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Son of Snake Plissken • 5 years ago

The following 11 reasons should be forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the readers gets sick of reading them.

1. $11 Billion to $22 Billion is spent on welfare to illegal immigrants each year by state governments.

2. $22 Billion dollars a year is spent on food Assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal immigrants.

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal immigrants.

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on Primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for Education for the American-born Children of illegal immigrants, known as Anchor babies.

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal immigrants.

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison Inmates are illegal immigrants.

8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on Illegal immigrants for Welfare & Social Services by the American taxpayers.

9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal immigrants.

10. In 2006, illegal immigrants sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their Countries of origin.

11. The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes committed By Illegal Immigrants In The United States .



Surfer Joe • 5 years ago

That is really good Snake jr. and I have been saying the RNC or somebody should be running ads in a condensed version of what you posted. let the public realize what they are giving up. By the way, it would probably save Social Security and medicare from implosion and then those investing in it would receive it when old age hits them ! Forgot, I didn't mention what it would do for the budget.

Jay • 5 years ago

The biggest problem is how many people believe the media even after they get caught flat out lying time and time again. It's not difficult at all for them to brainwash the masses out there.

thatindividual • 5 years ago

We need to stop talking about them. Having a defensive narrative is not helpful. We need to be on the offensive, like with the lawsuits.

It's time for the people to put on yellow vests.

Stay involved • 5 years ago

We are not fighting Democrats of the past, we are fighting the Fascists of today. We the people must attack them repeatedly on everything. Republicans are not to be trusted. Paul Ryan proved that as Speaker of the House. He gave Obama almost anything he wanted, would not speak out against him. Republicans only have the courage to attack their own President since Fascists must scare them..

Cartman • 5 years ago

Republicans fear the real power elite: Unionized bureaucrats, and the Deep State, that in collusion with activist judges wins 99% of its court cases against American citizens. Common citizens have no chance against the leftist organizations like the IRS and the Justice Department. They are all busy with domestic spying and disarming the public. They are only in the early stages of their coup. If they succeed in disarming the public, they will get total control.

Stay involved • 5 years ago

I believe them to be being more aggressive because Hillary lost. She was supposed to have continued the move down this road through a stealth operation. Now they are exposed in their plans. People on the right complaining about the President when he has done nothing but fight back is disappointing to me. This is a cause where we have to stand united.

Domain • 5 years ago

Paul Ryan needs a lashing so hard that his grand kids are going to feel it

Ron • 5 years ago

Not scared - bought and paid for .

Stay involved • 5 years ago

Paul Ryan is a perfect example. He lost us the midterms, should have been us +2. He did not hand out money to campaigns, the man did nothing. A true American traitor, should have had the decency to step down

CL Jones • 5 years ago


Stay involved • 5 years ago

You can call them whatever you like lol Long as you know they are an enemy that needs to be defeated.

Space • 5 years ago

But nobody on our side is taking action

Stay involved • 5 years ago

Stand by the President and don't waiver, it is truly a Civil War without bloodshed. He has so many enemies, I can't believe the pounding he takes, but yet everyday, he gets up and dishes it back to them. I believe the President knows how to play the long game. We cannot cry and moan, if he has setbacks. The Dems have them daily and don't care, they fear the actual physical confrontation that could ensue, so their's is just verbal assaults or calls to others to cause violence, but they will not fight in the streets, most were the cowards who would never serve in the military.

Space • 5 years ago

Thanks!! Let’s hope the liberal fascist wake up before the country turn in to Venezuela

John • 5 years ago

Well said.

CleavedHeadsCan'tPlot • 5 years ago

Many of those from the past ARE fascists today, but I agree.

Stay involved • 5 years ago

I knew who these people were back in the late 60's and early 70's. they had the Che Guevara black light posters. They were learning their skills to preach and recruit then to the younger ones by supplying drugs to kids, preaching the evil of American government and thinking Charlie Manson was cool. Kent State forced them underground where they waited for almost 40 years until their Messiah Obama came along.

David Teutsch • 5 years ago

Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney are worthless disgraces who might as well join the Democrat party.

Stay involved • 5 years ago

Yes, and Manchin is a fool to stay in the Democrat Party, seems like some of them should switch.

The Anti Federalist • 5 years ago

Ann Coulter lives in the Acela corridor and craves their money and attention. We can never really know what she believes. However, I can be sure that she now holds zero sway at the White House.

You must pick your battles and weigh damage when truly fighting the radical left. They stick together.

With almost all of Washington and New York York trying to destroy Trump, the public is not peeling off.

