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proreason • 5 years ago

Humanity has prospered during every period of warming, and regressed during every period of cooling.

It's just a plain fact.

NueeArdente • 5 years ago

Still waiting for them to explain the medieval warming period (cited by climate "experts" as unexplained in east Angelia emails).

roner • 5 years ago


Guest • 5 years ago
roner • 5 years ago

And libs' private jets...

Guest • 5 years ago
Jay • 5 years ago

Liberals are brainwashed zombies. It can be -70 and they call you an idiot because you point out it's -70. Pay those carbon taxes or the world is going to end in 12 years.

Larissa Douglas • 5 years ago

Al Gore, Big Environmental Groups like Sierra Group, Nature Conservancy, Natural Defense Fund, and others don't want to clean up the Real pollution which is Litter on the streets, side of roads, park, and other places.

Walk on the street of San Francisco and see the pollution of needles, feces, litter, and homeless camps.

Video by Paul Joseph Watson:
San Francisco is a ..... (Third World)
America's biggest public toilet.

Portland is a ........ (Third World)

Wolfgang Maleck • 5 years ago

Now I know why "baby it's cold outside" si considered politically incorrect.
It is not about women.
It is about the word COLD being disallowed :-o

Whether it is warm or cold it is all man's fault (never woman's fault). Liberal lunatics think President Trump controls the Earth's thermostat. (Just in case Trump does please ask him to turn it up many degrees.)

Deep State Watch • 5 years ago

----- " "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. ""The First Global Revolution", A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991.

( Shhhh ..... never mention Sun Spots or the Maunder Minimum )

FUKUSHIMA ... is a real threat.

Guest • 5 years ago
Wolfgang Maleck • 5 years ago

I go down in Minecraft often.

Not a nice place, but some minerals and some monster items are to be found only in the Nether. ;-)))

Also you can shortcut distances via the nether by a factor of 8.

Dean • 5 years ago

yes BUT that's the problem for modern environmentalist. They are anti-man believing all that we do to survive, like managing and manipulating the environment for our benefit, is unnatural. Many of them call for our extinction. That warmer weather benefits our survival is reason enough for them to oppose it. For them only their feelings that we abuse nature matter, facts are irrelevant. The politics of all this is just another money grabbing oppression of the people.

Guest • 5 years ago

The “ Grifters of AGCC “ ( who only changed their “ working name “ because every prophecy of “ Global Warming “ they uttered proved fraudulent ), these “ Grifters “ would have us emptied of our sacred treasure ( right into their pockets ) via unlawful and unrighteous taxation purpose built to defraud us.

It is bad enough we’ve a justice system already defrauding us in their obvious dual system of justice, but now we must add to the list of their inequities.

However I urge forgiveness for Salvations sake, God will avenge us this time..... the earthly cup of inequity is at meniscus, His return soon and sure.

God Bless

Seven Fs • 5 years ago

BB trolling the trolls bigly with this article lmao

We are the king trolls. We are the meme makers. We explode retard heads

@TexDoc78154 • 5 years ago

i'm trolling you now...

Yasmin • 5 years ago

It's only suitable that the left is in full meltdown mode, must be GLOBAL WARMING.


Frank • 5 years ago

Even if ice caps melted, active underwater volcanoes dissipate much of that water continuously with incessant levels ovlf steam frem magma from the Earths crust, this is how idiotic these alarmists are that they don't even realize if anything sea levels would become lower, not rise... this has already been noted as sharks like the Megalodon teeth have been found as far INLAND as the deserts in Death Valley and Nevada.

Chris Kyle MAG 🇺🇸 • 5 years ago

According to Hank Guam
There are no underwater volcanoes
Just island flotation devices

Guest • 5 years ago
KBW • 5 years ago

You should have thought about that comment before typing it.

dd • 5 years ago

You retard, see my comment above.

KBW • 5 years ago

No thanks I know everything I need to know.

CSense • 5 years ago

So what's your plan to cool the planet 1 - 2 degrees celsius over the next 50 - 100 years? Don't tell me taxing us to death will lower the temps either.

CALIFGUY 53 • 5 years ago

The plan? It is to simply move manufacturing from industrialized nations to third world nations which would have no restrictions, thus effectively re distributing the wealth. Their concept of making things more 'fair'.. to steal from one party to give to those who lack the incentive to get off their azzes and develop their own economies.

David Gunn • 5 years ago

Funny, but the reason we don't have manufacturing in third world countries is that they cannot KEEP it. Corruption kills capitalism. SO, if you really want to kill off capitalism, move it to a third world country, there is a reason they are third world countries. Integrity is the obvious one...

John W. • 5 years ago

Perhaps the globalist lefties believe that redistributing wealth would cause a redistribution of temperature as well, so that no place on the planet experiences temps that are too high or too low.

orlandocajun • 5 years ago

Doesn't mean it is either. The irony is strong in this one

Robert Garretson • 5 years ago

Even if global warming were real, it’s all part of GOD’s plan.
Isaiah 24:5-6

The earth lies defiled under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are scorched, and few men are left.

Then neither a hot day in summer can prove global warming is true, let alone a cold one. Yet you left always use some hot days in summer to prove it is true.

Mattan Ingram • 5 years ago

Because they are record breaking hot days consistently going higher around the planet, while record breaking cold days like this are rare.

Also if you actually took the time to read some of the research, you would see that climate scientists have long predicted that an overall increase in average climate temperature can cause spikes in cold temperature in specific places. For example if enough fresh water melts into the gulfstream from the Arctic it could cause a few years of freezing temperatures in Europe.

Chris Kyle MAG 🇺🇸 • 5 years ago

Why don’t we check in with Sol
instead of the UN, NOAA or IPCC

Sol is actually believable

Michael Haggerty • 5 years ago

Hey Charlie, I have a suggestion. Look up Richard Lindzen, 30 years as a climate scientist at MIT. He'll be glad to explain why you are wrong.

inevitable • 5 years ago

No but data gerrymandering proves that it is a HOAX. Don't be a gullible fool.

Guest • 5 years ago
inevitable • 5 years ago

"COM ON MAN" you can do better than that.

Ron • 5 years ago

Just guessing you failed Physics...

MrA • 5 years ago

Just because you’re an idiot does not mean that you are not a "genius"... see how that works?

patrick moran • 5 years ago

Could it be that if you are an idiot, it proves you are a genious. And even if you’re not you are. Seems to fit in with GW dogma.

Glorious_Cause • 5 years ago

Wait a minute? Nolte is still a thing?? Really?


Sergey Landesman • 5 years ago

Excellent point as always by Mr. Nolte.

usaf317_still_here • 5 years ago

Cooling is warming? warming is warming?

Bullshīt is still bullshīt

savagenatn • 5 years ago

Leftists are liars
Leftists are scumbags
Leftists are MFers

chclttrffls • 5 years ago


coolercoleman • 5 years ago

Nice narrative that covers all conditions. When you prove them wrong they claim you proved them right.

Westtitus • 5 years ago

The Washington Post

The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulate, at Bergen, Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.

Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the Gulf Stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.

Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelt which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.

* * * * * * * *
I apologize! I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922, as reported by the Associated Press and published in The Washington Post.

Wow I didn't know algore was that old!!!!

12thraven • 5 years ago

They've been peddling this guano for damn near a century now. And it's still cold.