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....Donald Trump is America's last hope. There will never be another Donald Trump. The rank corruption will stay with you from here on out and no one will rise to challenge it. He is a man of extraordinary caliber. Stand with him now.
" Rise, like lions after slumber. In unvanquishable number! Shake your chains to earth like dew. Which in sleep had fallen on you: Ye are many—they are few!"
The GOP will stand with Trump, and Trump will be legally reelected. The Michigan Legislature just convened a special session to consider the widespread ballot stuffing, technical "glitches," and other suspicious activity in their election. Everyone in Michigan knows that Trump and James won that election in a landslide. The Democrats all stopped counting in numerous states on election night to give them time to "create" some extra mail-in Biden votes. The legislature, controlled by the GOP, will invalidate the election if there is evidence of fraud. They have the Constitutional right to instruct the electors. America will not let the Democrats steal an election the way they do in Venezuela. THIS JUST IN: The Wisconsin legislature, controlled also by the GOP, has been called to investigate voter fraud too!! Milwaukee had an unprecedented 91% return rate, more than any precinct in history by 20 points. No fraud? We'll see.
Won PA in an landslide, and likely WI, GA, AZ and a regular win in NV...but still a win
Give the legal process time. If America follows the LAW of each state and considers the clear EVIDENCE of fraud, most of the state elections (or significant numbers of votes) will be invalidated. If that happens, the state legislatures will instruct the electors, handing Trump the victory we voted for. Yes, the left will riot. But we're already used to that!
I'm with you. I just don't want to lose on this. It's too important. We have been too polite and not forceful enough. This will change things.
My friend, you have a Commander-in-Chief who's spent his entire life at war in court. He's more than capable, motivated, and prepared to take this all the way. Trump has the LAW on his side. I just hope the Supreme Court issues future guidance on honest elections that includes voter ID and limited mail-in voting.
With John Roberts on the Supreme Court, nothing is guaranteed. We can thank Boy George Bush for that pick.
Once Trump is gone this country is finished. With 20 million new foreign nationals voting and all the corruption and fraud in elections it is futile to vote anymore. One thing more though the real fault of our destroyed country is this so called opposition party of worthless, irrelevant and cowardly Congressional Republicans. These jackals sold us out time after time. Only a fool would reward them with a vote.
If we don't beat back this corruption and theft, we might as well be Venezuela. Well never see another fair election.
They shut down the counting , wheeled and carried in ballots all night and early morning. Suddenly erasing big leads. We need to audit these ballots. All of them.
Everyone in the country, who voted for President Trump, should write a letter to him, giving our support, and mail them to him on the same day!
“Tucker Carlson: GOP Establishment ‘Happy to Sell Out’ Voters with Amnesty”
Trump should start his own, new party. And count me in.
Both traditional parties are finished - the cause: personal greed.
By the end of this the Democrats will be finished as a political force. Then it will be time to shut down the GOP - The Greedy Old Party !!!
Let’s face it - political corruption has no real boundaries and any new member of Congress is schooled quickly, that they are not going to operate outside the established system where everybody is on the take. This is why republicans are so weak with their support for Trump or prosecution of the obviously guilty. Nobody spends millions for a job that pays under $200K, without the real payoff being invisible to the electorate.
"Payoff being invisible to the electorate"
Yes! That is what we are suspecting. It would be great to get proof of this.
Check "The Big Guy's" laptop
In SC, Democrat / Socialist Jamie Harrison (Black) collected $130 Million in contributions, and still lost by 12 points.
Lindsey said it was a terrible return on investment. Most expensive Senatorial campaign in history. The local 1 term Dem congressman lost in Charleston, shocked me.
Term limits are needed.
A Constitutional amendment to enact term limits, and remove all money from the election process.
The first is do-able and laudable. The second is impossible and undesirable.
So Soro's money is just great in every District Attorney race in the country? Just let him buy all the weak minded politicos, no problem.
Every year getting elected requires more millions to be competitive. Why do you think our government is so corrupt? Limit donations to candidates but their feral PACs can take in unlimited swill; yeah seems like a healthy system to me.
Power corrupts, and the road to power in politics is money.