So Ann, please shut up. Or sing a new tune and dig a little deeper into this crisis you so eloquently attacked in 2016. The are plenty of villains, but Trump isn't one of them. Plus, you have enough money that you will never be harmed by an illegal alien as long as you don't visit long island.

Stay involved • 5 years ago

A true reality that everyone that supports the President must see and not be Fairweather supporters. The reality is, he is all we have and if we turn on him, the country is lost. There is no one else willing to fight this battle before it ends up in the streets for us. Donald Trump did not need this job, he took in on because he believes in this country. Something a lot of people seem to forget. They do not see the battle, they just see what they think is important to them. Same jerks who are saying he caved, will be singing his praises if it changes. I personally do not trust those who waiver, that is typical of Republicans to me and I am a Conservative 1st

Kay Harbour • 5 years ago

Do they scare them , or is it they agree with them ?

Stay involved • 5 years ago

I always like your questions. I always thought that after Kent State, the radicals went in to both parties with their ideas, but mostly to the Democrats, they were the party of hate, which many of the radicals were already filled with. They saw this as their best opportunity. But think on this, in 1919 over 1,000 Bolsheviks were killed in the US during protests and riots. The FBI was created shortly after this to fight the Bolsheviks. A crowning feather of the Bolsheviks is they took over the agency that was created to keep them down. They weaponized the agency that was meant to stop them for their own purposes. If you had not thought about this before, you may now to connect the dots. And of course let us not forget, Hollywood was attacked by McCarthy in the 50's and look who's leading all of the attacks now.

tanstagcopc • 5 years ago

The truth is, outsiders scare them.

And Donald Trump is the ultimate outsider!

Stay involved • 5 years ago

They fear us Trump supporters more than anything else and we have to stay united against them

Mrs. Diogenes • 5 years ago

No quarter.


They are our enemy.


farley • 5 years ago

Your use of the term "fascists" is very important and needs to be commonly used against them. These are not the liberals of bygone years--these are totalitarian fascists dedicated to the eradication of the Constitution and the destruction of America.

DavyCrockett • 5 years ago

Hence Ann Coulter laying into Trump harder than Obama....

Stay involved • 5 years ago

I find Ann Coulter to be nothing more than an arm chair quarterback and this even beyond her comprehension of what is really going on. My understanding is she said this on the Bill Maher show.

Mari • 5 years ago

The Fascists of today are lead by Mueller and his army of FBI thugs breaking into people's houses in the middle of the night. Terrorizing innocent people who haven't even been proven guilty. We are not far from the Left putting Patriots into camps.

earthfirst • 5 years ago

Na, It's the same Dems forming a strong resistance. Recall McConnell saying the number one goal for the GOP Congress was to make Obama a one term president? It's payback baby!

Stay involved • 5 years ago

Strong resistance lol. If you guys didn't hire rent a mobs, you would have nobody in the streets for you to create illusions of a true resistance. You guys are the fakest grass roots bowel movement, I have ever seen. And you really are confused as to what this is really all about. This is not payback for McConnell it is a lot deeper than that, try starting with 1919, you really are a rube, most Conservatives don't want McConnell in that role. We are not like your party, we don't just band all behind The Pig because she's female and all of you beta males are afraid to speak out against her. So payback for McConnell, that's not much of a goal lol

earthfirst • 5 years ago

Trump's approval rating is stuck at 41%. His sole legislative accomplishment is a tax cut for rich shareholders. His executive actions will be overturned by a Dem. president like Obama's were overturned by Trump. His administration is in shambles. The UN General assembly for the first time in it's history laughed at a head of state while giving a speech. Before Nancy he folded like a cheap suit.

Stay involved • 5 years ago

Wouldn't you rather fantasize over Hillary's hot hot pantsuits than fantasizing over President Trumps demise lol He didn't cave on anything yet, that's just you foolish Communists trying to believe if you fart it's a monumental moment. Grow up

earthfirst • 5 years ago

I'm an old white man who grew up on the East Coast. Trump was a local laughing stock since the 70's. I respect his supporters for looking for someone to shake-up a corrupt system but as President he has created his own problems. At what point do his supporters realize they bet on the wrong horse?

Stay involved • 5 years ago

I could really care less what you think. I served in the military for my country and I certainly did not do it for Communist filth like you guys to try and steal a nation. Now get lost, take your pansy ass down the road and wait for them to come get you. Go kiss the Pig's feet.

lorenz genovich • 5 years ago

Sorry, but take it from someone from the old country whose father and grandfather lived under the original Fascists. They wanted to keep the country FREE of Communists to make sure it didn't endure what Russia did under the Soviets. So, Today D-rats are COMMUNISTS, NOT Fascists, significant difference, Insidious Marxist propaganda has made sure that of the two ideologies the red one was the benevolent one. BS of astral magnitude. Fascists never killed over 100milion people, even Hitler was a schoolboy compare to Stalin, Trotsky, Mao or Pol Pot.

