't believe your lying eyes. LOL
Hearsay affidavits are useless...except as toilet paper.
No. They weren't. Please read the actual case in Pennsylvania, one of his most important swing states he tried to reverse. Not news stories - read the case itself. They had nothing and the subsequent investigations turned up nothing and the decision was that they not only failed to meet the burden of proof needed to disenfranchise 7 million votes, but that they didn't come close to even basic rules of evidence.
Nice try. He's a traitor and does not love our country as much as you and I. He's undermining our institutions for his own gain.
Not true they have the ballots in milwaukee, detroit, philadelphia, atlanta and phoenix where just biden's name is marked on the ballot in hundreds of thousands in each of those democrat cities. Very odd, no backup info on those ballots, just all brought in at 3 am in all those cities: it was coordinated by the democrats.
Not true. But they said it enough that you are starting to believe it. No evidence could be found of either of these situations. Why don't you find that odd?
Everything you said has been proven false! You can believe that an imaginary friend talks to you every day! That only means you need help, you ve left your reason behind. Observers were not the only way the election was protected. There is tape on the entire floor of the counting and many other spot checks by attorneys from both sides. You are seriously conned!
Good for you
LOL....you need antipsychotics
You need to for one get off of Breitbart, and Blaze Tv, then find a hobby
You need to for one get off of Breitbart, and Blaze Tv, then find a hobby
And you need to stop using African Americans as trophies to bolster your public virtue profile, Mr. "I luv blk ppl".
You NEED to stop watching CNN and MSNBC... They are the new Chinese style media inside America...
None of your information sources "DARE" to debate their swill in public. FOX etc never have and never will. The other channels would! Does that tell you who is actually News and who is a merely a Media Content Creator! You are sooo easy to manipulate....sad!
None of your information sources "DARE" to debate their swill in public.
Why is "dare" capitalized and in quotation marks?
Which information sources are you referring to? Please be specific.
With whom would you imagine the aforementioned "information sources" be debating?
Please list your personal information sources and who they typically debate in public.
No, Fox, Limpballs, Breitbart, etc etc right wing pretend News personalities have ever debated their "swill " in public. They can't because they make their opinions up, without any facts whatsoever! That is why Dare was all caps. Limpballs admitted that if they brought back the fairness, equal time FCC Rules back, " he could not do his show" That would mean the people he slanders and lies about daily would have the right under law to have equal time on his station to show what a lying creep he is. Instead of being drummed off the air, he sits in a golden palace, fabulously rich, dupping low mentality, conservatives into believing the super rich have their best interests at heart.
It is important to understand what is real debate, and what is not. Whole generations have grown up without much experience with the tradition and many public figures pay debate lip-service, but provide something very different. A panel of experts being interviewed is not a real debate. Talking heads interrupting each other and being interrupted by a commentator are not debates. Theater? Sure. Debate, no. These con men are invited all the time on other News programs. They never appear!
No, Fox, Limpballs, Breitbart, etc etc right wing pretend News personalities have ever debated their "swill " in public.
Fox doesn't debate in public? Are you daft? Have you ever even watched Fox? They do it all the time and have furious debates with your side.
Although I don't typically listen to Rush, nor support him for various reasons, I do know he often has opposing viewpoints on his show. Again, you make things up that are easy to verify false.
Breitbart doesn't have "news personalities" that would be debating anything in public. They are not a public, radio, or cable T.V. news station. They are an internet print news organization.
They can't because they make their opinions up, without any facts whatsoever!
I really am having a hard time determining if you are very young and foolish or simply unintelligent and unimaginative. Please clarify. Your simpleminded cartoonish blanket statements leave me wondering if I just answered Forrest Gump or a toddler.
if they brought back the fairness, equal time FCC Rules back, " he could not do his show"
He could not do his show because his audience is staunchly conservative. Just as Racheal Maddow could not do her liberal show if half of it was taken up by Trey Gowdy.
They both would lose their audiences. Am I going slow enough for you?
That would mean the people he slanders and lies about daily would have the right under law to have equal time on his station
No, that is not what it means, even if he were slandering and lying all of the time. You have misinterpreted that doctrine.
Instead of being drummed off the air, he sits in a golden palace, fabulously rich, dupping low mentality, conservatives into believing the super rich have their best interests at heart.
(a) he is rich because he is skilled at holding the interests of many people....that how T.V. and radio work, Forrest.
(b) what is a "low mentality" person? I suspect it's a classification you pulled straight from your rump.....the piece of you wrapped in a diaper, if you are unfamiliar with the term.
(c) the Democrat party and liberal leftist talking heads are all in the pockets of the super rich, just as the Republicans and conservative pundits are.
It is important to understand what is real debate, and what is not.
Here is what is not debate: Blindly lashing out with ridiculous accusations and grade school barbs at anyone that disagrees with you. You are not debating. You are pouting at a keyboard.
Whole generations have grown up without much experience with the tradition and many public figures pay debate lip-service, but provide something very different
Or you simply believe that if someone states something that contradicts your ideology, or hurts your little feelings, they are not debating and need to be shouted down. You believe a screeching toddler is debating.
A panel of experts being interviewed is not a real debate.
If the expert or experts hold an opposing view to the interviewer, then yes, it is a real debate. C.N.N. with it's panels of yes-men, that all agree and chuckle with each other...versus Tucker Carlson being screamed at by his guest.....and you still believe that it's Fox that doesn't debate? Christ you're ignorant.
Not Debate on their own program, where they control the talk! By volume and talk overs. ( as trained every day a Liberty University debate class. I said Public Debates, with time rules and no talk overs allowed. Your mike, your time! I task you to name a "public" debate with equal time and on one subject, that any of them have done! You couldn't!
I asked you to state 3 lies that Rachael Maddow has told, and you couldn't!
By couldn't do their show, you mean can't brainwash their audience! Right!
What do you feel about people who support mass murder? Are you for it? or against?
I guess I shouldn't care if Republitards kill each other, but, I wasn't brought up that way. But I can wish them Happy Death Day and thanks for improving our gene pool , by disappearing ignorance with suicide!
It's not that I can't do what you want. It's that I won't because you appear to be batcrap looney tunes.
Thats right wing for "I got caught lying , can't answer, so, I call names and run home crying? Answer the questions Toadie! Do you support self admitted, pre-medititated murder, by the President and his pony boys on FOX? and 2. Can you name 3 lies told by Rachael Maddow?
6:00pm......winning Big
7:00pm......winning Bigger
8:00pm......winning Biggest
9:00pm......winning Biggest Ever
10:00pm....WON in a landslide
11:00pm....lights-out (shuffle-shuffle)
President Trump still MAGA-Man...🇺🇸