Removing the money from politics is undesirable? You must be one of those that believes political donations translates to free speech. Maybe for the rich; free speech for me but not for thee.
Utter stupidity!
The sooner, the better.
Yea, sure, decline and fall of practically everything.
Isn't this what you wanted?
I want to see the end of communism.
You can work out from that clear statement whether your question is dealt with.
Live long and prosper!
Duuude your prediction history keeps going down the drain. I haven't seen any of your ramblings become a fact.
Wonder what the last Q drop said about the election 🤔
To start one's own party is not so easy and outright impossible under the current conditions. If the majority of GOP supports him then the best course would be to purge and reinvigorate GOP: he should issue a call of action to his supporters and create the situation when those who use their membership to their own benefits will be forced to step down or cancel the membership. By purging I don't mean filling it in with 'yes-men': they don't have to be obliged to love Trump; criticism is essential, but these people have to be able to differentiate between the personal and common when on service. They all have to be loyal to the America First. If you call yourself 'Republican' then behave like one or choose another party. Such RINOs are materially motivated - they never couldn't build a career in the Dems Party, especially now, with the Squad; they can't start their own Party - nobody will vote them, because they'll be the party of traitors and sell-outs.
If anyone could do it, he could. Start with people sick of the way this corrupt government malfunctions - that would be a BIG start.
The globalists believe in population control and this virus is proof of that. You need to do this today
.,.Look at this video ASAP!!!'
Go F yourself ASAP!!!’
Trumpcratlicans, what do you think?
That'd be appropriately ridiculous.
Well I guess that's out. 80% down votes so far.
And proud of them.
Back to the drawing board. I'll think of something else corny.
Go to whitehouse.gov and send him a message. Go to the White House phone numbers and express your support! Write those letters to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Interesting that he lives on that avenue, is it not? Biden said at one point that he grew up in Delaware,,,,,does not even know where he is much of the time. How could people possibly have cast their votes for him? Follow the money to the puppeteer sources! And the community organizer in chief who did not support his VP from the beginning. The braying donkeys had their illegal ducks in a row
Early on.
They expect us to believe that a guy who draws 12 people to a rally got more votes than any candidate in history. B S!!!!!
Biden is not popular. But he does not have to be. It is sufficient that he is not Trump. POTUS defeated himself.
No your corrupt corp fraud media did it to him along with hussein osama's weaponized US agencies! Now go back to watching CNN lying hate media to get even more stupid
With 25 Million Illegal Aliens in our Country the Democrats have an absolute Lock on this and future Elections by enabling them to Vote. No Voter ID laws, Sanctuary Cities awarding them all Privileges of US Citizens from Drivers Licenses and access to all welfare state programs. We are not a Sovereign Nation any longer. ANITFA called it in their Protests "No More BORDERS. Democrats support this Treasonous Group because it gives them perpetual control of Washington.
The elites are above the immigration laws. Constitution says the laws have to be enforced.
I don't do CNN. Mostly BB and Infowars. Much more entertainment. If I want to know what is really happening though, I read the better european papers. I recommend it.
Well, european news sources are giving the election to Biden; ALL OF THEM
Beano? Isn't that an anti-flatulant?
No loser, MAIL IN FRAUD is n the issue here. TRUMP is the winner and they are trying to steal it from him. So go back to CNN and keep filling your brain with GARBAGE
How is Trump the winner? Courts throw out his ridiculous claims left and right. Not even his own appointed judges find any credibility in the wild allegations. It is just you lot, that fell for it.
TRUMP WON THE REAL VOTES. Biden use MAIL IN FRAUD ,they had boxes of votes with biden's name marked and used them when they saw Trump was winning in all swing states. THERE IS PROOF if this, it is not conspiracy.
If there is proof, you have nothing to fear, do you? Give it to the courts and be done with it. What is all the noise Trump is making about?
I tried to follow up on the rumors I have seen for example at Scott Adams site. So far no substance. Hearsay at the outmost. If we start like that, why not pick all the places apart where Trump had a majority. Given how unpopular he is, it is more than likely something fishy went on there.
See? You need something solid for the courts.
The GOP rats are abandoning ship. Don't have the balls to stand and fight with Trump.