Stay involved • 5 years ago

I respect that, but what your comment does suggest and I do call them Communists too, that this group today, Democrat/Communists ultimately will call out for "mass murders being a tool of the Revolution" which was said by Lenin?

lorenz genovich • 5 years ago

Do you really think that the Democrats are going to win this one and that those 400+ millions of firearms and billions of rounds will be handed over to them with the stoicism of a Socrates, who by the way was killed by the Athenians Democrats, because he had called out their misdeeds? Me hopes not!

Stay involved • 5 years ago

Not at all, Hillary lost, forcing them to be exposed 8 years too early. They control nothing, not the food, not the transportation or logistics, not the oil. They would have to turn all these industries into Government run operations. They only want power, they do not have the will to fight for it. Antifa is mostly suburbanite kids playing tough and thinking they are revolutionaries. America is awakened now, but must keep pushing back harder than they push on us.

lorenz genovich • 5 years ago

They are screaming like pigs taken to the slaughter, however the 8 years of Alinsky's half brain, have shaken up us from the belief that there are two parties, when essentially there has been only one, the "Milk the American people like cows". I despise the DCrats and have utter contempt for most of the repukes, none of the two is true to what made America great: The blessed Constitution. IF, IF, we had the deep integrity of our founders, we would march ON DC, 2-3 millions Armed to the teeth and clear up the Congress and start again by banning both parties....It might seem crazy, but it is not even Alt-right. THERE IS NO-FVCKING- "RIGHT" in the US, you either stand for the Constitution or are a traitor/seditionist. NO compromises. And having seen what a Marxist regime can do to the SOULS of its people as well as their bodies. Filling them with lead at high speed would be a Christmas season for me.

Stay involved • 5 years ago

40 trained teams, it is over in 1 day. Most of these people are cowards. Antifa in Portland ran from 10 policeman shooting rubber bullets and flash guns, almost 500 of them scattered. They will never come into the street and the ones we see are part of rent a mobs, being paid to be there. It is an illusion, they have no grass roots movement. Extra point, I have always suspected, but yesterday confirmed. CNN was at Roger Stones house at 6am to film the FBI Stormtroopers haul Roger Stone out of his house like a common criminal. Point is, CNN was the only MSM there and we know they couldn't investigate a story, they're not smart enough. I have always felt CNN participated in Ferguson, violence at Candidate Trump rallies. Their job was to film the story and create the narratives that were all staged.

lorenz genovich • 5 years ago

You just confirmed what I think of the "State". Old Cicero said that it was the only enemy to a man's freedom. That was around 80bc...What has changed?

Stay involved • 5 years ago

Not much, history repeats itself. I won't say too much here lol, but if leaders are the problems and they have no army, no police force although I was convinced Obama wanted to make BLM a national police force with George's money and weaponize the IRS to walk in to peoples homes and arrest them to steal their properties. They did not achieve that, but the FBI yesterday sounded like the Gestapo going in to Roger Stones home at 6am. With their rent a mobs and the Democrat Party clearly in the hands of the Feminists now, they are smoke and mirrors. No MSM they are crickets, just saying.

lorenz genovich • 5 years ago

Still, I don't have a forgiving heart to them, I am medieval, maintain that were we to get off our butts and scare the fecal droppings out of them using Constitutional principles they would fold in a fart time. Our choice.

Stay involved • 5 years ago

Democrats are all feminists and beta males now, just like the Europeans who have already given up their countries, all in the name of a Matriarchal society. How's that working out for them with all these stupid feminist twits? Here they seem to be even dumber. But your way could work too, we have the people, the Veterans, many of them old enough that they would not care at this point what their outcome is, long as they get to feel that sense of duty in a just cause. Bullets do not know the age of the shooter lol. I am convinced something will happen, but I know, the other side has no idea of what it is really like and have no training. If they had any real idea what things are like, they would not be behaving like they do.

lorenz genovich • 5 years ago

You r right on the crystal ball..As I was saying, I am past my dancing years, but having had more mil spec training on dealing with Commies, than the greatest majority of Americans, I can still do hurtful , lethal things with various calibers, pity to do that to another human, but like the Polish anti-commie fighter Rafal Ganowitz said, when asked what it felt like taking human lives he replied: "I wouldn't know, I have only kiiild Communists". My thinking also. I totally and emphatically agree with your observations.

lorenz genovich • 5 years ago

I have already told you how I feel, I dealt with commie mobs in the old country and WOULD LOVE to do it here before my sun sets in.